Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1134: Death of Zi Shengyang [Fourth update]

"Kill!" Ling Dao roared, and the terrible divine weapon field blasted out crazily. The world was doomed, and more than a dozen immortals also attacked together, with various consciousnesses, blasting towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was in the center of the storm, with the seven souls entwined around him. Then he roared and rushed out with a sword. His body was perfectly integrated with the evil sword. The terrible sword light covered the sky and the sun, and slashed out crazily.


Then there was only a crackling sound. More than a dozen immortals kept retreating under the sword light of doomsday. Meteorites kept falling from the sky, and even the immortals were seriously injured and kept retreating.


Another immortal was repelled, spitting blood, and the whole person looked extremely decadent. He was an immortal, but at this moment, he was defeated.

"I have no grudge against you, I won't kill you, get out now, if you get close, you will die!" Chu Yan shouted after repelling the immortal.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He is alone. Let's go together to protect the Holy Son!" Ling Dao's eyes turned cold. At this time, he couldn't let Chu Yan disturb people's hearts. If these people didn't take action, he was not Chu Yan's opponent. When Zi Shengyang died, the others could be exempted from the death penalty, but he couldn't. Zi Shengyang was invited by him.

"If you talk nonsense, I will kill you now." Chu Yan turned around suddenly. Ten thousand swords appeared in the sky and sealed Ling Dao. Ling Dao was shocked and dared not speak.

"The only person I want to kill is Zi Shengyang. It has nothing to do with you. You are just disciples of the Holy Palace, so you'd better think clearly whether it is worth it to ruin your future for Zi Shengyang. Today, I will do what I say. Whoever dares to approach again, I will kill him!"

Chu Yan took a step forward, like Shura, and scolded. The dozen or so immortals were stunned and dared not move. In Chu Yan's body, they really felt a hint of death. Perhaps, if they took action again, Chu Yan would really kill them.

The next moment, Chu Yan took a step in the air and chased in the distance. Everyone's eyes flashed. Chu Yan actually broke through the siege, and then flew into the air and followed.


Escaped from the palace, Zi Shengyang dragged his seriously injured body and ran wildly. Along the way, his face was distorted and very hideous.

A mere immortal dared to hurt him. When I return to the Ziyang Holy Palace, I will definitely tear him into pieces at all costs. As for Liu Qingcheng, I will definitely turn her into a toy under my crotch.

But at this moment, his heart trembled, and he felt that his whole body was surrounded by an extremely cold light. He turned his head suddenly and saw a blood-colored figure dragging a long sword and chasing him. There was a pair of golden wings behind him that were frantically flapping, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Seeing Chu Yan chasing, Zi Shengyang was frightened and cursed in his heart that a group of trash could not even stop an immortal.

But now is not the time to stop. Chu Yan is crazy. If he is caught up by him, he might really kill him, so he turned around and ran away desperately.

"Do you think you can run away?" Chu Yan said coldly, his speed was like thunder and lightning. Although the speed is not in his body, he also knows those magical skills. Every step he takes seems to be walking through time and chasing the future.

In the blink of an eye, Zi Shengyang felt the cold wind coming from behind him. Chu Yan was behind him. He turned around and looked at the bloody fist coming at him, his face pale.

"No! Save me!"

"Bang!" Chu Yan punched down with all his strength. Under the urging of the power of the true self, Zi Shengyang's body twisted and several bones were broken. The body paused first, and then shot out like a cannonball, slamming into a mountain.

Falling to the ground, Zi Shengyang was terrified and wanted to get up and continue to escape, but the next moment, Chu Yan fell from the sky, and a big foot stepped directly on his chest with a bang, causing his body to fall to the ground, and he continued to spurt blood.

"This..." Everyone who followed was stunned.

Zi Shengyang was so confident that he didn't care about Chu Yan's revenge. Even not long ago, he still boasted that he was a god to Chu Yan and was invincible. At that time, everyone thought so, and never even thought that Zi Shengyang would lose.

But now, the fact is here, Zi Shengyang was trampled on the ground by Chu Yan like an ant.

"Stop!" However, the disciples of Zi Yang Holy Palace chased after him, but they could not indulge in shock like the others. The one being trampled under their feet was their Holy Lord. If he died, they would all suffer.

"Chu Yan, are you crazy?" Ling Dao came, his face was also extremely embarrassed. The scene he least wanted to see still happened.

"Boom!" At this moment, a violent immortal power swept over from afar, and the clouds merged. It was Zi Shengyang's guardian immortal who got rid of Donghuang Hou and came here.

When he saw Zi Shengyang's miserable state, he felt cold all over, and then looked at Chu Yan, his turbid old eyes full of murderous intent: "Let him go."

"Let him go?"

Looking at the immortal, Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "Are you kidding me?"

Let him go?

Isn't everything he did today for the purpose of killing Zi Shengyang?

That day in Changyun Hou's Mansion, Zi Shengyang was so arrogant that he asked him to kneel down and worship him as a god. He was so arrogant. Later, he humiliated Qingcheng and attacked Qingcheng. Why? Wasn't it because he didn't take him seriously?

Even just now, he was so arrogant and wanted to kill himself. Now that he has defeated more than a dozen immortals and his white shirt has been stained with blood, he has such an opportunity to let him let him go?

How is it possible?

This hatred has long been a deadly hatred, and it will never end until death.

After saying that, Chu Yan's foot pressed harder. With a bang, Zi Shengyang's facial features twisted, he vomited blood continuously, and his chest bones were broken.

"You are so presumptuous!" The Immortal Venerable was extremely angry, but he didn't dare to make a move easily, because Zi Shengyang was under Chu Yan's feet. He was confident that he could kill Chu Yan in the next second, but he was not sure that he could save Zi Shengyang.

"Presumptuous? Is there anything more presumptuous than him bullying men and women and humiliating my wife in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty? Since you say I am presumptuous, then well, today, I will let you see what is more presumptuous!" Chu Yan said contemptuously, and with a wave of his hand, thousands of swords gathered. The sword was suspended above Zi Shengyang's throat, as if he thought that Zi Shengyang would die.

"You dare!" The roar of the Immortal Venerable, the Immortal Power around him was chaotic and terrifying, and he pressed Chu Yan inch by inch, trying to threaten Chu Yan to let go.

Under the pressure, Chu Yan couldn't help but tremble, but his smile was even more ironic: "In your opinion, Zi Shengyang's life is life, but mine and my wife's life are not life? When you let him go to Changyun Marquis Mansion and do all that, did you ever think that this day would come? You didn't think about it, because in your opinion, I am just a fairy, vulnerable, and you are high above and can do whatever you want. If that's the case, today, you have to bear the consequences."

"If he is injured in the slightest, the price is not something you can afford. By then, you will die. There will be no place for you in this fairyland. Dragon Alliance and Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty can't protect you!" The Immortal Venerable said coldly.

The world was silent, and obviously understood that the Immortal Venerable's words were not a threat, but true. If Chu Yan stopped here, Zi Shengyang was only seriously injured. Although Zi Yang Saint Emperor would be angry, it would not be good to go too far with the top forces such as Dragon Alliance, Tianhua Immortal Palace, and Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. After all, the matter was Zi Shengyang's fault.

But if Zi Shengyang is killed here, the result will be different.

At that time, the wrath of the Holy Emperor will be so severe that few people in the entire Immortal Realm will be able to withstand it.

So they are also curious about what Chu Yan will do.

Donghuang Hou also came from a distance. Seeing Zi Shengyang being trampled under Chu Yan's feet, he felt very happy and admired Chu Yan. He was a prince. His daughter was desecrated that day, but he could not take revenge. But a younger generation of the Immortal rank did what he dared not do.

But after pondering, he still said: "Chu Yan, stop it. Zi Shengyang is here. It is the best result. There is no need to risk your life for a bastard. It is not worth it."

Guardian Immortal Venerable glanced at Donghuang Hou, snorted coldly, and did not speak.

"Stop it?" But at this time, Chu Yan laughed at himself. Now he is no longer the impulsive boy. He naturally considered some things.

But even so, he still chose to come. Since he came, he didn't think about retreating unscathed, nor did he expect anyone to save him. It was just that Zi Shengyang had to die.

If he didn't kill him today, when he returned to Zi Yang Holy Palace, he didn't know when he would have the next chance to take action. Qingcheng's revenge must be avenged at all costs.

And even if he died today, he still had another true self, the Nine Heavens Law, and he could live forever if he didn't extinguish his thoughts. This was his trump card.

So he came here today to face death.

"It doesn't matter whether I die or not." Chu Yan suddenly smiled freely. At that moment, he seemed to be completely empty, as if he had let go of everything. Life and death were not important. The sword in his hand was slowly raised, just to kill Zi Shengyang.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes froze.

"Heaven has reincarnation, and all evil will be punished."

"Today, I, Chu Yan, will take his life." Chu Yan said slowly, and then he pressed his hand down. In just a moment, thousands of swords bloomed, like a doomsday storm, and fell madly towards Zi Shengyang.

"No! Chu Yan, you can't kill me, my father is Zi Yang Saint Emperor!" Zi Shengyang was really scared, screamed, and begged.

"Until now, you still don't realize that you are wrong, but you still want to threaten with your identity? How ridiculous." Chu Yan shook his head sarcastically.

Zi Shengyang's face was ashen, and his eyes widened: "I was wrong! I was wrong! I know I was wrong, please, let me go!"

"Too late! Now, you can go to hell to repent." A cold voice came out, a hint of murderous intent, blooming wildly in Chu Yan's body, and thousands of swords fell.

"Thief, you dare!" The eyes of the Guardian Immortal Venerable shrank, and he rushed out with a roar. The deterrence of the top immortal condensed in his palm and slapped Chu Yan.

However, everything was too late.


With a loud noise, the ten thousand swords merged into one and pierced into Zi Shengyang's body, making him pierced with thousands of holes, leaving no intact place, and wiping out all his life.

Until the moment of death, Zi Shengyang's eyes were wide open, full of despair. He never thought that Chu Yan would really kill him at all costs.

At this point, everything seemed to be over.

Zi Shengyang, the son of the Holy Emperor, died.

He was killed by Chu Yan, who was only an immortal, with ten thousand swords, without any mercy.

A gust of cold wind blew past, making many immortal kings and princes feel a touch of coldness and shudder. Their hearts could no longer be calm. They could not imagine that Chu Yan actually dared to do this and kill Zi Shengyang in the eyes of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty.

In the distance, Chang Yunhou and Princess Changge arrived. When they saw the body of Zi Shengyang lying in a pool of blood, Chang Yunhou felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

He still did it.

The immortal killed the lord and killed Zi Shengyang.

But, what's next? What should we do? With the death of Zi Shengyang, Zi Yang Holy Palace will never give up. The Holy Emperor will not allow his offspring to be slaughtered. That is a shame.

What will happen to Chu Yan?

However, has Chu Yan never thought about all this?

Of course he thought about it, but it doesn't matter anymore. He has done it. Now he just wants to take a break. As for the next storm, let it go.

"Ding!" He let go of the evil sword and it fell to the ground. Then he sat down alone with a bright smile.

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