Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1130: Extreme Rage [Three Updates]

After half a year of seclusion, Chu Yan finally broke through and reached the eighth level of immortality.

In the mansion, the pure power of the sky was sucked into his body, and his eyes slowly opened, revealing a bright smile.

Finally, it's over.

This breakthrough was actually a bit risky, and he realized it, but it wasn't settled enough. Fortunately, the result was good, and he succeeded.

Now, he is still one step away from reaching the top immortal position. The next step up is the Immortal Lord, the realm where he can truly command one side in the immortal realm.

In the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Lord can control the whole country and obtain fiefdoms, and he is a truly respected figure.

Once upon a time, the Immortal Lord was a high and unattainable existence to him. He could only look up to him. There were many times when he was forced to compromise by the Immortal Lord. Back then, Yun Feiyang was in the world of Xunxian. In the mortal world, the third prince of Huaqing was there. But now, he was only one step away from attacking the Immortal Lord. This was something he had never dared to think about.

The years of practice are endless, just like a dream, it goes so fast.

Unconsciously, it has been almost fifty years since I entered the Immortal Realm, and it has been nearly a hundred years since I started practicing.

But he did not feel relaxed because of this. The higher the realm, the more things he touched and the greater the pressure. So he knew that Immortal Lord was just the beginning. The hatred of his parents and the end of the world disaster in Qingyi were all. A stronger force is needed.

But now, he doesn't want to be so tired for the time being. He has been practicing for several years and now he has achieved a breakthrough. He wants to give himself a holiday. It's time to go back to the central part of the Immortal Realm. After so long, Qingcheng must have missed him.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan showed a gentle smile, stood up slowly, and stepped out of the mansion.

Princess Changge and Prince Changyun have been here for a long time at Changyun Hou Mansion. They have been waiting since they broke through from Chuyan. Now they see the ancient stone door being pushed open and a young man walking out in spotless white clothes. Their hearts became even heavier.

"Master Hou, princess!"

"Chu Yan, have you made a breakthrough?" Prince Changyun's heart trembled slightly. Even though he had expected it, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes. This was an impossible thing for three years, but he did it. at this time.

Chu Yan looked at the two of them with a smile and found something strange, especially Princess Changge. Her eyes were distracted and she did not look at him, which made him frown slightly: "Master Marquis, princess, what happened?"

The two of them looked at each other, and Prince Changyun sighed and said seriously: "Boy Chu, I want to tell you something."

"Master Marquis, please tell me." Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Can you promise me that no matter what you hear next, you must stay calm, okay?" Prince Changyun said.

"Master Hou, what happened to Qingyi?" Chu Yan's face changed slightly, and he could feel that something was wrong. At the first moment, he thought of Qingyi. Of course, the main reason was because this was the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and he didn't know Liu Qingcheng. coming.

"It has nothing to do with the princess." Prince Changyun sighed. Chu Yan's tense expression just relaxed and he said calmly: "Master Hou, please tell me."

"Liu Qingcheng, I'm here to find you." Prince Changyun took a deep breath and said, Chu Yan's body trembled slightly, has Qingcheng come to Qingfeng? But when he thought of Prince Changyun's appearance before, an ominous feeling quickly swept through his body, causing him to raise his head sharply and look at Prince Changyun.

"Master Hou, where is Qingcheng?" Chu Yan asked hurriedly.

"It's in the Hou Mansion. I'll take you to see her first." Prince Changyun said softly. Now that things have happened, he understands that it is impossible to hide it. In this case, it is better to face it calmly. He only hopes that Chu Yan Please be less impulsive, otherwise it will lead to disaster.

Chu Yan nodded and followed the pace of Prince Changyun. It was a short journey, but his heart was still hanging on and he could not let go. He went all the way to the former Princess Changge's palace and entered it.

When he saw Liu Qingcheng, his heart skipped a beat. He saw a pink bed in the palace, and Liu Qingcheng was lying there quietly. Every corner of his familiar face was so delicate.

But at this time, her breathing was very weak, her jade face was still pale, and her vitality depended on the immortal light of the Great Emperor.

"Boom!" Chu Yan's whole body trembled violently. He only felt a surge of angry flames, which could not be stopped. His eyes were as red as the devil. He turned around fiercely and looked at Prince Changyun, trying to restrain himself. Own.

"Master Hou, what's going on?" Chu Yan said in an extremely cold voice.

"It's Zi Shengyang! After you retreated, that beast saw Miss Qingcheng and wanted to possess her. In order to protect her chastity, Miss Qingcheng burned her blood and froze herself." Prince Changyun also said angrily, but immediately restrained himself. He added: "However, the emperor has cured Miss Qingcheng. Her life is safe, but it will take some time to recover."

Knowing that Qingcheng's life was not in danger, Chu Yan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but his anger became even stronger.

"Purple Saint Yang!" Chu Yan let out a beast-like roar.

"It's all my fault... If it weren't for me, Zi Shengyang wouldn't have seen Qingcheng, and Qingcheng wouldn't be like this." Princess Changge couldn't help crying.

"It has nothing to do with you." Chu Yan said coldly, looked at Liu Qingcheng again, showing a touch of tenderness, walked forward, leaned down, and kissed her forehead gently.

"Silly girl, I'm sorry..."

Chu Yan's eyes turned red, then he turned around and walked towards the outside of Changyun Hou's mansion. Seeing this scene, Changyun Hou frowned slightly.

"Chu Yan, what are you going to do?"

"Kill!" Chu Yan said coldly, the angry flames turned into monstrous flames, and the power of the two consciousnesses was directly released, turning into layers of halo, wrapping around.

The face of the Marquis of Changyun changed slightly. Two dragon shadows rushed out and crossed each other, blocking Chu Yan's way. Chu Yan turned around and looked at the Marquis of Changyun coldly: "My Lord, are you going to stop me?"

"Chu Yan, listen to me first, and then, if you still decide to do this, I won't interfere." The Marquis of Changyun said bitterly. Chu Yan did not respond and stood there quietly. The Marquis of Changyun continued: "I know you are very angry. Like you, I also want to cut Zi Shengyang into pieces. But, you know, he is the son of Ziyang Palace. If you kill him, Ziyang Saint Emperor will be angry with you. When the time comes, what will you do? Send yourself to die?"

Chu Yan paused slightly, but only for a moment, he took another step and stepped out of the Marquis's Mansion.

Looking at the back, the Marquis of Changyun trembled. He knew that it was useless. Chu Yan's anger was probably no one could stop it.


In Changyun Marquis Mansion, flames rose one after another, Chu Yan stepped out in the air, and the evil sword was directly sacrificed by him, dragged in the sky, and clanged.

The momentum was too strong, the two consciousnesses burned everything, attracting countless eyes.

"Is that... Chu Yan?" Someone recognized the figure, it was Chu Yan who had disappeared for four years, and now he appeared again.

"What is he going to do?" Some people were surprised, and then someone's eyes froze, and found Chu Yan's route: "The direction he is going... is the palace where Zi Shengyang is! He is going to find Zi Shengyang."

Seeing this scene, many people's eyes shrank, this Chu Yan, actually dared.

Disappeared for four years, now broke through, and took the initiative to kill Zi Shengyang's palace.

"Hua La La——" Behind Chu Yan, a gust of wind whistled, with thousands of swords condensed, turned into a huge sword mountain, lifted him up, and quickly rushed to Zi Shengyang's palace.

"Swoosh!" A gust of wind broke through, and suddenly a green figure leaped over and blocked in front of Chu Yan.

Seeing Qing Yi, Chu Yan was filled with heartache, because he found that Qing Yi was so haggard at this moment, and her eyes looking at him were full of self-blame, like a child who had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry..." Qing Yi raised her head, tears streaming down her face.

Chu Yan's heart ached again. He had heard everything. Since Qing Cheng came to Qingfeng, Qing Yi had been protecting her and taking good care of her. He also knew that Qing Yi almost unsealed Doomsday in order to kill Zi Sheng Yang.

Could he blame Qing Yi for all this? Of course not.

"Don't blame you." Chu Yan walked forward and gently held Qing Yi in his arms.

"I'll go with you." Qing Yi said crisply, but Chu Yan shook his head at her. He himself could not predict what would happen next. As Chang Yun Wang Hou said, if Zi Sheng Yang died, Zi Yang Sheng Emperor would definitely be angry with him. He naturally did not want Qing Yi to be involved in this matter.

"I want to go." Qing Yi said stubbornly. She always thought it was her fault.

Looking at Qingyi, Chu Yan said nothing, but smiled brightly. Then he suddenly raised his hand, and with a buzz, a golden mark appeared on his fingertips and shot into Qingyi's brow. Qingyi's beautiful eyes were dazed for a moment, and she looked at Chu Yan in disbelief. She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't do it at all. The golden light eroded her consciousness bit by bit, making her fall asleep.

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and hugged Qingyi. Looking at the sleeping girl, he showed a bitter look: "Silly girl, how can I let you go with me to take risks?"

After that, he raised his head and said to Qingxiao: "Emperor, I know you have always been there."

"Buzz!" In the void, countless lights immediately condensed, and finally a figure appeared in front of Chu Yan. Just standing there casually, it was like a whole world. It was Emperor Qingfeng.

He looked at Chu Yan with a strange look. As Chu Yan said, he was always there, but he didn't make a move. He wanted to see what Chu Yan would do.

Now, Chu Yan's actions made him very satisfied. Chu Yan would rather let Qing Yi blame him than let Qing Yi accompany him to take risks, but it was still the case, which made him sad.

"Do you blame me?" Qingfeng Emperor sighed.

"As the master of an immortal dynasty, the emperor did not take action, and naturally he had his own difficulties." Chu Yan shook his head. What he said was true. He understood that Qingfeng Emperor had difficulties, so he did not blame him.

"I just hope that the emperor will not stop me from doing anything next." Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a sharp cold light, paused, looked at Qing Yi again, and said gently: "Also, Emperor Yuan, please help me take good care of her. If I have any accidents, I hope the emperor will not tell her the truth."

"I will." Qingfeng Emperor solemnly took Qing Yi and looked at Chu Yan again, very solemnly and solemnly: "I can not stop you, but, have you really considered the consequences of doing so?"

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