Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1161 Preaching

Everything happened so fast, in the midst of thunder, that no one had time to think, but Chu Yan had already left, leaving only Luan Xiong and others staying there in embarrassment.

"How is it possible..." After a long time, someone finally spoke, full of doubts and confusion.

He is also a top immortal, but everyone can see that just now, as long as Chu Yan is willing, he can kill everyone in a matter of seconds.

Why is there such a big gap.

What's ridiculous is that they still thought that Chu Yan was a coward who relied on bribery to get to the top.

Now imagine how ironic it is?

I'm afraid that from beginning to end, the other party never put them in their eyes, right?

Zixuan didn't participate in the battle, so he saw it particularly clearly. He couldn't help but let out a long breath. The battle just now shocked his family.

"Bribery to get the upper hand?" Zixuan glanced at everyone indifferently and said sarcastically: "You are the only ones worthy of fighting with him? Ridiculous."

After saying that, Zixuan also left, catching up with Chu Yan, and Qingyang too, and glared at Luan Xiong: "Luan Xiong, as a captain of a thousand men, you are arrogant. Not long ago, you invited my senior to fight. My senior doesn't want to fight." Fight and humiliate me. If my senior had fought, I'm afraid you would have been killed, right?"

"Crack!" Luan Xiong clenched his fist fiercely, but he felt extremely disappointed in his heart. This battle was such a shameful defeat.

Especially the last sword curtain left him with no intention of fighting again.

He climbed up, shook his head mockingly, and finally dragged his embarrassed body away.


After Chu Yan left, he ignored everyone's thoughts. If Luan Xiong hadn't forced him repeatedly, he wouldn't have wanted to take action at all. But now that he had taken action, he had to use his suppressive power. Otherwise, there would be a second Luan Xiong and a third Luan Xiong in the future. Three is too much trouble.

Not long after, Zixuan caught up with him and his eyes towards Chu Yan changed somewhat.

He is also a top immortal, with the same combat power as Luan Xiong, but unlike Luan Xiong, he is a disciple of the Sword Master and practices swordsmanship.

Therefore, he understood better how powerful Chu Yan's sword screen was just now, and his terrifying will was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"That move just now must have been the consciousness of the Immortal, right?" Zixuan asked.

"Yes." Chu Yan did not hide it. Zixuan's eyes showed envy. He also understood the consciousness. Unfortunately, it was not the consciousness of the sword, but the consciousness of water attribute.

But it has always been his wish to cultivate the sword and understand the consciousness of the sword. He also hopes to use the consciousness of the sword to deduce and become an immortal.

I wonder how many people in this world can realize the consciousness of their choice when they enter the Immortal Master.

Prince Changyun said at the beginning that the so-called immortal consciousness is the consciousness of choosing people, not the consciousness of selecting people.

After all, human power is limited, and some things cannot be changed, such as human thoughts. In ancient rumors, there are also people who call this thing the heart aperture. The heart aperture is difficult to control and can only comply with destiny.

Of course, Chu Yan is an exception. He has a deep understanding of the way of cultivation and can see through some things. Therefore, in terms of understanding consciousness, he can control his mind and choose what he wants.

"Brother Shanshi, are you willing to teach me how to practice?" Zixuan suddenly spoke, and Chu Yan was slightly surprised. Logically speaking, Zixuan has the Sword Master as his teacher. If he encounters a problem, he can ask the Sword Master, why should he ask him?

"You and I are of the same generation, so what I can teach you is limited. However, if you have any questions, I happen to know them and will tell you." Chu Yan said with a smile.

Zixuan nodded gratefully: "Thank you Brother Shanshi. There is one thing I don't understand, that is consciousness. I also understand that consciousness is the attribute of water. But I have practiced swords since I was a child, and my sword movement is agile, so I am also proficient in wind spells, even if it is I understand some metal systems, but I have never practiced this water before. It is completely incompatible with my own power and even has no effect. It is like useless. Why do I understand such a consciousness? "

As he spoke, Zixuan sighed. Although consciousness is not like a life soul, the number that can be cast in a lifetime is limited.

Consciousness, after reaching the Immortal Master, can continue to be deduced and understood, but any consciousness is extremely laborious and consumes immortal power, so in a sense, the consciousness that a person can comprehend in his lifetime is actually limited.

Although some people can comprehend more than a dozen kinds of consciousness, most of them are inconsistent with their own attributes, very few are useful, and most of them are waste consciousness, which will affect their own practice.

After all, a person's mental power is limited. When the waste consciousness occupies too much, there will be less energy for cultivation.

"What is consciousness?" Chu Yan asked back.

"Consciousness is the power of heaven and earth. It is integrated with the unique Tao and uses its own weak power to influence the world and others. It is regarded as consciousness, which is what ordinary people call willpower."

"Yes, consciousness is also called willpower, but everyone's will is different. Some people practice swordsmanship in this life and aim at swordsmanship, so their consciousness will affect the world's swordsmanship. Some people are grateful and understand gratitude. consciousness."

"But the consciousness itself is just ethereal. Although Brother Zixuan has been cultivating Taoism all his life, he is a generous man, like water, tolerant of all things. Therefore, in your subtle influence, the consciousness of water has always been with you, so that's why Realize it." Chu Yan paused and then said: "Of course, consciousness itself is the same as Taoism. There is no difference in strength or weakness. Any consciousness can become a decisive consciousness if it is cultivated to the limit."

"I understand this truth. There are three thousand avenues, and when practiced to the extreme, they are all the strongest. But when I practice swordsmanship, the water attribute does not match my own attributes."

"Why don't you agree?" Chu Yan smiled calmly: "Do you think immortals and demons agree?"

Zixuan shook his head. Since ancient times, immortals and demons have not been at odds with each other, and everyone knows this.

"Look." Chu Yan opened his hand and buzzed, and two rays of light suddenly bloomed behind him. One was pure golden fairy light, which was extremely holy, while the other was extremely dark and gave people a cruel feeling. The feeling of being filled with energy is like an unparalleled evil spirit.

"In the eyes of the world, it's not too much to say that two such contrasting forces, let alone fusion, are incompatible with each other, right?" Chu Yan asked with a smile, but the next moment, he held his hands together like this, The two forces trembled strongly behind Chu Yan's back, making a clicking sound, and then merged into one at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This..." Zixuan was shocked. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to believe that immortals and demons could be assimilated into one force?

"The power of immortals and demons is like this, let alone the power of attributes? In the heaven and earth, everything is chaotic, and there is no all things. Therefore, the essence of all things is the same, and there is no such thing as conformity or discord."

"It's like the devil and the Buddha. If there were no devils in the world, where would the Buddha be? The ultimate goodness is ruthlessness. It depends on what you think. The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Water can produce wood at its extreme. The burning of wood itself is fire, and the fire will eventually be extinguished. It is soil, and soil can be corroded into gold, so how can there be any inconsistent Tao in this world?"

"You practice swordsmanship and use water to refine gold to make a sword. Water nourishes wood and can breathe wind." Chu Yan smiled lightly: "Of course, this is just my personal understanding. To practice a discipline, it depends on the individual. My path may not be the same. If it suits you, listen to it if it works. If it doesn’t, you can understand it yourself.”

Listening quietly, Zixuan had a deep understanding. Chu Yan's words could be said to be the most simple truth in the world.

However, it is the part that is most easily overlooked.

"Thank you." After a long time, Zixuan's eyes brightened and he said gratefully: "I'm going to practice."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. He was also groping about the way to practice. There is no end point in practice. People with high realms just go further on this road, so on this road, he I will also leave my own insights to future generations.


In Brokeback City, as time flies, the atmosphere becomes heavier.

There was only one day left before the duel, and in the blink of an eye, there were only three days left, and the hearts of everyone involved were tense.

After all, the outcome of this battle has too many implications and will directly affect the planning of Brokeback City.

Of course, both sides must be prepared to refuse to give up and start a top-level immortal battle once one side loses. In that case, things will be very troublesome.

Three more days passed, and the day of the battle arrived.

Early in the morning, Jian Zun walked out of the military camp in person. One hundred thousand troops below were lined up in square formations, with slightly nervous expressions on their faces. After all, they all knew in their hearts that although the Dragon Alliance and the Chen clan were equally powerful, the Dragon Alliance of this generation The camp is not as strong as the Chen clan.

The number of immortals is not enough.

So if they lose this battle, they won't even have a chance to resist.

"Today is the day to go to war. Success or failure depends on this. Everyone, the future of Brokeback City depends on you." The sword master first bowed to everyone on the high platform, and then he stood up, his sharp eyes like Same as his sword.

"Set off!"


In just an instant, a terrifying brilliance rose into the sky. In this battle, only the powerful immortals can participate. After all, once they fight, there will inevitably be red eyes. When the immortal battle really begins, those under the immortal position will be cannon fodder, which will be useless. .

"Senior, come on." Qingyang said to Chu Yan: "If there is any news about my little sister, you must tell me."

"Okay." Chu Yan agreed, and then as the commander of an army of ten thousand people, he soared upwards and took the brunt of the attack and flew towards the sky.

After experiencing Luan Xiong's battle, Chu Yan had a high prestige in the camp, and his dissatisfaction was naturally reduced.

The place where the two sides met was high in the sky outside Brokeback City. A few months ago, someone had set up a suspended battle platform here in order not to affect others.

Led by Jian Zun, the strong men of the Dragon Alliance roared out and soon descended on one side of the battle platform. At almost the same time, a buzzing sound broke through the air in the opposite direction.

It's the Chen clan, they're here too.

Before the forces of the two parties arrived, they could see faint celestial forces colliding in the air, with a vague intention of fighting, and made waves of terrifying roars.

"It's about to begin!" In the distance, many casual cultivators from Brokeback City came. Seeing the terrifying brilliance of both sides, their hearts trembled.

"Today's battle will determine the ownership of Beicheng. I don't know which side will win in the end."

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