Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5630: The Chen family can no longer bear it

"It's yours, it's yours." Chen Meng chuckled.

Chu Yan nodded slightly and snorted coldly.

I almost got bypassed by this bastard.

Immediately, he became excited as he looked at the constantly vibrating space around him.

It's not easy...

Chu Yan just wanted to be famous at first, and then attract Liu Bai's attention.

But later, he became a little obsessed because of Chen Meng's incident.

Now he just wants to prove his name.

In the past few times, no one believed in me. This time, with Chen Meng present, these people would believe it, right?

Chu Yan took a deep breath and began to wait.




At this time, the surrounding space continued to fluctuate.

Above the clouds, space gates descended one after another, and strong men from all sides began to slowly walk out.

They were all from the Forbidden Land Sect, and their pupils shrank when they saw the ruins of the Soul Swallowing Sect.


"As we expected, Chen Meng took action against the Soul Swallowing Sect."

"So far, all the major evil cultivating sects in the Tianyuan Forbidden Land have been destroyed. I just don't know if Chen Meng will take action after destroying the Soul-Devouring Sect."

At this time, someone said in a low voice: "The forbidden area sect meeting is being held. What does it mean now? If Chen Meng gives up, will we still take action against Chen Meng?"

A man wearing red armor next to him said: "Chen Meng destroyed several forbidden sects. Although these sects were all evil cultivators and died without complaint, Chen Meng did influence us and did not take us seriously. , the above means, no matter whether Chen Meng gives up or not, this time he must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. It does not necessarily have to kill Chen Meng, but he must make sure that Chen Meng has no good fruits to eat. It can also be regarded as a slap in the face of several ancient saint families to let them know, Our forbidden sect is not someone to be trifled with."

The other parties nodded slightly.

"Indeed, if you kill Chen Meng, you will really become enemies with the Chen family. But Chen Meng has destroyed several of our sects. With a little beating, as long as he is not killed, the Chen family will have nothing to say."

"Now we just have to wait for the senior leaders at the meeting to finalize this matter, and then we may need to take action."

Everyone nodded slightly.


At this time, there was a sudden surge of power within the Soul Swallowing Sect.

Zhu Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then they turned around and looked, immediately alert, as if facing a formidable enemy.

In the distance, Chu Yan and Chen Meng were seen flying together.

Soon he appeared in front of everyone.

"Chen Meng!"

The people of the Forbidden Land Sect suddenly became solemn.

Today, Chen Meng's name is very famous in Tianyuan.

Although they guessed that they would have a battle with Chen Meng in the near future, before the final result was determined by the superiors, they were just ordinary disciples and did not want to become enemies with Chen Meng.

After all, in Chen Meng's eyes, he was doing justice for heaven by destroying several evil cultivating sects.

But on the contrary, in the eyes of the major forbidden sects, Chen Meng was the murderous demon without blinking an eye.

At this time, Chen Meng suddenly chuckled: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

As soon as these words came out, all the powerful men laughed.

The red-armored monk suddenly said: "Chen Meng, the Forbidden Land Sect's sentence against you has not yet come down. We don't want to be your enemy today, but if you insist on fighting, we will stay with you to the end."


Everyone responded.

At this time, the momentum cannot be lost.

Chen Meng glanced at it and sneered: "Is it just you?"


Chen Meng reached out and grabbed the long sword behind his back. His sword was still hidden in the sheath, but his thumb pushed it out by a slight inch.


Suddenly, the color of the world changed.

There was a terrible thunder rolling outside the sky.

The faces of the powerful men from all sides changed drastically, and a terrible pressure came upon them.


"So strong..."

Everyone in the forbidden sect swallowed their saliva, their eyes filled with shock.

A second ago, they still had some fighting spirit. Although Chen Meng destroyed the six major sects, they had not witnessed it with their own eyes. This group of people were able to break through and were proud of themselves.

But in the next second, their faces all fell.

The gap is too big.

Chu Yan watched from the side, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Brother, don't forget who the protagonist is today, it's me... You're almost done."

Chen Meng was stunned, then laughed and said, "Sorry, I'm used to it."

Immediately, he sheathed his sword and smiled at everyone: "I told you, I don't mean any harm. I stay here today just to explain one thing to you. As long as you listen obediently, I won't kill you. After all, I, Chen Meng, don’t kill anyone.”


The sword is sheathed.

Only then did the pressure from the powerful forces lessen.

The red-armored monk looked at Chen Meng and said in a low voice, "Explain what?"

Chen Meng thought for a moment and suddenly said: "First of all, I want to apologize for my lies. I was not the one who destroyed the Iron Blood Fort."

Hearing this, everyone was startled, and someone said in a low voice: "What? You said you didn't destroy the Iron Blood Castle? This is impossible. You admitted it yourself at the time."

Chen Meng was speechless: "Didn't I apologize..."

At this time, the red-armored monk concentrated and said: "You said you didn't destroy the Iron-Blooded Fortress, then who else could you destroy it?"

Chu Yan was eager to give it a try.

Chen Meng laughed and pointed to Chu Yan next to him: "Yes, it's this little brother."


Everyone looked towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan nodded slightly, very excited.

He felt that he was just short of an acceptance speech.

But then, the red-armored monk narrowed his eyes: "Hey, why does this person look familiar to me?"

"Me too."

"I remember! Isn't this the person who stole the credit in the Valley of the Evil and the Sea Devil Villa?"

"Oh yes, that's him."

"I know, the Chen family can't stand the pressure anymore!"

"Yes, Chen Meng destroyed six sects in a row, and now all the sects in the forbidden areas are holding emergency meetings because of this. The Chen family must not be able to withstand the pressure, so they chose a scapegoat."

Chu Yan: "..."

After hearing these words, Chu Yan's teeth almost broke.

At this time, the red-armored monk looked at Chen Meng and suddenly sneered: "Chen Meng, are you kidding me? You said it was not you who destroyed the six major sects of the Iron Blood Castle, but the person next to you?"

Chen Meng shook his head: "No, no, no, it's not the six major sects... If you count carefully, there should be three. He destroyed three, and I destroyed three."

Red-armored monk: "..."

But soon, he said sarcastically: "Chen Meng, I have always felt that although you are hateful, you are at least responsible. Didn't you expect that you don't dare to admit it now?"

Chen Meng's eyelids twitched slightly: "I don't dare to recognize what you are doing."

The red-armored monk pointed at Chu Yan: "Xing Xingxing, you mean you destroyed six sects with him, you destroyed three, and he destroyed three, is that what you mean?"

Chen Meng nodded: "Yes."

The red-armored monk shook his head in disappointment: "Chen Meng, you are so disappointing. I can understand that the Chen family can't stand the pressure and wants to shirk responsibility... But you shouldn't treat us as fools."

Chen Meng was speechless: "Who took you for fools?"

The red-armored monk sarcastically said: "Even if you want to find a scapegoat, you should find someone like him...He, the giant, destroyed the three sects? Why don't you think of us as fools?"

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