Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5731 Death of Chen Family Master


When these two words appeared, the whole world trembled.

All the people on the Chen family side were stunned, or terrified.

If Chu Yan was just a giant, it would be fine, but he could break through at this moment?

"No...he, what is he going to break through?"

"Only me?"

"No...impossible, there is a gap between giant and only me, but his breath has not weakened at all."

"That means he is still breaking through the giant..."

"He is not only a giant, but also not a top giant."

The Chen family was completely desperate.

The head of the Chen family was almost crazy.

He believed that he had lived for hundreds of millions of years and he could face everything calmly, but now he still almost jumped up and screamed: "You...you are not a human, you are a monster, what kind of monster are you!"

A person who is not even a top giant, but he fought with him for so long?

However, Chu Yan did not respond to him at all. At this moment, the vortex suction in his chest became stronger and stronger. In almost a blink of an eye, he swallowed the power of the entire world into his body.


Chu Yan's body trembled violently, and when he opened his eyes again, his aura was different.

Level 2 giant!

Chu Yan completed another breakthrough.

At this moment, the world was suddenly quiet.

All the power was absorbed into his body.

He looked up at the head of the Chen family opposite him, and smiled word by word: "Old man, how do you want to die now?"

The head of the Chen family clenched his fists, and suddenly, he took out a white jade order and crushed it with a click.


A golden light shot up to the sky!

All the Chen family members were shocked: "Chen family must kill order! Once this order is issued, it is above everything!"

This is a very old token of the Chen family. It is rumored that once this order is issued, it will become the first order of the Chen family.

Chu Yan frowned slightly as he looked at the order.

The head of the Chen family stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, from today on, my Chen family will spare no effort until you are killed!"

Chu Yan sneered: "You go and die first."


In an instant, Chu Yan disappeared from his original position, rushed to the front of the head of the Chen family, and slashed the Liantian Sword at the throat of the head of the Chen family.

The head of the Chen family shouted angrily and punched out.


The next second, the fist exploded.

The head of the Chen family retreated thousands of feet.

However, before he could come back to his senses, the space in front of him was distorted, and Chu Yan chased him again. Immediately, he did not hesitate and stabbed with the blood sword.

The head of the Chen family gritted his teeth and kicked immediately.


A broken leg flew out.


Before Chu Yan broke through, he had already taken the upper hand, and when he completed the breakthrough of the second-level giant, his strength was sublimated again, and now it is completely above the head of the Chen family.


The head of the Chen family retreated thousands of feet, he turned around and wanted to escape, but found that his speed was not as fast as Chu Yan.

Chu Yan turned into a sword and quickly shuttled between heaven and earth.

Chi Chi Chi - almost in the blink of an eye, the skin of the head of the Chen family began to bleed.

"No!!!" The head of the Chen family was desperate: "Elders!"

However, when Chu Yan's sword was about to fall, his brows suddenly frowned.

In the main hall of the Chen family, several powerful auras surged out in an instant.

Several figures flew into the air.

These people have two characteristics. The first is that their auras are strong, and they are all level nine. The second characteristic is that they are all extremely old.

This group of people are all the elders of the Chen family who are dying. The Chen family has always had a rule that when a person is about to die of old age, he will choose to sleep, leaving a breath, and wait until the family encounters a crisis in the future to wake up and contribute his last bit of strength to the family.

This habit has continued to this day.

However...not everyone can wake up from sleep. Some people sleep for too long, and the breath is gone.

But even so, several elders of the Chen family still appeared, each of them is a level nine combat power, and they are not weaker than the head of the Chen family.

The group of elders were all shocked when they saw this scene.

The head of the family is being suppressed by a giant?

"Save me!" The head of the Chen family roared immediately.

The elders woke up and came to their senses, and they didn't care about those things, and they exploded one by one.

There were seven elders in total, and they flew towards the head of the Chen family quickly. As soon as they got close, the seven looked at each other and put their hands together in front of their chests at the same time.


The next second, the surrounding heaven and earth trembled violently, and seven egoistic spaces were born.

Chu Yan blinked when he saw this: "Ah, this..."

Then he laughed, bit his tongue, and a drop of blood flew out of his mouth.


When his blood and essence merged with the seven egoistic spaces, the seven spaces trembled together, and all ran to Chu Yan's side.

The seven elders' faces changed: "How is it possible?"

Their egoistic spaces were taken away?

What kind of monster is this?

But when the head of the Chen family was at the critical moment of life and death, how could they care about any egoistic space?

Suddenly, an elder roared: "Quick, use blood!"

The seven people nodded slightly, and then exploded together.


Instantly, a thick blood mist surged above the heads of all seven people.

"No!!!" The head of the Chen family screamed on the spot when he saw this scene... Unfortunately, everything was too late.

Chu Yan looked at the seven blood mists with a strange look in his eyes: "Ah, this... I am a little embarrassed."

Then, he suddenly sucked hard.

Almost instantly, Chu Yan's eyes turned red.


A terrible aura surged out of his body.

At this moment, Chu Yan was several times stronger than before, and even the space around him began to crack.


The head of the Chen family was stunned. He turned around numbly and looked at the seven elders: "You... deliberately left a breath and then tricked me, right?"

The seven elders: "..."

At this time, the seven elders were also confused!

The bloodline was also absorbed?

What the hell is this person?

They really didn't mean it, and they were a little confused at this moment.

But at this moment, Chu Yan gradually merged the power. He lowered his head and looked at the head of the Chen family, and his smile became more and more intense: "You have to thank these good clansmen more. Without them, I won't be able to send you on the road so quickly for a while! But now, you can go peacefully."

After speaking, Chu Yan slashed with a sword.

Swish - this sword directly opened the sky.

The head of the Chen family stared wide-eyed. He tried desperately to struggle, but now the seven elders' ego spaces were all controlled by Chu Yan, releasing pressure together, so that he couldn't even move a finger, and could only watch the sword pass through his throat.


The head of the Chen family spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his head fell to the ground.

At the moment of death, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the seven elders with endless unwillingness.

He hated it so much... If he had known this result, he would never have found these seven people.

This is not looking for help... This is pure death.


Finally, the Chen family changed, and the head of the Chen family fell.

However, Chu Yan did not end it all, but looked up at the seven elders.

The moment his identity as a giant was exposed, it was destined that everyone in the Chen family would die today.

No one can survive!

Otherwise, tomorrow will be his doomsday!

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