Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 482 Doumaihang

Every New Year's Eve, no matter where it is, it is always extremely lively.

The same goes for Craftsman City. Even at night, there are hundreds of lights on the streets, and red lanterns hang all over the sky. Some people are busy shopping, or asking young people to guess lantern riddles and play.

There is a moat around Jiangxin City. It is said that this river has fire patterns and was built by the owner of Jiangxin City himself to protect Jiangxin City from destruction.

At this time, there are couples boating on the lake, some are playing music and harps, and fairies are dancing gracefully, which is full of the flavor of the New Year.

On the street, a pair of young girls were walking, it was Min Yue and Chu Yan. Min Yue was smiling and holding a bouquet of colorful flowers in her hand: "Brother Chu, thank you. I always thought that I could go out for a walk during the new year, but I have been alone since I was a child and had no one to accompany me, but today I finally got my wish.”

Chu Yan smiled lightly, but his heart was not as calm as he appeared.

Spring passed and autumn came, and another year passed. In the blink of an eye, he had been practicing for twelve years. He still remembered two years ago, when he was still in the Six Realms. That year, he was like this, walking on the snowy field with a girl, and going boating. On the lake, a phoenix is ​​presented to the beautiful woman.

How are they similar now? Where is the beauty?

"Brother Chu, have you remembered the person you like?" Min Yue couldn't help but asked when she saw Chu Yan was a little distracted.

Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Min Yue's head. At the age of eighteen, it was the time for him to marry Qingcheng.

"Yeah, I miss her so much." Chu Yan said with a smile. Since the last time the Soul Palace Supreme assassinated him, Qingcheng burned the ancient bloodline, and was frozen. He was taken away by the senior and disappeared. Now he doesn't know if he is well. .

"Brother Chu is so handsome. The person he likes is also very beautiful, right?" Min Yue asked with a smile.

"Like Min Yue, very beautiful." Chu Yan nodded, and Min Yue said with some longing: "If there is a chance in the future, Brother Chu will take her to see Min Yue."

"Okay." Chu Yan agreed with a smile, not knowing whether that day would come.

Qingcheng...you are there, I miss you.

On the moat, Chu Yan was lying lazily on the penetrating wall. Min Yue took out a purple guqin and waved the strings with her slender fingers. The beautiful sound of the piano was heard, making people relax and feel as if they were entering an artistic conception.

At this time, Chu Yan frowned slightly, and the distance suddenly became very lively, attracting his attention.

"On New Year's Eve, Doumai Shop is open again." Min Yue noticed Chu Yan's eyes and explained.

"Where is this Doumai Shop?" Chu Yan asked, while Min Yue explained while playing the piano: "Doumai Shop also belongs to the Craftsmanship Guild and is a branch of the Craftsmanship Chamber of Commerce. It is responsible for auctioning magic weapons or customizing magic weapons. It’s just that their auction method is very special, it’s a competition for combat power.”

"Comparing combat strength?" Chu Yan was quite surprised that there was such an auction house.

"Well, the Doumai Store will only open once a year, at the end of the year. There will be several good magic weapons, and they will also accept customization of the magic weapons. The auctioneers need to compare their combat prowess, and the winner will win."

"So that's the case, it's interesting." Chu Yan secretly sighed at the vastness of the sea of ​​​​stars, which is full of surprises, but it is not surprising. In the sea of ​​​​stars, potential and combat power are more important, but wealth is often not that important.

After all, in the world of martial arts, if you have strength, you can do anything. Combat power is the most direct currency in this world.

If you are strong, you can enjoy everything.

"What are the rules of this Doumai shop?" Chu Yan asked. Min Yue was quite surprised and said worriedly: "Brother Chu, you don't want to participate, right? Although I can't refine top-level magic weapons, if you need it, I will I can help you, please don’t join this Dou Mao shop. Every year, Dou Mao shop is filled with monsters and strong people.”

"Ask as you like." Chu Yan knew that Min Yue was worried about him, so he didn't show it.

"Doumai Shop does have rules. You can't use magic weapons or secret methods that are beyond your own realm. In addition, you can't cross the big realm and the small realm can't exceed three realms in the battle." Min Yue paused and said: "If a treasure , is favored by a Heavenly Emperor and a Heavenly Lord at the same time, the two parties can negotiate. If the negotiation is not successful, an ordinary Heavenly Lord-level helper from the Heavenly Emperor will have to fight on his behalf."

"It's fair enough." Chu Yan nodded secretly: "It seems that I should choose a chance to go to this Doumai Walk."

In addition to learning the art of weapon refining, Chu Yan wanted to create a few handy weapons this time.

Although the Dragon Song Sword is good, when he reaches the imperial realm, the sixth-level divine weapons are still unable to carry his imperial power, so he needs to use the seventh-level divine weapons as a medium.

"It's so easy, Min Yue. It seems that you are ready to be expelled from the school." At this moment, Shen Long was walking with the charming woman on a canoe not far away. He saw Chu Yan and the two men taunting him.

"Shen Long, that's enough!" Min Yue snorted.

"Min Yue, Senior Brother Shen Long is doing this for your own good. Why are you doing this? Is it possible that you can really waste your life just because he is good-looking? But don't let him be deceived by a treacherous villain." The charming woman said in a deep voice. He said, as if he meant to preach to the younger generation.

"You don't need to worry about my own affairs. Even if I am expelled from the school, I am willing to do so." Min Yue said coldly.

The charming woman sneered and looked at Chu Yan: "Min Yue is not sensible. For a person of your age, you are still in the academy and delaying Min Yue. What are your intentions?"

Chu Yan glanced at the charming woman. She was good-looking, but she had a vicious heart: "There are really no shortage of disgusting flies everywhere."

Chu Yan's voice was not hidden, it was very calm, which made the charming woman's face turn cold.

"At the end of the year, you will know what is humble. Min Yue will eventually become a top weapon refining master, and you will look up to him." Chu Yan said calmly, but his words were extremely firm, but they sounded like a big joke to the charming woman and Shen Long.

"Well, I will wait until the end of the year, but boy, you are a student in the academy now, I will spare you for now, after the end of the year, I will make you regret stepping into the Craftsmanship Academy." Shen Long said proudly.

Chu Yan didn't care and left with Min Yue. As for the next days, Chu Yan still watched Min Yue casting weapons and read files as usual.

Occasionally, Chu Yan would try to cast weapons himself. The first time he refined a giant red gold hammer, but the fire pattern was exquisite, but the casting of the hammer itself was not perfect, which made him shake his head secretly.

It seems that basic skills are still very important if you want to cast weapons.


Craftsmanship City, Craftsmanship Chamber of Commerce. One of the top chambers of commerce in Mozhou for two reasons. First, it is a city of castings, with many magic weapons and top treasures. Second, the unique rules here make many people willing to come here to trade. Even if they can't buy what they want, as long as the price is right, the chamber of commerce will accept customization.

It can be said that half of the magic weapons in Mozhou come from here every year.

Nowadays, the Craftsmanship Chamber of Commerce is very lively at the end of the year, and occasionally you can see the emperor-level strongman, but you can't fly here, so everyone is waiting outside the chamber of commerce.

Doumaihang is part of the chamber of commerce, and it is also the most violent part, but it is more attractive.

Doumaihang has no buildings, because once a fight breaks out, ordinary buildings can't bear the impact at all, so Doumaihang only has a battle platform 30 feet high.

The battle platform is the sales.

"Next is a seventh-grade lower-grade divine weapon halberd, which contains cold stones and can release icy power. The auctioneer accepts challenges from people below the sixth-grade emperor. The loser can get it with 1,700-grade spiritual jade." On the stage, there was an old man bending over, with a restrained aura, but no one dared to underestimate him.

"Good halberd!" As soon as the halberd came out, someone shouted immediately, and then a man came in with a halberd, stepped out continuously, and stood on the stage: "Qian Tianyang, the fifth-grade emperor, comes here to compete!"

"He is from the Hantian Sect. Qian Tianyang himself practices halberds and practices the Iceberg Cold Art of the Hantian Sect. This halberd is indeed suitable for him." Someone in the audience discussed.

"I'll do it!" As soon as Qian Tianyang came on stage, a man flew out immediately. He was also a fifth-grade emperor, and he practiced the power of fire.

"It's a disciple of Burning Sky Valley, Chi Mang. It's really lively this year." The people in the audience expectedly.

Qian Tianyang looked at Chi Mang. The two were equally powerful. Then, there was a sea of ​​fire and ice on the stage. Qian Tianyang's Iceberg Cold Art seemed to freeze the earth, and Chi Mang was not weak either. The iceberg melted inch by inch, and suddenly turned into a giant magma fist, as if it came from the sky and blasted out fiercely. Qian Tianyang was shocked and blocked his chest with his arms to form a hexagonal ice shield, but was still seriously injured by the blow.

"Puff!" Qian Tianyang spit out a mouthful of blood, climbed up and looked at Chi Mang with a gloomy face: "You won."

"Give me the long halberd." Chi Mang waved his hand and threw the spiritual jade, and the magic weapon long halberd fell into his bag.

Everyone secretly sighed at the excitement. At this time, there was an inconspicuous figure in the crowd. He was wearing a bamboo hat and a wolf head mask. He stepped on the snow, and people could not tell his size and age.

"Dou Maixing, it's really domineering." Chu Yan nodded secretly. The strength of Qian Tianyang and Chi Mang was not weak. Ice and fire were everywhere. This battle was very exciting.

"Next is a piece of demon bone, which comes from an opportunity. There are incomplete demon spirits in this demon bone, which can be used to forge magic weapons, refine elixirs, or some demon cultivators can use it to practice top-level magical powers." The old man smiled and took out a demon bone arm.

"Such a powerful demon power, this demon bone is a good thing." Someone in the audience was surprised.

There are many demon cultivators in the Demon State, and the audience was boiling for a while.

"I want this demon bone!" Someone shouted immediately.

"Humph, I'm afraid it won't be your turn!" Someone else stood up and showed the tyrannical imperial power of the fifth level emperor.

"Shen is also interested in this demon bone." At this time, a voice came from a distance, and a group of people came in a high profile.

"It's Shen Long from the Craftsmanship Academy. He is also a seventh-level weapon caster. He is here today." Someone said unexpectedly, and Shen Long's appearance made many people quiet down.

Although a piece of demon bone is precious, it may not be worth offending a student of the Craftsmanship Academy.

Chu Yan also glanced at Shen Long and said nothing.

Shen Long jumped onto the stage, looked at Lu Shang respectfully and said: "Shen Long, a disciple of the Artisan Academy, is a level 6 emperor. I am here to challenge you. Is there anyone who will accept the challenge?"

Chu Yan looked at the demon bone arm and was slightly moved. He inherited the legacy of the evil demon's descent to the world. After the evil demon came, he passed on a fairy method to him: the world of immortals and demons.

Having never practiced, he has no demon bones and demon spirits. Although this demon bone is incomplete, it is better than nothing.

"I want this demon bone." However, before Chu Yan could speak, a young man walked onto the stage in the distance. He was a level 6 emperor and stood proudly.

His voice was extremely domineering, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"It's him!"

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