Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 487 Chu Yan Chu Shan Shi

"Okay, I promise you!" Shen Long agreed without thinking, and everyone around him looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"See you at the assessment." Chu Yan nodded, and then he finally stopped talking nonsense and left with Min Yue.

Today's incident has also spread in the academy. A student who refines weapons wants to challenge Shen Long on the day of the assessment.

All the students sneered at this, believing that Chu Yan was overestimating his ability, and some people felt sorry for Min Yue.

"Liu Yue, do you know that the student you wanted to accept last time actually challenged Shen Long on the day of the assessment." In Liu Yue's house, the girl smiled gently.

"I was thinking that after the assessment, I would personally destroy that bitch, but he actually took the initiative to challenge Shen Long, which saved me a lot of trouble." After Liu Yue learned the news, he also sneered, and then looked at the girl: "Are all the things I want ready?"

"Everything is ready." The girl took out an extremely beautiful dress, embroidered with silk and silk, which matched Liu Yue's cold and beautiful face, and was beautiful beyond words.

Liu Yueyu gently stroked her skirt and smiled happily: "In this way, I will be dazzling on the day of the assessment. When the time comes, I must attract his attention."

Min Yue's mansion, back here, Min Yue was worried, as if she was worried about Chu Yan: "Brother Chu, you shouldn't challenge Shen Long! Leave before the assessment."

Chu Yan smiled calmly and rubbed Min Yue's head: "Silly girl, it's okay, I don't care about Shen Long."

At this moment, Min Yue was slightly obsessed. She looked at Chu Yan and found that Chu Yan was a little special today. Although he also smiled cleanly, there was a sense of pride in his bones, as if he was the king of heaven and earth, so confident.

Min Yue even felt a little strange.

"Min Yue, I have to leave for a while. I will go on the day of the assessment." Chu Yan smiled at Min Yue, and then he turned and left. He looked at Min Yue again and smiled brightly: "Min Yue, you will definitely become the best weapon refiner. Craftsmanship City is proud of you."


The end of the year.

The atmosphere in the Craftsmanship Academy was tense because today was the end-of-year assessment. For all students, they had worked hard for a year, just for today.

The ranking would determine their stay or departure, as well as their status in the academy in the future.

Today, the Craftsmanship Academy was unusually lively. In addition to the students, many nobles from the Craftsmanship City came, including the Shen family and the Liu family, who sent important figures.

It was just because, in addition to the assessment, today was also the day when Chu Shanshi would come to the Craftsmanship Chamber of Commerce.

Students had gathered in the open space in the center of the academy, talking in groups of three or five.

"So nervous. I wonder who will be the first this year."

"It should still be Shen Long, who has been the first for three consecutive years. It is said that after this year, he will be canonized as an elder." Another disciple said enviously.

"Shen Long is here." After a commotion, the students looked up and saw Shen Long and the charming woman, still nodding slightly, showing great pride.

"Liu Yue is here too, with the Liu family. Liu Yue looks so beautiful today!" Someone looked at Liu Yue. She was wearing a delicate silk dress, with her long skirt floating in the wind, like a fairy descending to the earth, attracting many eyes.

Originally, Min Yue had no hope for the assessment that day, and even thought about giving up and leaving quietly, but she still came today because of Chu Yan.

"Then Min Yue is here too, alone!" Someone also noticed Min Yue in the corner. She was so inconspicuous in the crowd, but she was still discovered.

Because today, her students will fight Shen Long.

Seeing this, the charming woman sneered as if she had expected it: "Min Yue, where is your student? I knew long ago that he is a cowardly young man. He talks big but dares not come on the day of the test."

Min Yue looked at the charming woman and said stubbornly: "Brother Chu is not that kind of person. He said that he would definitely come on the day of the test!"

Although in her heart, Min Yue hoped that Chu Yan would not come, she could not bear to hear others humiliating the brother Chu in her heart.

"It's ridiculous, you still have fantasies about him?"

The charming woman sneered again and again, and the students next to her also shook their heads ridiculously. A student challenged a student? And it was Shen Long who was ranked first, how could he win?

"It's Chu Shanshi, he's here!" At this time, everyone looked up and saw a young man wearing a bamboo hat not far away. He was wearing a wolf head mask, but it still couldn't cover up his elegance. As soon as he appeared, he became the focus of everyone's attention.

"My friend is here." Guo Feng saw Chu Yan on the high platform and greeted him with a smile.

The young man in front of him was someone that even the Lord of the Artisan City personally recruited.

"My friend, come and sit here. This is the dean of my academy, Han Dong." Guo Feng introduced an old man to Chu Yan. Chu Yan was not polite and smiled brightly when he landed on the high platform: "Uncle Guo, Dean Han!"

"As expected, a young hero emerges. Your friend's battle that day was very exciting." Dean Han smiled calmly.

"Is that Chu Shanshi who defeated Bei Ming Sha Huang?" The students in the audience raised their heads and looked at Chu Yan and exclaimed.

At this time, a student looked at Shen Long: "Shen Long, you also fought with Bei Ming Sha Huang in Dou Mai Xing, and you know the opponent's strength. Is Chu Shanshi really as powerful as the rumors say?"

"A peerless genius, I am afraid that I can't win with one move when I fight him." Shen Long said lightly. Although he was unwilling to admit it in his heart, he witnessed with his own eyes that he was killed by Bei Ming Sha Huang in one move, but Chu Shanshi defeated Bei Ming Sha Huang.

"People like him are probably destined to be admired by thousands of people and stand out from the crowd." Someone else exclaimed.

The charming woman looked at Chu Shanshi, her heart full of charm. She even thought that as long as Chu Shanshi was willing to look at her, maybe it would be worth it?

Liu Yue looked at Chu Shanshi from a distance, her heart was excited, she suddenly took a step involuntarily and walked to the front of the crowd. She looked at the young man who was talking with Guo Feng and Dean Han on the high platform, and gently pinched her hands, as if to encourage herself.

Finally, she walked up and shouted in front of all the students: "Chu Shanshi!"

Everyone was surprised and looked at Liu Yue.

Chu Yan did the same, turned around and looked at Liu Yue. Just a glance, Liu Yue's jade face turned red, she mustered up the courage to say: "Chu Shanshi, I like you!"

"This is, confession..." Many students laughed, but no one laughed at Liu Yue, just because the other party was Chu Shanshi, so outstanding.

Guo Feng smiled and said, "Young friend Chu is really charming."

Chu Yan also looked at Liu Yue strangely, shook his head secretly, and said calmly, "Miss Liu, you and I have never met before, and you don't know who Chu is. Why do you express your feelings? You should respect yourself. People like Chu are not worthy of you."

Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan refused?

Although they were not surprised by this result, there was a hint of sarcasm in Chu Yan's tone, which puzzled many people.

Liu Yue's face changed slightly, but although she was humiliated by Chu Yan and had no self-respect, she was not angry, but only lost and distressed. She had prepared for today for a long time and thought she could be the center of attention, but it ended in a joke.

"Young friend, this hurt the girl's heart." Guo Feng looked at Chu Yan meaningfully, and Chu Yan smiled indifferently.

"It seems that the person you are waiting for will not come." The charming woman looked at Min Yue at this time and sneered.

Everyone was like this. The day of the assessment was getting closer, but Chu Yan never showed up.

"It's embarrassing to have the same surname Chu." The charming woman sneered again. Min Yue was different. She felt relieved. If Brother Chu really didn't come, she would be safe.

Just as the charming woman spoke, Chu Yan took everything in on the platform. He turned to look at Guo Feng and Dean Han and said with a smile: "Uncle Guo, Dean Han, I'm going to say hello to a friend first."

"My friend, you have friends in my Craftsmanship Academy?" Dean Han asked in surprise. Chu Yan smiled calmly and didn't explain. He wrapped his cloak tightly, walked in the air from the platform, and walked towards the crowd of students step by step.

All the students were nervous when they saw this scene. Chu Shanshi actually came down and came to the crowd of their students.

At this moment, the charming woman was startled. She found that Chu Shanshi was walking towards this side. Her heart couldn't help but beat, and her little hand gently pinched.

Min Yue looked up and saw Chu Shanshi. From the eyes under the wolf-head mask, she actually felt a trace of love, and a faint sense of déjà vu?

"Min Yue." Chu Yan suddenly shouted and laughed. Just these two words surprised everyone. Looking at Min Yue, Min Yue actually knew Chu Shanshi?

Min Yue's beautiful eyes also stagnated slightly, and her delicate face was pale. How could she not recognize who the voice full of pampering and familiarity was?

Isn't it her eldest brother Chu? Chu Shanshi, Chu Yan. Shanjiashi, isn't it Yan?

He came, came to the appointment, not as a cowardly young man as the charming woman said, but changed his identity, became the focus of everyone's attention, and came like a god.

"I'm here." Chu Yan smiled gently, took off the wolf-head mask, took off the cloak, and the handsome face appeared in the eyes of everyone. He was still the young man in white, but at this moment he was unusually charming, and people didn't have the slightest idea of ​​comparison.

Min Yue smiled, her smile was so bright, there was even some mist in her almond eyes, moist, she didn't know why she was crying, maybe, she was happy.

Chu Yan told her, I'm here, just these three words are enough.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, everyone looked at Chu Yan on the stage, and they couldn't tell what they felt in their hearts.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes turned slightly and looked at Shen Long in the crowd, with such a playful look in his eyes, and there was a faint sword wind dancing around him, and the Dragon Roar Sword was suspended above him. That sword was the magic weapon refined by Min Yue.

"Since I have come to the appointment, why don't you roll up?"

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