Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5692: Holy City, Laws

Chu Yan finished his conversation with Chen Yu and the head of the Tianyuan clan, and stayed alone in the mansion, lost in thought.

According to the words of the elders of Tianyuan, this Tianyuan Holy Land is most likely underground in Tianyuan.

However... this range alone is too large.

How big is Tianyuan?

Although this place is just a prison for the strong, Chu Yan has carefully calculated that if it is placed in the mortal world, it is at least composed of billions of stars.

The strong, a thousand miles away, don't take it seriously, but for a mortal, it really is impossible to get out of Tianyuan for several lifetimes, and will not think that Tianyuan is a prison.

Of course, if the Tianyuan Holy City is on the surface, it is nothing to Chu Yan. With his current strength, it would take at most three or four days to travel around Tianyuan...

However, this holy city is underground...

That's a bit difficult.

Chu Yan wants to scan the entire underground, which is a huge project.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "You overlooked something."

Chu Yan was startled: "What?"

"Little Tower." Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Have you forgotten how this Tianyuan world was formed?"

Chu Yan was slightly startled, and then he narrowed his eyes: "You mean... the law?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "If nothing unexpected happens, Tianyuan should be transformed by a law of this tower, and this holy city is likely to be where this law is. You just need to take this tower to sense it, and it will be very difficult."

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, as if it was true.

But then, he showed a bitterness.

"It's better not to mention this... That law... may not be a friendly law. What if it is a law that hates the little tower? If I go there like this, won't I be beaten to death directly?"

Chu Yan didn't forget that there were nine laws in the little tower, three of which were friendly to the little tower, three were neutral, and three... were... those who hated the little tower.

Now, Chu Yan is still not sure which law in Tianyuan is.

What if it was a hostile one? He found the Tianyuan Holy City, and the other party was in the holy city. He would be like a lamb walking into a tiger's mouth.

Xiao Jiu spread his hands and said, "Then there is no way. This is your only choice now."

"Go or not?"

Chu Yan fell into silence.

But soon, he looked up and glanced outside the Tianyuan.

Those ancient saint families were still suppressing the outside.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Forget it, no matter what, death is a living horse. Anyway, there is no way to break through. Sooner or later, I will die if I go out. Let's fight once!"

Xiao Jiu smiled slightly: "This is the Chu Yan I know."

Chu Yan stretched out, and then he no longer hesitated. He took a step into the air and prepared to set off to find the Tianyuan Holy City.

Soon, he held the Jiutian Xuan Tower in his hand and began to fly quickly in the Tianyuan.

"Xiaota, you are responsible for sensing." Chu Yan reminded.

Xiaota nodded and said, "Leave it to me."

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly said, "That... Senior Wusun, Senior Zhiqing, you two rules, if you really encounter hostile rules later, you should be able to beat them, right?"

Chu Yan was also helpless about these rules.

The path of practicing rules is flawless, so even now, Chu Yan doesn't know what realm these two people are in.

But in short, Chu Yan tried once, and even now, he can't beat Zhiqing.

You know, Zhiqing's first attack was in Tianyanmen. At that time, Zhiqing was very strong and killed Weiwo with one move, but Chu Yan is not weak now.

If he returns to Tianyanmen, Chu Yan has the confidence to fight Tianyanmen even without any external force.

What was the result?

He and Zhiqing fought once.

Just one blow... Zhiqing just lightly touched it with his finger, and then just a little, there was no more.

Chu Yan was directly knocked away a thousand meters by a finger.

This means that the gap between the two is not ordinary.

Wusun did not speak, Zhiqing said lightly: "You'd better not have any ideas about us. Although we are close to the small tower, we will not take action against other laws."

Chu Yan frowned: "Why?"

Zhiqing glanced at Chu Yan: "First of all, we are of the same origin. No matter how bad it is, we are still our own people. Why do you think we can deal with our own people for an outsider?"

After speaking, Zhiqing paused and said: "In addition, if possible, I don't recommend you to fight with the Tianyuan Law."

Chu Yan asked in confusion: "Why?"

Zhiqing glanced at Chu Yan and said: "Don't you want this tower to be restored to its complete state?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Zhiqing said: "Your mother left this tower to you, it must be meaningful. She must hope that you can collect all the laws. Only then can this tower exert its true strength and you can know the true secret of this tower. Once you have an enemy with a law and finally reach the point of no return, then whether you win or lose, you have actually lost."

Chu Yan was silent for a while...

It seems to be true.

This law...

is part of the small tower. If I want to repair the small tower, I must gather all the laws.

So if I really fight with this law, I will win in the end, but the law will break it apart...which means the small tower is hopeless, and I still lose.

If I lose...then he will really lose big, and he might be killed by the law directly.

Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows: "It's difficult, is there no other way?"

At this time, Zhiqing said excitedly: "Yes!"

Chu Yan looked at Zhiqing: "What?"

"You are cheating!" The educated youth said: "Turn on your cheating mode. How did you deceive those forbidden sects? Just how you deceived this law and deceived him back into the small tower."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled and said: "Senior Educated Youth, you seem to want me to take back this law?"

The educated youth nodded slightly: "That's for sure."


The educated youth said: "As the laws in the tower, we are a whole in ourselves, so the more laws there are in the small tower, the stronger our own strength will be."

Chu Yan suddenly understood, and immediately his eyes lit up: "Senior educated youth, we have a community of interests, so you have to help me."

The educated youth's eyelids twitched slightly: "Little brother, I asked you to fool the rules here... I didn't let you fool me. Why did you start fooling me now?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Hahaha!"

Then he didn't say much to the educated youth, but continued to wander around Tianyuan Holy City.


Suddenly, Chu Yan passed through a claustrophobic valley, which was surrounded by a huge sky lake. At this time, the small tower in his hand suddenly flashed, making the whole small tower become hot. stand up.

Chu Yan's eyes lit up when he saw this: "Found it!"

He lowered his head and looked down the valley. If nothing unexpected happened... Tianyuan Holy City should be in this valley.

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