Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 462: Life and Death Stage

Seeing Jun Ya, someone learned the sword and inherited it. As soon as he saw Jun's majesty, a news immediately spread in Qingfeng City.

Yang Chen's name has been expanded infinitely, and he has become very famous. Now he can see the powerful people gathering under Junya.

Even the Lord of the City, Lord Fengqing, was alarmed that day and came in person. Everyone expressed their respect after seeing him: "See Lord Fengqing!"

"Haha, no need to be polite, you are all the pride of Qingfeng City." Feng Qinglang said with a smile, and then he looked at Yang Chen with a deep meaning: "Yang Chen, I heard that you have learned the sword inheritance, this is my Qingfeng City's blessing. "

"Lord Fengqing!" Yang Chen said with cupped hands. He still respected Lord Fengqing very much. In Qingfeng City, Lord Fengqing had absolute dominance.

"Is it okay for you to come again, senior?" Feng Qing asked with a smile. Chu Yan was secretly shocked when he heard this, and thought in his heart: "It seems that the rumors are true. Lord Fengqing has indeed learned the sword inheritance and has seen you come again."

"Very good, he asked this junior to take care of senior Feng Qing." Yang Chen said without hesitation, which made Chu Yan somewhat admired. Chu Yan was sure that Yang Chen had never learned the sword, let alone that he would come again. Who is it, but he is acting very relaxed now.

"That's good! I was lucky enough to receive the inheritance from my seniors back then, and that's why I'm what I am today. Since you also have the inheritance from me, you and I are from the same sect. If you have time, we often come to the city lord's mansion for a walk." Feng Qing said with a smile. , everyone was envious after hearing this.

"Yang Chen enlightened and saw Junya. It seems that even Lord Fengqing intends to make friends with him." Everyone thought.

"Then this junior will take care of you." Yang Chen said with a smile.

On the Jianhai Sect side, an elder sent a message to Jian Wuya: "Wuya, there is no need to be discouraged. It has been ten years since Yang Chen learned about Ya Ya, and he has just seen the majesty of the emperor. Now it is your first time, and you will also be violent with the sword. If you are given time, , you will also have a chance, and you must perform well in the next swordsmanship exchange."

Jian Wuya nodded, speechless, but when he looked up at Yang Chen, he couldn't help but frown.

"Is it really him?" Jian Wuya whispered. He also used the sword to realize the sword violently just now, but there was a terrifying sword forest in front of him. The storm of swords could not conquer it at all. The sword forest contained terrifying sword intent.

"Of course it's my senior brother. I just saw that the place under Junya has been cleared. Apart from the two of you, there is only that idiot left. He has no swordsmanship. If it's not my senior brother, could it be him?" A disciple of Yujian Villa sneered, Pointing at Chu Yan.

Jian Wuya looked at Chu Yan. Chu Yan met his gaze and smiled politely, which made Jian Wuya's doubts deepen.

"Wangfeng, let's go!" Just as everyone focused their attention on Yang Chen, Chu Yan said lightly. Now that he has enlightened, staying here is a waste of time. It is better to study the Jianxin inheritance, let alone Someone is willing to stand up for him.

"Humph!" Wangfeng snorted coldly. Although he felt a little unhappy, he still nodded at Chu Yan's words.

However, when the two of them were about to leave, it seemed that some people were not so willing. A disciple from the Yujian Villa in the distance fell on Chu Yan with his eyebrows like a sword, and turned into a sword curtain and slashed down, blocking Chu Yan's way: " Want to leave so easily?"

Chu Yan hesitated, frowned slightly, Wangfeng raised his head and scolded coldly: "Yujian Villa, don't bully others too much!"

"So what if I deceived others today? Lu Mang's death is unclear, and there must be an explanation." The disciple raised his head slightly, looking extremely arrogant. Yujian Villa was originally the top three in swordsmanship, and now Yang Chen has inherited it from the Sword Master. With the vague intention of overpowering Jianhaizong and Xishan Jianmen, they became even more unscrupulous.

"Jianjunya is a holy land for cultivation. Yujian Villa has no respect. I clean people here. I angered my seniors and killed them. I am unable to take revenge. I, a junior, should be blamed." Chu Yan said coldly.

"Who knows if you used some evil magic to cover up with sword light and kill Lu Mang secretly." The disciple still refused to let go.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan shook his head, turned around and walked around the sword curtain, and was about to leave, but the disciple's eyes flashed coldly: "I told you to stop!"

Suddenly, the sword curtain reached the sky, turning into a galaxy of swords and covering Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, all parties showed interest. Zhang Jiayu was standing aside and did not interfere this time.

Lin Xizhe sneered from the side: "You are a despicable person, but you insist on remaining arrogant. You are undoubtedly asking for trouble."

Looking at the sword curtain all over the sky, Chu Yan's face turned cold. Again and again, Yujian Villa had humiliated him countless times and challenged his bottom line. Even if Yang Chen got the Sword Lord's inheritance, he still refused to let him go. .

For this reason, Chu Yan turned around slightly and looked at the Lord of Fengqing City: "Senior, it is forbidden to kill or destroy people in Qingfeng City. However, once you are provoked for no reason, you can apply to Qingfeng City for a life and death platform. Senior is here today. I wonder if there is such a rule. Rules, do they count?”

Feng Qing was slightly startled, then glanced at Yujian Villa, and saw an interesting smile on the other person's face. He nodded: "That's right, but you have to know that once the life and death platform is opened, once you step in, you will definitely see life and death. , even admitting defeat is not allowed. "

"Okay, the city lord is here today. I will challenge you to a life-and-death battle." Chu Yan said calmly, making the other party stunned for a moment, revealing a devilish smile: "You are looking for death!"

"Open the platform of life and death!" City Lord Fengqing said, and a huge battle platform in the distance slowly rose into the sky.

It turns out that the platform of life and death is not a specially made high platform, but can be anywhere. However, a large killing seal will be set. Once one enters it, only one person can step out, otherwise, they will be killed.

The stage of life and death appeared, and the disciple of Yujian Villa's smile became even more ferocious. He stepped on the sole of his foot, and the emperor's power rose up, turning into the transcendent power of the emperor's fifth level, and behind him was the emperor's power turned into a giant sword with a ghost head.

"Originally I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but since you are looking for death, I will help you and come up here." The disciple of Yujian Villa stepped onto the stage of life and death and pointed his sword at Chu Yan.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly, a flash of cyan flashed around Chu Yan, and Qing Yi appeared out of thin air. She was still wearing a veil, but her appearance alone moved countless people and secretly sighed in surprise.

Qing Yi appeared. Without any hesitation, she walked directly towards the stage of life and death. Everyone was stunned.

"Qing Yi!" Chu Yan shouted, and Qing Yi said crisply: "They bully you, I will help you kill them."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly in his heart, but took a step forward and held Qing Yi's shoulders: "Leave it to me."

Qing Yi lightly pursed her red lips and hesitated for a long time before nodding lightly. Then she turned around again and flew into the sky on Meow Meow. Now when there are few people, she will always stay by Chu Yan's side, but when there are more people, she will still leave.

Chu Yan seemed to be used to it. He glanced at the Yujian Villa disciple indifferently and took a step towards the frontier of life and death.

"He's really brave." Many people smiled jokingly.

"Xia Fan from Yujian Villa, this person has very high attainments in swordsmanship. Although he is not as good as Yang Chen, he is a level 5 emperor and very strong."

"You are humiliating yourself." Yang Chen said calmly from the side. Then he looked at Zhang Jiayu and said with a smile: "Miss Zhang, you should also participate in this year's swordsmanship exchange. By then, we will have a good competition."

Zhang Jiayu smiled slightly, her phoenix eyes curved into crescent moons, and said, "Okay, I also want to see Senior Junya's style. We must compete at the swordsmanship exchange meeting."

Obviously, because of Yang Chen's Sword Lord inheritance, Zhang Jiayu cannot escape the secular world and wants to have a good relationship with him.

Chu Yan had a panoramic view of this scene, but he didn't care. On the stage of life and death, his eyes flashed with a cold and cold look. It seemed that what Yujian Villa had done to Wangfeng before was not over yet.

"Ignorant people dare to offend the sword power of my Yujian Villa. I will show you my sword." Xia Fan said arrogantly, and then he raised his palm to form a sky-wide sword curtain, followed by a galaxy of sword lights: "My four bloodlines and four souls are all swords. Now this galaxy of swords is my sword intention. How can you compare?"

After saying this, Xia Fan took a step forward, and the imperial power rose up, turning into an extremely terrifying brilliance, trying to suppress Chu Yan.

Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at the opponent. The combination of four sword bloodlines and four sword life souls was indeed extremely strong in terms of swordsmanship.

But after a moment, Chu Yan shook his head, and then he raised his hand and drew out the Heaven-Destroying Sword. The sword struck directly at the opponent's Jianhe.

Xia Fan was shocked and retreated quickly. He looked at Chu Yan in shock. However, Chu Yan's eyes were sharp and locked on Xia Fan. He was approaching quickly. When he stepped out, his sword was drawn. After a moment, There are swords everywhere.

As Chu Yan stepped forward step by step, he could vaguely see Junya making sword sounds.

Everyone was stunned: "This kid has such a terrifying sword intent!"

"Is your sword very strong?" Chu Yan smiled scornfully, and he took another step. Then his sword sharpened continuously, turning into a ruthless killing blow. In just a moment, the ground trembled, and from then on, A Xuantian giant sword emerged from the ground. Chu Yan swung his palm and struck down with a huge sword light.


In a short moment, 90% of the battlefield was occupied by Chu Yan, and Xia Fan finally showed a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Sword intention?" Chu Yan laughed again, he is the sword, and his intention is the sword intention. Who can compare?

"No!" Xia Fan was frightened. He felt scared, but he was not allowed to retreat at all. Thousands of swords screamed at the same time, and the sound of the swords shook out like ripples.

Xia Fan spit out a mouthful of blood. During the whole process, Chu Yan's sword didn't even touch him, but Xia Fan's internal organs were all destroyed and he was executed on the stage of life and death.

It was too fast, everything was too fast, many people had no time to react, and Xia Fan died.

City Lord Fengqing could see clearly in the void, and his eyes lit up: "What a unique understanding of swordsmanship."

"Disgrace yourself!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then the stage of life and death was opened. He jumped off the stage without talking nonsense, and said calmly to Wangfeng: "Let's go!"

Wangfeng glanced at Yujian Villa and sneered: "Sword sect? Extraordinary disciple? It's ridiculous that you can't block my senior brother's sword. I'm afraid that Yang Chen won't be much stronger."

Everyone was speechless. Who dared to stop Chu Yan this time?

Under Qingfeng City, you can't kill people. There are rules. High-level people can't bully low-level people. The emperor of Yujian Villa, a fifth-level swordsman, took action, but he was killed on the platform of life and death.

Now, who can say anything?

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