Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5431 Is Right or Wrong

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Realm was really anxious this time!

He had to be anxious.

Tai Gu Ming was dead!

And he died right in front of him.

Chu Yan's combat power had already reached the level zero giant, so why should he worry about the universe spirit at this time!

Maybe, all three of their forces would have to die here today.

Above, the Lord of the Judgment Hall frowned slightly.

To be honest, he did not expect this scene.

But according to his original plan, he did not want to be an enemy of Chu Yan, because of his avenue problem, he and Chu Yan were of the same origin in a sense.

But now, if he did not take action, the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Realm would obviously not give up.

At this time, the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Realm shouted coldly: "Judgment, what are you still hesitating about? If you don't take action, then my Forbidden Heaven Realm will immediately withdraw from today's battle, and keep my word!"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall's face changed slightly.

The Forbidden Heaven Realm cannot withdraw.

Let alone once he withdraws, his plan will be ruined.

Now Chu Yan has the giant god body, once the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Realm leaves, it is still unclear whether he can beat Chu Yan.

At that time, he would not even think about getting the other half of the faith.

After a moment, the Lord of the Judgment Hall nodded slightly: "Okay, together."

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Lord of the Judgment Hall did not take action, he would really lead his people to retreat.

Because he did not want to die.

Now that the two of them are together, he feels more at ease.

Although he has always despised the Judgment, thinking that he is just a person who relies on deceiving all living beings to gain power, he has to admit one thing...

The Lord of the Judgment Hall is really strong!

Before, the three forces in the Forbidden Realm were said to be in a three-legged tripod.

But in fact, the relationship between Taikoo Ming and the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain is better, which can be understood from this battle against the universe.

Because the Lord of the Judgment Hall is stronger.

Taikoo Ming and the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain need to unite to resist.


At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall took a step forward.

Suddenly, a vast force rushed towards the universe.

After all the beings in the universe felt that power, their faces changed slightly, especially some weak ones. They looked up and saw that the Lord of the Judgment Hall was emitting a strong light, which made them feel like the Buddha appeared in the world.

All wanted to make a pilgrimage.

At this time, the Lord of the Human Realm was also shocked after feeling that power: "Is this... the power of faith?"

They were very familiar with this power, because Chu Yan had always used this power.

It's just... there is a clear difference between the two people's beliefs.

Chu Yan's belief has always been about preaching, sincerity, and saving some people with sincerity, and relying on giving for all beings in the universe again and again, so that all beings are willing to follow.

Of course, this also faces a problem, that is, even today, there are still many people in the universe who don't believe in Chu Yan, but Chu Yan has never forced anything.

As the saying goes, the Buddhists don't save those who have no fate.

Chu Yan has always adhered to one thing, that is, to be himself.

I did well enough, and he never forced others to follow or not.

Compared with Chu Yan's belief, the belief of the Lord of the Judgment Hall is obviously different... It is more domineering.

Like a king's way.

Forced suppression.

At this moment, the light of the Lord of the Judgment Hall's belief radiates out, and anyone who is covered by the beam must go to Xinyang.


The Lord can't say which one is better, but he understands one thing.

Chu Yan... is more real than the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall's belief is too fake.

In the Lord of the Judgment Hall's belief, he is a real god, and Chu Yan is a living person.

After a while, countless people in the universe have been lost.

Even the weaker people want to kneel down.

"Stand up!"

The old Taoist suddenly shouted: "Idiot, do you want to kneel down to someone who destroyed your homeland?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall sneered: "It's useless. Under my belief, they will think I am a god, and everything I say is a god."

After that, the Lord of the Judgment Hall gently hooked his finger and chuckled: "Come, let me show you something interesting."


The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly snapped his fingers and said lightly: "All the people of the gods, please commit suicide now and give your power to the gods."


As soon as these words came out, countless cosmic people's eyes turned red, and then they actually drew their swords from their waists and gently wiped their necks with force.

Swish-a touch of bright red blood sprayed out.


The Lord of Man and the old Taoist roared immediately, and then the two of them stared at the Lord of the Judgment Hall with red eyes and said: "No, you are not a god, you are a demon, you are a devil."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall chuckled: "Devil? No, I am a real god. They died and gave their power to me. It is their honor."


The next second, a faint fluorescence suddenly floated out of the bodies of those who died in the universe.

These fluorescences were like fireflies, and finally all flew into the body of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

In just a moment, the breath of the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly became much stronger.

Cao Jianjia growled: "Don't let him absorb it, he can absorb the power of these people to enhance his own strength."

The emperor and others were all angry.

This is not a god or Buddha.

This is a demon!


It shouldn't be like this.

After absorbing countless powers, the Lord of the Judgment Hall licked his lips greedily and chuckled: "It's so sweet, the power of the universe... It's really different from the void, is this the true way?"

All the people in the universe were furious.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall did not stop, and the beams on his body were still flashing.

More and more people were lost in the universe.

His eyes began to become dull.

The Lord of the Human and the old Taoist were anxious, and they shook the people around them desperately: "Wake up! Wake up! He is not a god, he is a demon!"

However, it was useless.

Those people were like being possessed by evil.

Suddenly, he drew the sword at his waist.

The Lord of the Human and others were all desperate.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed out and rushed in front of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The next second, a punch was punched in the face of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was startled, but it was too late for him to dodge. The punch was like a cannonball, and it was coated with a layer of golden light. With a bang, it landed directly on the Lord of the Judgment Hall's face.


The Lord of the Judgment Hall flew backwards.

This retreat was a thousand meters away before it stopped.

It was also at this time that countless people in the universe became more sober.

Chu Yan waved his fist and said coldly: "It's useless to yell at them. If you want to make them sober, the easiest way is to let them understand that these so-called false gods and Buddhas will eventually be pressed to the ground by us."

The Lord of the Human World was delighted.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall's eyes turned cold, but when he looked up at Chu Yan, his face suddenly changed.

Because he found that Chu Yan's face suddenly changed. He held the Refining Heaven Sword in one hand, stared at the Lord of the Judgment Hall and said: "Do you know? You angered me! I can ignore other things, but you treat the sentient beings in my universe as fools. Today you will definitely die very, very miserably."

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