Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1146: The Beginning of Chaos in the Immortal Realm

Hearing the words of the black-robed Taoist priest, the faces of the people in the Cantian Taoist Temple became gloomy. Not to mention how absurd it is to go from the immortal position to the immortal king in 150 years.

With this person around, daring to threaten the Holy Emperor, this alone makes everyone understand that unless the Holy Emperor dares to threaten to exterminate his clan and take strong action, it will be difficult to kill Chu Yan today.

That means that Chu Yan's death today has been resolved, but their hatred will only deepen, especially the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty and the Changsheng Palace. These people who have no grudges against Chu Yan all look unhappy. If they didn't know that Chu Yan would die today, in order to curry favor with the Holy Emperor and benefit from it, they would not be involved in this disaster.

Now, Chu Yan is not dead. Whether he will become the next generation of Immortal King or not, just based on the talent he showed today, seven ninth-grade souls, three color consciousnesses, and ancient magic spells, it can be known that his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary. It is only a matter of time before he reaches the realm of Immortal Emperor. By then, will he let go of this revenge?

Obviously impossible.

The face of Saint Emperor Ziyang also darkened. Just now, he bluntly admitted that he was afraid of Chu Yan's growth. He has lived for a long time, tens of thousands of years, so he understands that a ten-thousand-year-old Immortal Emperor is far inferior to a hundred-year-old Immortal Venerable.

It is not to say that a hundred-year-old Immortal Venerable is stronger than an Immortal Emperor, but because of the latter's talent, his future will have unlimited possibilities.

Chu Yan happens to be such a person. Besides him, there is also the Dragon Alliance. Every Tianjiao in the Dragon Alliance is considered his descendant. At the beginning, Li Chaoyang was also like this. It took only a few thousand years to become a top-level Immortal Emperor and intimidate one side.

After a lifetime of cultivation, which is long and endless, and reading billions of living beings, Saint Ziyang Emperor understands more clearly what potential power a young man like Chu Yan possesses.

Once he grows up, this fairyland will become his foil, just like a roc in the clouds, flying up together and soaring thousands of miles.

Saint Ziyang Emperor's mind is working fast. He has cultivated for tens of thousands of years and can sit on the holy emperor. It is conceivable that his mind is definitely not ordinary. Suddenly, he looked down at Chu Yan, and his eyes flashed with a killing light. Under the light, it was like a doomsday disaster.

Obviously, between offending a current holy emperor and letting a future king of the fairyland grow, Saint Ziyang Emperor chose the former, even if he was threatened with extermination, he did the same.


With just one thought, the sky fused, and the terrifying imperial power strangled down, madly covering Chu Yan.

At the Saint Emperor level, even a slight thought would have an incomparably terrifying power. Not to mention a fairy, even an ordinary fairy emperor would be an irresistible disaster.

"Saint Emperor, take action." A sharp flash flashed across the eyes of the Taoist Cantian. Under that absolute power, Chu Yan felt a huge tremor all over his body. Even though he had entered the devil's way and his body strength had become ten times stronger, he still couldn't bear the killing thought.

"You dare!" Li Chaoyang let out a low roar, and the wind and flow of sword light continued to cut out of his body, breaking free from the shackles, and the swords fell like rain, rushing towards the holy light.

"Boom!" However, how strong is the Saint Emperor's thought? Destroy everything, even the world and mountains and rivers are distorted, and the sword shadows are useless when they come, and they are shattered, and they continue to kill.

"Don't follow the rules!" A million miles away, a terrifying divine light spell bloomed from the body of the black man. In an instant, his figure seemed to shine with the stars, condensing into a long halberd of judgment, stabbing through the air, directly across a million miles, even distorting the space, and with a whoosh, it descended in front of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor.

Feeling the breath of death revealed on the long halberd of judgment, the Purple Sun Saint Emperor's face was extremely gloomy. Under pressure, he had no choice but to stop and raise the light to the sky to meet the long halberd.

"Boom!" The two forces collided, and with a click, the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was banned at once. The entire Immortal City was cut off by an endless natural chasm. On the chasm, two different flames, light and darkness, were burning.

"Puff!" Looking at the Purple Sun Saint Emperor again, the Judgment Halberd was indestructible and destroyed everything, as if it could judge even the heaven and earth. There were constantly bright fist shadows coming from a distance, but they were ruthlessly penetrated and destroyed by the Judgment Halberd. With a bang, they hit the Purple Sun Saint Emperor's defensive armor. Then his body trembled violently, and his figure was blown away for a long distance, with a shocking bloody wound on his waist.

"You dare to hurt me!" The Purple Sun Saint Emperor was immediately angry and raised his head fiercely. For many years, he had not been injured. Today, someone dared to hurt him.

"I said, if you can't kill him today, and you don't follow the rules, it will not be as simple as a serious injury." Thousands of miles away, the black-robed Taoist said this and suddenly paused, and then his eyes flashed with a blazing light.

"Do you want to die?"

The Purple Sun Saint Emperor looked at the man with resentment in his heart, but at this point, he naturally understood that it would not be easy to kill Chu Yan again. The black-robed Taoist was even stronger than he imagined.

"Today's revenge, this emperor will remember it." The Purple Sun Saint Emperor's eyes were extremely cold, and then he looked at Chu Yan, who had transformed into a demon body, and let out a low roar. Finally, he turned around and stepped directly onto the chariot pulled by nine demon dragons: "Let's go!"

Hearing the order of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, the people of the Purple Sun Saint Palace were speechless for a while, especially Ling Dao. At this moment, he also belonged to the Saint Emperor. The look he gave Chu Yan was very strange, with jealousy and loneliness. Thinking back to the past, how glorious he was when he returned to the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty?

The emperor personally held a banquet and asked the princes to welcome him.

At that time, Chu Yan was also there. He had never put it in his eyes. He even said bluntly that the Dragon Alliance had declined. He even accepted the ants in the Immortal Realm. But not long ago, he was defeated by the man he kept saying. Said ants. Today, the Holy Emperor came to crusade, but in the end, he still failed to kill Chu Yan.

This greatly humiliated his originally strong self-esteem. He sighed and finally turned around and left.

The nine demon dragons dragged the cart and left. Many of the immortal disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace looked down at Chu Yan and remembered it. Today, Chu Yan is not dead, but this hatred will not end. In the future If there is a chance, they will definitely kill him personally, such as in Wushuang Realm soon.

At this time, Chu Yan, who had transformed into a huge demon body, was also looking at them, as well as the noble figure on the dragon.

Today, he is not dead. It just so happens that in the next period of his practice in the Immortal Realm, he will definitely aim to destroy the Ziyang Holy Palace, as well as the Towering Taoist Temple, the Supreme Military Palace, etc. Everything that happened today will be firmly grasped by him. Keep it in mind.

For a long time, he felt weak, as if his body had been hollowed out.

This battle was really exhausting. After killing several immortals and transforming into evil demons, I had already reached the limit that my body could bear. Now that the Purple Sun Emperor left, the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed. Come down.

Really, so tired...

Now, he just wants to have a good sleep and not think about anything else.

Then he felt his eyes go dark and fainted with a rumble.


"Mr. Chu!" In the distance, Liu Qingcheng, Qing Yi and others looked worried, and they all jumped towards him to support him. Yuqiong Xian'er also arrived, taking out a jade medicine pot from her slender jade hands, and handed it to him. To Liu Qingcheng: "He has consumed too much. This Immortal Qiong Jade Liquid can relieve his injuries."

"Thank you." Now that Chu Yan was greatly comforted, Liu Qingcheng was not polite and took it after saying thank you and fed Chu Yan to drink it.

There are still many important people in the sky, but their expressions are not so natural at this moment. Today's battle is, without exaggeration, the most intense and tragic one in this fairyland for thousands of years.

In addition to the arrival of the two Holy Emperor figures, more than 80% of the top forces in the five continents of the Immortal Domain were present.

In this battle, some Immortal Emperors fell, some were seriously injured and humiliated, and there were countless Immortal Lords.

But in the end, he failed to kill Chu Yan, which made many people lament that Chu Yan was destined to die.

Of course, everyone also understands that although the Holy Emperor is gone, today's events will never end like this. At least, some people don't. For example, Shentian Taoist Temple. Today, three of their immortal emperors were killed by Li Chaoyang. This is a blood feud. I am afraid that there will be endless wars between Shentian Taoist Temple and Longmeng for a long time from now on.

There is also the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty and the Changsheng Palace, the Supreme Weapon Palace and the Xuantian Sect, and they will not end like this. Not to mention Emperor Huaqing, he and Chu Yan have long been sworn enemies. Even if the Holy Emperor is here today, he can't kill Chu Yan, but once he has the chance, he will never let it go.

In addition to these, many strange phenomena have occurred today. The Ten Thousand Years Leng Sect and the Holy Mountain have returned to the immortal realm, and Chu Yan has been named the new generation of Holy Lord. What will happen to the Holy Mountain next?

Everyone doesn't know, and no one knows, but what they can be sure of is that from today on, the Immortal Realm will no longer be peaceful, and will surely fall into an era of great chaos.

Of course, at this moment, they don’t know that it is today’s battle that will affect the future direction of the entire Immortal Realm. It is also today’s battle that will lay an indelible and magnificent foundation for the upcoming era and pattern of the Immortal Realm. Until many years later, the Immortal King was born and the Immortal Realm was reunited. This battle was deeply recorded in the annals of history, and it will always be talked about by people after thousands of years.

At that time, many people called this battle the first battle of the Immortal Realm Rebellion.

The beginning of chaos in the Immortal Realm.

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