Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 4 Is the Qin family powerful?

Bao'er worked very efficiently and bought all the clothes and herbs in a short time.

After Chu Yan cleaned up briefly and changed his clothes, Bao'er helped him dry his hair and comb it, and then looked at the bronze mirror. Looking at the angular features in the mirror, his eyes as deep as knives smiled with satisfaction: "That's it. Yes, this handsome look is worthy of me."

Bao'er looked on with a little obsession. Now Chu Yan was wearing a white green shirt, with a tall and straight body, completely different from the previous beggar.

"Master, you are so beautiful!"

"Bao'er talks so sweetly, I'll reward you with this." Chu Yan found some low-grade blood herbs from the herbs Bao'er bought and gave them to Bao'er: "Take one each morning and evening for seven days in a row, and come to me again. "

"Thank you, Master." Bao'er was very surprised. You must know that although blood supplement is very cheap, it is not something that servants like them can take.

Chu Yan smiled and nodded, and then he lowered his head. Now that he was finally clean, he could take a look at his condition.

Thinking about it, Chu Yanchan sat down, closed his five senses, and entered a meditative state. Not long after, his soul appeared in front of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda in Dantian.

Looking at the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, Chu Yan mobilized his vitality, and then three stars appeared in his dantian.

"Three-star life body?"

Chu Yan grinned. Although his three-star vitality was not high, it had already reached the level of a normal person. Because he was not in a hurry, the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda had only opened the first level now. As he went on, his vitality would become higher and higher. Eventually, Break through nine stars.

Therefore, he did not struggle with his life form, but directly explored his cultivation and body.

"The third level of mortal world, a thousand kilograms of flesh body."

Chu Yan is getting more and more excited, which proves that he has completely gotten rid of the name of waste, and has broken through two levels in a row overnight.

After confirming his physical condition, Chu Yan stood up and decided to go for a walk. After all, this is my home from now on, so I have to get familiar with it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he saw two sneaky figures. He couldn't help but startled and laughed. These two figures turned out to be the two guards who blocked him yesterday?

"You two, stop!" Chu Yan shouted.

The two guards were startled, and then they tried to pretend they hadn't seen Chu Yan and fled the scene.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect these two people to have such an attitude. He hurriedly walked around and smiled: "Haha, I said you two knelt down yesterday. Why don't you recognize me today?"

The two guards felt aggrieved, and one of them, named Zhao Wu, glared at Chu Yan: "Thank you for having the nerve to say that! Why are you pretending to be a loser? You also said you would protect the two of us. If I had known you were a loser, we would have said I won’t kneel down for anything!”

"That's right!" Another Zhao Liu said cateringly.

Chu Yan smiled when he heard what the two said, and then he coughed twice: "How do you two know that I am a waste?"

"Even Tianyong City knows about this matter, is there still a lie?"

"Then why can't it be false?" Chu Yan smiled: "Let me ask you, have you ever thought about it, if I were really a loser, would Uncle Liu allow Qingcheng to marry me?"

The two frowned, and it sounded like there was some truth in it, but Zhao Wu was still unconvinced and said, "Then why do they say you are a waste?"

"Let me tell you a secret. Not only am I not a loser, I am actually a genius, a peerless genius. Uncle Liu is worried that I will be favored by other families and become their son-in-law, so others mistakenly think that I am a loser. ." Chu Yan opened his eyes and started talking nonsense.

But the most terrible thing is that Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu actually believed it, but in fact Chu Yan did not lie. He is indeed no longer a waste now, and will really become a genius in the near future.

Chu Yan pretended to be dignified and mature and patted the two people on the shoulders: "Silly children, for the sake of kneeling down for me yesterday, you will follow me from now on. I will not treat you badly."

"Thank you, uncle!"

Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu once again obeyed Chu Yan.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the Liu family's door, and Qin Feng led several Qin family disciples to the Liu family's door.

The female disciples of the Liu family all became infatuated when they saw Qin Feng.

"Look, it's the third young master of the Qin family."

"So handsome, and I heard that he is extremely talented. Oh, it would be great if Sister Qingcheng could marry him. From now on, our marriage between Qin and Liu will definitely be a good story in Tianyong City. It's a pity, Miss. I want to marry that good-for-nothing Chu Yan.”

Hearing the praise from the female disciple of the Liu family, Qin Feng's lips curled up with pride. Although he could not marry Liu Qingcheng, he was still very happy to hear these words.

"Isn't he handsome when he looks like this? When I am in Tianyong City from now on, won't I be surprised by my family relationship?"

Chu Yan grinned when he saw Qin Feng from behind, then tilted his head and asked Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu, "Let me ask you, what is this kid's background?"

This guy? Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu were embarrassed when they heard this title. In Tianyong City, there are not many people who dare to call Qin Fang like this, right?

"Uncle, you don't know, he is the third young master of the Qin family. Because he has awakened the four stars of life, he is now the Qin family's key training partner. He is famous in Tianyong City."

"Four-star life body? Are you awesome?" Chu Yan chirped.


Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu were speechless again. You have the nerve to say a proposition with only one star?

"But uncle, you'd better be careful. This Third Young Master Qin has always been Miss Qingcheng's number one suitor, and he is ruthless and unscrupulous. Now that you want to marry Miss Qingcheng, he probably won't give up easily. "

"It's none of his business that I marry a wife." Chu Yan looked disdainful. In his opinion, Qin Feng was just a small character and not worth taking into consideration.

At this moment, Tu Zhao hurriedly walked out of the mansion and was quite polite when he saw Qin Feng.

"Third Young Master Qin? Why are you free to come here today?"

"Where is Qingcheng?" Qin Feng said in a cold tone: "I heard that Qingcheng is getting married? I came here specially to send my blessings."

Tu Zhao frowned. He was not a fool. Qin Feng had always been Liu Qingcheng's number one suitor. Now that Liu Qingcheng was getting married, would he come over to send blessings?

So when he thought of this, he didn't know whether he should let Qin Fang see Liu Qingcheng.

"My wife is not here. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

But just when Zhao Tu was at a loss, a discordant voice sounded. Chu Yan walked through the crowd with a straw in his mouth and his hands in his pockets. Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu followed him, seemingly still. He really has an aura that is not inferior to that of Qin Fang.

"Hey, who is this person?" The girls of the Liu family were slightly startled when they suddenly saw Chu Yan.

"Yes, he is really good-looking. He is even more handsome than Young Master Qin San."

"Look carefully, does he look a little like Chu Yan?"

"Don't tell me, it's really similar. By the way, he just said that Sister Qingcheng is his wife. Isn't he the same Chu Yan who was covered in filth during the day?" The Liu family woman exclaimed.

Tu Zhao saw that Chu Yan also had one head and two heads. Qin Feng alone was enough to give him a headache. Why was there another Chu Yan now?

However, why do I always feel that he is a little different?

Tu Zhao had been in the Liu family for a long time and had met countless people, but now when he looked at Chu Yan, he found that he couldn't see through it at all.

Chu Yan's body seemed to exude a unique temperament, and it also had a little bit of evil nature.

"Young Master Qin, he is that Chu Yan." A disciple beside Qin Feng whispered.

Qin Feng nodded, looked Chu Yan up and down, and then revealed a playful look: "So you are Qingcheng's fiancé."

"Yes, I know you too. I heard that you have been pursuing my wife, but she has not promised you, right? It's okay. You can continue to pursue me after we get married. Don't worry, I will definitely not be jealous. Who To make my wife beautiful, a beautiful woman must have a few spare wheels behind her to look good." Chu Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Hiss—!" The Liu family couldn't help but gasp at this time, and Tu Zhao's old face froze. He didn't expect that Chu Yan would use such vicious words to humiliate Qin Feng as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qin Feng clenched his fists, but he soon let go. He was not the kind of person who acted on impulse. On the contrary, he knew what it meant to be forbearing. A knife in the back would hurt the most.

"Haha, kid, don't worry, I will continue to chase you, but don't wait until then. Your wife has followed me, and you have no place to cry."

"Don't worry, my wife is not blind!"


Qin Feng's facial features were twitching. At this time, a Qin family disciple on the side couldn't bear it anymore: "Boy, you are so brave. We are from the Qin family. Even Liu Tianfeng has to be polite when he meets our young master. What's more? You bastard from nowhere!"


Chu Yan's eyes changed, and the aura around him became heavier. He looked towards a disciple of the Qin family.

"What did you just say? Say it again!"

Chu Yan's change was obvious to all, and everyone was shocked. Even Zhao Tu was a little surprised at this time. Beside Chu Yan, he seemed to see the arrogance of a born king burning.

The disciple of the Qin family was also startled, but since he was a member of the Qin family and Qin Feng was beside him, he calmed down immediately.

"I said you are a bastard! What can you do to me?"

"Bah!" As soon as the disciple spoke, Chu Yan flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind was drawn out, and he immediately slapped the disciple in the face.

The slap was so heavy that the disciple spit out a mouthful of blood, took several steps back, and glared at Chu Yan fiercely.

"You little bastard, even the Liu family dare not offend our Qin family, how dare you hit me?"

"Qin family? A descendant of Qin Poshan? Qin Poshan was really good in those days. He served as the general of the Changlong Kingdom. At the beginning of the thirty-sixth year of the founding of the Changlong Kingdom, the barbarians from the north launched a massive attack. Qin Poshan, if he had divine help, led an army The hundred-man regiment went straight to Huanglong, captured the local enemy's heads from tens of thousands of people, and defeated the enemy," Chu Yan said calmly.

The disciple of the Qin family was stunned for a moment. He didn't know who Qin Poshan was at all. He only knew that the ancestor of the Qin family was indeed the general of the Changlong Kingdom. He raised his head proudly and said, "How about it, now you know you are afraid, right?"

However, Chu Yan rolled his eyes at the Qin family disciple with disdain.

"But... so what? Isn't he awesome? Don't say that Qin Poshan is dead now. Even if Qin Poshan climbs out of the graveyard and continues to sit in your Qin family, what will happen? Ask him, does he dare to touch me? ? Maybe the Liu family is afraid of you, but I, Chu Yan, am not afraid. Even if I kill you, let alone hit you, I can still make your Qin family not dare to let go!"


Chu Yan was a crazy person, but the surroundings were completely silent for a while, especially Tu Zhao, who looked at Chu Yan with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

From the beginning, he was very curious about Chu Yan's identity. He was able to protect the Liu family for ten years, and now he directly said that he was the founder of the Qin family?

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