Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5708 Emperor Xi

Chu Yan suddenly had a headache.

It was really one ring after another.

Of course, there was no need to worry about the Lord of Tianyuan for the time being.

The other party might not be in Tianyuan.

Wusun said lightly: "You should actually be happy. The greater the potential of Tianyuan, the higher the opportunity you can get here."

Chu Yan laughed: "The greater the chance of being killed."

Wusun shrugged, unable to deny it.

Danger and opportunity have always coexisted.

The greater the opportunity, the greater the danger, which is inevitable.

Chu Yan looked around.

This valley had been destroyed with the rise of Wucai.

There was no need to stay.

I made great progress this time, and it was time to go back.


Chu Yan flashed and flew back to Dao Village quickly.

At this time, Dao Village had gathered many strong men from the Forbidden Sect. Chu Yan had disappeared for several days in a row, making them all worried.

Chen Meng was surrounded by everyone.

Phoenix girl said: "Mr. Chen, where is the King Chu? We want to see him."

Chen Meng said helplessly: "The King Chu is in seclusion, and I don't know where he is."

Phoenix girl's jade face sank: "You don't know either?"

Chen Meng nodded: "I don't know either. What the King Chu does, he has no obligation to tell me."

However, this remark angered many forbidden sects.

"Damn, did he run away?"

"I have said long ago that this boy is unreliable. We should take the universe into our own hands, so that we can control our own destiny."

Soon, the people of the forbidden sect were in chaos.

Many people looked at Phoenix girl with anger: "Little Phoenix, you trusted him at the beginning, now it's good, he is gone, you must give us an explanation."

Phoenix girl clenched her jade hands.

Chu Yan was lost...

She was also very troubled.

Just ask, who among these forbidden sects doesn't want to leave Tianyuan.

The Phoenix girl said, "Everyone, please be patient. The King of Chu may not have left. He may really be in seclusion."

After this, a strong man from the Forbidden Sect sneered, "Seclusion? Little Phoenix, do you believe this? The upper limit of Tianyuan is the eighth level of Wei I. At this level, there is no way to break through. What's the point of his seclusion?"

The Phoenix girl was silent.

Indeed, Tianyuan has an upper limit.

Otherwise, they would not have not made progress for hundreds of millions of years.

At this time, the Phoenix girl said, "No matter what, I choose to believe in the King of Chu."

"Believe it, the people have run away, and now they may be free outside!" Someone said angrily, and then one of the Forbidden Sect looked at Chen Meng and said in a low voice, "Boy, you have always had a good relationship with Chu Yan. Let Chu Yan come back, otherwise, you will be in trouble today."

Chen Meng's face changed slightly.

The old woman was protecting him and said in a low voice: "Don't go too far, my young master has nothing to do with this."

"It's ridiculous. Chu Yan was with him. Now Chu Yan ran away, so he has to bear all this."

Instantly, many forbidden sect masters were on the verge of a fight.

The old woman also burst out with aura, as if facing a great enemy.

The people present were all the leaders of the major forbidden sects. Any one of them was at the same level as the village chief, and was extremely powerful.

The old woman's strength was not weak, but she was still a little worse than this group of people.

The Phoenix girl frowned slightly when she saw this. She tried to stop it, but before she could speak, her face suddenly changed.


A vast aura suddenly appeared in the sky.

A vicissitudes of life old man slowly landed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the old man.

"It's Emperor Xi!"

The old man was the king of a transcendent fairyland in the ancient era.

In the ancient era, no one who could be called an emperor was a simple person.

At that time, the title of "Emperor" and "Emperor" were not realms, but a manifestation of status.

The one in front of him was an emperor in the ancient times.

The Phoenix Girl was also surprised when she saw the old man and said, "Senior Emperor Xi, you..."

"Still alive?" The old man chuckled.

The Phoenix Girl didn't say anything, but she really thought so in her heart.

Emperor Xi... He was really a person of high seniority in the ancient times, and he was also one of the first people to enter the Tianyuan.

Emperor Xi sighed, "I thought I was going to die, and I was ready to sit and die, but I encountered a little opportunity and just completed a breakthrough, which extended my old bones for a few more years."

As soon as these words came out, the Phoenix Girl's autumn eyes shrank.

It's not because of anything else, but the word "breakthrough"!

Emperor Xi broke through?

Who is Emperor Xi?

One of the ancient emperors in the ancient times, this kind of person had already reached the eighth level of the only self in the ancient times, and was one of the top people. Now Emperor Xi said that he broke through again?

Doesn't that mean...

The Phoenix Girl said in a low voice: "Senior Emperor Xi, you... have reached the ninth level?"

The leaders of the major forbidden sects also looked at Emperor Xi, their eyes were burning.

I am the only one at the ninth level!

Even in the ancient times, it was the most top-notch existence that could shake the heavens.

Emperor Xi shook his head slightly and sighed: "Since ancient times, nine has been the extreme number, and it is difficult to reach it."

The Phoenix Girl frowned: "Senior, you haven't reached the ninth level either? Then the breakthrough you are talking about is..."

Emperor Xi chuckled: "Half a step to the ninth level!"

After saying that, he waved his arm, and with a buzzing sound, a terrifying storm swept out of his body.


The Dao Village was shaking violently.

Everyone was suppressed by that power, their faces changed slightly, and they retreated several steps.

At this time, Emperor Xi withdrew his strength, turned around and looked at the person who had just called Huan Huan, and said calmly: "The Emperor Chu you just mentioned is the little guy who opened up the universe?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Phoenix Girl and others changed slightly, and they all looked at the speaker of the Forbidden Sect.

Phoenix Girl knew that this man was the master of a fairy kingdom, so Phoenix Girl didn't think much about it at that time.

Now when I look at it, isn’t it the descendant of Queen Xi?

Phoenix Girl squinted her eyes and understood something instantly.

Today's farce is obviously not an accident, but a long-planned conspiracy.

The person who spoke nodded: "Back to our ancestors, it is this son, but now I don't know where he is."

Emperor Xi nodded slightly, turned to look at Chen Meng, and said directly: "Get Chu Yan back, otherwise today will not be a good one."

Very direct, nothing to hide.

Chen Meng's eyes shrank.

The old woman felt even more like she was facing a formidable enemy.

She can't even beat an ordinary eighth level.

The person in front of me is level nine in half a step!

Chen Meng looked at Emperor Xi and suddenly smiled: "You did it on purpose, right? In fact, whether Emperor Chu is here today, you will all come here to make trouble, right?"

Emperor Xi nodded slightly but said nothing.

The person in charge snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, Chu Yan is not qualified to hold the universe."

Chen Meng sneered: "Do you think that with this Emperor Xi, you don't have to worry about Emperor Chu and can take over the universe by yourself? Do you think that you can protect the universe with one and a half steps to the ninth level? "

After saying this, Chen Meng looked disdainful: "Let me put it bluntly, level nine in half a step... This kind of strength is not even as good as that of my Chen family. How do you still expect him to protect you?"

"Even if he really gets the universe, do you dare to go out of the abyss? If you go out, any ancient holy family will be enough to destroy you."

As soon as this statement came out, many people were shaken.

Someone was shocked and said: "Chen Meng, are you saying that the Ancient Saint Family has a ninth-level solipsist?"

They have been in Tianyuan for too long and have no understanding of the outside world.

The Ancient Saint Family... they only learned about it in Tianyuan.

They know that the Ancient Saint Family is not weak, because people like Chen Meng will bring a strong protector with them every time they enter.

But as for how powerful the Ancient Saint Family is, they have no idea.

Chen Meng sneered: "Level 9? You guys underestimate the Ancient Sage too much."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly surprised: "Does it need something more advanced?"

At this time, the old woman nodded slightly and said proudly: "As the queen of the Ancient Saint family, I have a tenth level of self-centeredness!"


grade ten!

Many people who talked about the forbidden sect took a breath of air.

Some of the confidence that originally arose from seeing Emperor Xi suddenly disappeared.

Level 10 Solo... Can they beat it when they go out?

But at this time, Xihuang said calmly: "Why are you panic? Although I am only half-step ninth level now, have you forgotten the universe?"

Everyone was startled and looked at Xihuang in confusion.

Xihuang said: "I am now at the half-step ninth level, but after I get the universe, there will definitely be a huge breakthrough. But the group of ancient sages have been like this for hundreds of millions of years, and there will be no breakthrough in a short time." Progress has been made.”

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes lit up.


They may not be as good as the Ancient Saints now, but they still have a chance to advance by leaps and bounds!

Xihuang said: "When I get the universe, you can all enter my universe. Have you forgotten? Before, Chu Yan was defeated by the Taoist village chief. It was just because Chen Meng changed paths and allowed him to break through. A realm!”

"There are so many of us, why not be as good as one Chen Meng?"

Obviously, Emperor Xi knew everything about what happened before.

The talker from the Immortal Kingdom had already told everything, which gave Emperor Xi more confidence.



Chen Meng's change of lane made Chu Yan improve so much.

If I could suck everyone in the Forbidden Sect into the universe, wouldn't I have directly broken through to the Ancient Sage?

When Emperor Xi thought of this, his eyes became hot.

Phoenix Girl and Chen Meng narrowed their eyes, and then they understood Emperor Xi's confidence.

It turned out that this was the plan.

Emperor Xi said calmly: "Boy, let Chu Yan come back, otherwise today will be the day of your death."

Chen Meng suddenly clenched his fists.

However, just as he was thinking about what to do...


Suddenly, a figure slowly descended and appeared directly in front of Chen Meng.

Chen Meng was startled when he saw the person coming: "Brother Chu?"

All the people in the Forbidden Sect were shocked when they saw Chu Yan: "Emperor Chu... No, Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan returned to Dao Village and chuckled: "What are you doing? You don't think I ran away, do you?"

Just as Chen Meng was about to speak, Emperor Xi suddenly sneered: "Boy, are you that Universe Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Xihuang. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Who are you?"

Emperor Xi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Emperor Xi sneered: "It doesn't matter who I am, but I will give you two choices now. First, hand over the universe, and second, I will kill you now."

Chu Yan was slightly startled and turned to look at Phoenix Girl, a little confused.

Where did this idiot come from?

The Phoenix Girl quickly sent a message: "Be careful, Emperor Chu. This person is the ancestor of the ancient Immortal Kingdom. He has now broken through to the ninth level and is very powerful! Now many forbidden sects have changed their minds and want him to seize the universe."

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly realized it. Then he looked at Emperor Xi and suddenly laughed: "You want the universe?"

Xi Huang nodded slightly: "Boy, considering that you opened up the universe, I need someone to help me control the universe. If you obey me obediently, I will leave you a good position in the universe."

Chu Yan looked at Xi Huang for a while, and suddenly laughed: "I opened up the universe myself, do I still need you to leave me a position?"

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