Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 419 Who can save me [3rd update]

The Qinggu Star Region was shrouded in a dark cloud of demons.

Thousands of demon spirits rose from all directions of the world, all descending madly and penetrating into Chu Yan's body.

At that moment, it seemed as if all the demons in the world were going to kneel down, and they all respected Chu Yan.

Everyone looked up and saw this scene, and their eyes froze. As the demon spirits entered his body, Chu Yan's body was changing. He was no longer a human. His body was extremely huge, and his strength was climbing exponentially.

Breaking through the shackles and limits, he could not restrain the demon wings behind him at all. The demon wings shook in the void, causing endless gusts of wind. He let out a low roar, and all the demons surrendered.

"What's going on?" The faces of the overlords of all parties suddenly changed. The demon energy made them all feel terrified. The power was comparable to the previous Zhuxian Sword.

"He has been possessed by the devil! Moreover, it is likely to be the inheritance of the highest level of the magic way!" An ancestor of the Mu family roared.

"The Demonic Path Heavenly Monument!" Everyone suddenly thought of an idea, and Ji Huangji's eyes were even more brutal. He thought that Chu Yan used the Immortal Sword Art, and that kind of immortal method, he would be powerless to save the situation and could only let himself be slaughtered.

But the death of Shangcang Xian'er seemed to stimulate him, and he actually entered the Demonic Path.

"His aura is changing!" The emperor of Tianyao Peak roared. Although the demons and monsters are different, they have some essential similarities, that is, the suppression of blood.

So at this moment, they all felt the strong suppression of magic power, which made them feel terrified.

Chu Yan's aura changed wildly. In just a few breaths, his aura broke through the Human Emperor and rose to a higher realm.

The Earth Emperor could not stop him, and his power was still rising.

In a blink of an eye, he entered the Heavenly Emperor, and the overlords of all parties were shocked.

This situation, they had never heard of, even if they entered the Demonic Path, practice could not be achieved overnight, and they still needed to practice, but now Chu Yan has directly increased his power several times?

"Not enough! I want to kill the king, the Emperor of Heaven, not enough!" Chu Yan roared, his demon eyes surging, staring at the void, as if to attract more demons into his body.

His body became ethereal, and his breath was extremely unstable at this moment.

"You have reached your limit. If you continue to absorb demons, you will be attacked by them!" However, at this moment, a huge ancient sound rang out in Chu Yan's body, like the sound of a demon god, which broke Chu Yan's strength.

The demon finally stopped, and the clouds did not dissipate. Chu Yan turned into a great demon and descended to the world. His demon wings spread out, like a cloud hanging from the sky, proud of the nine heavens. Now Chu Yan is at the top of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Roar!" But Chu Yan was unwilling. He knew that with his current strength, it was not enough to compete with the king's power.

He wanted more power. At this moment, he roared and groaned. His soul turned into a demon body and descended into the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. He stepped into the seventh floor and stood in front of the door of the eighth floor. He wanted to push forward. He wanted to use this power to kill the world.

"Bang!" But in an instant, his demon soul was repelled, causing his body to spurt blood.

"You were born in my body, but you refused to lend me power. What's the point of keeping you!" Chu Yan roared and cursed unwillingly, punched out, and smashed the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

"Bang!" The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower seemed to be angry at this moment. The seventh floor attracted a more terrible frenzy, which suppressed Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was defeated one after another. He was repelled from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. He stood outside the tower, transformed into a demon body, and looked up at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

"If you don't lend me your strength, then I will fight the Great Lord as the Emperor of Heaven today. What's wrong with dying in battle?"

Chu Yan's soul withdrew, and he looked at the people of the world. At this moment, he was no longer in human form. His devil wings spread out, and the devilish energy was overwhelming.


With the word "kill", he stretched out his devil claws and killed the overlords of all parties.

The faces of several overlords were shocked. Chu Yan was possessed by the devil, and he led the devilish energy from all directions into the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Such power made everyone tremble, and many people felt uneasy.

"No!" Another Emperor of Heaven in the Mu family was directly beheaded as if he had been judged by the devil.

"Crazy! Chu Yan is crazy! Retreat!" The people of several overlords were terrified. The Emperor of Heaven could not block the attack of this great devil at all. In front of the devil, they were so weak.

Everyone was full of fear, staring at the huge devil in front of them.

It is said that the devil lord was arrogant and arrogant in his life. With a roar, the devil spirits from all directions knelt down and worshiped.

In this battle tonight, Chu Yan will be transformed into an evil demon. There are no demons in the six domains, but you force me. So what if I mess up the six domains and destroy the heavens today?

"Kill!" Chu Yan was still roaring, his claws kept reaching out, and wherever he passed, the void was broken, the stars were broken, and countless powerful people fell every time.

The emperors were like ants in this battle, weak and terrified, and the overlords of all parties were terrified.

"Quick, retreat! Younv Palace, retreat 100,000 miles!"

"Mu Family retreat 100,000 miles!"

"Asshole! It's too late!" A Heavenly Emperor of the Shi Family said in fear, and then he saw the demon wings flapping, the wind was blowing, and it turned into endless demon blades to kill him. His petrified body was like an ant under the demon blades, and it was broken in a breath and finally shattered.

"When the demon king comes to the world, he will mess up the heavens!" All the living beings in Qinggu looked at the huge demon king at this moment.

Everyone was stunned. The battle here was even more brutal. The demon king was still roaring. His figure was extremely huge. Every step he took made the earth tremble.

Zi Yan cried madly. This battle was too brutal. Chu Yan was also possessed by the devil. Her lovely little junior brother, who always had a bright smile, was willing to become a devil and become the devil king of heaven and earth.

"Your Majesty, follow me and kill him!" Ji Huangji's eyes were frightened. He saw fear in Chu Yan's body. That power made him even more afraid than Qian Mengyu back then.

Less than a year after the battle for the Heavenly Monument, he had grown to this point. The secrets of the demonic path within the Heavenly Monument were even more terrifying than what Qian Mengyu had comprehended back then.

"Chu Yan, Buddhism is merciful. There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering. Once you turn around, you will find shore! Our six realms will never tolerate a demon cultivator!" A female monarch stepped out of Younu Palace. She was covered with golden light, and there were six haloes behind her. Obviously, She is a person who has practiced Buddhism. She gave a Buddhist message to persuade her.

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Chu Yan laughed ferociously, and turned his demonic eyes to look at Younv Palace: "Is there another shore when I turn back? How ridiculous. I have already reached the other shore and transformed into a demon. If I look back, I can only end up in a sea of ​​endless misery!"

In the world, what is a demon? What is Buddha?

If a Buddha deceives others, how can he deserve to become a Buddha?

Could it be that the so-called Buddha means that one has faith once, practices Buddhism, and becomes a Buddha? Pretend it's not.

Chu Yan thinks it's ridiculous. He also practices Buddhism. There are thousands of Buddhisms. If you cultivate a kind heart, the Buddha's teachings say that all living beings can practice Buddhism. What about demons? Can't the devil do it? Devil, why not?

But today the six realms forced him, and he had no choice but to become a demon.

Now, someone actually wants to cross him? However, the person who crossed him had his hands covered with blood, yet he claimed to be a Buddha?

"If I become a demon, who can save me?" Chu Yan let out a low roar: "I want to disrupt these six realms today, the sky and the earth, who dares to stop me!"

"Hmph, it seems that you are hopeless. In this case, I have no choice but to kill you!" The female queen of Younu Palace stepped out. She controlled the seal of the Great Buddha, raised the swastika in the sky, dispersed many demonic clouds, and turned into a golden mountain. It was like a huge star falling and crushing Chu Yan.

"Destroy the Buddha who deceives the world!" Chu Yan roared, and used his demonic body to collide with the huge Buddha mountain.

"You don't overestimate your own capabilities!" When everyone saw Chu Yan's behavior, they all shook their heads, thinking that Chu Yan was extremely ignorant. How could the devil defeat the Buddha?

But at this moment, who is the devil and who is the Buddha? Chu Yan is a demon body, is he the demon of all evils? Lord Younu, the palace maid, who controls the Dharma, is the Great Buddha of Good Heart?

Chu Yan disagreed.

"Kill!" Chu Yan roared, the huge magic wings flapped, the strong wind roared continuously, he collided with the Foshan, the huge Foshan was shattered inch by inch, and his magic wings were stained red with blood.

"Roar!" Chu Yan was still roaring. He wanted to fight out. His cold eyes were locked on Ji Huangji. He wanted to kill Ji Huangji and avenge God Xian'er.

"It's useless. So what if you become a demon? After all, it's just the realm of the Emperor of Heaven. How can you break the monarch's power?" Ji Huangji raised his finger and lifted it a little. That force turned into the light of huge imperial power. Imperial power was supreme. Bang A sound penetrated Chu Yan's pair of magic wings, leaving an unhealable blood hole on the wings.

Everyone was shocked, Zi Yan watched from a distance and covered her lips.

"It still doesn't work..."

"Not enough!" The ancestor of Tianxing Sect also sighed. Even if Chu Yan becomes a demon, controls the power of heaven and earth, and allows demons from all directions to worship him, he is only the Emperor of Heaven after all. If he does not become a king, how can he resist the power of the king?

Even if he is possessed by a demon, how can he not die if the emperor wants to kill him today?

Chu Yan was still resisting. At this time, he did not resist any force, and allowed the countless brilliance and killing intent to strike at him. In the blink of an eye, he was bleeding, and the blood was black. He stepped out step by step, toward him. Looking in the direction of Younu Palace, the Buddhist nun approached.

"Kill!" The light dissipated, and there was a look of horror in the female monarch's eyes. He wanted to retreat, but she found that she was suppressed by a powerful force, leaving her with nowhere to dodge. In the end, she was unwillingly suppressed by a magical force. Invading her delicate body, her vitality collapsed and she fell miserably into the sky.

"Jun, Jun died? Another Jun died!" Everyone was shocked. In today's battle, another Jun died!

Too many people have died today, the emperor is like an ant, the emperor of heaven is unbearable, and there is a great riot in Qinggu.

"Crazy man, you are looking for death!" Another monarch in Younv Palace was extremely angry. She was Fairy Wanyou, one of the evil monarchs. She stepped out of the void, transformed her jade hands, and pressed down on Chu Yan.

"This son must die today, otherwise how can our six realms be safe!" The kings of the Mu family stepped out, the kings of the Shi family stepped out, and the kings of the demon mountain gates of Tianyao Peak took action.

Now that a famous monarch stepped out, they set their sights on Chu Yan and wanted to kill Chu Yan, making everyone understand that even if Chu Yan became a demon, invincible in the imperial realm, and killed a monarch, he would still die today!


The huge demon body was shattered and hit the ground hard. He looked at everyone unwillingly, but then he felt funny. In the world, who is the devil among the deceiving Buddhas?

"I'm not willing to give in!"

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