Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5585 Lingchi

The Blood River disciple suddenly wanted to cry.

The ancestor is gone, so naturally only he can teach this book.

It's not enough for him not to teach, unless Xuehe is ready to separate from the universe, but this is obviously impossible.

"I've been fooled!" The disciple sighed.


at the same time.

The whole empty sky was shaking.

The oscillations continued.

Not because of anything else, but because of one thing, the sky in this world is rising.

I saw this moment, on the way to the kingdom of gods.

Guiguzi and some of his disciples were on their way.

Suddenly, Gui Guzi's body trembled, and his energy suddenly exploded.

All the disciples at the rear were stunned: "Ancestor... have you made a breakthrough?"

Guiguzi stood there and thought for a moment.

He knew very well that he had not broken through solipsism.

But the strength has indeed become stronger.

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky.

The sky is rising in this era.

As it rose, a contract appeared above!

A special contract!

Where the contract was signed, there were a few big characters written: The new emperor of the universe, Chu Yan!

Guiguzi sighed: "It's not that I have made a breakthrough, but that this era has made a breakthrough!"

Everyone was shocked: "A breakthrough in the era? Can the era still break through?"

Guiguzi nodded: "Let's go to the kingdom of gods. This world... is really going to change."

Chu Yan, has he signed a contract with this era?

Chu Yan can already influence the height of this era.

At this time, Guiguzi took two steps forward, and then he suddenly stopped again.

The tribesmen behind him saw this and were confused: "Ancestor, what happened?"

Aren’t you going to the kingdom of gods?

Guiguzi pondered for a while and suddenly said: "I'm thinking about something."

Countless tribesmen looked at Guiguzi.

Guiguzi sighed: "When we go to the Era of Gods...can we really defeat Chu Yan? I always have a hunch that the Kingdom of Gods will probably lose to Chu Yan in the end."

As soon as these words came out, countless people in Guigu were stunned and full of fear.

Will the Kingdom of Gods be defeated?

What is this concept?

"Isn't this...impossible?" A Guigu disciple said.

Guiguzi said in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought about something?"

Countless tribesmen looked at Guiguzi.

Gui Guzi said: "The Tianyan Sect, the Buddhist Sect and the Demon Sect all thought so. In their opinion, Chu Yan would definitely lose, but in the end... Chu Yan won instead."

After saying that, Guiguzi said: "Then when we go to the kingdom of gods, will it be the same?"

The tribesmen were silent.

Because it's true.

From the beginning, no one was optimistic about Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan was the only one who had the last laugh.

At this time, Guiguzi took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Everyone, I have an idea, we won't leave."

Some elders among the tribe said in a deep voice: "Ancestors, if we don't leave, then where will we go? In this era... there is no place for us anymore."

Guiguzi hesitated and suddenly said: "Let's... go to the universe."

Everyone in Guigu was shocked: "Go to the universe? Throw yourself into a trap?"

Guiguzi said: "Let's go to the universe, sincerely apologize, beg Chu Yan for forgiveness, and then join the universe. This may be the only way for us to survive."

The people in Guigu immediately clenched their fists.

Unspeakable frustration.

In the end, do you still ask the universe for forgiveness?

But it seems that there is really no other way besides this.

Can the Kingdom of Gods really defeat Chu Yan?

Hard to say.

At this time, Guiguzi said: "This is a risky move, but based on my understanding of Chu Yan, this person has a good character and has always been very friendly to his own people. He is cruel to his enemies, but he is ruthless to his own people." , has always attached great importance to affection. If we can join the universe, he will definitely not be stingy with us if he finds a way to break through his egoism in the future."

The people in Guigu shook their fists.

After a moment, an elder suddenly said: "Ancestor, you make the decision, we all believe in you."

The only people present were all Guiguzi's confidants. When Mo Zong and others chose to follow the purgers and surrounded and killed Chu Yan, they were the only ones who followed.

As it turns out, their choice was clear.

This time, they were also willing to believe Guiguzi.

Anyway, if he didn't follow Guiguzi at first, he would be dead now.

Guiguzi nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go to the universe!"

The next second, Guiguzi turned around and flew towards the universe.

The forbidden land of Tianyuan.


There is also a crazy tremor here.

The heaven and earth shook.

Chu Yan stood alone holding a sword, with golden light shining on his body and a menacing gaze.

At this moment, he no longer concealed any breath and released it with all his strength.

Giant realm!

But at this time, the countless solipsistic people present seemed to be eclipsed. On the contrary, Chu Yan was the core of the world.

He... broke through!

Level 6 giant!

Opposite him, the Lord of Iron-Blooded Castle looked ferocious, desperate and inexplicable.

So many emotions.

He couldn't figure out why a person who killed the second-level Solipsist was still a giant.

Now there's another breakthrough.

But suddenly, the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He stared at Chu Yan: "So what if you make a breakthrough today! A giant... is still a giant!"

For a moment, the space around Chu Yan became stable.

He still didn't know that the nothingness had undergone tremendous changes due to his breakthrough.

The sky of this era has been raised.

Even if he knew, he would not be too surprised.

Xiaojiu told him a long time ago that the sky of the era... would rise with a certain person.

He has now become that person.

Or, from the moment he signed the contract with the Spirit of Nothingness, he has already become that person, but his previous breakthrough did not reach the upper limit.

Now, he has raised the upper limit together.

Chu Yan looked down at the Iron Blood Castle Lord and sneered: "Next, how do you want to die?"

The Iron Blood Castle Lord clenched his fist and was about to speak.

Suddenly, Chu Yan interrupted and said: "Forget it, you don't need to say it, I will choose one for you!"

Swish - In an instant, Chu Yan disappeared from the spot.

He flew towards the Iron Blood Castle Lord in one step.

The sword in his hand was as fast as lightning.

Draw the sword!

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was startled and punched fiercely.


The fist and sword collided, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed.

But in just a second, Chu Yan disappeared again, went around behind the Iron Blood Castle Lord, and drew his sword again!

This sword slashed out, directly creating an illusion, and then turned into countless swords.

At this moment, his sword was tens of thousands of swords.

A sword domain was directly formed in the sky.


The world shook violently.


The next second, a figure retreated wildly. This person was the Iron Blood Castle Lord. As soon as he stopped, his whole body was covered with sword wounds.

All were injured by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan appeared again, with a slight smile on his face, and sneered: "This is the way I chose for you to die. In our place, it is called... Lingchi! I hope you like it!"


Chu Yan rushed out again.

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