Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5688 Unexplored Secret Realm


Chen Meng was fucked by Chu Yan, and he almost forgot Chu Yan’s true realm...

Chu Yan is not solipsistic at all.

He is a giant...

For Weiwo, Tianyuan's chances of improvement are very slim, but for giants, they are very huge.

Chu Yan is in Tianyuan... let alone the upper limit. In terms of realm, it is actually not even the middle.


Suddenly, Chen Meng swallowed hard.

"I'll go... They are now convinced that Brother Chu will not become stronger. However, Brother Chu is a giant. If you continue to improve, when you go out... you may be able to fight the ninth level Weirdo."

Just thinking about it, Chen Meng suddenly felt that his head was as big as an ox.

Now...are the three ancient holy families really besieging Chu Yan?

Chen Meng raised his head and looked towards the sky, suddenly showing a pitiful look in his eyes.

Are they besieging Chu Yan?

Doesn't this mean lining up to deliver rations to Chu Yan?

Thinking of this, Chen Meng took a deep breath.


Now, it depends on how much Chu Yan can improve before the Tianyuan Forbidden Day comes. Once he improves a lot... Chen Meng has no doubt that on the day when the Tianyuan Forbidden Day comes, it will probably be a one-sided war. Massacre.

Chen Meng tried his best to shake his head to stop himself from thinking about these things.


At this time, Chu Yan was no longer entangled. Since Tianyuan couldn't live without him, he should look for opportunities here.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that after entering Tianyuan, he just focused on fighting...

Indeed, I have never looked for any opportunities.

Soon, Chu Yan returned to Dao Village.

And when he arrived at Dao Village, he was already surrounded by countless powerful people from the Forbidden Sect inside and outside Dao Village.

Among them, many people who talked about forbidden sects came.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly after seeing them.

Phoenix Girl's eyes lit up when she saw Chu Yan: "Emperor Chu?"

Chu Yan glanced at everyone and said calmly: "What are you doing?"

Phoenix Girl laughed dryly: "Haha, we haven't seen Emperor Chu for a long time, so we miss you and come here to see..."

"You are afraid that I will run away."

Chu Yan suddenly interrupted.

The Phoenix Girl and the Stone Giant's eyelids dropped slightly, but they hurriedly smiled and said, "What did Emperor Chu say? Of course we didn't think so."

Chu Yan said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you want to leave Tianyuan, I know, you are afraid that I will leave without you, but you can understand, but I will say something ugly in front of you... I am still here, Chu Yan, if you dare to do anything, especially As for the Tianyuan clan, don’t blame me, Chu Yan, for turning against me. When that time comes... let’s not talk about whether you can leave Tianyuan. When the time comes, just leave in this Tianyuan. "

"Let me see if I, Chu Yan, can win against all of your forbidden sects."

The pupils of all those who spoke about the forbidden sect shrank.

Phoenix Girl hurriedly apologized and said, "The Emperor of Chu is joking, how could we be enemies of the Emperor of Chu?"

Chu Yan glanced at Phoenix Girl and turned around to leave.

It wasn't until Chu Yan disappeared that many of the Forbidden Sect talkers heaved a sigh of relief.

Then someone said in a low voice: "Huh, that's so crazy!"

Phoenix Girl said: "Okay, whether we can leave Tianyuan is all in the hands of this son."

"That's to give him face. It really pushed us into a hurry and killed him directly."

Phoenix Girl glanced at the man and said calmly: "If he dies, who will the universe belong to? Okay, let's not consider this issue. Once we leave the universe, who will deal with those people outside? Let's not talk about others, just a few ancient saint families. Is it something we can handle?"

The man's mouth opened wide and he was half speechless.

"But we can't keep being dragged by him like this."

"Wait." Phoenix Girl said calmly: "Also, do you really think he is easy to deal with? Have you forgotten how the Tao Village Chief died? The Tao Village Chief has finally completed the eighth level breakthrough. Those present, there are eight levels in total How many are there? If we fight him, our chances of winning may not be great."

Many of the talkers sighed. Although they felt unhappy, they all understood that the Phoenix girl was telling the truth.

All we can do now is wait.

"I don't understand. He's already at level seven. What are he waiting for if he doesn't leave Tianyuan?"

"There is no chance for Tianyuan to continue to improve, right?"

"If there was, we would have discovered it over the years."

The weakest among those present are those who are level 7 egotistical. The reason why they want to leave Tianyuan is because they really can no longer make progress in Tianyuan.

If you drag it on, you can only wait to die of old age.

It would be fine if Chu Yan was at a lower level.

But he is also a level 7 self-centered person, so there is no point in staying here.

Phoenix Girl shook her head slightly: "I don't know either, but now I can only wait."

In the end, these talkative people didn't say much.

The main residence of Dao Village.

Chu Yan fell into silence after his return.

Where is the opportunity in Tianyuan?

What did you neglect?

Chu Yan carefully recalled every detail of his entry into Tianyuan, but he still didn't know after thinking about it for a long time.

Moreover, during this period, he also investigated some Tianyuan opportunities and asked some questions from the Liu family and major forbidden sects.

There are indeed some treasures, but most of them are some time flow formations, or some treasures left by the ancients. Although they can help people practice, Chu Yan feels that they are not up to the level mentioned by the figure.

It's impossible for the figure to trap himself in Tianyuan just for such a small chance.

Tianyuan, there must be a big secret that has not been discovered by anyone.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "I think you can ask someone."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Who?"

"Chen Yu." Xiao Jiu said lightly: "Or the Tianyuan clan."

Chu Yan's face changed slightly, and he said in a low voice: "The Tianyuan clan has been used here as the key to the secret realm. I help them... not for use."

Xiao Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "Is it definitely used? It turns out that the Ancient Saint Family and the Forbidden Sect are cruel to them, that's called use, but you really want to help them, so why don't you try to ask?"

Chu Yan thought about it, that's true.

He hesitated, and his mind fluctuated slightly.

Soon, Chen Yu came to the mansion: "Emperor Chu, you are looking for me?"

Chu Yan got straight to the point: "Chen Yu, I want to ask, is there any undeveloped secret realm in this Tianyuan?"

Chen Yu clenched his fist suddenly, and immediately became alert.

Why have the Tianyuan clan been slaughtered all these years?

Isn't it because of those secret realms in Tianyuan?

Now, is Chu Yan also eyeing it?

Chu Yan sighed when he saw this. He knew it would be like this, so he hesitated and said, "Chenyu, I won't force you. If you don't want to tell me, it's okay, but this secret realm is really important to me."

Chenyu thought for a while and suddenly said, "Emperor Chu, if I tell you, will you stop protecting the Tianyuan clan?"

Chu Yan was stunned and laughed, "Why do you think so? Whether there is this secret realm or not, I will continue to protect the Tianyuan clan, because we are brothers, aren't we?"

Chenyu's body trembled. He hesitated and suddenly said, "In Tianyuan... there is indeed a secret realm that has not been developed until now."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up.

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