Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5515: Clearing the Way


Chu Yan and others were immediately surrounded by countless evil ghosts as soon as they arrived at the Land of God's Fall.

Lots and lots of them!

The point is, these evil ghosts are not normal ghosts... all of them are ghosts from the last era, because they died in the last era, there are angel ghosts, demon ghosts, death ghosts... anyway, there are all kinds of ghosts.

Nanmu and others saw this and became nervous.

Although these people are evil ghosts, none of them are simple, and the number is very terrifying.

Chu Yan looked at these evil ghosts and frowned, "What are they talking about? What injustice and dissatisfaction?"

Nanmu sighed, "These people all died in the disaster of the last era, and they are all miserable people."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

He didn't say anything, but he knew that it was not a disaster, but caused by the scavenger.

The spirit of the universe said that there was indeed a great disaster between heaven and earth, but it has not appeared yet.

All the previous disasters were all fake.

It was caused by the scavenger.

The purpose is to clear the void!

Kill all the living creatures in the void, and then create a new order.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't say anything. He looked at the group of evil spirits and suddenly said, "Everyone, I have no intention of being an enemy of you. Please make way for me."

However, these evil spirits ignored him.

They continued to surround them.

Chu Yan sighed, "Then we can only attack by force. Seniors, get ready to attack."

Nanmu and the other two nodded slightly.

Since they came here with Chu Yan, they will definitely help Chu Yan enter the Land of God's Fall.


Chu Yan spread his palms, and a colorful sword emerged.

Then he waved his hand and slashed.

Chi - Yutian!


The sky suddenly darkened, and then a white light broke through the darkness and quickly slashed towards the evil spirits.

After the evil spirits felt the crisis, they suddenly became ferocious and rushed towards Chu Yan frantically.

Chu Yan frowned, and then he raised his palm, and the Refining Heaven Sword turned into eight swords, and scattered to kill.

Next to him, Nanmu attacked together with the Ghost Valley Master and the Demon Sect Master.

All three of them were at the upper limit realm, and they were extremely powerful at this time. Ordinary evil ghosts were not their opponents at all.

After a while, countless evil ghosts were wiped out.

However, Chu Yan frowned after killing for a while.

Because he found that he had killed many evil ghosts, but the ghosts around him did not decrease, but the number increased.

The point is that at this time, Chu Yan stabbed with a sword and pierced the heart of an angel ghost.

After a while, another angel ghost came to kill Chu Yan. Chu Yan frowned, and he aimed the long sword in his hand at the throat of the angel ghost and killed the angel ghost.

But he was stunned when he looked at the angel ghost whose throat he had cut, because he found that in addition to the cut on the neck, the angel ghost also had a sword hole in the heart!

"This evil ghost... was killed by me twice?"

Chu Yan found that the two angel ghosts he killed were actually one.


At this time, the throat of the angel ghost was cut off, and it once again turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared.

But soon, another angel ghost flew over, and this angel ghost had a sword wound on its heart and throat.

It was the one he had just left.

Chu Yan's face darkened when he saw this.

Doesn't this mean that he has been doing useless work from the beginning?

"Stop! Retreat."

Chu Yan suddenly shouted.

Nanmu and others were startled and followed Chu Yan to retreat.

After several people left the God's Falling Land 10,000 meters away, those evil ghosts suddenly stopped and did not chase out.

Nanmu frowned: "Master Chu, what's wrong?"

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "These ghosts can't be killed. They are always the same group. We kill a group, they will revive, and then come again."

After these words came out, Nanmu and others took a look and were all shocked.


They found that many evil ghosts had fatal injuries, and they were all left by them, but now they appeared here again.

"What's going on?" Ghost Valley Master frowned.

Chu Yan stared at the evil spirits for a while.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Is there something here that can always revive them?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Resurrection?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's not resurrection, because they have been dead for a long time, but because they are dead, you can't kill them at all."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "You can kill a living person, but can you kill a dead person?"

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

Yes, the person is already dead, how can you kill him?

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "But they are dead, why can they always stay in the state of souls?"

Xiao Jiu said: "It should be that someone is holding on to their last breath, or the origin of life, so as long as those origins are not destroyed, you kill them ten thousand times, but only kill a form, they can come back again."

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up and looked into the distance.

He understood that these souls are now like puppets.

There is no origin of life, so it is useless no matter how many times you kill them.

Chu Yan frowned: "Doesn't that mean that we can never enter this place?"

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "If you can't deal with these souls, it is true."

Chu Yan suddenly felt a toothache.

What should I do?

These souls are not weak.

If they are very weak, Chu Yan's body is strong, and he can just walk in despite the attack.

His body is strong, so it doesn't matter.

The problem is that many of the evil spirits here are powerful enough to be hidden giants, and some have even reached the upper limit. It is very difficult for him to win.

And there are only four of them. If this group of evil spirits can be infinitely silent, then he will never think of entering the Land of God's Fall.

What to do?

Xiaojiu said: "If you want to go in, there is only one way."

Chu Yan turned and looked at Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu said: "Find the life source of these evil spirits and smash them, so that they can't be resurrected."

Chu Yan was speechless: "If I can go in, why would I smash their origin!"

The life source of these evil spirits is obviously inside, but he can't get in now.

If he can get in, do he still need to care about these evil spirits?

Xiaojiu fell into silence. At this time, he hesitated and suddenly said: "There is another way."

Chu Yan looked at Xiaojiu.

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "Rescue them."

Chu Yan looked strange: "Rescue them? What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "They became evil spirits because they have no reincarnation. Now you kill them, they have the origin of life and will be resurrected again. But once you rescue them and let them enter reincarnation, they are no longer evil spirits."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped: "No, do you really think I am a monk? Rescue? I don't know how to do this."

Xiao Jiu glanced at Nanmu in the distance: "You don't know how to do it, isn't there a monk?"

Chu Yan was stunned, his eyes lit up.


I don't know how to do it, there is someone who knows how to do it.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked at Nanmu: "Senior, you are a Buddhist, do you know how to save the dead?"

Nanmu was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan looked at the evil spirits and put his hands together: "These are all miserable people. I want to help them re-enter the cycle of reincarnation."

Nanmu: "...Speak human language."

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "As long as you save them, they will never be resurrected again."

Nanmu was silent for a while and shook his head slightly: "It's difficult. If you want to save these people, you must first master the way of reincarnation, but reincarnation is divided into six paths. These people are not in the same path as this era."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Nanmu said: "The six paths of reincarnation are: the path of gods, the path of the human world, the path of Asuras, the path of hell, the path of hungry ghosts, and the path of animals. And these people belong to the path of gods, and with the destruction of the last era, the path of gods has collapsed and cannot be entered. Now they can only enter the path of the human world, but they do not belong to the path of the human world, which will cause great repulsion."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Suddenly, he said to Nanmu: "Can we reopen the Heavenly God Path, so that these people can complete the salvation?"

Nanmu nodded: "In theory, that's right."

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly sat down cross-legged.

Nanmu was stunned and frowned: "Donor Chu, what are you doing?"

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "Open the way, what else can I do?"

Nanmu's mouth twitched slightly, and then he almost jumped up: "Are you going to open the Heavenly God Path?"

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu: "Is the Heavenly God Path the Great Dao?"

Nanmu was silent for a while and said: "In theory, it is a Dao... a branch of the Samsara Path, just like the gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the Five Elements Path. The Samsara Path itself is also a branch of the six paths, but the problem is... the Heavenly God Path collapsed, and there is no Heavenly God Path in this era."

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's a great Dao, then you wait a while."

After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

Nanmu was stunned when he saw this.

It was the first time he saw such a person.

If you lack a great Dao, I will open one for you on the spot!

But soon, Nanmu smiled lightly... To be precise, it was a scornful smile.

Opening the way on the spot?

Who do you think you are?

Dao master?

But the next second, Nanmu's mouth twitched...

Because at this moment, suddenly a huge beam of light rose from Chu Yan's eyebrows, and then a door appeared above Chu Yan's head!

The door of the six reincarnations!

The problem is... it's the six paths!

The real six paths!

Nanmu's mouth widened...

It's, opened?

Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes, then he looked at Nanmu and smiled: "Senior, can you help them transcend now?"

Nanmu's eyelids jumped: "You, you really opened the way of the gods? How did you do it?"

He was numb!

Is the way to open it like this?

Chu Yan smiled slightly and said nothing!

Opening the way... For others, it may be very difficult, because there are too many avenues between heaven and earth, and too many directions, and it is difficult for many people to open a way.

But Chu Yan is different.

He has the universe!

For him, opening a path is really not much more difficult than eating and drinking.

But the next second, Nanmu frowned: "No! Even if it is easy for you to open a path, there is no Heavenly God Path in this era, how can you open it?"

If you want to open a path, the prerequisite is to have this path!

There is no such path in this era, how can you open it?

It's unreasonable!

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