Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 58: The Power of the Empress

On Wan Zong's stage, Wan Zong was like thunder. Wan Zong, who was originally the protagonist, became weak. He held his breath and did not dare to breathe.

Lin Daoyan glanced at Ye Xun in front of Chu Yan, and sneered, full of ridicule. His identity was arrogant, so in his eyes, a small person like Ye Xun was not worth a second glance. He directly looked at Chu Yan He said: "Chu Yan, how about giving me some face in this matter? Since Chiyue has already stood up, he is just a lost dog of the Murong family. If you keep him alive, he will not threaten you, so why embarrass Chiyue too much?" Woolen cloth?"

"Impossible! He jumped out to humiliate himself." However, Chu Yan refused to give in.

"Chu Yan, don't go too far. Do you really think that I, Chi Yue, are afraid of you? Now that Yao Lao has gone to Yunding Country, I want to kill you, but no one can stop me."

"You can give it a try!" Chu Yan looked at Chi Yue jokingly, trying to compete with him? In this life, he, Chu Yan, has never surrendered to anyone.

The atmosphere on Wan Zong Tai became more and more serious, and everyone held their breath, fearing that loud gasps would anger these three people.

Chi Yue clenched her fists tightly. He actually regretted it a little. He did not expect that Chu Yan would be so determined this time and had no regard for the unspoken rules of several superpowers. But now that he is riding a tiger and cannot get off, he Chi Yue Valley The face of the Young Master cannot be lost.

"Fuck! Then fight!" Chi Yue was really angry. A blood mark appeared out of thin air in his hand. As soon as the blood mark appeared, the sky was dyed red, as if a blood rain would fall at any time.

"Chi Yue, stop and hand the person over to Chu Yan." But at this moment, Lin Daoyan pressed his wrist, and a mighty force stopped Chi Yue. Compared to Chiyue, he seemed to be able to understand the situation better.

"Lin Daoyan, get out of the way! You Xue Mie Gu can afford to throw this guy away, but I, Chi Yue Valley, can't afford to throw him away!"

"Then you want to die, I don't care." Lin Daoyan sneered, stepped aside, and then looked at Chi Yue ridiculously. Compared to Chi Yue, he was more thoughtful. He was not a fool. What kind of strength was Chu Yan? In their eyes, he is just an ant, but why has no one killed Chu Yan all these years? Is it really just because of the demon youngest? No.

"Chu Yan, you forced me!" Chi Yue glared at Chu Yan, and the blood mark in his hand suddenly rolled and shot straight towards Chu Yan.

"Brother Chu Yan!"

"Chu Yan!" No one expected that Chi Yue would actually dare to take action. With Chi Yue's strength, everyone knew that Chu Yan would definitely not be able to stop him. Then if Chu Yan died, Manhuang and There will definitely be a war in Chiyue Valley, a war that will shock the world, and I am afraid that when the time comes, ASEAN will also participate. Chiyue...does this mean that Chiyue Valley will be destroyed with his own hands?

All the elders of Chiyue also had heavy expressions on their faces, but the blood mark was so fast that when they tried to stop it, it was already too late.

Ye Xun frowned, and he stepped in front of Chu Yan, with the Iron King Dragon Spear firmly blocking his chest.

boom! But the next moment, a strong wind violently knocked Ye Xun back. His eyes widened. The blood mark was so strong that it was suffocating.


However, at the critical moment, the clouds dispersed, as if a dragon's claws tore the sky apart, and suddenly a huge beam of light fell down, hitting the red moon fiercely.

Chiyue's eyes widened. He didn't even have a chance to react, and flew directly a thousand meters away, vomiting blood.

"What's going on?" In the sky, everyone was shocked, and an ethereal sound sounded like an oriole emerging from the valley, but the sound was very unruly.

"Baby, you dare to hurt my brother, don't you want it in Chiyue Valley?"

Hearing that voice, everyone suddenly stared down, and the corners of Lin Daoyan's mouth twitched, revealing a hint of fear.

It was her, she finally took action.

Chiyue also looked at the crack in disbelief: "Zi, Sister Zixuan?"

"Who is your sister? I only have one brother, Chu Yan, who is called my aunt!"

"Aunt, aunt!" Chi Yue was frightened. In front of this woman, even he, the young master of Chi Yue Valley, did not dare to say anything nonsense.

"That's pretty much it. Chi Yue, let me tell you, I am in seclusion now and cannot get out, otherwise I will be there to kill you. I am warning you once, whoever my brother wants to die today must die. If you dare to stop, I dare to destroy you Chiyue Valley!" The voice sounded again, and everyone was shocked. Crazy, so crazy, this voice is even crazier than Chu Yan.

This is the empress Qin Zixuan. She seriously injured Chi Yue and destroyed Chi Yue Valley in one word.

"Yan'er, kill him for me." Qin Zixuan shouted again.

Chu Yan glanced at Chi Yue with cold eyes and said nothing. He walked up to Murong Kuang with the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand and thrust out the sword, directly piercing Murong Kuang's throat.

Murong Kuang's eyes widened. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't because the force in the sky suppressed him, making him unable to move. He could only let others slaughter him. The Sun-Destroying Sword finally passed through. His throat, he died, his eyes widened before he died.

"I'm not willing to accept it! I hate it!" Murong Kuang's last desperate roar, but it was of no use. He still died. Originally, this time Wan Zong accepted the first person who had a very high talent. He should have been in the dozens. Years later, he became a dazzling star in the world. Unfortunately, he lost all his future just because he offended Chu Yan.

He died, Murong Zhe died, and the Yunding Kingdom was destroyed. Chi Yue took action, and Lin Daoyan appeared, but no one stopped Chu Yan, and he still killed Murong Kuang.

Everyone in Wanzong swallowed their saliva and looked at Chu Yan in horror... They had only one thought in their minds, that is, this person should not be provoked, absolutely not provoked. In terms of identity and status, whether it is Chiyue or Lin Daoyan, they are still far inferior to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan is the number one young man in this world.

After Murong Kuang died, Ye Xun snorted coldly and put away the Iron King Dragon Spear. He knew that the next step was Chu Yan's business alone, and he didn't need to do anything, so he went directly to the fat man and helped him up.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked coldly at Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan: "I, Chu Yan, have taken Murong Kuang's life today. If you two are not satisfied, come to me at any time. You can also use the power of your family, or continue to play dirty tricks on me like the new recruits of Wanzong this time. I, Chu Yan, will stick with you to the end."

"Chu Yan, you are joking. We are all good brothers. How can we retaliate against you?" Lin Daoyan laughed dryly. Qin Zixuan had already taken action. If he didn't understand the situation now, he would be courting death.

"Lin Daoyan, stop pretending. You should hate me more than any of them, right? It doesn't matter. I, Chu Yan, will go to Haotian Sect. I will wait for you there. Come and fight if you don't agree!"

"I want to see how much you have grown in these ten years since I last stepped into the inner circle! Besides, we are no longer friends, not to mention that you and I are brothers. My brothers, Chu Yan, can only be them." Chu Yan pointed at Ye Xun and Fatty.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Lin Daoyan's mouth twitched. He knew that from today on, their relationship with Chu Yan would be made clear, and the future would be full of changes.

"Get out! If you don't leave in three breaths, you will die!" Qin Zixuan's voice sounded again in the sky.

Lin Daoyan's face sank, and he finally nodded fiercely and grabbed Chiyue: "Goodbye!"

Chiyue Valley and Xuemie Valley were all gone, leaving only Wanzong and Chu Yan and his party on the Wanzong stage.

Seeing this incident ended, the people of Wanzong breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that Chiyue and Chu Yan would fight. When that happened, it would probably be a war between heaven and earth.

"Elder Jiang Yi of Haotian Sect, I meet the empress!"

"Elder Mo Tu of Tiandao Sect, I meet the empress!"

Jiang Yi and Mo Tu knelt down and shouted to the void.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense to me. I don't buy it. My brother will join whichever sect you join. Serve him well. Do you know what ancestor means? Just treat my brother as your ancestor. If he makes any mistakes, I will destroy you." Qin Zixuan snorted coldly.

Jiang Yi and Mo Tu shuddered and couldn't help but smile bitterly. They now understood that no matter which of their two sects Chu Yan joined, they really brought back an ancestor. But even if it was an ancestor, they must fight for it.

"Yan'er, come up, I want to ask you something!"

A strong wind swept over, directly bringing Chu Yan to the crack above the sky. There was nothingness in the crack. Just as Qin Zixuan said, her body was in retreat, so what appeared here at this time was just a divine thought, just a soul light.

"Sister..." Chu Yan smiled bitterly at the soul light. If it wasn't a last resort, he would definitely not crush the soul power Qin Zixuan gave him, but there was no way, he couldn't beat Chi Yue now.

"You said you don't want to go back to the wilderness, isn't it the same to come to ASEAN? If you want to participate in the Wanzong Grand Ceremony in three years, I will get you a place. Why do you have to come to participate in the Wanzong Recruitment?"

"Sister, you know me, I don't want to rely on your power."

"Asshole, if you don't want to rely on it, then you still crush my soul power?"

"Okay! This time is also a last resort, I will never crush it next time."

"You stinky boy! Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Since you have joined Wanzong, just go and make a fuss. Anyway, you are young and it doesn't matter. Let me ask you something else. What's going on between you and Liu Qingcheng? I heard that she let you sleep on the floor?" Qin Zixuan's voice was a little cold.

"Uh, you know everything?"

"Really? Great, he dared to let my brother sleep on the floor, his son-in-law of the Liu family is so capable! What, I heard that she wants to divorce you? You spoil her, no, you divorce her for me, divorce her now, my Qin Zixuan's brother, there are so many people who want to marry you, it's her turn to gossip, right? Divorce her for me! Sister will find you one, I think Xiaomi is a good girl, now she has grown up, I am quite satisfied with her, I will help you get her."

Chu Yan was sweating profusely, this woman... too tough, if possible, Chu Yan really doesn't want to see her.

"Not sister..."

"What? You don't like Xiaomi? That's okay, sister will find you another one, tell me, which girl you like, tell me, sister will get you one. If you think one is not good, it's okay, sister will get you one, who dares to disobey, sister will drug you!"

Chu Yan's face darkened, with such a sister, what else can you say?

"No, sister, my engagement with Qingcheng has not been cancelled yet."

"Why don't you hurry up? It's just a divorce letter. Go directly to Tianshan Sect tomorrow and say that I asked you to go. Divorce Liu Qingcheng for me, and then get back to ASEAN. I'll take you on a blind date!"

Chu Yan was speechless. He really didn't want to say a word to Qin Zixuan. Others were trying to reconcile but not to break up. His sister, on the other hand, was just a tough girl. Chu Yan shook his head. He smiled slyly at Qin Zixuan and then waved at her.

"Hehe, sister, you should go back to retreat. When you come out, remember to come and play with me!" Chu Yan said, and then he crushed the soul power in his hand again. Qin Zixuan's soul power disappeared.

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