Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5475: Cheat a few more

Gui Ji didn't let Blood Ancestor take action.

He was actually worried that once the Blood Ancestor took action and one person solved the universe, what if they all had no contribution at all and the Blood River wouldn't let them enter the universe.

So he was not happy to show off this time.

The people from the other three parties have this mentality.

So when the voice fell, a group of strong men immediately attacked Chu Yan.

Chu Yan had one sword and one sword, and his face looked slightly ugly.

Below, the host and others were even more heartbroken.

The gap is too big.

With the current strength of the universe, the five hidden forces are no match at all.

But the next second, the master roared: "Why are they watching? Come on! Come on together! Even if we die, we must fight to the last person."

All the people in the universe came to their senses, and a ruthless look flashed in their eyes.




The next second, the old man, the emperor, and the four ancient emperors all rushed out.


Chu Yan glanced below and did not stop him.

He knows that the universe also needs some experience, otherwise it will never grow.

It turned out that he was strong enough to face everything alone, so he didn't force it.

But now countless hidden giants are appearing, and there may be some strong ones who are self-centered in the future. He cannot guarantee that he will always be invincible.

Tsk - Chu Yan waved his sword.

Take the initiative to meet a hidden powerhouse.

The man snorted coldly and punched hard.

Tsk—In an instant, an arm flew out.

"Ah!!!" The hidden powerhouse let out a scream, with some shock in his eyes: "Damn it, you, how can you be so strong?"

Chu Yan's eyes were cold: "You have been hiding from the world for so long that you have become stupid and too confident."

The strong man twitched the corner of his mouth and turned around to escape.

But almost in an instant, Chu Yan spread his palm and transformed the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword into eight swords. One of them made a puff sound and penetrated directly into the strong man's back.

The strong man's eyes widened, and then with a bang, it exploded on the spot.

Chu Yan killed one person, but it was not over yet.

At this time, the remaining seven divine swords flew into the sky, and then seven... Chu Yan appeared in the sky?

Yes, it’s Chu Yan.

Gui Ji was startled when she saw this: "Clone?"

But then a Chu Yan came towards him, Gui Ji frowned slightly, and he punched him.


In an instant, Gui Ji jumped back a thousand meters, with a look of surprise in her eyes: "How is it possible? Why hasn't your clone's strength weakened? Instead, it has become stronger?"

What is a doppelganger?

It is separated from the body of the deity.

Therefore, anyone who releases the clone will consume part of the power of the original body.

For example, a first-level giant may become two second-level giants if they are separated.

Because a person only has so much energy, the more clones he has, the more it will be dispersed, and his strength will naturally be reduced.

This is why strong men usually don't choose clones when fighting against each other.


In the void, almost everyone knows how to cut energy, but few people use it. There are countless magical powers in the void, but there has never been a magical power based on clones.

Because at this level, the clone is no longer a powerful move.

But Chu Yan is not...

Gui Ji discovered that the Chu Yan in front of her was much more powerful than me?

The next second, Gui Ji seemed to have discovered something, and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you a clone? Are you... a puppet?"

That's right, it's a puppet!

Everyone has overlooked one thing...

Chu Yan emptied the treasure house of Blood River.

That's a river of blood.

A hidden giant's hundreds of millions of years of heritage now all fell into Chu Yan's hands. Even if the cost of creating clones was huge, it was still enough for him to create many.

Chu Yan didn't speak.

At this moment, he was divided into eight.

He actually blocked eight hidden giants by himself.

Gui Ji and others gathered together, their faces grim.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor said calmly from behind: "Can you do it? If not, I will take action?"

The expressions of Gui Ji and others changed.

Of course, Xuehe cannot be allowed to take action.

Gui Ji gritted her teeth and said, "Senior, don't worry, we can do it."

Then he looked at Chu Yan, his eyes suddenly fierce: "Chu Yan, you are forcing me to do this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and said, "Come here!"


Suddenly, a hole opened in the sky above the universe.


Then the clouds suddenly parted, and then a huge... gong descended from the sky?


Just a huge golden gong!

Chu Yan frowned when he saw this.

Xiaojiu suddenly shouted: "Be careful, it's Guigu's soul-calling gong!"

Chu Yan was confused: "What kind of fun is that?"

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Gui Valley's most precious magic weapon. It is said that once this gong is sounded, the person dies due to the sound of the gong. The soul of the person can be directly pulled out of the body and then introduced into this gong."

Gui Ji stretched out her hand to grab it, and then clasped her hands together forcefully.


In an instant, the golden gong was struck, and an earth-shattering sound spread throughout the universe. After hearing this, the faces of the people below changed drastically, and blood suddenly flowed from all the orifices.

And this is secondary.

When everyone heard the sound of the gong, their eyes suddenly became distracted, and then their souls walked out of their bodies one by one as if they were uncontrollable, smelling the sound of the gong like a walking corpse.

At this time, Chu Yan heard the sound of the gong, his face changed slightly, and his ears hurt.

Then something suddenly seemed to come out of his body.

It lasted for a while, but nothing came out in the end.

Gui Ji was stunned when she saw this: "Where is your...soul? Why didn't your soul come out?"

Chu Yan blinked at Gui Ji, and suddenly said: "Maybe he doesn't want to come out?"

Gui Ji's mouth twitched slightly.

Is it okay if he doesn't want to come out?

I hit the gong.

This thing is mandatory.

When Gui Ji thought of this, she suddenly made a snap and hit the golden gong hard again.


The sound shook the sky.

Puff puff puff puff-- countless people in the universe vomited blood again, and more and more people's souls walked out of their bodies.

However, Chu Yan struggled for a while, but still had no reaction.

Gui Ji was really confused this time: "Where is your...soul?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Idiot, I have already merged my soul and body, where does the soul come from."

Tsk-- the next second, he flashed, rushed in front of Gui Ji and gently scratched.

Gui Ji was shocked when she saw this, and immediately raised her hand to block it.


When he came back to his senses, Gui Ji had already appeared a thousand meters away.

Gui Ji's face became more and more gloomy.

No soul.

That means that the Soul Summoning Gong is useless to Chu Yan.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Stop him, otherwise you will be fine, but the rest of the universe will be in trouble. Once the soul is swallowed by the Soul Summoning Gong, it will completely become a puppet of Guigu."

Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

Although he has no soul and is not afraid of this Soul Summoning Gong, the rest of the universe is afraid, so this trouble still needs to be solved.

In the distance, the Blood Ancestor suddenly sent a voice: "Should I take action now?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, I'll trick a few more treasures."

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