Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1110 Training in the Marquisate [Three Updates]

Hearing Emperor Qingfeng's words, Chu Yan became serious. He also understood that what the emperor said was right. He is still too weak now. Even if he has achieved some achievements, it is not enough to look at the Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for a Huaqing Immortal Emperor to put him in a situation where he almost lost his life.

"Do you want to be a person like my mother? One word can make the world law and command the fairyland. Perhaps only by reaching the level of the king of the fairyland can I protect the people around me. Doomsday disasters can be resolved with one word." Chu. Yan whispered, his road is still too far away.

"Yes, it is the King of the Immortal Realm who can resolve the doomsday disaster." Emperor Qingfeng said seriously.

"Keep this in mind, junior, and you will definitely not give in to high expectations." Chu Yan said seriously, and Emperor Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction: "Also, you shouldn't kill Qiu Yun. After all, he is the descendant of Prince Qiu, and Prince Qiu has some influence on the Immortal Dynasty. Too much credit.”

"Emperor..." Chu Yan was a little embarrassed. In fact, he also knew that day that he had gone too far in killing the killer, but he still killed him. The reason was very simple. The other party and Qing Yi took action and did not take the princess Qing Yi seriously. .

"You don't need to say more, I know that it doesn't matter some small things. You can continue to live in the imperial palace. I heard that you have understood the consciousness of color. There is no need to leave in a hurry to see if you can make another breakthrough and step into the world. Top immortal position." Emperor Qingfeng said, Chu Yan nodded seriously, and his original intention was to stay for a while to accompany Qing Yi.

"You go ahead." Emperor Qingfeng said calmly, and then Chu Yan and Chu Yan held their hands and retreated down the mountain.

Looking at the two people gradually disappearing in the clouds and mist, Emperor Qingfeng let out a long sigh. After a long time, the space beside the emperor fluctuated, and a beautiful woman came. She looked at Qing Yi's figure, also full of love.

"You have a lot of confidence in him." The beautiful woman said softly. She is the current mother of Qingfeng. Of course, she also has another identity, that is, the sister of Qingyi's biological mother. Over the years, she has never had any children of her own. Treat Qing Yi as his only descendant.

"Since we can't resist, we have to face it."

"What if it fails?" The beautiful woman is still a little worried. Once the doomsday disaster is exposed, the power she will face will be terrible. She knows very well: "Qingfeng, you promised my sister that you will let Qingyi live happily in this life."

"If we lose, we will start a war. I, Qingfeng, will die in battle, and I will not allow anyone to hurt my daughter in the slightest."

After Emperor Qingfeng finished speaking, there was a buzz, and extremely terrifying immortal power rushed out of his body. Behind him, there seemed to be an ethereal immortal peak, extremely majestic, that was his determination.

"I hope so."

The beautiful woman sighed, and Xiannian chased Chu Yan and the two again: "Two miserable children."


Chu Yan walked down the mountain and returned to the Changyun Marquis Mansion. Regarding the emperor's summons, everything ended on Qingfeng. When he got down the mountain, he kept silent. After all, both matters were too serious. Any exposure will cause riots in the fairyland.

But he didn't say anything, but he couldn't hide some things. Ever since he left the imperial palace, the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was in a state of excitement.

Everyone is going crazy. The emperor summoned Chu Yan. Chu Yan and Princess Tsing Yi walked out from the imperial palace hand in hand. Then it became even more outrageous. Some people said that Chu Yan had been approved by the emperor and decided to marry Princess Tsing Yi to Chu Yan. The wedding is coming, and Chu Yan will become the emperor's son-in-law.

Therefore, within the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, Chu Yan's status in the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was extremely high, and some news even spread further, including the Changsheng Palace and other immortal realms.

Especially the fact that Chu Yan obtained the Qingfeng Order attracted the attention of many top forces. After all, the existence of the Qingfeng Order was very special.

This also made some people who wanted Chu Yan dead, such as the Ancient Jinxian Dynasty, Towering Taoist Temple, Jiutianxian Dynasty, etc., even more afraid.

The hatred between Gu Jinxian Dynasty and Chu Yan was forged in Xunxian World, but it was not deep. As for Shenglong Pavilion, there were very few people who went to it, so it was not too deep. It was just the hatred of the juniors.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty had grudges, but more importantly, it was with the Heavenly Emperor Sect Leader, and they would not go so far as to kill Chu Yan.

There is only one party, the Towering Taoist Temple. They and Chu Yan have long had a deadly feud that cannot be resolved. Back then, Chu Yan said that the Towering Taoist Temple would be destroyed in this life. However, in both Xunxianjie and Shenglong Pavilion, there were countless Towering Taoist Temples. People died in the hands of Chu Yan, so Chu Yan's obtaining the Qingfeng Order was definitely not good news for them.

So when they learned that Chu Yan was growing up little by little, the people at Shentian Taoist Temple were no longer calm, and even made some plans secretly.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't know about this. After walking down from the imperial palace, he stayed temporarily in Changyun Hou Mansion as usual. Since the last time the imperial palace ended, Qing Yi returned with him, and he also stayed in Changyun Hou Mansion. The news made the imperial palace boil again.

But Qing Yi didn't care, and Chu Yan also smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he didn't explain it and continued to practice. In addition to practice, there was also good news, that is, the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce entered the Immortal City, and was cultivated by the Immortal Dynasty, which made the Qingyan Chamber of Commerce extremely happy. Rise quickly and become the only chamber of commerce that cooperates with the Imperial Palace.

This makes many people envious.

On this day, Chu Yan was discussing matters with Prince Changyun in the Hou Mansion. He liked Chu Yan and Prince Changyun very much, so he took more care of him.

"You attack with all your strength, and I will only release my consciousness to see how much you can withstand. If you can't hold on, say so." Prince Changyun said with a smile.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded. Since talking to the emperor, he felt more pressure. He put his hands together and buzzed, and golden light shot into the sky inside his body, turning into a sword-shaped light curtain, covering the ground with swords. Kill everything.

"Ning!" Chu Yan raised his head again, and there was a flash of destructive sword light in his consciousness, interweaving out. When he saw the ethereal sword shadow, Prince Changyun stood there with his hands behind his back, and then there was a buzz, and there was something in front of him. The birth of a space is very subtle, not as majestic as Chu Yan.

But when Chu Yan rushed into it, he only felt a tremor in the spiritual world, as if he had mistakenly entered the world of others. A destructive force crazily devastated him. The sky seemed to collapse, causing his body to fall uncontrollably. .

"Buzz!" Prince Changyun raised his hand, and his consciousness retracted. In just a moment, Chu Yan was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"How is it?" Prince Changyun chuckled. Chu Yan shook his head vigorously, and then he became more awake and said: "It's very strong... I almost felt like I was about to collapse. That feeling. It’s like I clearly saw an attack coming towards me, and I knew I had to hide, but no matter what, I couldn’t avoid it, and my body just moved towards that attack out of control.”

"Although you have also understood consciousness, consciousness is also divided into strong and weak ones. If you are not in a state of mind, you will naturally be unable to act when you enter my consciousness, because everything there is controlled by me. When you enter, you will also be unable to act. It's within my control." Prince Changyun smiled calmly, and Chu Yan sighed. It seems that even if he has gained consciousness, there is still an insurmountable gap between the immortal position and the immortal master.

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