Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 236 The feast is coming

On the first floor of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, one can cultivate another self. In other words, the vitality, bloodline, and life soul can all be reshaped? If that were the case, that would be simply terrifying.

Suddenly, Chu Yan remembered the One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones that Chu Hanfeng passed on to Lord Zhentian. It must have been an evolution of the Nine Heavens method, right? But the most important thing is that one thought can transform the three pure beings, and practitioners can practice for three lifetimes. The main thing is that they will not be affected by distractions.

Many powerful people can also cultivate the second Dharma body after becoming emperor. However, dual cultivation of the Dharma body will consume double the energy. But the Nine Heavens Dharma is different. As long as he practices the original body, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda will follow the movement, and the Dharma body will be self-contained?

"What an amazing skill." Chu Yan became excited. He could already see that the first chapter of the Xuantian Broken Chapter gradually turned into the shape of a baby and had begun to be gestated in the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. This would be his brand new body. When you reach Xiaocheng, you can switch attributes, and when you reach Dacheng, you can directly transform into a clone, just like there are two Chu Yan. This is terrible.

Chu Yan became excited and began to practice crazily.

"Boom!" At this moment, the nine Tianchis of Jiuyou Tianchi were seen converging towards Chu Yan, forming a huge whirlpool, surrounding Chu Yan and pouring in power.


In the mortal world, the end of the year is getting closer and closer, and the feast that the world has been waiting for has finally arrived.

The day before the end of the year, everything suddenly seemed like a dream. Nearly a month had passed since the end of Jiuyou Tianchi, and Chu Yan was still in Tianchi, falling into a state of selflessness.

Situ Jun and others all made breakthroughs after leaving Jiuyou Tianchi. Now Situ Jun has reached the sixth level of emperor, which can be said to be the ultimate emperor of earth. He can be crowned emperor with one more step.

The fat man also spent a month eating desperately, exerting his devouring bloodline, and finally reached the emperor level yesterday. Hua Zhixu reached the fourth level of emperor, and Qiu Mengxi reached the third level of emperor. Emperor Lin Daoyu is at the fifth level, and Emperor Mi Tong is at the sixth level.

These people are all the leaders in this feast and the objects of discussion by the world.

Of course, in addition to them, there is another person who has attracted much attention, and that is Chi Yue. No one knows what level Chi Yue is today, but it is rumored that he has already entered the seventh level of the emperor, and the day before yesterday he fought against a ninth level emperor. , and won overwhelmingly, people were shocked by his strength.

Some people even say that Chi Yue Jinxi has been able to sweep through all the emperors and become invincible. Some people even say that he can even fight with Renzun. Of course, these are all rumors, but no one has ever seen him. .

The earthly feast takes place once every ten years. How many heroes will become famous in this event, and how many arrogant ones will fall into ashes.

Everyone in the world is talking about who can become famous all over the world this time.

On this day, in the outer circle, among the thousands of miles of black forest, there was a group of figures hurrying on the road. On the monster carriage, a middle-aged man asked excitedly: "Liu Mu, how long is the journey? "

"It's almost time. We can feel the feast before tomorrow!" Liu Mu was also excited. They were also here for this once-in-ten-year feast, wanting to cheer Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng.

"Brother! Hurry up!" In another space, there was also a group of people hurrying towards the feast place.

This battle is destined to make a sensation in the world and become the most eye-catching battle in the world, and everyone is looking forward to it.

The Feast Place is in the center of the world. There is an ancient barrier here. It is opened every ten years. In previous years, this place would be opened by barbarians. But today, there is no barbarian person here.

"Master Junlin, you will host this year's feast." In the place where the feast was held, everyone looked at Chi Junlin with admiration.

"Yes, Junlin, you became famous all over the world during a feast ten years ago and became the pride of the world. In terms of qualifications, you are more qualified than anyone else to host this feast." Emperor Haotian smiled at the side.

Chi Junlin was among the people, and he smiled calmly: "Since it is so intentional, Junlin will not shirk it. This year, I will host the feast and open the barrier."

"This is natural, you are the most suitable." People from all sides discussed, and everyone in the world also squinted their eyes, looking at this strange scene. Everyone knew that the situation between Chiyue Valley and the wilderness today, now The feast is about to come, and the Scarlet Moon Valley arrives with great force, but no one from the wilderness comes here, which makes the people of the world have more speculations.

Chi Junlin nodded, and the next moment he strolled up, leaping into the sky above the sky. Standing there, he circulated his Yuan Power, and with the help of the divine weapon of sound transmission, the vast sound resounded throughout the world: "Once every ten years, I am here in this world. The wind is blowing. Tomorrow is the day of the once-in-ten-year feast. All geniuses from all walks of life under the age of thirty are eligible to participate. I am the Red Lord, the king of this mortal world. Today, I will be here waiting for all geniuses. One day and tomorrow, I will witness your grace with the people of the world!”

"Boom!" The earth shook, and everyone was excited. There are two reasons. One is that the feast is coming, and it will be a change of the times. The destined person is about to be born.

Another reason is that Chi Junlin said today that he is the king of the mortal world today. There is no need to say more about the meaning of his words!

"Chijunlin, he is really going to be crowned king in the mortal world!"

"Yes, but he is indeed very powerful. He was granted the title of emperor at the age of thirty. It can be said that he is the youngest emperor in my world. He was also the genius of the last feast. I just don't know who can win this feast! "The world is talking and excited. Tomorrow, there will be a feast. Who can be crowned the king of this decade and what kind of posture it will be like.

In the center of the world, more and more geniuses gathered here, tens of thousands of people gathered.

Unfortunately, the person that the world is looking forward to has not arrived yet. Many people are looking around in the crowd, as if they want to find Chu Yan's figure. Unfortunately, Chu Yan has not come here yet, which makes people feel a little disappointed.

Time passed slowly, and finally in the evening, Hua Zhixu came, wearing white clothes. With him were Qiu Mengxi, Qiu Yu, Fatty, Zi Yan, Mu Bai, Chu Wang and others. These people have shown their own style in the world in the past. They are different geniuses every year, and they are all nominated on the Shengtai Monument.

But today is different. They will face the gathering of all the geniuses in the past ten years, competing for the king of the past ten years.

"Hua Zhixu! In this feast, I will definitely kill you." Qiu Muhong saw Hua Zhixu, and his eyes immediately showed a ferocious meaning.

"You are so shameless. You still don't learn your lesson after being slapped by Brother Chu several times!" The fat man laughed at the side. Qiu Muhong's eyes sank. At this time, Situ Jun suddenly stopped him and looked coldly at Hua Zhixu and his group: "Where is he?"

Everyone naturally knew who Situ Jun was talking about. Qiu Muhong sneered at the side: "I think he doesn't dare to come. No one in the wilderness showed up."

The fat man rolled his eyes at Qiu Muhong: "Don't forget, Jiuyou Tianchi, my brother Chu is the king, and Situ Jun is only standing on the 26th floor. He can't go up to that floor!"

Situ Jun's face sank. The last step of Jiuyou Tianchi has always been a knot in his heart.

"The feast is not Jiuyou Tianchi. What is compared here is real combat power, not destiny and talent. Even if he has a top destiny, if he falls, everything is empty talk." Situ Jun snorted coldly. The fat man rolled his eyes and didn't say anything nonsense, but there was a trace of worry in his heart.

At the Jiuyou Tianchi, Chu Yan was still in the nine Tianchi, surrounded by the water of the Tianchi, and felt the morality in it.

"Junior brother, he hasn't come out yet?" Zheng Yutong came over and saw Liu Qingcheng sighing below.

Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly: "No, there should be an opportunity, and he has been at a critical moment."

"But time waits for no one, tomorrow is the day of the feast, if he doesn't wake up, he will miss it." Zheng Yutong was a little worried, Liu Qingcheng smiled, and her flowers trembled: "In the feast, he just wanted to fulfill his promise to me, but now I know he is the one, as long as it is him, I don't care. In this life, the love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas can be leveled. He leveled thousands of miles for me, how can I leave him?"

"But he won't be willing..." Zheng Yutong sighed, Liu Qingcheng didn't say anything, she took a deep breath, stood up and walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"The highest peak in the feast. This time, I will announce to the world that I, Liu Qingcheng, belong to Chu Yan." Liu Qingcheng smiled. Two rays of light flashed in the sky, one purple-gold and the other azure blue. The fifth-grade soul. Liu Qingcheng, became an emperor.

Looking at Liu Qingcheng's back, Zheng Yutong was stunned and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "What a pair of unfortunate mandarin ducks. In the past, he fought for the Shengtai Monument not for fame or profit, but just for an impulse, so that you can see his name when you look up. Tonight, in the feast, you will step on the highest peak again and tell the world who you belong to. I don't know how many hardships you two will have to go through."

Liu Qingcheng smiled lightly, but she was satisfied. She stood up and rushed to the feast.

At this time, Chu Yan was still caught in the frenzy. The nine Tianchi seemed to contain strange power. Chu Yan has been collecting his thoughts these days and concentrating on practicing his second self.

Now, a phantom exactly like him has appeared in the first floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. That person has the same demonic appearance, but his habits are completely different.

One day, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a terrible force with a thought and laughed excitedly: "The Nine Heavens True Method is really powerful. I now have two of myself. Although I can't differentiate into a clone, I have cultivated another life. This is definitely a great help for practitioners. When fighting with others, I have the power of two people!"

Chu Yan said excitedly that this self took a completely different path. His original body practiced a comprehensive type, strength, speed, and sword intent, but this second self chose to specialize in the art and major in strength. Now the second self has comprehended four bloodlines, namely: strength bloodline, gravity bloodline, mountain bloodline, and giant axe bloodline!

Such a bloodline combination may not be fast enough, but if Chu Yan is given the opportunity to strike with all his strength, it will definitely be a terrifying existence.

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