Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 422: Zhentian Reappears [Three Updates]

The demon pupil was born and turned into a roc in the clouds. It seemed to have been dormant for a long time, just for today's battle, directly breaking the ancient demon pattern.

On this day, the ancient demon star field was in turmoil, and strong men from all sides gathered here.

This is a canyon land, with a roc spreading its wings and surrounding it, and then all the strong men who came here instantly surrounded it.

The people who came here were the people from the Demon Mountain Gate, and the remaining lineage of the Heavenly Demon Peak.

The remaining lineage of the Heavenly Demon Peak hid in the Demon Mountain Gate, and saw the roc and showed hatred.

This roc led a mysterious force in his hand, and I don’t know how many of their tribesmen were killed.

"Bold beast, today is your death!" An emperor of the Heavenly Demon Peak roared: "My descendants were killed by this big bird, and they must be killed!"

"The former Heavenly Demon Peak has been wiped out from the ancient demons, and they still have the face to be rampant here." The demon pupil made a loud cry.

"Who are you? Why did you attack my Tianyao Peak? When did my Tianyao Peak offend you?" Some people from Tianyao Peak also said angrily. This battle was too inexplicable. They died countless people, all because of this big bird, but they didn't know why the other party wanted to kill them.

Yaotong was cold and contemptuous, sweeping everyone with contempt: "What hatred do Chu Yan have with you on Shangcang Island? Don't you hesitate to kill him? In this case, it's funny to ask today."

"Chu Yan?" The discerning person immediately understood: "Humph, so you are Chu Yan's man?"

"I am, Zhentian Tianxuan!" Yaotong glanced at the other party with disdain: "Zhentian lineage will come back!"

Everyone was shocked. This big bird was also a member of Zhentian lineage? How many people are there in Zhentian lineage? People from the two major forces were afraid.

"Why waste your words, slaughter this evil beast and avenge my Tianyao Peak!" A Tiandi from Tianyao Peak pointed in the air and stabbed Yaotong.

But in an instant, the void broke, and countless strong men descended, and they were full of royal power, sweeping across the world.

"Purple Dragon Demon King? Ancestor Xiahou?" The murderous intent in the eyes of the people from the two major forces was even colder, but they did not dare to act rashly. The other party was a king, and they could kill them in a moment.

"The Demon Mountain Gate is really powerful. In the battle on Shangcang Island, thousands of strong men chased and killed a young man. Now it is a joke in the world. Why do you want to continue today and deal with a young man?" The voice of the Purple Dragon Demon King came out in the bright and clear world, and the mockery was self-evident, but he stood beside the demon pupil.

The Purple Dragon Demon King and Ancestor Xiahou both came here in person, and the royal power of the two bloomed. A purple dragon rose from behind the Purple Dragon Demon King, and the royal power of Ancestor Xiahou seemed a little weaker, but it was also a picture of thousands of horses galloping, with countless thousands of miles of horses above.

Beside the two, there were countless emperors. One of them was a woman in green. Her eyes were extremely cold, and she seemed to have only strong murderous intent. If it weren't for the Purple Dragon Demon King who stopped her, she might have killed her way out.

"Old Demon Dragon, you are taking advantage of your age again!" The void suddenly trembled, and the space cracked again, and an illusion appeared, and an old man walked out.

"Demon King!" Everyone from the Demon Mountain Gate immediately said respectfully when they saw the old man.

One of the fifteen great kings of the Demon Mountain Gate, named Qianhuan Demon King, was a fantasy demon who became a king. He was good at transformation and illusion. In terms of seniority, he was not inferior to the Purple Dragon Demon King.

"You three demon mountains never ask about worldly affairs. The three of us have maintained a friendly relationship and have not moved for ten thousand years. But you suddenly participated in the battle of Tianyao Peak not long ago. It's a bit of a violation of the rules, right?" Qianhuan Demon King said lightly.

Beside Qianhuan Demon King, there was another old man with angry eyes. He was the original great king of Tianyao Peak, named Shengui Demon King. Now that Tianyao Peak has been destroyed, he can only live under someone else's roof.

"Broken the rules? Chu Yan and my disciple have a very good relationship. He was originally my father-in-law and son-in-law, but you surrounded and killed him. Is it too much for me to destroy Tian Yao Peak?" Purple Dragon Demon King snorted coldly.

The conversation between the monarchs, the rest of the people can only listen, dare not intervene.

But today, everyone in the ancient demon world knows that today's battle is probably the biggest riot in the history of the ancient demon world.

"From today on, let the world know that my three major demon mountains have emerged and are recruiting disciples from the outside. Anyone who wants to practice can step into the demon mountain and enter the door." The next moment, Purple Dragon Demon King's demonic thoughts were so loud that they resounded throughout the ancient demon star field, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

The three major demon mountains have come out of the mountains? Not as mysterious as before, but recruiting disciples from the outside?

The three major demon mountains have been secluded in the mountains for thousands of years, and have almost no major actions, and have even been ignored by many people. However, now that they have come out, the first major thing is to destroy Tian Yao Peak. Now they are recruiting disciples from the ancient demons and opening the mountain gates. So what are they going to do next?

Could it be that the three demon mountains want to unify the ancient demons?

"You have been dormant for ten thousand years, you are indeed ambitious." Qianhuan stared at Zilong Demon King and said unkindly.

"Go with the flow." Zilong Demon King smiled calmly, not caring about the other party at all. Qianhuan said again: "Now I am in the same hall with the divine turtle, in charge of the demon mountain gate, there are five monarchs, you are now opening the mountain gate, do you think you can beat us? If our five great monarchs attack together, can your three demon mountains survive?"

"You can try." Zilong Demon King smiled casually: "Of course, if you do that, unless you kill me, otherwise, I will travel the ancient demons, and then, the demon mountain gate will never have peace!"

Qianhuan Demon King glanced at Zilong Demon King coldly, but did not speak, because he also understood that at their level, even if they fought to determine the winner, they could not easily kill each other.

However, if the other party does not die, it will only anger the other party. When the time comes, it will be too easy for the demon king to kill his descendants of the demon mountain gate alone.

"Zhentian lineage, do you think you can still revive? Zilong, you are too naive. Ji Huangji will not allow it, and don't forget those people. They will not watch the six domains change."

"If you don't try, who knows?" Zilong demon king said indifferently.

"It seems that you have already taken a position. In this case, I will wait and see!" Qianhuan demon king left, and the remaining lineages of the demon mountain gate and Tianyao Peak also left and returned to the demon mountain gate.

The matter of the ancient demon has come to an end for the time being, but the six domains do not seem to be calm because of this.


In the Qinggu star field, the great king of the Meteorite Pavilion fell. Originally, everyone thought that the Mu family would rise strongly, but for some reason, the Mu family chose to retreat and did not erode the Meteorite Pavilion, which caused the Meteorite Pavilion, which had already entered the destruction, to still linger.

Although the top monarchs perished, the Meteorite Pavilion was still the overlord with rich resources. If the Mu family did not take action, it would not be swallowed by ordinary small forces, so the eastern part of Qinggu fell into a melee.

Some small forces united to erode the Meteorite Pavilion, but the Meteorite Pavilion fought back with all its strength, causing many small forces to pay a painful price.

The current helmsman of the Meteorite Pavilion is called: Emperor Qingyun, who has the ability to destroy the emperor. He is ambitious and wants to rebuild the Meteorite Pavilion. He launched mutinies against many forces one after another.

In a short period of time, it also achieved remarkable results.

However, until one day, someone came to the Qinggu Star Region again. This person came out of a secret place for cultivation. The whole person was like a savage, very sloppy.

But his eyes were bright, holding a peerless sword, sweeping across the eight directions.

There was also a group of mysterious people following him. This group of people were like the Death Legion, very orderly and cohesive. They always followed the young man. A general holding a halberd asked the young man: "Commander Chen, what should we do next?"

"Sweep the Meteoric Pavilion and occupy Qinggu! Rebuild the lineage of the Shocking Ghost Sword!" The young man ordered, and the great monarch's troops arrived at the city that day and directly pressed towards the Meteoric Pavilion.

The Star Palace of the Meteoric Pavilion still stood there, but it now looked extremely depressed. The continuous mutiny for several months had already made the Meteoric Pavilion desolate.

But the foundation was still there. Emperor Qingyun sat alone on the throne of the Star Palace, overlooking the bottom, as if he was imagining that one day, thousands of people would kneel down in the palace below.

He was ambitious and was waiting for this day, but he didn't know that those would only become fantasies and could not be realized.

"Emperor! Something bad is going to happen. A large number of strong men suddenly appeared outside my Meteoric Pavilion." Suddenly, an emperor from the Meteoric Pavilion rushed over very quickly.

Emperor Qingyun frowned: "Is it the people of the Mu family?"

"No, this group of people entered our Qinggu Star Region in batches. I don't know where they came from, and we can't find their whereabouts."

"Could it be that the other overlords want to swallow up our Meteorite Pavilion? How strong are they?" Qingyun asked hurriedly, feeling something was wrong.

"Nearly 10,000 people, all of them are above the Venerable, and among them, there seem to be more emperors than our Meteorite Pavilion!" The disciple said nervously, sweating on his forehead.

Emperor Qingyun finally couldn't sit still. He immediately stood up and issued an order: "Pass the order down, prepare to fight immediately, all emperors follow me out to see!"

Emperor Qingyun stepped out of the air, and then saw the dark army in the distance approaching, and had come to the bottom of his star palace: "Who are you, my Meteorite Pavilion has committed a crime against you, if so, you can tell me clearly, my Meteorite Pavilion is willing to pay the price."

"The Meteorite Pavilion is cruel and unscrupulous. It hunted down the kings of our lineage in the past. It should have been destroyed long ago. , since no one is willing to take the lead, we will solve the problem ourselves today and wipe out the whole family. "

"Your king?" Qingyun's face was gloomy and he was very puzzled: "I hope you can tell me when we have ever hunted down your king. Who is your king?"

"He is a monument of the generation, his surname is Chu and his name is Yan!" Above the sky, the young swordsman stood proudly, slashed the void, and the mad sword fell. The starry sky was split into two. From then on, the Meteorite Pavilion no longer existed and turned directly into a ruin.

However, everyone in the Meteorite Pavilion was stunned. This group of transcendent strongmen in front of them, their monarch was actually Chu Yan?

Chu Yan, is he here to collect debts?

This place attracted more people, Zi Yan and Mu Bai also came. The two looked up and looked at the swordsman in the sky in disbelief, gently covering their red lips.

"It's him!"

"Senior Sister Zi Yan, who is he?" Many disciples of the Tianxing Sect were puzzled. The Six Regions had never had such an outstanding young talent.

"The three great geniuses in the world in the past, Chu Yan was the first and he was the second. His name is: Chen Tianwang!"

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