Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5789 Space Defense War

After Chu Yan got the news, he started to attack at full speed.

However, he hadn't been flying for long.


The space in front suddenly distorted.

A man wearing golden armor and holding a silver dragon gun stepped out.

The man also wore a cloak with the word "god" embroidered on his back, fluttering in the wind, looking majestic.

The man looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Are you Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "From Shenting?"

The man said: "This road is blocked."

Chu Yan glanced at the man, and then he waved his sword without saying a word.

Chi—suddenly, the sword energy reaches the sky.

The man in golden armor couldn't help but was startled. He obviously didn't expect Chu Yan to be so direct, but he soon sneered and didn't take it seriously.

I am a level seven solipsistic person.

In the era of gods and demons, he might not be considered a strong person.

But in today's era, even the path of self-centeredness has been cut off, and people like him should be like gods.

You know, if it weren't for the divine jade refined by the God Lord, a person of his level wouldn't even be allowed to come out, so what else would there be to worry about?

Thinking of this, he slowly raised his hand and prepared to draw his gun.


But the next second, the man's expression changed drastically.

Because a long sword had penetrated between his eyebrows.

The man's eyes widened.

Full of disbelief.

I... was killed?


Doesn’t it mean that there is no solipsism in this era?

Chu Yan only has self-centered combat power, but he is at level seven.

"You..." The man was about to speak.

However, Chu Yan had no time to waste time with him, and made a horizontal stroke with the long sword in his hand.


The man's head flew out directly. He kept his eyes open until the moment he died, and he refused to close his eyes!

Hundreds of millions of years, I waited for hundreds of millions of years, and the result just came out, just this picture, and then died?


The man screamed.


Turned into a ball of blood mist.

Chu Yan did not stop after killing the man, but went faster.

Murderous intent surged.

At this time, if he wasn't worried about the universe, he would have rushed directly to the Era of Gods and Demons.

But he knew it was not the time yet!

The problem of the universe must be solved first.


It's been peaceful here for a long time.

Since Chu Yan defeated some of the strong men in this era, the universe has become one of the top forces in this era.

Of course, it has not yet reached the level of dominance.

Because in this era, there are still some mysterious forces.

For example: Tianyu!

Although Chu Yan now has level 10 combat power, he still doesn't think he can be invincible in this era.

But the reputation of the universe is already very big.


But today, the space around the universe suddenly rippled.

Below, the human master, the emperor, the master of the Dao Palace, including Cao Jianjia and others are practicing, as are the blood ancestors.

When they felt this space fluctuation, they were startled, and they all took off in an instant.

The next second, their faces darkened.

Because a black cloud suddenly appeared above the universe, and there were countless strong men standing on the black cloud.

Just standing there, those strong men seemed to eclipse the sky and the earth, and their auras were terrifyingly strong.

"Only me!"

The owner made a low voice.

"These people are all self-centered!"

"Their power does not belong to this era!"

"He's from the Era of Gods and Demons!"

The Blood Ancestor said in a low voice.

Suddenly, everyone in the universe became nervous.

Although they had guessed that the universe would have a battle with the Era of Gods and Demons sooner or later, the fact that the other party actually appeared here still made them a little nervous.

The people from the Era of Gods and Demons arrived, led by a man in silver armor. He leaned over and looked at the universe, and couldn't help but praise: "It is worthy of the work of the only person who became an ancient saint in the three major eras. This universe's The strength is so enviable.”

The power of Liantian Universe may not be very strong, but it is undoubtedly the most perfect among all nothingness.

The host said in a low voice: "Era of Gods and Demons, what do you want to do?"

The man in silver armor sneered: "What are you doing? From today on, this universe belongs to my Era of Gods and Demons! Now I give you a chance. If you give up the resistance, you can enter the divine court!"

The sound fell with a thud.

Eight people walked out from around the man in silver armor!


As soon as the eight people came out, the space was shattered, as if the world could not bear the eight of them.

The eight people stood there silently, but they put huge pressure on the universe.

Eight only me!

And it's not even the first time, the weakest one has level two combat power.

On the other side of the universe, his face suddenly darkened.

Only me...

There is no self-centeredness in this era!

So just being a self-centered person was enough to make them despair. As a result, the other party took action and there were eight people.

"Asshole, they must know that Emperor Chu is not here, so they chose this time to attack."

"It's useless to talk more. No matter what, the universe cannot be lost!"

The host looked at the Blood Ancestor, Cao Jianjia and others: "The Emperor of Chu is not here, and the gods and demons are coming. What are you going to choose?"

He was not worried about the emperor and the Taoists, including the four emperors. Everyone had been working together for too long.

But he still had too few contacts with people like Cao Jianjia and Blood River Ancestor.

Cao Jianjia said calmly: "Don't look at me, I have already taken my position."

The host looked at the Blood Ancestor.

The Blood Ancestor clenched his fist slightly. He was actually a little confused.

Although he promised Chen Tianzhen that Xuehe would follow Chu Yan in the future, he had always fought in this era.

Now that the God and Demon Era has appeared, Weiwo has become so numerous that he is still a little nervous.

However, it was only a moment before Xuezu's eyes turned fierce: "I will take people away today. Even if I survive, Chu will not let me go! In this case, it is better to fight with the God and Demon Era!"

"At least in my opinion, the God and Demon Era still has a chance to win, but if you offend Chu, you will be dead."

Above, the silver-armored man narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

He had investigated before coming here and knew that the current universe was made up of many forces.

So he still thought that the universe would be a mess without Chu Yan.

As long as he put a little pressure on it, it would immediately collapse and win without a fight.

Unexpectedly, at this time, no one in the universe retreated, which made him look at it with a new eye.

"I have to say that Chu Yan is really capable, and he can make you follow him so wholeheartedly."

"But in my opinion, you have made the stupidest choice!"

After saying that, the silver-armored man said calmly: "Go! No one from this world will be spared!"


In an instant, eight Weiwo swooped down.

The universe was immediately facing a great enemy, but they did not retreat.

The human master looked solemn, but he still stepped on the sole of his foot and was the first to go out, because he knew that without Chu Yan, the universe must have someone to take the lead, otherwise this battle would not be fought.

With a step, the human master rushed to a Weiwo and punched him.

The strong man in the God Court smiled sarcastically: "Are you looking for death?"

After saying that, he also punched.


The next second, an amazing scene appeared.

The two fists hit each other, and a figure immediately flew backwards, but the person who flew out was not the human master.

But...a strong man in the God Court?

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