Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 215: Thousands of Miles, Leveling Mountains and Seas [Three Updates]

The sound of the Haotian Tower shook the Haotian Valley, and it was also so angry. He was angered by Chu Yan. Chu Yan said that he was afraid and was not worthy of fighting the sky! Then today, he will go with Chu Yan to see how Chu Yan will fight the sky!

"Rise!" Chu Yan clenched his hands with all his strength, and the sound of the boom shook the world.

"The Haotian Tower is off the ground! Half a meter off the ground!" At this moment, many strong men were amazed. The Haotian Tower has never been opened in the past, but today it is half a meter off the ground because of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled, his eyes were firm: "One day, thousands of strong men from the three sects want to kill me, and you don't want me to die! At that time, I will definitely take you away one day to fight the sky. Today, I will take you away, flatten the mountains and rivers, and go to the Tianshan Sect!"

Everyone was shocked. The Haotian Tower was really raised. Suddenly, the killing intent was strong, and the wind rose in all directions. The faces of many strong men changed in shock, and they quickly wanted to dodge and retreat to the distance.

"Go!" The strong men from all sects immediately spoke, but at this time Chu Yan's eyes were cold, he glanced at countless strong men, and showed a sneer: "Who can go today? Along the way, I will stain the sky with blood!"

The strong men were shocked, and countless people looked at Chu Yan in horror. Luo Tianyi's eyes were red: "Chu Yan, you dare!"

"Why not?" Chu Yan laughed, he laughed arrogantly, the Haotian Tower wailed again, the sky turned blood, and the blood stained the sky.

In a moment, countless strong men fell, Chu Yan did not hesitate, he was going to kill everything today.

At this time, Chu Yan finally took a step, his step was extremely heavy, and one step made his soles sink deep into the ground. The Haotian Tower was too heavy, he made the Haotian Tower half a meter off the ground, and held up the entire Haotian Tower alone, turning into endless killing intent, killing the strong men.

"Run!" More strong men fled, and countless bloody palms immediately slapped down from the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Wherever they fell, strong men would fall, which shocked countless great masters. The Haotian Tower in Chu Yan's hand was stronger today, and no one could stop it.

Luo Tianyi did not dare to look back. At this moment, there was a young man in white in the distance. Lin Daoyan was watching this scene, and his eyes were indescribably different. He did not speak, and finally turned around and left on this day.


The killing thoughts continued, and the Haotian Sect almost collapsed. At this time, Chu Yan suddenly turned around and stared at the direction of the Tianshan Sect in the distance. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and there was a trace of curiosity in their hearts: "He, what is he going to do?"

"Boom" Chu Yan took a step forward, and then he never looked back, just stepped forward step by step, leaving huge footprints with each step, and even a hundred years could not drown them.

This scene stunned everyone, this is definitely a scene they will never forget in their lives.

"Towards Tianshan Sect, is he going to Tianshan Sect like this?" Some people couldn't believe it. If they went this way, there would be a road that could never be sealed in the world. That road was the road left by Chu Yan, like an endless canyon.

This news spread throughout the world, and Chu Yan lifted up the Haotian Tower, wanting to flatten the mountains and seas and go to Tianshan Sect!

How difficult is this road? How long will it take?

No one knows, but Chu Yan moved forward step by step, and the huge Haotian Tower seemed like a coordinate, which made countless people in the world see it. The tower was moving, and was carried on the shoulders of a young man in white clothes, day and night, heading towards Tianshan Sect.

More strong men followed Chu Yan, wanting to see what Chu Yan was going to do. Chu Yan carried the Haotian Tower on his shoulders, unhindered all the way, and killed anyone who approached. No matter how great Luo Tianyi of Haotian Valley was, he could only stand ten thousand meters away and stare, but dared not get close.

Wherever Chu Yan passed, there was a mess, forming a road without people. Just as he said, along the way, he leveled the mountains and seas, flattened the mountains, and filled the rivers and seas with mountains. Step by step, he crossed half of the inner circle.

This also formed a unique road in the world. There was no grass on the road, but there was a desire to kill the sky. Chu Yan and the Haotian Tower wanted to fight the sky and pointed their swords at the Tianshan Sect.

The news spread farther and farther, and this road became longer and longer. Finally, one day when the end of the year was approaching, Chu Yan came to a sect covered with ice and snow.

"This Chu Yan is crazy! He actually carried the Haotian Tower to the Tianshan Sect!" Everyone was shocked. That huge tower stood majestically at the foot of the Tianshan Sect Tianshan Mountain, level with the Tianshan Mountain?

At the end of the year, there was a huge event in the world. The Tianshan Sect had a beautiful daughter who married the Eastern Altar Gusu City, a force outside the sky. The end of the year was the time for the wedding, and congratulations came from all directions.

But today, there is a tall tower outside the Tianshan Sect, which fell to the ground with a bang, causing the Tianshan Mountain to tremble and shocking countless people. Then countless strong men flew out and came walking, but stopped at a position ten thousand meters away from the Haotian Tower. They could all feel the strong killing intent on the Haotian Tower, and even the Great Venerable did not dare to approach.

"He is really here!"

A few days ago, someone in the Tianshan Sect heard this, Chu Yan was not dead, and returned to the mortal world. He made a bold statement that he would come to the Tianshan Sect. But many people did not believe it. No matter how strong Chu Yan was, he was just a king. The Tianshan Sect was a transcendent force, and there were visitors from outside the sky. If he came, it would be a dragon's den and a tiger's lair. Would he come here to die?

But today, the disciples of the Tianshan Sect came and saw the towering Haotian Tower and were moved. Chu Yan really came. He first went to the Haotian Valley and then built the Haotian Tower. He traveled a thousand miles a day and arrived at the Tianshan Sect in ten days, and built the Haotian Tower at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain of the Tianshan Sect.

Chu Yan, he is threatening the Tianshan Sect! The provocation was strong.

On this day, Chu Yan stood on the Haotian Tower, but he did not move forward, because there were still three days until the end of the year. He was waiting, silently waiting, waiting for the so-called grand wedding at the end of the year.

"Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to really dare to come!" On this day, a beautiful figure suddenly flew out, Zi Zixi, she also became the king, but the look she looked at Chu Yan was a little strange.

In the past, she looked down on Chu Yan so much, and even despised him. She once said that Chu Yan was a dead man, but today, Chu Yan carried the Tianshan Sect and leveled the mountains and reclaimed the sea for Liu Qingcheng. This love, so sincere, made her feel a little bit in her heart. envious.

But for a moment, she shook her head, her beautiful eyes were cold, she still believed that Chu Yan would be the one who must die, and said coldly: "At the end of the year, General Qingcheng and I will hold a wedding together. There is a strong man from the Eastern God Altar in the Tianshan Sect. I advise you to be wise and get out of here quickly, otherwise, you will die in three days!"

Chu Yan looked at Zi Xi indifferently: "Tell Lu Xueting that I will take her life! In three days, no one can stop her!"

The Haotian Tower continues to stand. In the Tianshan Sect, Liu Qingcheng is confined in the ice prison. Her beautiful eyes are also red. She can clearly see the white-clothed boy on the Haotian Tower in the ice prison. At the end of the year, He was twenty years old at a young age, but he had left countless magnificent achievements in the world, and more importantly, that young man was the one she liked.

But at this moment, Liu Qingcheng actually felt a little bit heartbroken. She was ecstatic when she learned that Chu Yan was not dead, but today she saw Chu Yan put himself in danger, and she felt extremely heartbroken.

The momentum of the Haotian Tower was so strong that several strong men in the Eastern Altar were alarmed. They flew over one after another and stood in the distance to watch, but no one came forward. Therefore, the killing intent of the Haotian Tower was strong at this time, and in Chu In the hands of Iwa, he seemed to want to destroy the sky.

"There is such a deep obsession in this tower!" Suddenly a person raised his head and looked into the distance. It was a long and flat road: "This son has traveled thousands of miles to develop an obsession with this Haotian Tower. Unless he can have Unless a strong person from the imperial realm comes, no one can stop this tower.”

King Chen Tian appeared and strolled over. He was also attracting much attention today. He broke through the seventh level of the King a month ago, tied with a Thirty-six Prodigy, and became famous again. Today, when he came to Haotian Tower, he took the initiative to walk forward.

"You didn't disappoint me!" Chen Tianwang said. Chu Yan looked at Chen Tianwang and smiled calmly. He knew what Chen Tianwang had done in the past year. Without him, Liu Qingcheng would be even worse now: "Thank you very much for this year!"

"It doesn't matter." Chen Tianwang shook his head, then glanced at Chu Yan again, not knowing what he meant, turned around and left.

These three days were destined to be less peaceful. Chu Yan had been standing on the Haotian Tower, always looking into the ice prison of the Tianshan Sect, sleepless day and night.

Inside the Tianshan Sect, on top of the many stairs, there is a palace covered with ice and snow. Lu Xueting is wearing a long skirt, standing there with her hands behind her hands, her face as cold as ice. She can clearly see the tower on the Haotian Tower without raising her eyes. A young man in white clothes seemed to have felt her gaze, and turned around to meet her gaze, which was so sharp.

Beside Lu Xueting, Qiu Mengyao stood aside, feeling in her heart. That year she went to Tianyong City with Lu Xueting. This boy was the loser of the Liu family whom she had met in Tianyong City two years ago. But today, this young man has created too much momentum in the world. First, he fought within the Haotian Sect, and then he won the first place in the Shengtai Monument. His voice spread all over the world. He even entered the road of life and death half a year ago, and he walked alive again today. come out.

But the most important thing is that all this has only happened two years ago. In two years, the boy has grown up a lot and has become one of the most watched people in the world and has become famous.

But this man came to the Tianshan Sect carrying a pagoda today. In the pagoda, at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, he looked down at the Tianshan Sect.

"Master! It's about the wedding!" Qiu Mengyao said helplessly from the side.

"Proceed as usual, and have Sigu come to congratulate her. The noise should be huge! I want the whole world to know that Liu Qingcheng, the daughter of Tianshan Sect, is married to the Eastern God Altar!" Lu Xueting said coldly.

"But Chu Yan..." Qiu Mengyao hesitated and did not continue, but there was no need to say more. If the marriage continued, Chu Yan would definitely make a big fuss.

Lu Xueting narrowed her eyes slightly, Chu Yan made a fuss? Is he worthy? From Lu Xueting's point of view, there are countless people from the Eastern God Altar, so what if Chu Yan has Haotian Tower? In three days, he will definitely die!

Another day, two days before the wedding, Gusu City arrived. He was dressed in red, full of joking, standing ten thousand meters away and looked at Chu Yan: "I didn't expect you to be alive, but your move It’s not wise. If you move this tower before my wedding, I will spare your life, otherwise, I will kill you!”

Chu Yan looked at Gusu City coldly. In the past, in his eyes, the Eastern God Altar was unshakable and was the transcendent power of the ten directions. But now Chu Yan knew that the six realms of stars were vast, and the Eastern God Altar was nothing more than the power of the Four Directions Gods. One of them, in the eternal jungle, he dared to kill the demon, why should he be afraid of Gusu City today?

"You will die, do you believe it?"

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