Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 431 If there is an afterlife, be an ordinary person

The strong men descended from the mortal world, and everyone looked up at the sky, feeling helpless and desperate.

Six years later, the mortal world encountered another disaster, which was even more tragic than the last feast of all the clans. The four gods came out in full force, and countless emperors covered the sky.

Chi Junlin stood in the sky, his eyes arrogant: "Emperor Ren, Manhuang, today is your Manhuang Jue, after today, there will be no mortal world in the four gods star domain."

Emperor Ren looked at Chi Junlin contemptuously: "Chi Junlin, you were also born in the mortal world, and were protected by this land. Now you repay kindness with hatred, don't you feel shameful?"

"Shameful? Six years ago, I gave you a choice, and you gave it up by yourself. Since the mortal world does not submit to my Red Moon Valley, why should I keep it?" Chi Junlin said coldly.

Gu Yu stood in the Western Temple, followed by a group of strong men.

"Do it!" His voice was calm, but with a bit of strong imperial power, and instantly the strong men of the four gods stepped out.

They are all emperors. Any step they take will cause the mountains and rivers to change, and the ground will move with them.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" Countless emperors rushed out and rushed into the world of dust.

Although the world of dust has grown rapidly in the past six years, it is still a short time after all, and its foundation cannot be compared with the four gods that have been invincible for ten thousand years.

"Hehe, there are many beauties in this world of dust, and I really can't bring myself to do it. I can catch a few and take them back. After practicing, I can relax a little." An emperor who practiced evil skills sneered greedily, and his eyes swept across Yu Ruoxi's petite body.

"Shameless!" Yu Ruoxi growled.

"Little girl, don't worry, there are more shameless ones!" The evil emperor walked out, and the emperor's power enveloped Yu Ruoxi and many female disciples of the former Haotian Sect Yanmeng were all trapped.

"Asshole!" Rendi roared, and he turned into an iron fist and blasted out to meet the evil emperor.

"Get in the way! Get out!" A powerful evil spirit emanated from the body of the evil emperor, and he attacked the benevolent emperor with various tricks.

"Manhuang, everyone retreat, return to the mirror first!"

The old demon's eyes were red, and many disciples of Manhuang were unwilling, but there was no way. In the current situation, they could only retreat, and they could not defeat the other party at all.

The world has changed.

The disciples of Manhuang all fled.

Thousands of emperors, killing and killing continued to come, they didn't care about the other party at all, even some ordinary people could not escape this disaster, and wherever the disciples of the four directions passed by, it was a mess.

Every minute and every second, people in the world died.

"How cruel!" Everyone clenched their fists, and countless innocent people were involved in this catastrophe.

Today was just like the disaster in the world. In a blink of an eye, the original Tiandao League collapsed, and the tall buildings there turned into ruins. The purple bamboo forest was still standing there, but it looked very desolate.

Tiancheng was shattered. In the Baicao Hall there, there was a beautiful figure with red eyes. She watched the people around her die one by one, and she cried hysterically.

She looked up at the sky, as if she was expecting something, where is the boy who saved the world now.

Yunguo, Tianyong City, three emperors chased all the way, and the former Liu Mansion and Ye Mansion turned into ruins. Ye Wuya looked at this scene, and he was so hateful in his heart.

Su Xishuang and Su Muyan stood together. Su Muyan looked at Su Xishuang with red eyes: "Sister, do you think... can Chenjian escape this disaster?"

"I don't know." Su Xishuang still smiled gently and hugged Su Muyan: "No matter what, but in this battle, I am proud of Chenjian, proud of him."

Chenjian, everything turned into depression, and the disciples of the wilderness looked at the extremely brutal invaders with red eyes and severe pain in their hearts.

The dead are their loved ones, their predecessors, and their descendants.

There are countless young boys who should have blossomed with endless brilliance in the future, but now they have turned into bones and are buried in the earth.

"Run! Run!" The world is filled with miserable voices.

The battle in the world also alarmed many stars. Some strong men from outside the domain came here and were slightly surprised to see this scene.

Although there are constant conflicts in the six domains, the great sin of slaughtering a star is rare. This kind of thing can be said to be a taboo.

However, today, the Four Gods did this and blocked the world, determined to kill everyone in the world.

"Asshole!" In the mirror land, Rendi and others had red eyes, and Liu Qingcheng was even more distressed. That was the place he wanted to protect, but now it has become a river of blood and corpses are everywhere.

"Everyone in the world, enter the mirror quickly!" Rendi used the mirror entrance to transmit his voice to the world.

The mirror world has become their only reliance.

Chi Junlin stood proudly in the sky, and swept the world with contempt: "Do you still think it was six years ago? Now, my four gods have nearly ten thousand emperors descending, how can a mere mirror protect you from death? Many emperors, follow me to destroy the mirror!"

Chi Junlin had a lot of resentment towards this mirror. Six years ago, he was only one step away from success, and it was this mirror that opened up space and saved the world.

The mirror transformed into the ancient dynasty, and the Lord of Life and the Emperor of Xu and other strong men flew out, causing him to flee in embarrassment, and everything was destroyed.

Now, the wild still ridiculously thought that this mirror could protect them from death. Today, he would destroy all the hopes of the wild.

"Destroy!" The powerful imperial power was displayed one after another, and the world was shrouded in thousands of killing and bloody lights. Countless emperors launched a crazy attack on the mirror.

"No!" Wangfeng stood in the Western Temple, he screamed hysterically, and a powerful light bloomed in his body, trying to break free from the shackles.

"Stop him!" Gu Yu shouted, and several shackles descended, suppressing Wang Feng fiercely, making him kneel in the air.

"Wang Feng, considering your good talent, it's not too late to turn back now!" Gu Yu said, he valued Wang Feng very much, and the only regret was that he let Wang Feng come to Chen Jian to participate in the Ten Thousand Sects Feast. Since then, he has been worshipping Chu Yan like a demon.

"Brother Chu said that in practicing for a lifetime, one must be true to one's heart. Today, Chen Jian is in disaster. As a disciple of the Western Temple, I cannot influence the decision of the Western Temple, but today, I will fight for Chen Jian, and live and die together!" Wang Feng roared, the imperial power in his body continued to burn, trying to break free from the shackles.

"Asshole, are you going to betray your master?"

"I feel ashamed to have such a master!" Wang Feng said coldly, he was straightforward and roared bluntly.

"Wang Feng! Shut up! Don't do stupid things!" Several brothers frowned and tried to persuade him.

Chi Junlin swept past Wang Feng and raised his hand to slap him: "Such a traitor is not worthy of being my Four Gods disciple!"

"Chi Junlin, you will die. My Senior Brother Chu will definitely kill you personally!" Wang Feng stared at Chi Junlin.

Wang Feng's voice resounded through the world, and countless people raised their heads, as if they remembered the young man again, and hope was born in despair.

"Chu Yan?" Chi Junlin smiled contemptuously. Chu Yan got the first place in the Heavenly Monument. He was indeed uneasy for a long time, especially after hearing about the battle on Shangcang Island and Chu Yan's strength, he was really afraid that if Chu Yan returned one day, he would kill him.

But later he learned that Chu Yan was killed by several great lords, and he was relieved.

"To be honest, he is beyond my imagination. Six years ago, he was like an ant in the world, but in three years, he became the first in Tianbei and famous in the six regions. With his talent, if he continues to grow, he may be an emperor now. I may not be his opponent." Chi Junlin said calmly, and the people in the world listened with shock in their eyes.

There is a seal in the world, and Tianbei Mountain cannot be seen, so they don't know Chu Yan's style in recent years.

But now listening to Chi Junlin's words, they are shocked one by one. The first in Tianbei, famous in the six regions, has the former king of the world achieved such an achievement in the outside world?

But where is he, why didn't he appear in the disaster of the world?

"But unfortunately, he is just a dead man now. Do you expect a dead man to save the world? It's ridiculous!" Chi Junlin sneered, as if deliberately, covering the world.

Everyone in the world was stagnant. This news made them more desperate than the previous killing.

Is the boy who created miracles dead? The king of the world is gone?

In the wilderness, there seemed to be a sound of mourning. The young man who created countless glories in the world, carried the Haotian Tower, leveled mountains and seas, and destroyed Tianshan for thousands of miles, could not escape his fate and fell?

Rendi clenched his fists, he turned and looked at Liu Qingcheng: "Young Madam, what Chi Junlin said... is it true? Young Master..."

Liu Qingcheng's phoenix eyes turned red and she was silent. She didn't know how to answer.

After the separation of Tianbei, she never saw Chu Yan again, but the battle on Shangcang Island was visible to the world. There were thousands of emperors and countless great lords. How could Chu Yan survive?

"Bang!" Rendi clenched his palms, and a violent breath arose in his body, almost crazy.

"Master, we are guilty!" Rendi cried. An old man who has lived for ten thousand years, even if it was just now, the world was so miserable, he fought three emperors and was seriously injured, he never cried, people in the wilderness don't shed tears, only blood, but now, he cried.

"Young Madam, I beg you to promise me one thing!"

Liu Qingcheng shook her head. She knew what Emperor Ren was going to say, but she could never agree to this!

"Senior, Chu Yan once said that as long as you were here, he would be here, and the wilderness would be here. Now that he is gone, I will protect this place for him, even if I die, I will not refuse." Liu Qingcheng looked up. There were still strong men coming from the sky, and the light of killing was constantly coming. Every minute and every second, people in the world were dying.

"Chu Yan, if there is an afterlife, I will be your wife again! By then, I hope you and I will be just ordinary people." Liu Qingcheng muttered silently, and a trace of determination flashed across her phoenix eyes. Today, she wanted to live and die with the wilderness!


In a void in the six domains, Chu Yan practiced the immortal art of floating life, dispersed all the demon spirits, and turned back into a human.

Unexpectedly, after two years in the demon body, he unexpectedly broke through to the second level of the emperor realm, and his understanding of the emperor's power became more proficient and free.

Now Chu Yan, with a thought, turned into a giant of thunder, floating above him, that was his imperial power.

"Who is this person, he has been practicing here, what a strong aura!"

"I don't know, this aura should be the emperor. It is said that once you enter the emperor, you can form the imperial power. The imperial power is not illusory, but a kind of embodiment of power, divided into strong and weak. Looking at his imperial power, it seems that he is only the second level of the emperor, but it is terrible, like a thunder god of war. If he fights with others, this imperial power alone is enough to kill ordinary emperors in seconds." Many onlookers in the mountain stream talked about it.

"By the way, have you heard about the Four Directions Divine Realm?"

"Are you talking about the Dust World? It's too tragic. The slaughter of stars has never happened in the six realms in ten thousand years. However, it is said that the Emperor of Heaven Sect is also involved in this matter. Now that star has been sealed. The Four Directions Divine Realm has spread the word that no one in the Dust World can survive!"

"I heard that the Dust World seems to be the hometown of Chu Yan, the first of the Heavenly Monument. The people of the Four Directions Divine Star Realm are also cruel. In order to avenge one person, they did not hesitate to commit the sin of a star."


Chu Yan, who was practicing, opened his eyes in vain, and the imperial power turned into a cold breath at this moment.

"Four Directions God!"

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