Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 515: Doing Justice for Heaven

The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance looked uncertain, staring at Chu Yan.

They were not fools. From the actions of Huo Feng and others, it could be seen that Chu Yan was the leader of this group of people. An emperor of the Beiming Dynasty looked at Chu Yan: "Sir, are you sure you want to do this? The Emperor Road is full of geniuses from all major forces, and our Four Gods Alliance is a union of the four major heavenly monuments."

"You talk too much nonsense." Chu Yan smiled contemptuously: "We are new here and don't know the rules, so you want to take our spiritual essence. Since you also said that it is a rule to take spiritual essence in the Emperor Road, if you don't want to die, hand over your spiritual essence."

The faces of the people of the Four Gods Alliance were extremely ugly. They were all arrogant and would not hand it over. A big demon in the Beast King Hall roared: "Boy, if you fight, you may not win."

Chu Yan's eyes were fierce. He had no grudge against the Beast King Hall, but under the ancient bell, the Xuanwu Lord directly attacked and wanted to take his ancient bell.

"Just a beast." Chu Yan said lightly, and his body moved at once, like a shuttle sword, piercing through the void, with a huge pendulum and crystal condensing behind him.

"So fast!" The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance were shocked by Chu Yan's speed.

Speed ​​True Self, the four bloodlines are: speed, time, space, and domain.

The four life souls, the shuttle sword, the time pendulum, the space crystal, and the half-moon purple bow.

After cultivating the third true self, Chu Yan rarely used it, because this true self is not suitable for fighting.

But it does not mean that there is no attack power. For a simple example, an ordinary stone hitting the body may not hurt, but if it is shot at a speed of one kilometer per second, it can be indestructible, even the black tortoise inner armor can be directly penetrated.

The extreme speed represents a terrible power.

The life soul of the shuttle sword is a cultivation sword. This sword is not a weapon, but a carving knife that can cut space.

With this soul, Chu Yan can control the power of space, move instantly, and practice bow skills to kill people thousands of miles away. Space, domain, and time are rare powers.

"Bang!" Chu Yan leaped into the air, and the seven-stringed bow was sacrificed. His fingers kept picking on the bowstring, and suddenly a stream of vital energy arrows shot out.

"Roar!" The monster in the Beast King Hall roared, and turned into a terrible monster lion, with a body that was a hundred feet tall.

"What a strong battle." The battle here was violent, shaking the earth and attracting countless people to watch: "It's the people of the Four Gods Alliance. In the Emperor Road, there are still people who dare to provoke them?"

"Is that monster from the lion and tiger tribe?" Someone looked at the monster lion and said: "The lion and tiger tribe is an ancient relic, extremely rare, and has infinite combat power, but the person who fought with him is also very strong. The fifth-level emperor can actually cross a realm to suppress the lion and tiger tribe."

Others nodded, all shocked by Chu Yan's strength.

"This is the first time I've seen such a skilled bowman in the Star Sea. Do you know who this person is?" Someone asked curiously, and everyone shook their heads.

There are very few people who practice bowmanship, because they have shortcomings. Once someone gets close to them, it is extremely dangerous. Therefore, those who practice bowmanship generally only use it as an auxiliary, and they have never seen someone who concentrates on practicing bowmanship.

"Bang!" Another arrow shot out, cutting through the skin of the lion-tiger monster, causing him to roar with red eyes: "Boy, I want you to die!"

The lion-tiger monster was huge, and one claw sent out was like a mountain, and then the ground trembled, as if it was indestructible.

But at this time, Chu Yan also moved. He stepped on the ground, and the space in front of him was cut open. When he appeared again, he was behind the lion-tiger monster, and he was very contemptuous: "The Beast King Palace is nothing but this, humble."

"Bang!" Seven arrows shot through in succession, and the lion-tiger monster screamed. The arrows directly passed through his limbs and nailed it firmly to the ground.

"Asshole!" The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance said angrily. They couldn't understand why Chu Yan, who was only the fifth level of the Emperor, had such terrible combat power.

"Boy, the Emperor Road is full of people from top forces from all sides. Even if there is a conflict, they rarely kill and make deadly enemies. If you kill him, the Beast King Palace will not let you go." The disciple of the Purple Thunder Dynasty gritted his teeth.

"Is it the same again?" Chu Yan shook his head coldly: "Hand over your spiritual essence and let you go, otherwise, die."

The Four Gods Alliance's face turned cold, and someone from the Beiming Dynasty said: "It's ridiculous. The Four Gods Alliance is not threatened, and I don't believe you dare to kill him."

"Ignorance." Chu Yan shook his head sadly. Dare not kill? He even dared to kill the Xuanwu Lord of the Beast King Palace, let alone a disciple.

"No!" The lion-tiger monster said in horror. From Chu Yan's eyes, he felt a real sense of death.

"Bang!" Chu Yan didn't waste any words. He shot an arrow at the head of the lion-tiger monster. The tiger head, which was as big as a hill, had a blood mark on the forehead and was immediately pierced by the arrow.

Everyone was stunned, and they were all shocked by Chu Yan's thundering means.

"Really killed?" The people around were speechless, and the faces of the disciples of the Four Gods Alliance were extremely cold.

"Boy, you will die!" A level 7 emperor of the Purple Thunder Dynasty said fiercely.

"The Four Gods Alliance is tyrannical and unjust. Today I will enforce justice on behalf of heaven." Chu Yan acted very calmly, and then he took another step forward, and Huo Feng and others appeared behind him.

"Kill, don't spare any!" Chu Yan ordered, and Huo Feng and others burst into arrogance, and then they slashed at the Four Gods Alliance without hesitation.

The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance looked embarrassed. They were not high-level disciples, and there were few Heavenly Emperors among them, unlike Chu Yan's side, who also had Emperor-breaking strongmen.

So when the battle started, they fell into a state of being abused.

A disciple of the Purple Thunder Dynasty glared at Chu Yan. He couldn't figure it out: "Who are you? Are you not afraid of retaliation when you kill my disciples of the Four Gods Alliance like this?"

Chu Yan smiled strangely, the space in front of him was cut, and he appeared next to the disciple.

"This emperor, Chu Yan!"

The sound was very small and reached the disciple's ears.

The disciple trembled and looked at Chu Yan with shrinking eyes.

At this moment, he finally understood why Chu Yan would kill them without any scruples. What was even more ridiculous was that they actually wanted to seize Chu Yan's spiritual essence before.

But it was too late. He tried his best to call out Chu Yan's name, but the next moment a suspended spiritual sword touched his throat and sealed it with a sword.


The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance died tragically. They were all furious, but it was useless. Huo Feng and others were extremely powerful. They were at the eighth level of the Emperor, which was enough to kill the top Heavenly Emperor.

"You will not end well." The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance roared.

"Boom!" The last disciple of the Four Gods Alliance was also beaten to death.

The onlookers were also dumbfounded. Since the opening of the Imperial Road, the Four Gods Alliance has always been extremely strong and the largest force in the Imperial Road. However, today, they were brutally killed.

After killing everyone in the Four God Alliance, the aura of spiritual energy behind Chu Yan and others became much stronger.

"You have killed the people of the Four Gods Alliance. The disciples of the Four Gods Alliance are connected with their spiritual thoughts and will send people here soon. You should leave quickly, otherwise you will not end up well if you stay." There is a strong man from the Holy Sect below. A kind reminder.

"So what if the Four Gods Alliance is really invincible? Just send someone and kill them." Chu Yan stood proudly in the air and said arrogantly.

"Idiot." A disciple from the Wandao Sect in the distance shook his head. Then he felt the gazes of Huo Feng and others, which made him tremble in his heart. He hurriedly said: "I don't mean to humiliate, but now the alliance of the four major heavenly monument forces, the four The League of Gods is at its peak, and that person is guarding it. If you don’t leave, you are simply waiting for death.”

Chu Yan did not care about that person, but suddenly circulated his vitality, turned into sound waves, and said loudly: "The Four Gods Alliance is no more than the four heavenly monuments, but they are cruel and inhumane. This emperor cannot stand it, so I am here today, We have also decided to open a mountain gate, called the Heavenly Emperor Gate. From today on, anyone who has enmity with the Four Gods Alliance can join and be protected by our Heavenly Emperor Gate."

"Hiss..." Everyone took a breath of air. Does this guy want to openly start a war with the Four Gods Alliance?

Huo Feng and others stood aside with their eyes shining brightly and extremely excited. They followed Chu Yan in order to become famous all over the world one day.

"The combat power of this group of people is also good. There are some strong ones who can break the emperor. Unfortunately, the leader is a little weaker. He is only the fifth level of emperor, and his realm is not good enough." Someone whispered.

"Can you really protect us?" At this moment, someone in the distance suddenly said weakly. Everyone looked around and saw a woman in purple standing there, her delicate cheeks covered with dust.

"Haha, he's from the Demon Sect." Someone next to him looked at the woman in purple. If there were people who had enmity with the Four Gods Alliance, the Demon Sect was number one.

Chu Yan looked at the woman, his eyes immediately turned extremely cold.

The woman in purple clothes is actually Zi Yin.

In just three months, Zi Yin became very haggard.

"As long as you are willing to join, whoever dares to invade the Four Gods Alliance will be killed." Chu Yan endured the anger in his heart and did not acknowledge Zi Yin.

Since entering the Emperor's path, the disciples of the Demon Sect have been in a miserable state. They have been chased and killed by the Four Gods Alliance several times. Zi Yin has also become separated from the crowd and has fallen into danger many times.

The people from the Four Gods Alliance were chasing her just now.

"Okay, I'll join." Zi Yin nodded lightly, but she didn't recognize Chu Yan, but for some reason, she felt a familiar feeling from Chu Yan, which reminded her of her. Junior brother is here.

"Huo Feng, this girl is my Demon Sect senior sister. Please take good care of her for me." Chu Yan sent a message to Huo Feng. Huo Feng nodded and then strolled down: "Girl, follow us."

Chu Yan looked around again, looked at everyone, and said loudly: "I heard that the Four Gods Alliance is chasing the Demon Sect. This is the 16th level spiritual jade. Please help me spread the word. All disciples of the Demon Sect, From today on, as long as you join our Heavenly Emperor Sect, our Heavenly Emperor Sect will protect you with all our strength and you will no longer be persecuted by the Four Gods Alliance.”

After saying this, Chu Yan waved his hand and scattered ten thousand spiritual jade.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they took back all the spiritual jade.

"Haha, another force has risen and directly started a war with the Four Gods Alliance. It seems that the emperor will be there next." Everyone discussed.

"This son seems to really want to compete with the Four Gods Alliance by wooing the Demon Sect, but that's right. Now that the Demon Sect is isolated and helpless, suddenly having such a group of allies can also alleviate the danger to the Demon Sect's disciples." Everyone speculated. Dao, no one doubts Chu Yan’s identity.

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