Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5612 Summoning a huge wave

Chu Yan was not that angry at first, but when he heard the sea demon say that he imitated Chen Meng, he got angry all of a sudden.

It's endless, right?

Why should I imitate Chen Meng?

Isn't Chen Meng imitating me?

Shouldn't I destroy the Iron Blood Castle first?

Chu Yan was furious every time he thought of this.

Tsk - the next second, Chu Yan rushed towards the sea demon without saying a word.

However, before the sea demon moved, a disciple of the Sea Demon Villa snorted coldly, disappeared from the spot in an instant, and then flashed in front of Chu Yan and punched him.

Tsk - the next second, the two figures collided with each other.


There was a loud noise in the void.

Then, Chu Yan didn't even pause, and after meeting the disciple, he directly penetrated and continued to rush towards the sea demon.

The disciple's eyes widened, he turned around and looked at it stupidly, and then he was about to speak.


His throat suddenly split open, causing his eyes to widen.

He was... killed in a second?

How is this possible?

Isn't Chu Yan... a giant?

What was that sword just now?


The next second, the disciple was completely blown up, and died without even his soul escaping.

He was confused until the moment of death.

Chu Yan had a cold face.

At this time, the sea demon also frowned slightly and cursed in a low voice: "Is he an idiot? He clearly saw that he had injured me with a sword, but he still dared to rush up?"

That's right, the sea demon cursed, but not at Chu Yan, but at the disciple just now.

He was a level 3 Wei I, and Chu Yan's sword hurt him. Although it was just a scratch on the cheek, it was not a serious injury, but it also meant one thing, Chu Yan could break through the defense of the level 3 Wei I.

Would such a person's attack be weak?

And a level 1 Wei I dared to rush up?

The sea demon snorted coldly, not feeling sorry at all.

He would not feel sorry for such idiots if they all died.

Just treat it as a selection for the Sea Demon Villa.

Otherwise, if you keep this idiot, whose brain is not working well, he might end up hurting himself in the future.

Immediately, the Sea Demon looked up at Chu Yan, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Interesting! In the realm of giants, you are against me, it seems that you are not an ordinary person."

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "You just realized it now?"

The Sea Demon shook his head: "It's a pity, no matter how talented you are, you are just a giant. Chen Meng defeated three parties in a row, but that was after he broke through the realm of me, not in the realm of giants. It's too stupid for you, a giant, to imitate him."

Chu Yan's eyes were angry: "Ahhh!!! Damn it, I'll kill you!"


Chu Yan accelerated immediately.

The Sea Demon: "..."

The Sea Demon was a little confused.

Why is he angry?

He really didn't think he was humiliating Chu Yan.

On the contrary, in his opinion, saying that Chu Yan was similar to Chen Meng was a high evaluation.

Chen Meng, that is the first demon of the Chen family for hundreds of millions of years. He has been the only one in the world for a hundred years and is invincible in the same realm.

Saying that you are very similar to Chen Meng, isn't that a compliment?

Of course, the sea demon doesn't know the grudge between the two.

Chu Yan was really angry at this moment. He didn't want to say anything. He just did it!


In an instant, he rushed directly in front of the sea demon and slashed with a sword.

The sea demon's face changed slightly, and then his figure flashed lightly, dodging the sword directly. Then he smiled lightly and said, "Boy, you can't do it."

Chu Yan's sword missed, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Very strong!

Although he hasn't officially fought with the sea demon yet, the reaction just now is not something that ordinary people can do.

This is the third level of the only one!

Chu Yan was in the Iron Blood Castle at that time. Although the Iron Blood Castle Lord finally broke out the strength of the third level of the only one, it was ultimately improved by the blood demon.

In addition, the Iron Blood Castle Lord had just broken through and was not proficient in the use of the power of the third level of the only one.

But the sea demon is not like that.

It has been a long time since he broke through to the third level of Wei I.

He is a real third level Wei I.

At this moment, the gap was immediately determined.

Chu Yan thought quickly and realized that there was still some gap between him and the sea demon, so after the sword missed, he quickly prepared to pull back.

But at this moment, the sea demon sneered: "It's close, do you think you can still walk?"

After saying that, he raised his palm, and then with a click, the space in front of him suddenly twisted, forming a huge vortex!


Not only that.

As the sea demon's hand closed, the sea below actually roared.

The terrible wind raised a tsunami, as if it was going to crush Chu Yan alive.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, but he did not panic, but clasped his hands in front of his chest.


A golden light suddenly flashed between his eyebrows, and then his skin was given a layer of golden armor.


The raging wind and tsunami hit Chu Yan, and he retreated a thousand meters. But what was shocking was that although he retreated a long way, he was fine after he stopped.

There were only some cracks on the armor on his skin.

The sea demon narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this: "The moves of the giant spirit clan? Boy, are you a descendant of the giant spirit?"

But soon, the sea demon shook his head slightly: "No, you don't have the blood of gods and demons in your body, and your age can't be a god and demon race... But this is strange, you are not a descendant of the giant spirit clan, how can you practice the body movements of the giant spirit clan?"

The previous era was different from this one.

In this era, there are not many racial differences, so many techniques are interoperable.

But it was not the case in the previous era. The reason why the previous era was called the Era of Gods and Demons was because there were really many, many races in the previous era.

To put it simply, the family of gods alone may have thousands of branches, and the most powerful among them are the twelve main gods.

There are more demons, so because of racial differences, many of the techniques in the previous era were actually customized.

For example, the Giant Holy Body of the Giant Spirit God Clan, this move is very demanding on the body. This move was very famous in the last era. Many people wanted to practice it, but in the end they all failed. Why?

Because although the Giant Spirit Holy Body is very powerful... but if you want to practice it, you need a very strong physical foundation. Otherwise, it is not a skill, but a suicide move.

If you don't practice well, your body may explode and die.

But at this time, Sea Demon can be sure that Chu Yan is not a descendant of the Giant Spirit God Clan, but he turned into a Giant Divine Body?

This is very strange.

Chu Yan glanced at Hai Mo and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Are you surprised?"

Sea Demon frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan glanced at Sea Demon, chuckled and said, "I don't want you to be surprised. I'll show you something even more amazing next."

Sea Demon narrowed his eyes, and the next second, his expression changed drastically.


At this moment, Chu Yan raised his hands high, and then heard a terrifying roar.

The huge sea area stirred up strong winds and huge waves.

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