Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 504 Who wants to kill me?

"Kill!" Changfeng stood up with swords, four swords, including double swords, giant swords, sabers, and rapiers. With his practiced body skills, he moved at a strange speed, and immediately rolled up a gust of wind around him, rushing towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood on the sky with cold eyes, and took back the Taishan giant hammer and the seven-string bow, leaving only the Tianlai sword. When he held the hilt of the sword, a terrible sword chant immediately formed.

"He wants to fight Changfeng with a sword?" Others showed a hint of teasing. Although Chu Yan is now famous, all the people here are geniuses from all sides, and everyone has had a few brilliant battles.

"Jian Wuya's disciples are entangled in sword training, and Wuya swordsmanship is from the hands of Jian Wuya's ancestor. This Chu Yan actually blocked it with a sword. He is too overestimating his own ability." The people of the Beiming Dynasty sneered, with coldness in their eyes.

Changfeng was also quite surprised. He had seen Chu Yan transform into a Dharma body. The pure power and speed were both extremely strong, but he had never thought that Chu Yan would fight him with a sword.

"Do you understand what it means to show off one's skills in front of an expert?" Changfeng said contemptuously. Although his bloodline was not sword-oriented, as a disciple of Jian Wuya, he was born a swordsman and had a unique advantage.

"You talk too much nonsense!" Chu Yan said contemptuously, and then he stepped out with a thud, one step and one sword, the sword energy was self-contained, and there was a dragon roar mixed in, and then he slashed at Changfeng in the void.


The sword rang, and Chu Yan and Changfeng collided immediately, but the scene everyone expected did not appear. Chu Yan was not chopped to pieces by Changfeng's sword energy, but became more courageous. His mind moved, as if he had become a sword.

"What's going on?" Suddenly, the people below frowned. They also used swords, but at this time they felt that their swords were trembling, as if they were about to break out of the sheath and surrender.

"That Chu Yan has the heart of a sword!" Another sword cultivator was surprised. Chu Yan stood proudly, like an invincible sword. He looked down at Changfeng and approached step by step. Every time his heart beat, the swords within ten thousand meters would chirp, as if to please the sword king.

"This Chu Yan has another identity, which you may not know." Suddenly another person spoke up. He was from the Sword City of Demon State. He looked at Chu Yan with some admiration: "This person is Jian Junya, the descendant of the Sword King!"

The strong men couldn't help but frown. The appearance of the descendant of the Sword King in the Sword City caused a sensation. Several Tianbei lineages went to recruit disciples, but they all returned in vain. Unexpectedly, the descendant of the Sword King appeared in front of them.

"You are so worthy of holding a sword? It is simply a tarnishing of the word sword."

Chu Yan said contemptuously. Changfeng's face was gloomy. The sword in his hand was shaking, but he couldn't speak. Facing Chu Yan's sword, he felt a huge pressure.

"Bang!" As he raised his hand and crushed, a stream of sword energy pierced through him. Changfeng turned pale and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was a level 7 emperor, but now in front of Chu Yan, he didn't even have the strength to fight back. It can be said that he was crushed.

"So strong..." Everyone couldn't help but say in surprise: "This Chu Yan is really as strong as the rumors say."

The faces of the people in the Beiming Dynasty were extremely ugly. They and Chu Yan were mortal enemies, so they naturally didn't want to see Chu Yan become strong.

Zi Chen also frowned slightly, and Donghuang Mingyao clenched his fists. He originally wanted to challenge Chu Yan, but now, he didn't have the courage.

He was also a level 7 emperor, and he was good at bell method. In terms of combat power, he was not as good as Changfeng.

"So you are so weak." Chu Yan said calmly, and then he didn't waste any words, and blasted out with a palm, which immediately hit Changfeng's chest, causing Changfeng to spit out a mouthful of blood and fall into the ruins.

"If I see you in the starry sea in the future, you'd better hide, otherwise I will kill you if I have the chance." Chu Yan said coldly. He never had a good impression of Changfeng. When he was in the six domains, he was extremely arrogant, as if he was superior to others, and regarded them as ants. But now, he has won by force, so he will not be polite anymore.

"Junior brother Chu is powerful!" Gu Lie nodded with satisfaction. Chu Yan's growth was faster than he imagined.

"With his fighting power, no one can beat him at the seventh level of the emperor." Suddenly, there was another moving voice. It was Li Xian'er, who looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"Asshole!" Jian Wuya and the people of Beiming Dynasty were extremely cold. The current situation was very unfavorable to them.

Now that the ruins are open, the monarchs have entered the deep mountains. There are very few emperors in the periphery, and no one among them can do anything to Chu Yan for a while.

"Prince Zichen!" Changfeng got up in a mess, his eyes were angry. Today's battle was his shame, so he must kill Chu Yan.

Zi Chen looked at Chang Feng unexpectedly, and Chang Feng continued: "Prince Zi Chen, this boy has a bad character. If he grows up, he will become a disaster. Why don't we join forces? His life belongs to the Beiming Dynasty, the space ring belongs to me, and the ancient bell belongs to you, Prince Zi Chen, okay?"

Meng Ya heard the scolding and said: "Despicable!"

But at this time, obviously no one paid attention to her. As for the so-called despicable, who would care at this point?

Zi Chen pondered for a moment and did not agree, but looked at Chu Yan: "Brother Chu, you also saw that the ruins are now inside, and this ancient bell, I am afraid you can't take it away, why don't you give it to me and form an alliance with my Zi Lei Dynasty. Today, Zi will sweep everything for you."

Chang Feng's face sank, and he secretly scolded Zi Chen for being shameless, but he could only endure it. Among the current strong, the Zi Lei Dynasty is considered the top one, because Zi Chen is here, and there is a top emperor.

Chu Yan glanced at Zi Chen. This man was very cunning. He tried to win him over several times and now he was seeking an alliance for the ancient bell. However, he would definitely turn against him after achieving his goal.

"Thank you Prince Zi Chen for your kindness. I have said that I don't care about the bunch of trash from the Beiming Dynasty and Jian Wuya." Chu Yan said coldly.

"In this case, I, the prince, can only form an alliance with them if I know the current situation." Zi Chen nodded without surprise, and then his imperial power rose up, turning into extraordinary killing, like a purple thunder dragon, and immediately blasted towards Chu Yan.

"Haha, this is what you mean, to achieve your goal by any means, so why be polite, if you want to fight, I will accompany you!" Chu Yan's eyes were fierce, and his body suddenly surged with furious imperial power, and the same thunder and lightning crossed in the air, making the sky emit bursts of crackling sounds, and the thunder light filled the sky, splitting some ancient pines.

"He's crazy..." Everyone saw this scene, and their hearts trembled. Even though Chu Yan had said that he killed Changfeng in seconds before, everyone still felt that they could understand it. After all, Changfeng was only a seventh-level emperor, and he was not strong in the realm of the emperor.

But Zi Chen is different. He is a prince of a dynasty, a top-level Heavenly Emperor. It can be said that he is one of the top few people under the Lord in the Star Sea. Now, Chu Yan actually told Zi Chen that if he wants to fight, he will accompany him.

"Mad man..." The fairies in the Wangxian Tower were also helpless.

Meng Ya, Gu Lie and others all looked very ugly. Now in the Demon Sect, the only one who can resist Zi Chen is Di Feng, but Di Feng does not seem to intend to make a move, and sneers at the side.

"Gu Lie, delay time, I will send a message to my father." Meng Ya said anxiously, but suddenly, Chu Yan said in the void: "Senior sister, don't!"


"It's too late." Chu Yan said, the Lord has entered the depths. If Zi Chen wants to kill him, it's too late with Meng Jun's speed. Moreover, is the Demon Sect the only one with the Lord? The Soul-Eating Bell is a divine object within a thousand names. Once it spreads, other Lords will come. At that time, it will be more difficult for him.

"Believe me! With Zi Chen, he can't kill me." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and then his eyes moved slightly, looking at the nine-day void. He knew that Qing Yi was watching him somewhere at this time, and he didn't want Qing Yi to participate in the next battle, so he shook his head.

"How shameless!" Chang Feng sneered on the side: "Prince Zi Chen, this boy is too arrogant, it seems that he doesn't take you seriously at all."

"Chang Feng, it seems that you don't understand the word shame at all. You are two realms higher than me, and I killed you in seconds. Now you have the face to say such words." Chu Yan said coldly, full of ridicule. Chang Feng's face was gloomy for a while, but he just snorted coldly, and didn't act impulsively, but waited on the side. In his opinion, if the three veins joined forces, Chu Yan would die today.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!" Zi Chen said indifferently. Chu Yan's eyes were fierce, but he didn't have the slightest surprise. After so long, he was already familiar with this cruel world. It was not surprising that Zi Chen attacked him, but when Zi Chen moved, someone else moved next to him, it was the Donghuang lineage.

Donghuang Mingyao said: "Prince Zicheng, I'm here to help you!"

Stepping out of the air, Donghuang Mingyao raised his palm, and a golden bell rose into the air. The sound of the bell formed a sound wave, which was very scary. He looked at Chu Yan with a strong killing intent.

"Hmph!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, holding a sword and went to meet Donghuang Mingyao. Then he moved his mind, and the ancient bell in the distance immediately made a buzzing sound. Then he raised his big hand, like a big handprint, and slapped Donghuang Mingyao fiercely.

Donghuang Mingyao was shocked when he saw this and wanted to resist, but he was shocked to find that Chu Yan's attack power was actually close to his soul, making him unable to resist at all. He spit out a mouthful of blood and his soul was severely damaged.

"I have no grudge against you, but because of vanity, it hurts people a lot!" Chu Yan slapped him with a palm, and Donghuang Mingyao didn't even scream. His soul was shattered and he died tragically. Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Chu Yan actually used the ancient bell to kill strongly.

Chu Yan was right. He had no grudge against Donghuang Mingyao. It was only because Donghuang Mingyao was vain and jealous that he hurt others and himself.

Killing Donghuang Mingyao, the sword light of Zichen in the distance came closer and rushed towards him. Under the sword light, Chu Yan felt a strong threat. There was still a hundred meters away, but the sharp sword energy seemed to pass through the void, causing pain in his skin.

With a step, Chu Yan did not collide with Zichen, but turned and flew back to the Soul-Eating Bell. Standing under the bell, he grabbed the blade of the Tianlai Sword with his flesh palm, and blood immediately flowed out. Then he looked determined, urged his blood, and left a blood palm print on the ancient bell.

"Senior, I have passed the test, burned my blood, and begged you to help me!" The blood prints were connected, the ancient bell rang, and the wasteland began to tremble, forming an extremely terrifying bell ringing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Who wants to kill me!"

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