Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 244: Being a mortal

When the man from Suzaku spoke, Chi Yue snorted coldly: "I will let you live a little longer for now!"

Wangfeng said to Chu Yan at the side: "Brother Chu, the three masked ones are like me, they are all from the forces of the four gods. The Qinglong mask is from the Eastern God Altar. I don't know what it is called. The one in Suzaku is called Ye." Lingxi, the Xuanwu Mask belongs to Wei Zilun of the Sifang God Sect. Counting me, we are all emperor-level monsters in the Sifang God Sect.”

Chu Yan nodded. He had guessed when he fought with the man in the Qinglong mask that the opponent was not from the mortal world, and he had a hunch that he and the man in the Qinglong mask should know each other.

On the nine stone pillars, a divine mind appeared faintly. He looked at everyone calmly: "After thousands of years, the ancient dynasty has finally begun. Are you the chosen ones?"

"Senior, it's us who are waiting for you. Are you from this ancient dynasty?" Chi Yue said politely, and said with a very faint thought: "Who am I? Haha, it's been too long, I have already forgotten who I am. Who among you is a native of this world? Stand up!”

"Senior, I am!" Chi Yue took a step forward. Chu Yan hesitated and took a step forward, followed by Mi Tong, Lin Daoyu, Qiu Muhong, and Situ Jun.

The spiritual thoughts swept through the six people one by one, and they all nodded when looking at Chi Yue, Situ Jun, and Mi Tong, but then they looked at Chu Yan, their eyes flashed with a fierce look, and there was a vast coercion, and they immediately moved towards Chu Yan Shrouded.

"Boom!" Chu Yan's tiger body sank violently, and he felt a terrible force coming on him, causing his soles to sink deeply into the soil.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?" Chu Yan looked at Shen Nian warily, and Shen Nian said coldly: "You are not from my mortal world! Why did you deceive me!"

Everyone was stunned, Chu Yan was not from the mortal world?

Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan teasingly. If Chu Yan is killed by this divine thought, he will save a lot of trouble.

The pressure kept coming, and Chu Yan's face turned cold. He began to expect that he might not be a human being in the mortal world, but he was not convinced: "Senior, I was indeed born in this mortal world. I am twenty years old this year. After twenty years, I dare to ask my predecessors, why am I not considered a mortal?"

"The blood in your body and the power in your body are not left over from this world. How dare you ask me false questions?" The divine mind was furious, and murderous intent suddenly came: "You are not from my mortal world, and you covet my ancient mortal world." The inheritance must be punished!”

Chu Yan felt cold in his heart. He started the ancient dynasty all the way, and he was dedicated to the world of mortals. But here today, this divine thought decided that he was not a mortal and wanted to kill him?

"Senior, why do you need to kill him yourself?" Chi Yue showed a fierce look, and then he looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, tell me, how do you want to die today?"

"Although my parents are not from the mortal world, they have devoted themselves to guarding the mortal world for thousands of years, and their kindness to the mortal world is as great as a mountain! I, Chu Yan, also devote myself to guarding the mortal world, but in the eyes of my seniors, I am not from the mortal world, so I can say anything How ridiculous is it to kill me? Today has taught me a lot. In this case, I don’t want this inheritance!" Chu Yan ignored Chi Yue. He didn’t want any inheritance, but he started the ancient dynasty and decided to let Chu Yan know it. Hanfeng was kind to Chenjian, and Chenjian owed him, and he did not owe Chenjian. But today, this person could decide his life or death with just one word, and he was angry, and turned around to leave.

"Bold! You can come and leave the land of the dynasty whenever you want?" Divine thoughts became angry, and the wind roared: "I obey the master's order and guard here for thousands of years, just to pass on to the people in the world. Today You are not from my mortal world, but you are trying to take away my mortal inheritance, of course I will kill you!"

"Haha, it's funny, what is the inheritance in the mortal world? Now I am coveted from all directions in the mortal world. People in the mortal world never know how glorious I was in the ancient mortal world. I once ruled the six realms of the star sea and how elegant I was. But in this year, no one in the mortal world has ever known. One person is proud of this, but they are all proud of joining the outer forces. Returning to the earth with the people of the outer forces, these are the people in the earth in your mouth? If you don't distinguish between right and wrong, so be it. It’s me who’s troubled. Since I’m not from this world, what does this world have to do with me except for the people I care about?”

"In the future, when all the people in this world are killed, I wonder how there will be people in this world! Without people in this world, what is the meaning of this ancient dynasty in this world!" Chu Yan was also angry. .

"Arrogant! I am the king of the six realms and galaxies in this world, who dares to destroy him!" Shen Nian roared.

Chu Yan glanced sadly and said: "Ten thousand years later, it seems that you are really stupid. I, Chu Yan, have offended you today. I don't want this inheritance anymore. If you want to kill me, I will have no complaints today." But remember, you are just a mortal!"

His thoughts were cold, Chu Yan actually said that he was just a human being in this world!

"Do you think you can escape?" Chi Yue sneered, transformed into a giant unicorn arm, and punched Chu Yan fiercely.

"Boom!" But almost in a thought, a cry erupted from Chu Yan's body, and the Nine Nether Bird flew out and lay on the sky, knocking away Chi Yue's power.

"Jiuyou Tianchi Jiuyou Que?" Chiyue was shocked. She looked at Jiuyou Que with her spiritual thoughts and frowned: "Jiuyou, why did you choose such a person outside the mortal world for thousands of years? Could it be that you Betrayed too?"

Jiuyou glanced lazily and said: "Xu Emperor, you have slept for too long. The world today is no longer ten thousand years ago, nor is the King of the Six Domains, Lord Zhentian, who has been dead for ten thousand years. "

"Boom!" Emperor Shen Nianxu was furious: "The master has been dead for ten thousand years? Who is this?"

"The eleven kings joined forces to do this."

"Impossible! When Tianjun swept across the world and looked down upon him, who could kill him?" Emperor Xu roared, and Jiuyouque sighed: "That battle took too long, why bother talking about it again? The ancient dynasty was destroyed, you guys He is also dead. It is the master who has used his thoughts to protect this place and keep your spiritual thoughts alive. Now, Ji Huangji has been crowned the king of the six realms. This child was the benefactor of Lord Zhentian, and he was the one who started this ancient dynasty. He even got the approval of the Mingjian Tianjun and gave him the Sky-shaking inheritance. You want to kill him today. If he dies, how can you explain to the master? "

"It turns out that I have been dead for thousands of years...Ji Huangji!" Emperor Xu expressed his murderous intent.

"The ancient dynasty stayed here to recreate the ancient world for the six realms of the past!" Jiuyou said lightly: "I will protect this son and rebuild the celestial dynasty!"

"Boy, I misunderstood before. Today I will escort and clear the way for you." Emperor Xu looked at Chu Yan strangely.

Chu Yan snorted coldly and had a grudge in his heart. Emperor Xu had just said that he wanted to kill him. How could he give Emperor Xu a good face?

"Okay, Emperor Xu's character is like this. He also wants to protect the mortal world. They are all people who have been dead for thousands of years. Lord Zhentian single-handedly sealed this ancient dynasty back then, so that their spirits are still alive. It's good to be more vigilant. "Yes." Jiuyou Que said helplessly.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes, this warning almost killed him, but then he looked at Chi Yue again, his eyes were sinister. If Emperor Xu was vigilant, it was unreasonable for Chi Yue to kill him. He and Chi Yue would definitely have a fight.

"You're lucky this time." Chi Yue snorted coldly.

"I'll let you do it. Go to the stone pillars and see how many stone pillars you can light up." Emperor Xu glanced at Chi Yue, who nodded and walked towards the stone pillars. In a moment, four of the nine stone pillars lit up. The stone pillars represent blood seals, swords, knives and arrows respectively.

Emperor Xu nodded with satisfaction: "It's very good. You can practice these four inheritances, blood seal control, ghost sword technique, seven-kill sword technique, and sky-shattering arrow. But this is just the beginning. You will have half a month to understand it." How much of these four magical powers you can comprehend depends on you."

"Thank you, senior!"

"Next is you!" Emperor Xu looked at Mi Tong, who also stepped forward, and three stone pillars lit up. They are: divine walking and ghostly steps, an arrow that breaks the sky, and the power of life and death.

Situ Jun also has three skills: Seven Kills Sword Technique, Ghost Sword Technique, and Roar of Dragon and Tiger. Behind him is Qiu Muhong. Qiu Muhong is very embarrassed, with only one light shining, the power of life and death. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but when he thought that these were the nine inheritances of Lord Zhentian, he felt calm. If he could practice one, his achievements would definitely be very high in the future.

The four people wearing masks also received inheritance, and Emperor Xu was not in trouble. The man of Qinglong has three ways, the seven-kill swordsmanship, the way of swallowing the sky, and the power of life and death.

Suzaku Ye Lingxi lit up three pillars, Xuanwu Wei Zilun lit up three pillars, Wangfeng was a miracle, he actually lit up five stone pillars at once, namely: Blood Seal Control, Divine Walk and Ghost Step, Dragon and Tiger's Roar, Sky-shattering Arrow, Seven Kills Sword Technique.

The last person was Chu Yan. Emperor Xu looked at Chu Yan: "Since you are the successor of Zhentian, let me see how much you can understand."

Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "I really want to see how many inheritances he can light up."

Wangfeng rolled his eyes at Chiyue: "What's there to see? Brother Chu will definitely have more than you anyway."

Chi Yue didn't say anything, and everyone looked at Chu Yan. After all, it was Chu Yan who started the ancient dynasty, and he received more attention than others. However, Chu Yan walked to the center, one stick, two sticks, three sticks... five sticks... nine sticks. In the blink of an eye, all nine inheritance lights came on, making everyone stunned.

One person has understood the nine inheritances? Can you practice the nine major lineages together?

Jiuyou Que also narrowed his eyes: "I am afraid that Lord Zhentian was the only one who could do this back then? Chu Yan... might be able to revive the mortal world!"

"This monster!" Wangfeng smacked his tongue, and then looked at Chiyue proudly: "To be honest, Chiyue, don't always compare yourself to my brother Chu, you are really not as good as him, whether it's ringing the bell, To win destiny or to see destiny, you are inferior to him, you and him are not on the same level at all."

"So what if the nine roots are lit up? How many ways can he practice?" Chi Yue's murderous intention became stronger. Chi Yue was already full of hatred for Chu Yan. Originally, he was the top young man in the world, proud of the world, but since three Years ago, Chu Yan participated in the Wan Zong Na New Beginning, and he has been suppressed since then.

On the Ten Thousand Sect Stage, he was threatened. Within the Haotian Sect, he, the Scarlet Moon Valley, had been in the dust for a year. Today, the Scarlet King returns, and he, the Scarlet Moon Valley, becomes the overlord of the world. It can be said that in the whole world, there is no one other than the Scarlet Moon Valley. land, but his light was still suppressed by Chu Yan.

This is true again today.

"Poof!" At this moment, the lit stone pillar suddenly went out, surprising everyone.

"What's going on?" Emperor Xu and Jiuyouque were also puzzled. This was the first time they had encountered this situation. They clearly had the qualifications to practice the nine inheritances, but they were given up by the nine inheritances at the same time?

"Not worthy of inheritance?" Emperor Xu was speechless for a while, but if that was the case, why did the nine inheritances light up for him at the same time just now?

Seeing this scene, Chi Yue laughed out loud and said sarcastically: "It's ridiculous that he was abandoned by the nine inheritances and none of them chose him."

Wangfeng also blinked, feeling embarrassed: "No way, so embarrassing?"


Jiuyouque suddenly said, and everyone's eyes were fixed, because the next scene shocked them. At that moment, the nine stone pillars broke, and they hibernated one after another, turning into nine rays of divine light, covering Chu Yan's body lifted it up and then sent it to a stone pillar in the center. Among the tallest stone pillars, ten stone pillars covered the sky in one day.

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