Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1117 Defeated

In the Changyun Marquis Mansion, the sky was filled with arrogant voices.

Under the light, Zi Shengyang was like a god. He said that in front of Chu Yan, he was a god, dominating everything. He stretched out his hand and pressed it down fiercely. In just a moment, endless light appeared, dazzling and destroying everything. In the light, everything seemed to become illusory.

"Now, I want you to kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

"Boom!" A violent voice suppressed Chu Yan, who was enveloped. He felt that his body was out of control. The terrible beam seemed to tear him apart alive. With a thud, the ground under his feet broke apart, and the whole person fell into it.

Is this the difference between the immortal position and the immortal master? When he felt the consciousness of the Changyun Marquis, it was the same here.

"Master Chu...!" Princess Changge was extremely worried. She cried out and was about to attack, but at this moment, with a buzzing sound, a verdant light curtain suddenly rose up in the Changyun Marquis's Mansion, blooming with consciousness, like an evergreen tree, with countless vines spreading out crazily and colliding with the light.

"Swoosh!" The next moment, a beautiful figure stepped out of the void. She was wearing a green long dress, with a jade-like face, as if she was the center of the world. She raised her slender jade hand, and endless vines attacked Zi Shengyang.

"Hmm?" Feeling another force of consciousness, Zi Shengyang frowned slightly, then he looked up and saw Qingyi, with a flash of surprise in his eyes: "What a beautiful person, you should be the beloved daughter of Emperor Qingfeng, Princess Qingyi, right?"

"It's a pity that you are the woman that Senior Brother Ling values, otherwise, I must pursue you, but I'm afraid you are not qualified to stop me." Zi Shengyang laughed frivolously, and behind him, there was a pair of golden wings, and the holy light continued to penetrate, like a rainstorm, smashing countless green vines.

"Qingyi!" Chu Yan roared, and when he looked at Zi Shengyang again, he was furious. This Zi Shengyang was too domineering. In the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, he dared to attack Qingyi, and he was completely fearless.

The battle here attracted countless Tianjiao. When they arrived at the Marquis' Mansion and saw this scene, they were all slightly shocked. In addition to being amazed at Zi Shengyang's domineering, there was also his terrible strength.

In the past few years, Chu Yan has been very famous in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. He first defeated Ye Feng, and then killed Qiu Yun. With the realm of immortal status, he comprehended the consciousness of color and was praised as a top genius, but now, he was suppressed by Zi Shengyang.

"The immortal status is still the immortal status after all. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to compete with the immortal. This is the rule of heaven, and the heaven cannot be broken." Some princes sighed, and Princess Changge's beautiful eyes were full of worry. People have always said that since ancient times, it is a law to respect the king and the minister, but she once thought that if it was Chu Yan, maybe he could do the impossible, but until today, she realized how terrible the immortal was.

How difficult it is to cross this step.

"Get out!" Zi Shengyang shouted, and the hand of light stretched out, a palm print, shattered Qingyi's consciousness, Qingyi's jade face changed slightly, and was directly repelled. The next moment, Zi Shengyang turned his eyes and looked at Chu Yan playfully.

This is Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and Chu Yan has the Qingfeng Order, so he will not kill Chu Yan. Otherwise, he will anger the Immortal Emperor and he will not feel good.

But this person dared to contradict Senior Brother Ling, and it is necessary to humiliate him. Isn't he the Dragon Alliance's Tianjiao, a top genius? Today, I will let the world know how ridiculous all these titles are.

With a thud, he took a step forward, and the mountains and rivers shattered, and ruthlessly suppressed Chu Yan.

"You are too presumptuous." With a hum, a powerful pressure surged out of the Marquis' Mansion, indestructible. Zi Shengyang was affected by the power, his body stiffened slightly, and he looked up to the depths of the Marquis' Mansion. Changyun Wanghou was looking at this place not far away, with his hands behind his back.

"I've heard that there is a Changyun prince in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, who can protect Qingfeng Immortal Lord from chaos. I've seen it today and learned a lesson." Zi Shengyang grinned, but his words were full of frivolity, but he didn't continue to attack. Changyun prince was a top-level immortal. No matter how good his talent was, he was so far behind that he naturally couldn't win.

Rather than doing that, it would be better to stop here. Anyway, he didn't want to kill Chu Yan, so it would be fine to abuse him.

After saying that, Zi Shengyang looked down at Chu Yan and said jokingly: "I've heard that there is a legend in the five continents of the Immortal Realm, called the Dragon Alliance, the place where the genius was born. But today, it seems that it's just like that. Why not change the name to the place where trash is born in the future."

Everyone's heart trembled again. The Dragon Alliance has always been a legend in the Immortal Realm, but today, Zi Shengyang actually said that the Dragon Alliance is a place of trash?

"You are at the realm of Immortal Venerable, and it is normal for you to win when you fight against an Immortal Rank. What is there to be proud of?" Princess Changge frowned slightly. She had seen how talented Chu Yan was. If Zi Shengyang was not an Immortal Venerable, she firmly believed that Chu Yan would win this battle.

"Why not be proud? The cultivation world is like this. Realm is also a manifestation of a person's strength. Do you have to discuss realm and cultivation time with the other party when you meet a strong enemy outside, so that the other party can lower his realm and fight like you?" Zi Shengyang said disapprovingly.


"Changge, okay, he is right. The strength of realm is a manifestation of strength. If you lose, you lose." Chu Yan stood up and shook his head at Princess Changge. Then he turned around and looked at Zi Shengyang with cold eyes: "Today, I will remember it. If I have the chance in the future, I will definitely ask for advice again."

"I'm not interested anymore." Zi Shengyang said disdainfully. In his opinion, he is the holy son of Ziyang Holy Palace, a top genius. He has met many madmen so far in his practice, but he has trampled them all under his feet. He is far ahead. In the future, his The achievement must be an unparalleled existence in the immortal realm. As for Chu Yan, he doesn't know it, and it will be the same in the future.

"I have no other intention of coming here today. I just want to learn from the geniuses of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Unfortunately, I am very disappointed. From tomorrow on, I will be waiting on the Immortal Fighting Platform. If you are not convinced, all junior immortals can come. war."

"Chang Ge, if I have the chance, I'll come to see you." Zi Shengyang smiled wildly, and left the whisk, leaving only a figure behind. Qingfeng Immortal looked at many powerful people towards him, and they all showed a touch of coldness. and anger.

"How crazy!" Someone snorted coldly, but they had to admit that Zi Shengyang was indeed very strong. When he first entered the Immortal Master, he realized the two major consciousnesses, and with the unique skills of Ziyang Shengdi, in the same realm, Almost no one is his opponent.

"Chu Yan, Qing Yi, come back." Prince Changyun said. Qing Yi stepped forward, supported Chu Yan, and came to Prince Changyun.

"Master Marquis, I have caused trouble for you." Chu Yan blamed himself. Prince Changyun shook his head. In fact, he had seen everything today. In the past few days, Zi Shengyang has indeed gone too far, pestering Chang Ge. .

"Today you have fought against the Immortal Lord, how do you feel?" Prince Changyun asked, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a stern look. It is not that he has never fought against the Immortal Lord before, and even killed the Immortal Lord with the help of some divine objects. But in the battle just now, he asked himself, although he didn't fight with all his strength and had all the trump cards, it was not too far behind, but even so, he was still being suppressed.

"It's very strong, at least it's not something I can fight against now." Chu Yan nodded seriously, and Prince Changyun nodded as expected: "It's good that you have this understanding, but you won't be discouraged by it. If you lose a battle, "It doesn't determine anything. Your cultivation years are still short. I believe that if you are given the same time as Zi Shengyang, you will do better than him."

"Master Marquis, there is no need to comfort me." Chu Yan said nonchalantly. Master Marquis was attentive, and he naturally understood. He was afraid that he would not be able to bear the blow due to a defeat in a battle.

But is he a person who belittles himself? Zi Shengyang was born in the Holy Palace and has been a genius since childhood, but how could he not be like this? Since his training, he has been crushed all the way, from the stars to the fairyland, he is invincible in the same realm, and has defeated all the geniuses. He also lost to Beiming Shatian back then, and he doesn't care if he loses again today, it will only make him stronger. The heart is more determined.

"That's the best. It seems I'm talking too much." Prince Changyun smiled in approval. What is a genius? Don't be arrogant when you win and don't be discouraged when you lose. If you have this kind of character, you are a genius. But I underestimated this little guy.

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