Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 409: Who do I practice for?

After saying that, Chu Yan wanted to leave.


Shangcang Qing's face turned cold. Chu Yan dared to ignore him? As a proud person of the Shangcang lineage, when had he ever been humiliated like this?

Chu Yan continued to leave without stopping.

"Looking for death!" Shangcang Qing stepped on the ground, and the sword in his hand turned into an endless edge, slashing towards Chu Yan's back.

Chu Yan frowned slightly, quickened his pace, dodged the sword, and looked coldly at Shangcang Mei'er: "Senior, if you don't stop him, then I will think that the Shangcang lineage is going to rebel."

Shangcang Mei'er frowned and raised her hand: "Qing'er, okay, Chu Yan is a guest after all. Chu Yan, don't mind it, Qing'er is just itching for a while, and you are the number one in the contemporary Tianbei, so I want to learn from you."

"Don't do it again." Chu Yan left a voice and turned away.

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Shangcang Qing determined that Chu Yan was afraid to fight him, and said with a smug smile: "I haven't been on the island for a long time. It turns out that the strength of the six regions is so weak now. The first place in the Heavenly Monument is cowardly and dare not fight. It's ridiculous."

The disciples of the Shangcang lineage all sneered and shook their heads at Chu Yan: "The outside world has spread the rumors of the battle for the Heavenly Monument. The six domains are fighting for the first place in the Heavenly Monument, which is unparalleled in the world, but unexpectedly, it is such a waste."

"It's not surprising. Brother Qing has unparalleled talent. If he participates in the battle for the Heavenly Monument, he will definitely get the first place." Another female disciple admired.

"If I were you, I would get out of Shangcang Island immediately. I don't have the face to stay here, let alone try to control my Shangcang lineage!" Shangcang Qing said again.

Chu Yan's footsteps suddenly stagnated, and he turned back and looked at Shangcang Qing ridiculously. From beginning to end, he was not angry. After practicing for a long time, he has seen a lot of such things. If he gets angry every time, he will probably be angry to death.

"Frog in the well." Chu Yan left after saying this.

"Clan leader, my Shangcang lineage has been separated for ten thousand years and is also quite famous in the Qinggu Star Region. We can completely become a lineage of our own. There is no need to return to the Zhentian lineage." Chu Yan left, and Shangcang Qing said.

Shangcang Mei'er sighed, becoming a lineage of our own? How difficult is that?

"Let's all go." Shangcang Mei'er waved her hand and sat on the long couch. Her phoenix eyes couldn't help but be a little distracted: "Unknowingly, it's been ten thousand years. You are really cruel. I know you are not dead, but you have never come to see me for ten thousand years."


Chu Yan stayed temporarily in the Shangcang lineage.

One day, Shangcang Xian'er flew over. Chu Yan was reading ancient books in the guest room and wanted to understand the Shangcang lineage more clearly.

Shangcang Xian'er didn't disturb him, just sat down beside him and looked at him quietly.

Since the battle of the Heavenly Monument, Chu Yan has found that personal power is limited. He is still too weak now. It is as easy for any dominant force to kill him as to crush an ant.

So Chu Yan began to call on the Zhentian lineage. Shangcang Island is the lineage of the Zhentian lineage that is in charge of criminal law. Possessing the blood of Shangcang, being able to comprehend the will of Shangcang is the will of heaven, which can make people speak the truth and capture people's souls. It is no exaggeration to say that in front of the Shangcang lineage, any of your crimes have nowhere to hide.

Ten thousand years ago, the Shangcang lineage survived like the Xiahou lineage and lived in the Qinggu Star Domain. Although the foundation is still there, the height is not enough, and it is even worse than the Xiahou lineage. There has never been a great monarch in the clan, and the ancestor with the highest cultivation is only at the level of breaking the emperor.

"It's hard to revive." Chu Yan closed the ancient book and sighed.

"Really focused." Suddenly an ethereal voice sounded.

Chu Yan turned around and found Shangcang Xian'er who had been here for a long time: "Since the fairy is here, why didn't you call me? It would be impolite of me."

"It doesn't matter. Now the Shangcang lineage has a lot of opinions about you, but you are hiding here alone to read ancient books, as if nothing happened." Shangcang Xian'er looked at Chu Yan helplessly.

"Didn't the fairy help me block it?" Chu Yan smiled. Shangcang Qing and others often came to harass him these days, but they were all stopped by Shangcang Xian'er.

"Chu Yan, don't blame them." Shangcang Xian'er paused, her expression a little sad.

"Hmm?" Chu Yan was stunned and looked at Shangcang Xian'er strangely.

"It has been really hard for the Shangcang lineage in the past ten thousand years. After Zhentian fell, everyone in the six domains wanted to kill him. We could only hide our identities and live like rats. It was not until the past thousand years that Zhentian was gradually forgotten. We dared to appear in front of the world, but we still had to be careful and live with masks, for fear that one day we would be exposed and killed." Shangcang Xian'er sighed.

Chu Yan frowned slightly. Is the Shangcang lineage so miserable? But think about it, it is right. The Xiahou lineage is still protected by the Purple Dragon Demon King. Although they cannot make it public, at least they are not in crisis.

But the Shangcang lineage is different. The Shangcang lineage has been helpless for ten thousand years.

"I know. Soon, it won't be. The Shangcang lineage will be the most glorious lineage in the six domains as it was ten thousand years ago." Chu Yan said with particular seriousness.

"I hope so." Shangcang Xian'er smiled calmly, "But this is not a solution. If you want to take charge of the Shangcang lineage, you still have to rely on yourself. Even if Senior Mei'er recognizes you, if you don't show some of your own abilities, it will be difficult to convince others."

"After all, the people of the Shangcang lineage are afraid..." Shangcang Xian'er sighed.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he nodded, "It seems that it's time to show some strength."

"Three days later, the Shangcang clan will have a competition among the younger generation of the clan. You can go and watch it, and you can also give some advice. At least let the Shangcang clan know that following you is also a good choice." Shangcang Xian'er said with a smile.

"Okay!" Chu Yan agreed this time.

In the next three days, Chu Yan has been practicing. Now his three bodies have reached the peak of the Venerable, and his blood has entered the third realm of fusion. He is only one step away from becoming an emperor, so he wants to consolidate himself and seize the opportunity to become an emperor.

After all, the emperor has the ability to protect himself in the six domains of the galaxy. The Venerable is too weak after all.

On this day, Chu Yan looked inside his body, and the divine consciousness appeared in his dantian. He looked up at the nine-story Xuanta Ancient Tower and once again stepped into the Xuantian Ancient Tower.

The Nine-story Xuantian Tower has nine floors. Chu Yan has opened six floors now. As for the seventh floor, only the emperor can enter it, so Chu Yan did not try it, but searched carefully in the first six floors.

"The Nine-story Xuantian Tower hides the eternal divine objects. It seems to be a divine object itself, but I don't know what the real function of this Xuantian Tower is." Chu Yan thought. He knew that the Nine-story Xuantian Tower also had a power. At the beginning, he forcibly broke through one layer, and the power burst directly and killed Luan Haixin.

But since then, the Nine-story Xuantian Tower has not helped him with any power, which makes him very distressed.

"If I can find some divine objects, it may be better." Chu Yan thought in his heart. Although the power of divine objects belongs to external forces, it is very powerful. Haotian Tower is an example. He is only ranked 5,000.

Chu Yan thought, and unknowingly walked to the sixth floor. Here he saw a very magical picture. There was a huge mural in the distance, and there were two ferocious trolls on the mural.

The two fierce demons, one is called Zhatian, the other is called Tuntian.

The two are old enemies, both of them control a piece of void, and produce a very terrible power. In a crazy confrontation, in a blink of an eye, the mural quickly changed. In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed. The two fierce demons have fought tens of thousands of times. Each time was extremely shocking, causing many stars to fall.

Chu Yan stared at the void and unconsciously entered an abnormal state.

He felt like he had lived a new life. In that life, he was born in an ordinary family, and he still advocated martial arts.

When he was very young, he became the first genius in the town and was admired by thousands of people. After that, he went out to travel and made friends with a beautiful woman. The woman was also called Liu Qingcheng. However, in this life, Liu Qingcheng was born in a wealthy family. The two fell in love, but the family did not allow Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan to be together, so the two ran away from marriage privately.

But it was because of this that Chu Yan's town was massacred, and Liu Qingcheng later died to save him. He also met many brothers, such as Ye Xun, Li Xiaoyao, etc., but these people all died because of him. In the end, he was almost crazy and roared like crazy.

He was possessed by the devil, turned into a demon, killed everyone in the world, and became the supreme demon, but the people he cared about were gone, until he reached the highest peak, he lay on a mountain peak, and responded casually, and the demons echoed, but he was so lonely.

He practiced to become a demon king, but all the people he cared about died. This road of martial arts was too painful, and the price he paid was too heavy.

He was in agony.

He woke up, sweating profusely, breathing rapidly, his eyes were red, and he roared.

"So, it was just a dream." Even when Chu Yan woke up, everything was still so real, as if he had experienced it personally, which made him feel very uneasy.

"If I can't become stronger, it will be like that life. I can't protect the people I care about, and can only watch them die for me one by one." Chu Yan's only son thought, feeling very depressed: "Practicing for a lifetime, for whom?"

"If I can't do what I want in my heart and can't protect the people I love, why should I practice?" The blood in Chu Yan's body boiled at this moment, and the golden blood was burning like a candle.

Suddenly, a strong force burst out from Chu Yan's body, and the power soared to the sky. Almost in an instant, his golden blood penetrated into Dantian. Did the blood awaken?

Chu Yan looked inside the golden candle in his body. This was the first time he felt a force so clearly. It was a giant beast like the ancient times. He was waking up little by little. Chu Yan's Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower also made a sound, as if it was excited for this moment.

"Is this the power my father left for me?" Chu Yan was extremely surprised. At this moment, he could clearly feel that although he had not yet stepped into the realm of the emperor, he was infinitely close to the emperor. He even had a trace of his own imperial power.

Chu Yan stood up and walked out the door.

Calculating the time, the three-day deadline seemed to have arrived.

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