Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5565 is wrong


The God King fell.

It caused a huge vision between heaven and earth.

It spread in all directions.

The blood rain drifted.

At this time, Chu Yan hurriedly clapped his hands beside him: "Senior Liu is awesome."

Liu Jinghong put away his sword and glanced at Chu Yan, and said lightly: "Lord Chu, let's set off?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Haha... What's the hurry? Senior, you haven't finished touring the universe yet, right? There are still many good scenery in the universe. Why don't you go and see it again?"

Liu Jinghong said unhappily: "I'm afraid that if I walk around for a while, you will attract all the purgers to me."

Chu Yan: "..."

Liu Jinghong said: "Lord Chu, let's go. Don't you want to see the Saint Qingcheng?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he nodded after a moment of silence: "I know, let's set off."

Although he still wanted to use the Liu family, he also understood that Qingcheng was more important.

Liu Jinghong breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that if he didn't leave, Chu Yan would attract all the enemies of Quanxu.

Chu Yan turned and looked at the master: "While I'm away, everything will be decided by you three. I will be back as soon as possible."

The master nodded: "Be careful."

Chu Yan: "Don't worry."

Then, the three of them did not stay.

They took off together and flew out of the sky.


The ancient sage Liu family.

A force that Chu Yan had never known before.

Even Chen Tianzhen had never mentioned it to him.

There are only two possibilities.

First, it is very weak, so weak that it is not worth mentioning, so Chen Tianzhen did not mention it.

Second...very strong, so strong that Chen Tianzhen thought that Chu Yan would not encounter it in a short time, so he did not mention it.

And obviously, just looking at Liu Jinghong's strength to kill the God with one sword, we know that the former is impossible.

Then there is only the latter.

This force...is very strong!

Chu Yan followed Liu Jinghong and the others all the way and quickly broke through the air.

In this way, the three of them flew for an unknown period of time and crossed into a mysterious space.

This is a section of the Sky River. Chu Yan looked up and saw that the sky here was cracked. Above was the Sky River rushing down, and the silver river water was falling down. However, as soon as the river water entered the void, it evaporated immediately.

Chu Yan reached out and touched it, and was slightly surprised: "These... are all the power of the origin?"

These river waters are all the power of the origin, and they are very pure.

Liu Qing nodded slightly and said proudly: "Of course, my ancient holy land, do you think it is a barren land like the lower plane?"

Chu Yan glanced at Liu Qing and said lightly: "Your upper realm is so powerful, how can you be so vulnerable."

Liu Qing: "I... Brother Chu Yan, let's say, don't hit people in the face, and don't expose people's shortcomings when scolding them."

Chu Yan laughed.

He had a very bad impression of Liu Qing at first, but as he got to know him, he found that he was really a little brat who had never experienced the world.

His strength is not weak.

The self-centered realm, placed in the current void, is enough for him to walk sideways.

But in terms of state of mind, he is not as good as some mortals in the universe.

Lack of social beatings.

Just too spoiled.

So Chu Yan did not target him.

At this time, Liu Jinghong looked at the broken Tianhe and said: "Let's go, from here up, it is the ancient saint Liu family."

Chu Yan suddenly said: "Senior, isn't the Liu family from this era?"

Liu Jinghong glanced at Chu Yan, smiled slightly, and did not answer.

But Chu Yan already had the answer in his heart.


In other words, wherever there is egoism, almost no one is from this era.

The road to egoism... was broken a long time ago.

At this time, Liu Qing suddenly came close to Chu Yan and whispered slyly: "Brother Chu Yan, you have to be careful when you go to Liu's house."

Chu Yan was stunned and asked curiously: "Why?"

Liu Qing rubbed his eyebrows: "It's because of my sister-in-law."

Chu Yan laughed: "What sister-in-law?"

Liu Qing said confidently: "Saint Qingcheng, you are my brother now, so she is of course my sister-in-law."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "You both have the surname Liu, no matter how you count, you should call me brother-in-law... No, according to your age, you may be older than Qingcheng."

Liu Qing rolled his eyes: "I don't care, Brother Chu Yan treats me well, so you will be my brother in the future, then The Saint of Qingcheng is naturally my sister-in-law. I help those who are close to me, not relatives. "

Chu Yan laughed, and then he said: "You just said I should be careful, what do you mean?"

Liu Qing sighed: "Sister-in-law Qingcheng, she is so beautiful. As soon as she returned to the Liu family, she immediately attracted countless suitors. Let me tell you this, the young generation of the Liu family now, you randomly call out ten, nine of them are suitors of Sister-in-law Qingcheng. "

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "..."

Then he laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, I'll deal with it freely."

Liu Qing nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I will help you, Brother Chu Yan."

Chu Yan didn't say much.

Liu Jinghong took the two of them into the air and went upstream along the Tianhe River.

Chu Yan stepped into the Tianhe River and felt the impact of the rich source of power, which made him sigh.

What a gap.

If the universe has this power, why is it so weak?

Of course, he didn't complain about anything. What he didn't have naturally, he would bring to the universe later.


Soon, the three of them arrived at the top of the Tianhe River.

After a while, the world turned upside down, and time and space were reversed.

Chu Yan felt a sense of weightlessness.

When he came back to his senses, he had appeared in another world.

Chu Yan looked around, a little surprised.

He thought that the ancient saint Liu family would be built in a sacred place, but it was not. It was just in a mountain stream, where a row of ancient buildings were built.

Chu Yan glanced and was slightly surprised.

Just with a glance, he felt countless powerful auras.

This is the gap.

The universe... there is still a long way to go.

At this time, Liu Jinghong smiled and said, "My friend, follow me."

Chu Yan nodded, and the three of them quickly flew into the mountain stream.


Just at this moment, the three of them had just entered the mountain peak, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance.

Chu Yan looked up and saw Liu Qing getting excited: "Here they come, brother Chu Yan, the people who are looking for trouble with you are here."

Chu Yan: "..."

He laughed and said, "Someone is looking for trouble with me, you seem very excited?"

Liu Qing scratched his head: "Yes, after all, I can't be the only one being abused by you, right?"

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly.


At this time, a young man in white flew over. He looked down at Chu Yan and said, "Are you the Chu Yan of the universe?"

Chu Yan glanced at the young man in white.


The next second, he suddenly disappeared from the spot, and flew in front of the man in white with thunder, and raised his hand to slap him.


Everything happened too fast, and the man in white was slapped away by this slap before he could react.

Chu Yan did everything, and then flew back to Liu Jinghong and Liu Qing.

Liu Qing opened his mouth wide: "Brother Chu Yan...you, what are you doing?"

Chu Yan said innocently: "Didn't you say that the person who is looking for trouble with me is here?"

Liu Qing slapped his head: "The person who is looking for trouble with you is behind...the one just now is the law enforcement elder of the Liu family."

Chu Yan: "..."

It was only then that he realized that after the man in white was slapped away, the surrounding space was distorted again, and then several young boys emerged from it.

As soon as this group of teenagers appeared, they looked at each other after seeing the man in white being blown away, and turned and ran without saying a word.

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