Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5714 Hidden Dragon Abyss

Chu Yan has never forgotten that according to Wu Cai, this Tian Yuan was not created by him, but existed long ago.

Then, when the Lord of Tian Yuan created this place, would he leave something behind?

"Other special places?" Chen Yu frowned slightly, then he shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either. I'll call the clan leader to ask."

Chu Yan thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

Let's meet. The old woman of Tian Yuan had a deep misunderstanding of him before.

After a while, Chen Yu quickly called the old woman, the clan leader of the Tian Yuan clan.

Chu Yan saw the old woman chuckle: "Old senior, we meet again."

The old woman nodded slightly, and in addition to a bit of gratitude and emotion in her eyes, there was also a hint of shame.

Last time, Chen Yu trusted Chu Yan, but he was full of doubts.

And not long ago, when the ancestors of the Forbidden Sect appeared, Chu Yan resolutely stood on the side of the Tian Yuan clan.

The next second, the old woman stepped forward and suddenly bowed deeply to Chu Yan: "I... have wrongly blamed the Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan was startled and quickly reached out to help the old woman up: "Old senior, what are you doing? You are doing everything for the good of the Tianyuan clan."

The old woman shook her head: "I am a mean person and have misunderstood Mr. Chu."

Chu Yan chuckled: "It's normal. When I went to the Tianyuan Holy City this time, I saw the projection of the Tianyuan clan and the obsession of the ancestors of the Tianyuan clan... In the past, you were all bitten by snakes. It's not your fault."

Old The old woman said, "Emperor Chu, if you have anything you want to know this time, just ask, I will definitely tell you everything I know."

Chu Yan nodded: "I really have something I want to ask the old senior."

The old woman raised her head: "Emperor Chu, just say it."

Chu Yan thought for a while and said, "Senior, I heard Chen Yu say that you have been living in Tianyuan. Tianyuan gave birth to you, right? Before the forbidden sect entered, weren't you also outsiders?"

Chu Yan wanted to confirm one thing, that is, whether the Tianyuan clan is the orthodox of Tianyuan or an outsider.

Chen Yu said that they are natives, but that can only prove that they were in Tianyuan before the forbidden sect, but it cannot prove that they were born from Tianyuan.

The old woman recalled and said, "Yes, our clan has been in Tianyuan since its birth. We are not from outside, and we have never left."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "In other words, you were born in Tianyuan... This Tianyuan actually has the ability to give birth to life?"

You know, this is a very special condition in any world.

Chu Yan created the universe and knew that his universe was always imperfect because life could not be born in the universe.

Including the current void, there are many small worlds, not to mention 10,000, but there are at least 8,000, but most of them are desolate, and only one in ten can breed life.

Chu Yan said excitedly: "Senior, do you know how the Tianyuan clan appeared?"

The old woman shook her head slightly: "I don't know. In my memory, I was born in Tianyuan. At that time, our clan was already very powerful. Even the foreign forbidden sect was not as good as us."

At this point, the old woman added: "But there is one thing, I don't know if it is useful to Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan said: "Senior, tell me."

The old woman thought for a while and said: "This is a secret of my Tianyuan clan. There was a rumor that my Tianyuan clan was the descendants of the Lord of this world, and it was the Lord of this world who created us."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

If this is true, then the Lord of Tianyuan is quite powerful.

This Tianyuan... although not as perfect as the universe, it appeared hundreds of millions of years earlier than the Liantian Universe.

It was already very impressive to be able to achieve this level at that time.

Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "Old senior, in your memory, is there any special place in Tianyuan besides Tianyuan Holy City?"

The old woman thought for a while and said: "There are many secret realms in Tianyuan, and those places are very special, but what Emperor Chu wants to know should not be developed by the world, right?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes."

The old woman shook her head: "Then there is no more!"

"No?" Chu Yan frowned: "How is it possible?"

If the Lord of Tianyuan is not Wucai, but someone else, then there must be another place.

The old woman said: "Almost all the secret realms known by my Tianyuan clan have been developed. There was only one Tianyuan Holy City left before, and now it has also been opened by Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Could it be that he was wrong?

Or, after the Lord of Tianyuan created Tianyuan, he did not leave anything here?

Instead, he left directly?

"Impossible." At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said.

Chu Yan was slightly startled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "No one is a saint. As long as he is a human, he will have selfishness. For example, you have opened up the universe, but there must be a special place in your universe, which is the Yutian Realm."

"Including the master's universe, the Nine Realms is the place he cares about the most."

"As long as he is a human, he will always leave a piece of pure land in his heart, a place for special protection."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.


His universe is actually fair, and everyone gets the same amount of rain and dew, but there is a place that has more energy than other places.

That is the Yutian Realm!

No one in this world can be impartial.

At this time, the old woman seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "Emperor Chu, I remembered something."

"You say."

"The secret realm of Tianyuan has indeed been developed, but when it comes to special places... there seems to be a dangerous place in Tianyuan that no one has been to for hundreds of millions of years. Even hundreds of millions of years ago, when my Tianyuan clan was glorious, That place has always been classified as taboo," the old woman said.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "What's your name? Where is it?"

He had a hunch that the place he had been looking for, the things left by the Lord of Tianyuan here, would most likely be in this dangerous place.

A place that would have been taboo even when the Tianyuan clan was in its glory.

Because it was so long ago, the old woman recalled it for a long time before she said, "That place... seems to be called Qianlongyuan?"

"Qianlongyuan?" Chu Yan asked curiously: "What kind of place is that?"

The old woman introduced: "Qianlongyuan is a very special place...it is not fixed in a certain place, but appears immediately."

"Appear randomly?" Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled: "Is there such a place?"

The old woman nodded: "Yes, when Qianlongyuan appears, a terrible hurricane will be born in the abyss, which is completely black. And every time Qianlongyuan appears, a terrible phenomenon will be born in the abyss. It will be dark for three consecutive days without any light, and the entire sky will be dark. There will be a terrifying low dragon roar in Tianyuan. In the past, when the Tianyuan clan was glorious, every time Qianlongyuan appeared, the clan would seal the city until the end of three days."

Chu Yan was shocked.

How else is there a special place in this world?

At this time, Wucai said: "No wonder I have been irritated by the roar of a dragon every time I sleep for a period of time. So that's what happened."

Wushen smiled: "It's normal. For some strong people, it is very simple to tear apart the space and build the outer world."

Xiao Jiu also said at this time: "Chu Yan, have you forgotten that when you gave birth to life in the universe, didn't you also deliberately make a hole to hide the life form?"

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

At that time, he gave birth to life in the universe for the first time, and also opened an opening in the universe.

Immediately, his pupils suddenly shrank: "So... this Hidden Dragon Abyss is probably the Lord of Tianyuan giving birth to a new life?"

Xiaojiu nodded: "It's possible."

Chu Yan frowned: "But that's not right. If the Tianyuan clan was conceived by Tianyuan, then Tianyuan already has the ability to breed life. Why would the Lord of Tianyuan bother to breed new lives?"

Xiao Jiu glanced at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Are you really sure that the Tianyuan clan must be indigenous?"

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment: "Didn't Senior Tianyuan just say that?"

Xiao Jiu said: "What she said was just her own memory, but have you ever thought about something?"


"The Tianyuan clan's cultivation methods are exactly the same as yours."

Chu Yan was startled: "Is there anything strange about that?"

"It's very strange." Xiao Jiu said lightly: "In an independent world, if they have not had contact with the outside world, why do they know the outside world's cultivation methods? Just like you, before you entered the void, you knew how the void practiced Before you entered the Nine Realms, did you practice the same way as the Nine Realms when you created the world?"

Chu Yan was stunned, then narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yes! The Tianyuan clan knows the cultivation methods of the outside world."

This is very strange.

Of course, the paths lead to the same destination, and no matter how you practice, there is a high probability that they will all come together in the end.

But in two completely isolated worlds, there will be some differences in the cultivation methods anyway, but the final result is the same.

For example, when Chu Yan first came out of the mortal world, he knew that many small worlds did not cultivate the realm of the three dusts. There were some immortal worlds where the three dusts of light were called foundation building, golden elixir, etc.

Of course, the result is the same. At most, the name of the realm may be different.

For example, Chu Yan's world is called Sanchen, and other people's world is called Sanfan.

However, Chu Yan asked Chen Yu that their cultivation methods before Weiwo, whether it was names or methods, were all the same as those recorded in the void.

This is so abnormal.

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "If I guessed correctly, even if the Tianyuan clan was conceived by Tianyuan, they are not pure Tianyuan life! Just like those people who control the heaven in your universe! Although they have always been in your universe, they will also You think your universe is your home, but it turns out that they are not the life of the universe."

Chu Yan thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

Indeed it is.

"Qianlongyuan." Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "It seems that next, I must find this Qianlongyuan to find out the truth about the Lord of Tianyuan."

But then, Chu Yan started to feel worried...

Where should I go to find this Qianlongyuan?

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