Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 517: On the Imperial List

Within the Imperial Road, Chu Yan was galloping in the air.

He had a good impression of Li Xian'er. When he was in the Six Domains, Li Xian'er stood up and spoke for him. Later, Li Xian'er offered help several times outside Sword City and the ruins.

What's more, this time, Li Xian'er still suffered this disaster because of himself, and he would not let it go.

While walking, Chu Yan communicated with Huo Feng through his spiritual thoughts.

After a moment, Huo Feng responded: "Master, what happened?"

"Do you know about Wangxianlou Li Xian'er's arrest?" Chu Yan asked in a deep voice.

"I heard that this incident caused quite a stir in Dilu," Huo Feng said.

"Are the Four Gods Alliance involved?"

"No, after Beiming Shatian Qianzhang Lingyuan Yin passed on, the Four Gods Alliance became much calmer, and the Donghuang Clan, the Poison Sect, and the Jiuyou Dynasty seemed to want to take this opportunity to create a new force in the Imperial Road. ." Huo Feng told Chu Yan what he knew.

Chu Yan nodded. It was not surprising that many of the powerful people would choose to form alliances when the Emperor Road was born to seize spiritual essence and guide the inheritance of the Taoism.

The Four Gods Alliance and the Heavenly Emperor Sect are just typical examples. The Four Gods Alliance became famous because of the four heavenly monuments, as well as the crusade against the Demon Sect and Chu Yan.

As for the Heavenly Emperor Sect, because of its high profile, it launched several battles with the Four Gods Alliance when they first entered the imperial path.

But it does not mean that there are only these two major forces in the Imperial Road. For example, some ancient clans have also allied together, and now the Donghuang Clan, the Poison Sect, and the Jiuyou Dynasty also have vague intentions of joining forces.

"Sect Master, do you want to take action against the Donghuang clan? Do you need me to gather people?" Huo Feng asked. Chu Yan hesitated for a moment and responded: "No, I can do it alone. Beiming Shatian will leave at any time. You stay inside the door and keep an eye on it to avoid being attacked."

"Then Master, be careful." Huo Feng obeyed.

At the Tiandi Gate, Huo Feng broke off the contact. Youyou and others asked at the side: "Brother Huo, can the gate master do it alone? The Donghuang clan is an ancient clan, and the Poison Sect and the Jiuyou Dynasty are both members of the Heavenly Emperor's Gate. A lineage of monuments.”

Huo Feng said firmly: "Since the sect master said it, he must have a way. All we have to do is follow his orders."

Youyou pouted: "If something happens to the sect leader, I'll see how you explain it to Brother Ye when you go back."

"Master, you will become famous in one battle." Huo Feng shook his head and smiled honestly.

For Chu Yan, Huo Feng had a blind trust, maybe because of Ye Xun, or maybe because of Chu Yan's extraordinary ability, which can transform even the life soul and blood. This kind of person, a born king, may encounter some Sufferings are just stepping stones for him to climb higher, and no one can stop him.


The western part of Dilu is a marginal area.

There is an ancient stone forest formation here, with an ancient stone statue above it. The stone statue is a six-winged demon with only a pair of huge eyes, but it seems to be able to see through all the illusions in the world.

Under the stone statue, there are piles of complicated rocks. Now this place has been occupied by one force, which is composed of the Donghuang Clan, the Poison Sect, and the Jiuyou Dynasty.

The stone forest was extremely lively today, and there were people in the sky like banners. There were people from all forces, including some at the level of the Emperor of Heaven.

Chu Yan also arrived here. He raised his head and looked at the seat under the stone statue, his eyes flashing with a sharp look.

There was a handsome young man under the seat. The young man was playing with an ancient clock as big as a palm. There was also a beautiful woman standing next to him.

"Xian'er!" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and he felt a sense of murder. That beautiful woman was none other than Li Xian'er. Now she was waiting for the young man beside her seat. Her beautiful autumn eyes in the past were dim, and she looked very haggard. Her hands and feet He was even trapped by the soul chain and was very sad.

"Haha, Donghuang Zhong, you really enjoy it. Li Xian'er is the most beautiful woman in my Xinghai, and you treat her like a maid." In the void, a young man laughed loudly, wearing the clothes of Wandao Sect.

"This is not my original intention. However, this bastard is an old friend of that thief Chu Yan. Chu Yan killed several people in our Donghuang family. What we did today was to lure him out." Donghuang Zhong put down the ancient bell. His eyes were full of greed, and he sneered.

"Donghuang Zhong, what do you mean by posting heroic posts and gathering us here?" Another young man said.

"The main reason for calling everyone here today is for two things. The first one is that I hope you can all bear witness for us. From today on, we, the Donghuang Clan, the Poison Sect, and the Jiuyou Dynasty will officially form an alliance to create the Sanding Sect and become the Emperor's Road. The third largest force is as famous as the Four Gods Alliance and the Heavenly Emperor Sect," Donghuang Zhong Langlang said.

Everyone frowned, secretly thinking that Donghuang Zhong was so ambitious that he actually wanted to create the third largest force in the Imperial Road.

But no one cares about this. Whether the Sanding Sect has this strength has nothing to do with them. It is a matter for the Tiandi Sect and the Four Gods Alliance.

"Where's the second one?" someone in the distance asked.

"The second thing is this Li Xian'er. Everyone knows that the thief Chu Yan is crazy and kills people in the sky monument. Now he is wanted by the Beiming Dynasty, and some people from our Donghuang family died at his hands, so it is also I want him dead. Li Xian'er is an old friend of him. Today, I will strip her clothes and show her to the public. If Chu Yan is really in love with her, he will definitely appear. When the time comes, I will punish Tianbei Mountain. To eliminate evil, I ask all fellow Taoists to bear witness for me," Donghuang Zhong said with a righteous tone.

Everyone sneered, they knew very well what the Donghuang family was thinking. They were just greedy for Li Xianer's beauty and worried about Wangxianlou's revenge, so they did this to make Wangxianlou hate Chu Yan.

Wangxian Tower may take revenge on the Donghuang Clan by then, but the Demon Sect will not be able to escape either.

"Asshole, what does Chu Yan have to do with junior sister Xian'er if he kills them from the Donghuang clan? They dare to do this." The fairy from Wangxian Tower said angrily.

"Let her go!" At this time, from one side of the void, a woman led by him strolled out. Although not as beautiful as Li Xian'er, she was of a higher level and had an extraordinary temperament. She wore a phoenix crown and looked extremely noble.

This woman is a senior sister from Wangxian Tower, a ninth-level emperor, Wang Yue.

"It turns out to be Fairy Wangyue." The corner of Donghuang Zhong's mouth rose: "It's just that I'm afraid it's hard for me to agree to Fairy's request. Chu Yan killed several people from my Donghuang clan, and I will make him pay the price."

"Xian'er is our Holy Lady of Wangxian Tower. If you dare to humiliate her and leave the imperial path, I, Wangxian Tower, will definitely fight to the death with your Donghuang clan."

"Each emperor's road competes based on his own ability. What's more, if you leave the emperor's road, you may not have that ability in Wangxian Tower." Beside the East Emperor Bell, another young man spoke. He was wearing a crown and a dragon robe, but only the embroidery on his chest. The dragon has nine heads and is a nine-headed demon dragon.

"Prince of the Jiuyou Dynasty, Yuwen Longyuan." Seeing the young man, many people became serious.

"Yuwen Longyuan, one of the top ten on the Emperor's List." Someone whispered.

"Emperor's List?" Chu Yan frowned. This was the first time he heard the word "Emperor's List". He couldn't help but look at the person next to him and asked, "Brother, what is the Emperor's List?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Chu Yan. Chu Yan changed his appearance and deliberately hid his aura. He didn't even release the Lingyuan aperture, so there was a look of contempt in the man's eyes: "I don't even know about the emperor list. I really don't know about you." How did you survive on Dilu until now?”

Chu Yan remained calm and did not argue with him. The man sacrificed his spiritual energy, and then a vaguely stair-step list appeared on the sky.

"Did you see it? That's the Emperor's List." The man stretched out his hand and saw the names appearing on the ladder list.

"The Emperor's List is a self-generated list within the Emperor's Road. It is said that there is also a list in the King's Road, which is called the King's List." The disciple explained.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that this was the first time he knew about this matter after three months of his career as emperor. But it was not surprising that the top people were less concerned about such matters, while the people below him were very concerned about it.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the Sky Emperor List.

There are a hundred people on the Heavenly Vault Emperor List, and there are people in all the sixteen branches of the Heavenly Monument. There are actually many names familiar to Chu Yan on it.

At the top, there are four golden words.

Beiming Shatian ranks first on the emperor list.

However, looking down, Chu Yan's eyes were attracted by a name.

Second place: Tsing Yi!

Chu Yan's heart moved slightly: "Qingyi, have you also entered the imperial path?"

"Do you know Qing Yi?" A person nearby looked at Chu Yan in surprise, and then laughed: "Looking at you, you must be infatuated with Qing Yi, right? This woman is a strange woman. She dared to threaten Emperor Beiming outside the ruins. Later, when she entered the imperial path, the Four Gods Alliance chased her several times, but failed, and Prince Zichen was seriously injured as a result. "

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. Qingyi threatened Emperor Beiming for him? He felt warm and nervous in his heart.

Emperor Beiming is the top existence in Xinghai. He can imagine the situation that day.

"But you don't have to think about it. It seems that Qing Yi only cares about Chu Yan. In the Imperial Road, many people have pursued him, including Beiming Shatian, but they have all been rejected." The man added.

Chu Yan did not respond, but sent a message to Huo Feng, asking him to help find Qing Yi.

In addition, there are many famous people on the Emperor's List. Zichen, Donghuang Zhong, Jian Wuya's one-armed swordsman, Yuwen Longyuan are all among the top ten on the Emperor's List.

There are also people from the Tiandi Sect. The eighth one is a man named Qian Zhan, whom he is very familiar with. He is a top Heavenly Emperor from the Tiandi Sect.

Huo Feng ranked eleventh, and he himself was also ranked thirteenth, labeled as: Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

"This list is made by the emperor's path, so some people use honorific titles, so they appear with honorific titles. Thanks to this, otherwise I would have been exposed." Chu Yan thought in his heart, and looked at the people next to him: "How are the rankings on this emperor's list? Is it Lingyuan?"

The disciple shook his head: "Lingyuan is part of it, but combat power and realm will affect the ranking. For example, if a person with a low Lingyuan can cross two realms to kill people, the emperor's ranking will fluctuate. Of course, if you want The easiest way to get on the God List is to directly challenge the people on the Emperor List and defeat them to replace them."

Chu Yan nodded suddenly, and then he looked at the fifth position on the emperor's list, with a smile on his lips and said nothing.

Fifth on the Emperor List: Lin Daoyan!

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