Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5663 Rekindling Hope

Kill and silence!

At this moment, everyone in the Ancient Saint clan believed that Liu Xun wanted to kill people and silence them.

Especially the last movement of raising your hand.

so similar……

Liu Xun's eyelids twitched slightly, and he immediately understood Chen Yu's intention, and suddenly cursed: "Cao!"

He knew...he had been fooled.

Chen Yu might have expected that with the strength of the giant, he couldn't even self-destruct in front of Only One, so the only way was to... frame the blame.

It's fine now. Liu Xun obviously wanted to stop Chen Yu from self-immolation, but in the eyes of the other disciples of the Ancient Sage, his intention was to kill and silence him.

The point is...he still can't explain it.


At this time, Chen Yu's soul burned and his whole person became translucent.

It seemed like it was about to disappear at any moment.

He turned to look at Yu Xing, grinned, and said one word: "Run!"

The next second, Yu Xing's souls began to burn together. He turned around and glanced at the world of Tianyuan, with some reluctance finally showing in his eyes.

But soon, he smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

Waiting for the last moment of life to burn.

Yu Xing clenched his fist slightly, but he knew very well that he could not save Chen Yu.

In the end, Yu Xing bowed deeply to Chen Yu, turned around and prepared to leave in the chaos.

But at this moment, two voices suddenly came from his ears.

"Seems okay."

"I didn't betray you."

"These two fools just met me once and sold me directly. Why should they risk their lives for me?"

"You still talk about them? Didn't you do it for me? You didn't hesitate to make enemies of the Chen clan."

"I'm different from them. I'm helping you. At least I have the confidence. At that time, I felt that I could beat you, but neither of them could."

"Yes, but don't say it, Chen Yu is quite smart. For a giant, he is already very powerful if he can think of such a method. Normal giants can do whatever they want in front of Wei Wo."

"Of course, don't look at who he is hanging out with."


The sound continues.

Yu Xing was stunned when he heard this. He suddenly looked up and saw two figures standing outside Jiuxiaoyun.

The two of them stood there quietly, silently. There were many disciples of the Ancient Saint Family around them, but none of them noticed their presence.

When Yu Xing saw the two of them, he was startled and his mouth opened wide.

But the next second, he saw Chu Yan shushing him.

Yu Xing stopped in a hurry, and then he stopped running. He stretched out his hand to pull Chen Yu and stop Chen Yu from burning...

Unfortunately...it's too late.

Chen Yu's soul was turned into ashes at this moment.

"No!" Yu Xing roared angrily.

At this time, Chen Meng said calmly in the sky: "You really don't care? Your soul has been burned away."

Chu Yan chuckled: "It's okay, let him die for a while, so that his memory will last longer and he won't be stupid all day long."

Chen Meng said unexpectedly: "My soul has been burned away, how can you still save him?"

Chu Yan smiled mysteriously and said nothing.

If it were the same as before, he most likely wouldn't be able to do it.

A person's soul is his foundation. How can he save his soul if it has been burned away?

Even if the body is reshaped, it will still be a walking zombie without a soul.

But Chu Yan was not worried at all.

Don’t forget…

He still has ‘Wu Hua’.

That is the existence that governs the laws of life in heaven and earth.

Chu Yan watched the moment when Chen Yu's soul was about to die, and with a tap of his finger, he left the last trace of his soul.

Afterwards, Chu Yan said nothing more. He turned around and looked at Chen Meng: "What should we do now? Is there Liu Bai in this group of people?"

Chen Meng glanced around among the many disciples of the Ancient Saint Family, then shook his head slightly: "No."

Chu Yan was disappointed for a moment: "Made, this kid is hiding deep. Don't tell me that I have to plow the entire abyss before he comes out, right?"

Chen Meng smiled slightly: "I think it's possible."

Chu Yan sighed, and then he stopped worrying about Liu Bai.

He actually had a premonition in his heart...

If he didn't cause any trouble, he might not be able to see Liu Bai anymore.

Chu Yan knew that thinking this way was a bit of a conspiracy theory.

But these 500 years of experience forced him to think this way.

He suspected... that it was inevitable that he would enter Tianyuan, and Liu Bai was the trigger.

Now, there must be a reason for him to enter Tianyuan. Someone wants him to accomplish something in Tianyuan, so before he completes it, there is a high probability that he will not be able to meet Liu Bai.

Even if they could touch each other, someone would secretly operate to force Liu Bai away from his world, deliberately keeping the two of them out of touch.

At this time, in a special secret realm in Tianyuan.

This was a place discovered by the Liu family not long ago, and Liu Bai entered here and chose to practice.

But after Liu Bai came in, he searched for a long time, but found nothing.

In the end, Liu Bai got a little irritable. He was ready to leave first and give up this secret realm. But when he was about to go out... he was completely confused.

Because he discovered that there is no door!

Yes, it was easy for him to get in, but now he can't get out.

This is a bit annoying.

Liu Bai has been like a headless fly these days. There is nothing particularly dangerous in this secret realm, but there seems to be a psychedelic array that he can't leave no matter how hard he tries.

"Asshole, what the hell is this place?" Liu Bai couldn't help but cursed and started looking for a way out again.

The ruins of the Soul Devouring Sect.

Chu Yan and Chen Meng watched the internal fight of the Ancient Saint Family silently.

Chu Yan was relieved.

Of course, the Ancient Saint Family was set up by Chen Yu at the beginning and fell into Chen Yu's trap, but this kind of thing cannot stand scrutiny.

So after a while of internal fighting, someone reacted.

"Something is wrong, we were fooled!"

"Liu Xun didn't make a move, but that kid seemed to have spontaneously combusted." At this time, everyone found that Chen Yu had disappeared and their faces sank.

On the other side, Liu Xun was covered in blood and suffered serious injuries, with gloomy eyes.

After the other disciples of the Ancient Saint realized that they had been fooled, they all said to Liu Xun: "Brother Liu, I'm sorry."

"Don't blame us, this matter involves the destruction of the Chen family, and it is said to be related to the Ancient Saint. We are also considering the overall situation."

A few simple apologies, but not too much sincerity.

Obviously, in their view, an apology is enough. Even if it is really a mistake, what can Liu Xun do?

Fight with them to the death?

The law does not hold everyone responsible. The Liu family is just a family.

Besides... it wasn't just the other two families that attacked Liu Xun just now. The Liu family also attacked him.

Hearing this, Liu Xun's eyes were gloomy. He just beat him up and apologized casually?

These people didn't hold back just now. If it weren't for his strength, he would have lost half his life now.

But Liu Xun clenched his fist for a long time, and finally slowly loosened it, snorted coldly, and didn't say much.

Because he knew that it would be useless for him to say anything.

Liu Xun said in a low voice: "Investigate the truth first."

Everyone smiled slightly, obviously satisfied with Liu Xun's attitude.

The next second, everyone looked at Yu Xing.

Chenyu died, but everyone didn't forget that there was still someone here.

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