Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 444: Opening a harem?

The people in the memory, the royal family, are high up in the sky. They are regarded as gods, who control all living beings and can bring about divine punishment.

That kind of power was far beyond what Chu Yan could have imagined, but he was not discouraged. His father was a strong man who could shock the royal family with a long halberd, fight among thousands of people, and dare to fight against gods and demons.

His mother was a goddess from the shrine who could quell the wars in the Eight Wastelands.

And he is their son. Although all this hatred lasts for a long time, it is still flowing. Until one day, he has divine power and goes to that star to resolve the past hatred.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qingcheng asked with relief when he saw Chu Yan recovered.

"I dreamed about my parents, it was their past." Chu Yan sighed, Liu Qingcheng sat beside him and said with a smile: "I believe that one day, our family will meet again."

"I will definitely do it." Chu Yan said firmly. He looked at Liu Qingcheng, kissed her gently, and said with a smile: "Qingcheng, let's have a child too, so we can keep the memory alive."

"..." Liu Qingcheng blushed and glared at Chu Yan: "Not serious."

"Uh..." Chu Yan felt unjust for a moment. Isn't it business to have a child? Liu Tianqing has been urging him.

Chu Yan smiled evilly and kissed Liu Qingcheng on the cheek again. However, all the beauty was broken by a very untimely voice.

"How shameless and shameless!"

A very childish voice sounded, Chu Yan's head was black and he stared at the little wolf lying on the side. This little guy actually covered his eyes with his paws...

I had forgotten about this guy... Now that the little wolf could speak human words, he was no longer the little wolf dog. Chu Yan grabbed the little wolf and threw it out.

"Chu Yan, you bullied me again! I'm the Demon Emperor now!" Xiao Lang said angrily.

"I don't care about you..." Chu Yan rolled his eyes, and then he said something.

Chu Yan learned from Liu Qingcheng that he had been comatose for three months, which made him frown slightly. It was a little longer than he thought.

But now that he is still alive and everything is going smoothly in the world, it seems that the battle three months ago was won.

"Sister Zixuan arrived in time and forced back several overlords."

"What happened in the six regions in the past three months?" Chu Yan hugged Liu Qingcheng and asked gently.

"It's still peaceful. I heard from Emperor Ren that the Shi family was destroyed and the Yaoshan Gate also suffered heavy losses. Now the overlords of all the six regions are suppressing it and not fighting." Liu Qingcheng said.

"Come with me for a walk." Chu Yan said. Liu Qingcheng also smiled sweetly, nodded her head, and helped Chu Yan walk out of the room.

The two of them were walking in the ancient imperial city and immediately attracted many people to watch. Many people were talking, which made Chu Yan smile bitterly. He smiled at Liu Qingcheng and said, "I finally understand why the original ancient emperor would be incognito." It’s a private visit, and it’s not a good thing to be too famous.”

"Now you are the king of this star field. Wherever you go in the future, there will be many people worshiping you." Liu Qingcheng said with a smile, her phoenix eyes blinking: "How about you also learn from the original ancient emperor? Get a harem and raise three thousand beauties?”

"How dare I." Chu Yan smiled dryly.

"Don't you dare? I see that there are many beauties around you. Sister Qingyun, and Miss Yuehe and Miss Nishang from the Xiahou family are all very interested in you." Liu Qingcheng smiled, one after another Chu Yan was frightened as he said his name. Wasn't he just in a coma for three months? Why did Liu Qingcheng know everything about what happened?

"Ahem." Chu Yan coughed and said in a self-centered manner: "Well...it's mainly because I'm too charming and can't be stopped. But don't worry, my dear wife, you are the only one in my heart, yes. , only you."

"Where's Qing Yi?"

"..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while, he really didn't let anyone go...

But when it comes to Qing Yi, Chu Yan is a little worried. Before he went crazy, Qing Yi was standing in front of him, and he didn't know what she was doing now.

"Ah!" Chu Yan was just thinking when a cold feeling suddenly came from his waist, which made him grit his teeth in pain: "A gentleman can move but not speak..."

"I'm not a gentleman!" Liu Qingcheng said with a smile.

Chu Yan sighed, but Liu Qingcheng did not continue to ask, and just walked with him in the imperial city. The two came to the lake together, released water lanterns, and made wishes.


After an interlude, Chu Yan came to the ancient palace and looked through the files of the past three months to gain a clearer understanding of the current situation in the six regions.

Ancestor Xiahou and others knew that Chu Yan was awake and came to visit one after another: "Chu Yan, are you awake?"

"Yes." Chu Yan laughed bitterly and nodded to everyone: "Everyone is here, please sit down."

Everyone sat down and looked at Chu Yan strangely. Thinking of Chu Yan's crazy appearance that day, they couldn't help but feel frightened. In that battle, no one could stop Chu Yan. He almost killed Liu Qingcheng.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Yan asked. He didn't remember what happened after the madness.

"You really don't remember?" Ancestor Xiahou said speechlessly. Chu Yan shook his head, and the corner of Daotong's mouth twitched: "On that day, you, crazy devil, seriously injured the ancestor of the Shi family. It was also because of this that the Shi family suffered this "

Chu Yan frowned, had he seriously injured the ancestor of the Shi family? This is impossible. How can his power shake the majesty of the emperor?

Then he suddenly remembered the golden blood in his body. Could it be because of this blood?

"Fat man!" Chu Yan looked towards a corner, where the fat man was sneaking around, keeping his head down, and heard Chu Yan calling him with a dry laugh: "Brother Chu, hehehe!"

"Say!" Chu Yan asked forcefully. The fat man was feeling miserable. Should he say it or not? Go ahead, the Patriarch of Tiandao wouldn't let him go, but he was really worried that Chu Yan was going crazy and would hurt Qingcheng one day.

"Oh, forget it, let's talk." Fatty said speechlessly: "Brother Chu, do you still remember the time we were in the Demon Forest in the Ancient Demon Star Territory? That time you suddenly fell into a coma, and then your power disappeared when you woke up."

"Remember, what happened?" Chu Yan asked. He was also surprised that time. He didn't remember what happened at all, and he died inexplicably.

"That time, a golden light suddenly bloomed in your body, like an ancient divine beast. There were people from Tianyao Peak chasing you that day, but you took action and killed an emperor, and seriously injured the spirit of a broken emperor... "The fat man said speechlessly, and Chu Yan's expression became even weirder. At that time, he seemed to be the emperor, right?

"This time it's even more evil. You can even beat the king." Fatty said speechlessly, not knowing whether to be happy or sad for Chu Yan.

That power, if it could be controlled, would be incredible, but the problem is that once it is used, it will not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and almost killed Qingcheng's sister-in-law.

Chu Yan frowned, looking very uneasy. It seemed that the bloodline in his body was more mysterious than he imagined.

An ancient mythical beast? When his father fought against the royal family, he seemed to have the same power. Is this his father's bloodline?

"It seems that we have to go to the witch to ask for details." Chu Yan thought that Qin Zixuan should know something about the bloodline in his body.

"Chu Yan, there will be a banquet in three days. At that time, several large families will come to visit the imperial court. They are all top forces in the Star Territory. You are expected to attend." Ancestor Xiahou said.

Although Chu Yan is now the king on the surface, ancestor Xiahou and others are doing the things below, but he still has to participate in the superficial things.


Chu Yan nodded and left immediately to find Qin Zixuan.

After Qin Zixuan returned to the mortal world, she still went her own way. She did not belong to the wilderness or the ancient dynasty, but her existence was a taboo.

Moreover, this woman seems to be sick. Her behavior is completely unpredictable and she is prone to gambling. The easiest way to find her is to walk around all the casinos in the world and you will definitely see her.

Sure enough, Chu Yan found her in a gambling house.

If it were in the past, no one would gamble with Qin Zixuan. After all, what is her identity? The ASEAN Empress, Sister Chen Wang, is now a great monarch. She even dares to break into the Emperor Sect. Who dares to bet with her?

Let’s bet. Do you think you will win or not? If you don’t win, there’s no point. What if you win and fall out? It’s scary to think about the Maharaja turning his back on him.

But because of the banquet, many people from other stars came to the world, so not many people knew Qin Zixuan. In addition, she deliberately kept her aura reserved, just like an ordinary girl in her twenties, harmless to humans and animals.

"Xiao Yanzi, you came just in time. I'm not feeling lucky today. Come on, play a few games for me!"

Qin Zixuan shouted angrily. Chu Yan was speechless for a while. He raised his head and looked at the wealthy young men opposite her. They all looked at Qin Zixuan with lustful eyes, and they beat Qin Zixuan by a lot. Chu Yan sighed to himself, these few don't want their lives. The guy.

"You play, I just watch." Chu Yan shook his head with a smile and sat aside, waiting for Qin Zixuan.

This casino is also a drinking venue. Most people like to have a few drinks after playing. No, a young man holding a wine glass walked up to Qin Zixuan with a smile and said with a smile: "Girl, what do you call her?"

"You want to pick me up?" Qin Zixuan was straightforward and glanced at the other party with raised eyebrows, which shocked the young man. He didn't expect Qin Zixuan to be so direct.

"The so-called beauties live on the water side. I am lucky enough to meet a girl today, so naturally I want to make acquaintance with her." The young man said politely.

Qin Zixuan smiled lightly and said: "Making friends? Just you?"

The young man frowned, feeling a little unconvinced. He was also a disciple of a wealthy family, and his family controlled the same star in the star field, and that star was much higher than the stars in the mortal world.

Now it was because of the title of king in the mortal world that he was arranged by his family to come to the mortal world and make friends. He sneered and said: "Girl, don't look down on people too much. I am the Queen of the Ancient Star in the West of the Star Territory. Even if I belong to the Gu clan, When the Western Divine Religion saw it, they would give me some bad treatment, and I was the most outstanding genius of the Gu family, Gu Feng.”

"So he is the young master of the Gu family?" Qin Zixuan opened her mouth slightly, as if she was surprised, which made the young man feel proud and puff up his chest.

"I haven't heard of it." However, the next moment, Qin Zixuan said lightly, making the other party's mouth twitch, and he was speechless for a while.

"Never heard of it? Girl, are you kidding me?" Gu Feng's face turned unkind and he snorted coldly.

"Gu's family is famous?"

"Of course, my Gu family is famous in the Star Territory!" Gu Feng said proudly.

"Really? Then your Gu family, are you the queen of the monarch? In other words, do you have an overlord to help you? Are there any members of the clan who have a heavenly monument? None? Sorry, I haven't heard of it." Qin Zixuan smiled slightly and expressed He was very polite, but at this moment, the gambling houses were all quiet.

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