Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5791 Summoning a corpse?

The emperor swayed for a while, but when he saw that Shen Er didn't respond, he suddenly pushed Shen Er away with force and screamed: "Ahhhh!! He's dead, he's really dead! I'll beat him to death!" "

At this moment, the Emperor was horrified.

Terrified by himself.

In the distance, the eyelids of the powerful men from the Divine Court jumped down.


It was the first time they were so speechless.

It was obviously one of their own who was killed, but the emperor called out before them?

what is this?

The people in Shenting were a little speechless.

But then, all faces turned gloomy.

Shen Er is dead!

Really dead!

At this moment, they can be sure that Shen Er has no breath. Even if he wants to act, it is impossible for his vitality to disappear, right?

Thinking of this, everyone in the Divine Court was shocked.

Below, the expressions of the people in the universe also changed drastically.

The emperor...beat me to death?

So... the master really defeated Weiwo just now?


Could it be that the Lord and the Emperor have been holding back, and what trump card did Chu Yan leave for the two of them?

At first, the Blood Ancestor and the others thought it was possible, but in the next second, someone from the Divine Court took action again. This time, the Blood Ancestor took action and punched out.


Once again, a strong man from the Divine Court was knocked away.

Blood Ancestor: "..."

The powerful man from the Divine Court: "..."

Both sides fell into silence.

The next second, Blood Ancestor's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood something: "I know! It's the upper limit!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled: "What is the upper limit?"

The Blood Ancestor said excitedly: "The upper limit of the era! Although we are still giants and have not broken through, the upper limit of this era has been raised, so our combat power has also become stronger. Although we are still giants now, the upper limit has been infinitely raised. Our upper limit has been raised. It’s time to fight against me.”

The people in the universe were stunned, and then they immediately understood.

"In other words, we actually have the ability to fight alone now?"

The Blood Ancestor nodded slightly: "Yes."

"So... we don't have to be afraid of them at all? The people from the Divine Court can't defeat us?"

Blood Ancestor said again: "Yes!"

In an instant, everyone in the universe was boiling.

Just now they looked melancholy, but the next second, they all looked excitedly at the people of the Divine Court.

That look contained a bit of excitement, a bit of hostility, and a bit of shyness...

Ah, what happened... we are all a little embarrassed.

The next second, the owner realized the truth, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He turned around and looked at Shenyi, and said with a ferocious smile: "B*tch, so you can't beat us? It scared me. I thought you were just faking it."

After saying this, the host suddenly raised his arms and waved: "Everyone, what are you waiting for? Beat up the drowned dog, let's go together!"

The cosmonauts instantly became excited.

If Shenting is so weak, then they are still afraid of a ball?


"Come on!"

"Kill them!"

In an instant, the cosmic people who were originally submissive suddenly became very brave. They rushed out crazily one by one, and then punched those who caught the divine court.

Bang bang bang!




For a moment, the people in Shenting were desperate.

Can't beat it!

how so?

Doesn’t it mean that...there is no self-centeredness in this era?

When they come out, shouldn't they be crushed? Except for one Chu Yan, can they push horizontally? But now, Chu Yan hasn't come back yet.

Above, Shining Armor looked at everything below with disbelief.


But... they just came out.

Why did you lose?

Also, what happened if the upper limit was raised?

He didn't understand, but he had a hunch that if he didn't retreat, Shenting would really die miserably!


Suddenly, Shining Armor roared: "Everyone retreat, no more fighting!"

The people in Shenting could no longer hold on any longer. After hearing the order to retreat, they turned around and ran away without saying a word.

However, the people of the universe have just been refreshed, how can they let the people of Shenting evacuate so easily?

How can it be?

The owner was the first to cry out: "Chase! Don't let them escape! Kill them!"

"Returning the people of this world, leaving no one behind, how much better is this than asking you to pretend!"

Shining Armor: "..."

His eyelids twitched slightly, and he really wanted to fight back, but he knew he couldn't.

But there was nothing he could do.


Bang bang bang!

In a moment, the people from the universe caught up and beat up the person who caught Shenting.

Just like that, the people of the Divine Court fell like rain, and Shining Armor's face was as cold as ice. His strength was actually a little stronger. Only I was on the fourth level, but he discovered one thing. He was just a little stronger than the human master. If you fight against the Blood Ancestor, it will be a 50-50 split.

He didn't understand why the upper limit of an era could be raised so much.

There was also an upper limit in the Era of Gods and Demons. Logically speaking, before the Era of Gods and Demons, the upper limit should be higher, but now he found that this was not the case at all.

"Universe, do you have to fight to the death?"

The host smiled when he heard this: "Oh my god, you are already in this state, how can you still say such ignorant words? Brother, if we can't beat you today, will you let us go? Please, it's still alive no matter what. Can a person who has lived for hundreds of millions of years stop saying such childish things?"

Shining Armor is speechless.

Because he knew what the Human Lord said was right.

Now, he could only save himself.

Suddenly, Yin Jia took a deep breath, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes: "Cosmic people, you asked for all this!"

After saying that, he clasped his hands together, and a golden light suddenly shot up from his brows.

Just now, he received an order from the Divine Court, saying that the Divine Court would send a level 7 Weiwo, and at the critical moment... he could launch a divine summons on him.

Divine summons is a special ability of the Divine Court. No matter how far apart the two sides are, as long as you launch it yourself, you can teleport the other party over.

A level 7 Weiwo is enough to destroy the universe.


At this time, the divine light shot up into the sky, causing the entire universe to vibrate violently.

After feeling the pressure, the faces of the Human Lord and others changed slightly.

"So strong..."

The Human Lord stopped chasing and killing, his face solemn.

Although he found that the upper limit could kill Weiwo, it did not mean that his brain was gone.

The other party summoned this power, which was obviously above them, and it was likely to be a high-level Weiwo!

Instantly, everyone in the universe became nervous.

The human master also felt guilty: "It's over... It seems that I've been pushed too hard."


At this time, the divine light became thicker and thicker, forming a golden vortex outside the nine heavens.

Silver Armor looked up, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Level 7 has arrived, and he will definitely win!

He didn't want to do this, but this was what the cosmic people asked for.


The next second, the vortex finally opened, and then everyone was stunned.


Because they found that no one came out of the vortex, but a pile of... body fragments fell out from it?

The human master was also stunned at this time: "Dead? You summoned a dead person?"

Silver Armor: "..."

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