Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5524 Group Fight

Chu Yan was all excited!

My luck... is invincible.

Of course, he had actually guessed that the Nine Heavens Law was hidden in Tianyan Sect.

Because when he first asked Nanmu if there was anything like the universe in this void, Nanmu's first thought was Tianyan Sect.

It's just that Chu Yan didn't come.


I was going to fight with the Tianyan Sect, but I came over here first to discuss with the Tianyan Sect. Should I not fight for now and wait until I find the rules?

This is obviously impossible.

But things are different now.

I have a law, the second law of Tianyanmen, and I can take it back this time.

Especially when he learned to live without life, Chu Yan looked forward to the Nine Heavens Law more and more.

A Wusheng is so powerful. If one day he masters all the laws of the Nine Heavens, what height will he reach?

Chu Yan could only say... he couldn't imagine it.


By this time, the war had begun.

Nanmu, Guigu Master and others have already clashed with the strong men of Tianyan Sect.

From the beginning, the fighting was extremely fierce.

But Chu Yan never intervened, but his spiritual mind quickly scanned the Tianyan Gate.

At this time, he suddenly said in his body: "Senior Wushu, can you feel which law is here?"

Wushuang shook his head: "I can't sense it. There are laws here, but the fluctuations are not very strong. I don't know why."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Senior, let me ask you something first."

Wu Hui looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said directly: "Will all laws be with me?"

Along the way from the mortal world, he has seen too many betrayers.

Let alone a law, even for humans, too many changes will happen in 200 million years, let alone a law?

What's more...

Chu Yan carefully sorted it out based on Wu Hui's words... Logically speaking, these laws should be his enemies.

Why did these laws leave the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda?

That was beaten by Qin Ruomeng.

So in a sense, these laws should hate themselves.

As for why Wu Hui relied on himself...

Wushi also said it, because he couldn't beat it.

If Wushu could beat Qin Ruomeng, he would most likely fight him to the death when he first met him.

That's why I joined because I couldn't beat him.

And this person from the Tianyan Sect... may not have this awareness.

Wushu was silent for a while and said: "It's hard to say that the nine laws are all independent. I am the law of life, so I know the importance of life... I don't want to die. I am the law of life. If I am beaten to death, Then it would be too embarrassing for me. I didn’t know what to say to the King of Hell after I went to the Palace of Hell, so I couldn’t die.”

Chu Yan: "..."

At this time, Wushui suddenly said: "But you still have to be careful. Some of the nine laws are extremely strong and they may not necessarily compromise, but it's okay. When they don't agree, you can ask your parents to come and let them Just give them another beating and subdue them.”

Chu Yan laughed.

What else can I say if I can find it myself?

If it could be found, would this void still be a threat today?

He hesitated and suddenly said: "I hope the law here is not an enemy, otherwise it will be quite troublesome."

He had seen Wu Huan's strength.

Very strong.

Once the leader of the Tianyan Sect is not in the same group, or even in the same group as the Tianyan Sect, then this battle will be very troublesome.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said again: "Senior, what will happen if the nine volumes of heavenly books are put together?"

Wushu was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Do you think I would still be here if I knew?"

Chu Yan: "..."

At this time, Wu Hui thought for a while and suddenly said: "I can only tell you that if you collect all the nine volumes of the Heavenly Book, it will definitely be the most powerful move of Nihility today."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

He was looking forward to it.

If I collect the nine volumes of the Heavenly Book, can I take back Qingyi and Qingcheng?

He didn't know, he hoped.

Chu Yan didn't think much about it.


At this time, the war was still going on.

Although Chu Yan did not participate, it does not mean that the people of Tianyan Sect will let him go.


It was a complete melee at this point.

The fight was brutal.

There is a raging war in the sky, and all kinds of laws are coming crazily.

As Chu Yan was watching, a force suddenly locked onto him.

Chu Yan turned around and saw that it was a sword cultivator from Tianyan Sect. He looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "I heard that the new emperor of the universe is very good at swordsmanship. I just want to give him a lesson today."

Chu Yan looked at the sword cultivator.

Chi--At this moment, the sword cultivator stabbed out with his sword.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan opened his palms and slashed out the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword immediately.


Jian Xiu's body froze and his eyes widened.

Then he reached out and touched his throat, and blood spurted out crazily.

The sword cultivator was shocked and said: "You..."

Chu Yan ignored the sword cultivator.

An idiot.

At this time, another person quickly came towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked up and saw that he was not very strong.

He is only at the level of the Hidden Lord, not even reaching the upper limit.

This made Chu Yan frown slightly. He looked at this group of people and said, "Give you a chance and replace them with stronger people."

A strong man on the opposite side sneered: "You are worthy of a mere second-tier giant?"

Chu Yan was stunned, then he laughed and shook his head: "Tianyan Sect... was defeated."

Yes, he said this.

A force that underestimates its enemy will lose no matter how strong it is.

Chu Yan understood this experience very early.


The next second, Chu Yan made a move.

Now he didn't want to waste time, because the wooden box was still in the hands of Tian Yanmen.

As soon as Chu Yan disappeared, several Tian Yanmen strongmen rushed out.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, there was a violent collision in the void.

But this collision only lasted for a short time, and then it became quiet.

Then, headless corpses suddenly fell from the sky!

All of them were from Tian Yanmen.

Below, the hall master's eyes shrank, and he was also a little shocked.

This kid is so strong?

This is something he didn't expect.

He has always known Chu Yan, but his strength is average. He is more afraid of the universe and has always been the spirit of the universe, but he didn't expect Chu Yan to be so strong.

Nanmu and others were all happy when they saw this.

Although their relationship with Chu Yan is complicated, at least they are now in the same group.

So the stronger Chu Yan is, the greater their chances of winning.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Where is the mystery of the universe."

The hall master sneered: "Chu Yan, do you think you can take back what you gave away?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and then disappeared again.

The hall master's eyes shrank, and suddenly snorted: "Pass it to the four gate gods!"

Chen Lao nodded after hearing this, and then four special beads suddenly appeared in his hand, and he squeezed them hard.


These four beads seemed to be connected to something.


When the four beads were crushed, four beams of light suddenly rose from the Tianyan Gate, and those beams shot into the clouds outside the nine heavens, and then four stone coffins appeared above the clouds!


At this time, the stone coffin slowly opened, and then four burly men sat up from it.

The skin of the four men was purple-white, which was the color of the corpse, caused by the lack of blood for many years.

Chu Yan looked up, his eyes fixed: "What is that?"

Nanmu was shocked: "Is this... the living dead?"

Chu Yan looked at Nanmu: "What is that?"

Nanmu said in a deep voice: "There is an upper limit to nothingness, and living people cannot break through it normally, so a long time ago, someone proposed a very weird theory."

Chu Yan asked: "What?"

Nanmu said: "Living people, the living, are subject to the rules of the Yang world, but once they die, they don't have to abide by the rules, and there is no upper limit."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

This is the first time he has heard of this theory.

The problem is... people are dead, there is nothing left, what upper limit is there?

Isn't this a paradox?

But then, Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly.

Because the four living dead suddenly jumped out of the sarcophagus.


The four people fell directly from a height of 90,000 meters like four stone statues. After landing, there was a loud bang, and the entire Tianyan world shook violently.

At this time, Chu Yan also saw the huge bodies of these four people.

These four people are like giants, each of them is more than five meters tall, holding a golden battle axe in their hands, and the battle axe is as tall as three or four people.

The point is that when these four people appeared, their aura directly stirred the sky, and they actually surpassed the upper limit of this era.

"Really!" Nanmu's face sank: "These people have broken through the upper limit."

Chu Yan frowned: "Are they dead or alive?"

Nanmu said: "Dead and alive."

Chu Yan: "..."

Nanmu said at this time: "Their bodies are dead, but their souls are sneaking into the world of the living."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then he didn't say anything.

Tianyanmen... The existence that the spirit of the universe has mentioned.

The strength must not be too weak.

So when he came again, he thought there would be many trump cards here.


The next second, Chu Yan disappeared and took the initiative to kill the four living dead.

The four people looked up at Chu Yan, and one of them stepped on the sole of his foot, and the ground shook immediately, and then the whole person flew out and punched Chu Yan.

Chu Yan chopped hard, and the sword energy descended.


But with one punch, the living dead man directly shattered Chu Yan's sword energy. Chu Yan narrowed his eyes when he saw this, but he didn't care. After the sword was shattered, the Refining Heaven Sword flashed and split into eight pieces, stabbing the living dead man from eight directions.

And the living dead looked arrogant, facing the eight sword energies, he didn't dodge or evade, and let the eight swords stab down.


Chu Yan's pupils shrank when the eight swords stabbed down.

Because the eight sword energies only left some scratches on the living dead, and didn't even break the defense.

How is it possible?

Chu Yan was a little shocked, this is the Refining Heaven Sword.

Although it is separated, the power is greatly weakened, but it is also very powerful.

The living dead sneered: "Refining Heaven Sword, combined, I am afraid, separated, nothing more."

Chu Yan was silent.

Suddenly, he turned and looked at the Blood Ancestor: "Senior, lend me some strength!"

The Blood Ancestor was also on the battlefield before, but upon hearing this, he immediately withdrew, and then he clasped his hands together, and a terrifying blood energy was born.

When the blood energy appeared, the people of Tianyan Sect were all shocked and alert.

But the next second, the Blood Ancestor punched out, not at Tianyan Sect, but directly at Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan felt the blood energy, he inhaled it hard.


His eyes suddenly turned red.

On the opposite side, the living dead was slightly startled, but before he could react, Chu Yan punched out.

The living dead was shocked and punched immediately.


The two fists collided, and then the two figures retreated at the same time.

Chu Yan retreated a hundred meters, but the zombies on the opposite side were even worse, retreating thousands of meters.

This made him secretly shocked: "What kind of power do you have?"

Chu Yan did not speak and disappeared again.

The zombies immediately became alert.

However, Chu Yan overlooked one thing.

There were not just one zombies, but four.

In an instant, the other three zombies attacked together and surrounded Chu Yan.

Chu Yan reappeared, looked at the zombies around him in silence for a while, and suddenly said: "You are a little shameless now."

A zombie sneered: "Boy, this is a battlefield, do you think we will play a one-on-one game with you?"

Chu Yan: "..."

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