Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 405 Space Teleportation [3rd update]

"Demon Lord, help me take them away!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord frowned: "What about you?"

"I have my own way!" Chu Yan said firmly, looking at the people around him: "Let's all live well. Let them repay today's revenge a hundredfold in the future!"

Hua Zhixu and others frowned, but before they could recover, the Purple Dragon Demon King descended and turned into a purple light, sweeping everyone away. Only Chu Yan was left here.

When everyone left, Chu Yan raised his head, with murderous intent everywhere: "The Emperor Sect, the Shi Family, the Mu Family, the Falling Star Pavilion, the Heavenly Demon Peak, the Demonic Mountain Sect, and the Sifang Gods, I have written down this grudge! If I don't die today, I will do it tomorrow. I will repay it myself!”

"A dying man still dares to speak arrogant words!" Chi Junlin sneered.

"God of the Four Directions, the day when the trees will bloom is coming soon!" Chu Yan looked at Chi Junlin fiercely, and then he suddenly raised his hand, and a magic pen appeared in his hand, making everyone's eyes freeze.

"Level 7 Space Divine Weapon? Stop him!" All the strong men let out a low roar. At this moment, Zuo Jun took a step in the air, then he clenched his palm and blasted it out with a palm.

Qin Zixuan raised a thousand-foot giant hammer and fiercely faced Zuo Jun. There was another violent collision in the sky. Everyone's eyes were fixed. In just a moment, the earth shattered.

Under the attention of everyone, Chu Yan waved his arms very quickly, and the shuttle pen carved divine patterns in the air. At this time, a door to space was vaguely formed.

"Are you able to leave?" Ji Huangji leaned over and rushed out, turning into a huge light curtain. But at this moment, Chu Yan let out a low roar, and a golden light suddenly burst out from his body, and the sky Above, there was a faint ancient giant beast descending, and it fiercely faced Ji Huangji. Ji Huangji's face was shocked, and his body quickly retreated.

"Guardian of blood?" Ji Huangji stared at the golden light, full of shock.

"Guardian by blood?" Many people were very confused when they heard this and didn't know what it meant. Only the people in the Sixteenth Lineage of Tianbei looked at Chu Yan with shock.

"This son actually has a bloodline guardian?" The Purple Thunder Sect envoy's heart fluctuated. Bloodline guardianship is a secret method of bloodline. Only super strong bloodline can be born. Chu Yan can give birth to a bloodline guardian. His life experience must be extremely It's terrible, his ancestor must be a person who can shake the sky.

With this kind of bloodline guardianship, I am afraid that no one else can be found in the entire star sea.

Chu Yan was also quite surprised. He knew that the power just now was his fourth bloodline bursting out, but that power was not under his control. It seemed that because he was in crisis just now, that power was protecting him.

"You actually have such a bloodline to protect you. It seems that my guess is correct. You should be Chu Hanfeng's descendant. In this case, I can't keep you!" Ji Huang's murderous intention became even stronger. The scene happened thousands of years ago. , he can never forget that Chu Hanfeng came to the world and destroyed the world with a thought. His bloodline is so strong. How terrible would it be if Chu Yan grew up?

"Tiandao, come with me to stop him!" Qin Zixuan said with her silver teeth. The Tiandao ancestor nodded, then strode out and collided with Ji Huangji.

At this moment, a ray of space power shot through the sky, and a space door opened in front of Chu Yan. A great king of the Mu family had a cold look on his face, and took a step forward, trying to stop Chu Yan.

But at this moment, in the direction of the Ancient Demonic Sect, the encircled arms of the envoy suddenly raised up and turned into a huge blast of demonic energy, knocking back a monarch of the Mu family. The monarch of the Mu family was furious: "Devilic Gu Zong, do you want to intervene too?”

"He can be considered an introductory disciple of our Demonic Ancient Sect. Previously, on the Heavenly Monument, it was easy to bully the minority. Now even the monarch has come forward. You are really shameless." The envoy of the Demonic Ancient Sect said coldly. .

A monarch from the Shi family came out again and wanted to kill Chu Yan.

But at this time, the door of space has been stabilized. Everyone's eyes froze. Chu Yan finally stepped into the door of space. His figure gradually faded and was distorted by the space. Before leaving, he cast cold eyes at the many overlords. Power: "Ji Huangji, the Emperor Sect, I, Chu, have recorded today's revenge. The day I return again, it will be the day your Emperor Sect is wiped out!"

The day of destruction!

Four words, echoing continuously, resounding throughout the nine heavens.

"Bang!" The next moment, the space door disappeared, and Chu Yan also left. As for where he went, no one knew, but there was a deathly silence on Tianbei Mountain.

Everyone's eyes were stunned and they didn't know what to do. In today's battle, Chu Yan won the first place in the Sky Monument and dazzled the six regions.

However, the overlords of all the six regions sent their princes to surround him, but they failed to kill Chu Yan, and he was eventually left alone.

Before leaving, Chu Yan put down his cruel words and threatened to destroy the Emperor Sect. It sounded so ridiculous, but for some reason, no one could laugh at this time.

"Asshole!" Zuo Jun roared.

At this moment, Qin Zixuan's giant hammer finally stopped. Her phoenix eyes were as cold as ice, and she glanced at everyone coldly: "Wait, you will be judged by him soon. By then, in the six domains, How many of you can escape?"

"Hmph! So what if he is gone? His wife is still here. He killed my descendants. Today, I will arrest his wife and force him to show up. If he doesn't show up, I will kill this woman and expose her body. Hanging in front of my Yaoshan Gate!" A Tiger Lord from Yaoshan Gate roared, and then he thrust his big hand towards Liu Qingcheng.

"How dare you!" Qin Zixuan's pretty face turned cold. She was angry like she had never felt before, and there was faintly extraordinary blood burning in her body.

But at this moment, a giant beast suddenly appeared in the void, nearly a thousand feet high. In just a breath, the Tiger King spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was torn into pieces by the beast, turning into powder all over the sky.

A king fell? In an instant?

Ji Huangji and others' faces suddenly sank, staring at the beast: "Who are you? Why do you want to interfere in the affairs of my six domains?"

"Get out of here, today, whoever dares to hurt her, I will kill him!" The old man's shadow slowly emerged, standing in the sky, staring at everyone, just a glance, it seemed to make everyone fall into the abyss.

"You are just a divine thought. If we join forces, I'm afraid you can't stop it, right?" Ji Huangji frowned.

"Try it? See if I can kill you." The shadow glanced at Ji Huangji, so disdainful, he said to Ji Huangji, the king of the six domains, you try it.

Ji Huangji felt unhappy. For many years, no one dared to threaten him like this, but he hesitated again and again, and finally did not take that step.

At this time, the old man of Qin Tiange suddenly stood up and said lightly: "Everyone, take care of yourself!"

Ji Huangji stood there, his eyes were cold, but he didn't say anything in the end. Then he snorted and left alone.

"It's over...!"

This year's battle for the Heavenly Monument can be said to be the most exciting and sensational one in history. The monarchs came one after another, and countless overlords wanted to kill Chu Yan but couldn't, and finally let Chu Yan leave alone.

"He's fine, come with me!" Purple Dragon Demon King glanced at Qing Yi, whose phoenix eyes were still cold, making Purple Dragon Demon King helpless: "This little girl is still angry with me, but she doesn't know at all that if I don't stop her, and really let her unlock the seal, it will cause a lot of trouble. By then, if those guys know my intention, I guess no one in heaven or on earth can save that kid, right?"

Ancestor Xiahou also looked at that place meaningfully. The shuttle pen was given to Chu Yan by him. He said lightly: "Hui clan, the day of heaven's choice is coming soon, and my Xiahou clan can finally reappear in the six domains!"

The sixteen veins of the Tianbei also sighed. Li Xian'er looked at the place where Chu Yan left, shook her head regretfully, and finally started to leave, stepped into the Tianbei, and went straight to the land of the sea of ​​stars.


The battle of the Heavenly Monument is over, but the most popular topic in the Six Domains is still Chu Yan, who is talked about with great relish, as well as the last tragic battle and Chu Yan's whereabouts.

Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi, two beautiful women, are stunning everyone. They are the second biggest topic of the Heavenly Monument this year, besides Chu Yan. Many people are discussing who is more beautiful, Liu Qingcheng or Qingyi.

Many people want to pursue, but both of them have a special liking for Chu Yan, which makes people jealous of Chu Yan.

However, after the Heavenly Monument ended, some smart people also vaguely smelled a hint of unrest.

Too many things happened in this Heavenly Monument battle. Ji Huangji once ruled the eight directions alone and was called the best in the Six Domains. No one dared to question him, but this year, something happened.

On this day, on the Three Demon Mountains, Qingyi's only son sat on the top of the peak. Meow Meow became smaller and got into her arms. She always looked into the distance.

"Senior Sister Qingyi is still waiting for him?" The disciples of the Three Demon Mountains whispered.

"Go!" Qingyun shouted at the side, and walked to Qingyi's side: "He will be fine, don't worry."

"If the Tianhuang Sect dares to hurt him, I will flatten the Tianhuang Sect." Qingyi said crisply, with such a firm look.

"What a lucky guy." Qingyun laughed bitterly and looked into the distance. For three months, there was no news about Chu Yan. No one knew where he went. It seemed that after leaving Tianbei Mountain, this person seemed to have disappeared.

For three months, Liu Qingcheng didn't know where to find Chu Yan, so he returned to the world and waited in the world. Fatty and Hua Zhixu also returned to the world. After three years of separation, they returned here again, which made people feel a little emotional.

On this day, the Tianhuang Sect issued an order to take out a seventh-level magic weapon and wanted Chu Yan in the six-domain galaxy. The shuttle pen used by Chu Yan could not cross the galaxy, so Ji Huangji was sure that he must still be in the six domains.

However, in the void at this moment and place, there is a mirror world where a young man is sitting cross-legged. He is wearing white clothes. When his mind moves, the sky is full of swords. After a long time, he finally opens his eyes, like a giant stinger sleeping in the clouds waking up, revealing a sharp cold light.

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