Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 493 was grounded

The shadow that suddenly appeared on the sky was extremely powerful and powerful, suppressing the entire Artisan City.

"It's the top figure of the Demon Sect, and he actually appeared." Some old people in Artisan City whispered, and the Lord of Artisan City took a step forward and knelt in the air: "The Lord of Artisan City pays homage to the Demon Sect senior!"

The shadow glanced at the Lord of Artisan City and nodded: "Artisan City has been refining weapons for many years and has made great contributions to our Demon State. You're welcome."

The Lord of Artisan City nodded and stepped aside. Even though he was the lord of a city, he understood that he could not interfere with what was going to happen next.

Chu Yan looked at the shadow of the Demon Sect and was very shocked. That power was more powerful than Ji Huangji's majesty, surpassing the realm of a human monarch.

Moreover, he had never seen this person before, and he was not from the Eleventh Demon Palace, which made him a little puzzled.

He was very self-aware. Although he was a disciple of the Demon Sect and had some talent, he was an emperor after all, and it was not enough for the Demon Sect to send such a strong man for him.

But then he looked at the shadow and immediately understood that Meng Ya was there. It was probably because of this reason.

Meng Ya seemed to sense Chu Yan, and there was a bit of helplessness in her phoenix eyes. She said in a voice transmission: "You... actually killed Bei Ming Sha Huang. Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time?"

"I don't want to, but he wants to kill me. If I don't kill him, I will die." Chu Yan felt wronged.

"Forget it, since my father promised to save you, he won't let you get into trouble. No matter what happens later, don't be impulsive." Meng Ya said seriously, showing that the situation is serious.

"Okay!" Chu Yan lowered his head and understood the relationship between the shadow and Meng Ya.

A great prince of the Beiming Dynasty stared at the shadow with a gloomy face: "The prince of my Beiming Dynasty died here, is the Demon Sect going to intervene?"

"In the past, the Beiming Emperor was defeated in the Doumaihang, and my junior brother got the treasure. It was only natural. It was you, the Beiming Dynasty, who couldn't afford to lose, and sent the Emperor to hunt down my junior brother. Do you think that my Demon Sect is easy to bully?" Meng Ya shouted at the side, stating her position.

"In that case, he shouldn't kill our prince!" The great prince roared.

"If you don't kill him, are you waiting to be killed? The logic of the Beiming Dynasty is really interesting." Meng Ya said again.

"Xiao Ya, it's over." The shadow finally spoke, very calmly, but full of deterrence: "Right and wrong, grudges, right and wrong are in the heart, today's matter ends here, I promised my girl, this boy, I will protect him, if you want to hurt him, I will intervene."

Everyone was speechless for a while, Chu Yan also looked at the shadow in surprise, it was really domineering.

"Aren't you afraid of making a mortal enemy with my dynasty by doing this?"

"You talk too much nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you too." The shadow said contemptuously, and then released the royal power, which immediately turned into a mountain to suppress, and banged against Beiming Junzhe, making his face pale.


Beiming Junzhe looked extremely cold, but he glanced at the distance, where there were still people from the Demon Sect, which made him understand that even if he stayed today, he would never be able to do anything to Chu Yan.

"Demon Sect, I have learned a lesson today." Beiming Junzhe glanced at Chu Yan, so cold: "Tianjun Ruins, you'd better not come, otherwise, it will be your doomsday!"

"Go!" Beiming Junzhe roared and rushed into the sky. The other strong men of Beiming Dynasty were helpless and left. Today, they suffered a great loss. Not only did they not get the Demon Bone back, but Beiming Shahuang died tragically because of it. I am afraid that the emperor will be very angry because of this.

But when they left, everyone knew in their hearts that this matter was not over yet.

Beiming Dynasty will not give up. Just as the last words of the monarch, the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch and the Demon Sect will probably be targeted. Once Chu Yan sets foot there, he will be in danger, even doomsday.

The shadow of the Demon Sect frowned slightly, looked at Chu Yan, and said unhappily: "Let's go!"

Chu Yan was stunned and smiled bitterly. Meng Ya stuck out her tongue at Chu Yan and said cutely: "Let's go. My father blames you for being impulsive, but he loves talents and won't do anything to you."

"I know." Chu Yan nodded, otherwise the shadow would not protect him.

Before leaving, Chu Yan looked in the direction of the Craftsmanship Academy again and said hello to Min Yue: "Min Yue, I'm really leaving. Take care of yourself."

After that, Chu Yan stepped into the air and followed the shadow's footsteps, with Qingyi behind him.

The peerless genius really left, but for some reason, the disciples of the Craftsmanship Academy seemed to have not seen enough. They were in a daze for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Let's go, go back, and wait for his story to come soon." Dean Han smiled and rubbed Min Yue's little head.

As expected, the death of Beiming Shahuang caused a huge sensation. Because of this incident, the Beiming Emperor was completely angry, and Chu Yan was directly listed as a must-kill person in the Beiming Dynasty.

Including the people who first stepped into the Tianjun ruins of the Demon Sect were also affected by this, and were ambushed by the strong men of the Beiming Dynasty several times in the ruins.

There was even a monarch war in the ruins. That battle was extremely tragic, and both sides suffered casualties before it gradually subsided.


As for Chu Yan, he was safe. After all, no matter how powerful the Beiming Dynasty was, it was impossible to sneak into the Demon Sect to kill him.

After following the shadow back to the Demon Sect, Chu Yan was alone in his residence to recover from his injuries. This time, he was seriously injured and his vitality was overdrawn too much. He must hurry up, otherwise he might have sequelae.

"Brother, are you injured?" Wang Feng had been in the Demon Sect, and when he saw Chu Yan was seriously injured, he was immediately anxious: "What happened? Who hurt you?"

Meng Ya supported Chu Yan and rolled her eyes: "Your good brother killed a prince of the Beiming Dynasty in anger for his beloved. It's good that he was able to save his life and was injured."

"Brother is so powerful?" Wang Feng was not afraid after hearing the whole process, but admired him very much. He laughed excitedly: "I knew my brother was not an ordinary person. He was just the prince of Beiming Dynasty, but he killed all the emperors in the world. He overestimated his ability."

"..." Meng Ya shook her head helplessly: "Do you know how big Beiming Dynasty is? There are sixteen veins in Tianbei, three dynasties, and Beiming Dynasty is the largest. It is much stronger than Jiuyou and Zilei. If they really start a war without considering the consequences, even my Demon Sect will not be as good as them."

"What are you afraid of? My brother will enter the realm of the king sooner or later. At that time, my brother will be enough to flatten the land of a dynasty." Wang Feng said proudly, with an inexplicable admiration for Chu Yan.

"Yes, your senior brother is the best." Meng Ya rolled her eyes in displeasure. She was really impressed by this pair of fearless brothers: "You should recover first. This matter is very serious and may alarm the Demon Sect. My father asked you to recover first. As for the rumors, you don't have to pay attention to them."

"Yes. Thank you, senior sister." Chu Yan said sincerely. He knew very well that without Meng Ya this time, even if he didn't die, it would not be as easy as it is now. He might be forced into a dead end again.

"That's good to know." Meng Ya snorted before getting up and leaving.

In the next half month, Chu Yan stayed at home and was always recovering. Gu Lie, Zi Yin and Zhu Feng would often visit him and send him some pills for recovery.

But the Demon Sect was not calm. There were two different voices about Chu Yan's killing of Bei Ming Sha Huang.

Some of them thought that Chu Yan broke the balance and implicated the Demon Sect, and wanted to punish Chu Yan, including the killing of the Demon Lord. Chu Yan refused his invitation that day and was still upset.

Some people also think that Chu Yan did nothing wrong in this battle. He was chased by someone, but he fought back across two realms. He is a true genius and should be trained by the Demon Sect and regarded as a genius.

In short, rumors continue, and there are all kinds of rumors.

Wang Feng was very unhappy about this, and he had an argument with Xie Yun and a group of disciples because of this. They fought a big battle, but were defeated by Xie Yun. Later, Meng Ya took action and ended it.

Then for the next half month, Chu Yan and Wang Feng recovered together. Every time he saw Wang Feng next to him who was indignant, Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Why are you doing this?"

"Who told them to say that, senior brother? That Xie Yun actually laughed at senior brother for being a coward and not daring to fight him. He was not worthy of being in the Demon Sect and not worthy of practicing the magic way!" Wang Feng said unhappily.

Chu Yan smiled calmly: "It's just a rumor, why worry about it, if there is a chance in the future, I will let him know what the devil is."

"How is the injury?" Chu Yan asked again, Wang Feng grinned: "It's okay."

"Then go out for a walk, a month, I don't know how Qing Yi is doing." Chu Yan felt a little distressed when he thought of the thin Qing Yi who was stubbornly blocking him.

"Okay." Wang Feng jumped up from the bed and prepared to go out.

But as soon as the two of them walked out of the mansion, before leaving the courtyard, they were stopped by someone.

"Stop!" Two disciples said coldly. Wang Feng said unhappily: "What do you mean? My senior brother is also a disciple of the Demon Sect. Is he going to be confined by you?"

One disciple was quite polite and looked at Chu Yan and said: "Junior brother Chu, don't make things difficult for us. This is the order from the higher-ups. You'd better not go out before the sect makes a decision on you."

Chu Yan frowned slightly. Although he could guess from Meng Ya's face every time she came that things were not going well, he didn't expect that he would be confined to his house.

"Damn it, what's the matter? The Demon Sect is going to hand over my senior brother to the Beiming Dynasty after the man has been killed?" Wang Feng roared.

The two disciples did not say anything, but the long halberds in their hands were tightly crossed to block the way.

"Wang Feng, it's done." Chu Yan finally shook his head: "Let's go back and wait for the verdict."

"Brother, this group of people is too much!" Wang Feng stamped his feet angrily, but Chu Yan didn't say anything, but he was in a bad mood. He believed that he was not wrong in Bei Ming's killing of the emperor. The other party wanted to kill him and sent the monarch to deal with Qing Yi. Even if it was the king of heaven, he would definitely kill him if he had the chance.

But the choice of the Demon Sect made him quite disappointed, but it was not incomprehensible.

As one of the sixteen veins of the Heavenly Monument, the emperor of the Bei Ming Dynasty wanted revenge at all costs. Why? Bei Ming's killing of the emperor was his offspring. And why did the Demon Sect confine himself and hesitate? It was only because his strength was not enough to make the Demon Sect pay attention.

No matter what the result of the verdict was, he could not influence it, but if the Demon Sect abandoned him, he would never accept his fate. Fortunately, he took this opportunity to practice hard and improve himself.

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