Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5451 Seeking Excitement

Everyone was stunned after hearing what the Spirit of the Universe said.

What happened?

Did the other person get angry because he was too weak?

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe suddenly turned around and looked at Chu Yan, chuckling: "Do you want something more exciting later?"

Chu Yan was stunned. To be honest, he was still stunned...

He was completely stunned.

He couldn't help but complain: "Exciting? Actually, I think... it's already quite exciting now."

It's really too exciting.

The Spirit of the Universe snorted: "You are useless. You feel excited at the beginning? Don't worry. It's a rare opportunity today. I will take you to open your eyes today."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What eye-opening?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Do you want to go inside the blood river to take a look?"

Chu Yan: "..."

The next second, he shook his head desperately: "No!"

What the hell!

Let alone the blood river, to be honest, just these people outside now, any one of them can kill me for several reincarnations.

If it weren't for the Spirit of the Universe, the long river just now, or any person who came out of the blood river, would be enough to kill him hundreds of times.

He now has only one idea...

Don't say anything, it's better to let everyone ignore him.

Because he is not a fool...

He now understands a truth, the Spirit of the Universe is really strong, so strong that it is unreasonable, but the problem is... from today on, everyone knows how powerful the Spirit of the Universe is, and they can only swallow this grievance, and they dare not seek revenge on the Spirit of the Universe.

But hatred does not mean it disappears.

Will these people give up?

Absolutely not.

What should we do?

Who will they seek revenge on?

There is only one candidate...

Chu Yan...

Of course, if the Spirit of the Universe is always there, Chu Yan will not be afraid, let alone not being afraid, he will even take the initiative to provoke others.

There are people backing him up, so what is there to be afraid of!

The problem is... who knows if the Spirit of the Universe will take action next time.

This guy has a strange and cruel temperament.

Chu Yan has known her for so long, but the number of times he has actually seen her take action is very limited.

This time, I don’t know if it was a whim or something, but he suddenly took action.

What if he doesn’t take action next time?

If he doesn’t take action... won’t he be useless?

Let alone the Blood River, he can’t even beat the Long River.

The Spirit of the Universe smiled and said, “What? Are you scared?”

Chu Yan’s face was dark: “Senior, you are happy to pretend to be awesome now, but I will be unlucky and suffer later.”

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: “Don’t you want to lead the universe to the peak? These people have been bullying the universe, don’t you want to retaliate?”

Chu Yan suddenly fell silent.

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Are you going or not? You only have one chance. If you want to go, I will protect you today. As long as I am alive, no one in this void can touch you."

Chu Yan thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Then senior, what if they come to retaliate in the future? Will you still take action?"

The Spirit of the Universe smiled playfully: "That's not necessarily the case."

Chu Yan: "..."


Routine, pure routine!

This guy is now making trouble to death, which is to make enemies for himself.

Suddenly, the Spirit of the Universe became serious, he looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "What? Are you scared?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I'm not afraid, I just feel inexplicable, these hatreds have nothing to do with me, and I'm not pretending, but in the end, all of them will be found on my head."

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "If you don't accept it, you can pretend."

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "I want to win."

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe thought for a while and said: "Actually, I don't think you need to think about these."

Chu Yan was puzzled.

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "Do you think they will let you go if you don't go to the Blood River with me this time? In your opinion, I have caused hatred for you, but is it really true? Before I took action, were they ready to let you go?"

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "But that's all because of the universe!"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded: "It's because of the universe, but I didn't ask you to protect it. You put shackles on yourself. You can give up the universe now."

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Why, can't bear it?"

Chu Yan lowered his head.

The Spirit of the Universe said: "As long as you can't bear it, this group of people will keep looking for you. I'm in a good mood today and can help you once. If I don't help, do you think the Blood River won't bother you?"

Chu Yan thought about it and suddenly made up his mind: "Go!"

Yes, what the Spirit of the Universe said is right.

Will the Blood River let me go if I don't go to the Blood River?


In this case, it's better to take the initiative.

Anyway, there is the Spirit of the Universe this time. As for what to do if the Spirit of the Universe doesn't care next time...

That's a matter for next time.

Let's just show off for now.

The corner of the Universe Spirit's mouth slightly raised: "That's right!"

In the distance, Changhe and Tianhai Bodhisattva and others were stunned.

The conversation between the two was not at all behind others.

So they also heard it very clearly.

The problem is... We are still here, and you two are discussing going to the Blood River?

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe suddenly turned around and looked at everyone, especially the Bodhisattva Tianhai and the others, sneering: "The Blood River looks down on people. I'm going to do something. You guys stay here obediently. I'll come out in a while. If I find that anyone is missing, don't blame me for pulling out the roots behind you."

The eyes of Changhe and others all shrank.


Very crazy!

But the problem is... you have entered the Blood River, and you are still thinking about coming out?

Isn't this... a bit too self-defeating?

Changhe said in a low voice: "Don't worry, sir, we won't leave."

Bodhisattva Tianhai glanced at Changhe, but still nodded slightly.

Because he didn't think that the Spirit of the Universe would be able to come out alive after entering the Blood River.

The corners of the Spirit of the Universe's mouth rose slightly: "Let's see."

The next second, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, Chu Yan's face changed, and then the space around him was distorted, and then he appeared next to the Spirit of the Universe.

The Spirit of the Universe held him in one hand, like holding a chick, and flew directly to the blood river below without any hesitation.

Above the blood river, blood rolled and waves crashed against the shore.

At this time, before the two of them entered the blood river, a faint blood-colored light shield suddenly appeared above the river, blocking the figures of the two people.

"It's the blood realm." At this time, someone in the distance said in a low voice.

Changhe said confidently: "This realm has existed since the birth of the blood river. Unless it is a member of my blood clan, it is indestructible and there is no... hiccup!"

Before Changhe could finish the rest of the words, he suddenly hiccupped... choked back.

Because he clearly saw that before the Spirit of the Universe flew to the blood realm, the slender jade hand gently waved.


The blood realm... is gone!

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