Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5795: Entering the Divine Palace

Ancestor of the Chen family: "..."

He was stunned, or shocked!

Inexplicable and puzzled!

"You, you will also forget me? How is this possible? You, you are obviously just at the combat power." The ancestor of the Chen family screamed.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "For this question... you should also thank the ancestor of the Huo family. If it weren't for him, I might not be able to understand it."

The ancestor of the Chen family's face sank: "Huo family? You also went to the Huo family."

Chu Yan said lightly: "To tell you the truth, the Chen family, the Lu family, and the Huo family have all been destroyed. In fact, you are lucky. Although you are sealed, you are at least alive. The ancestors of the remaining two clans are dead."


The ancestor of the Chen family widened his eyes: "You said... Huo family and Lu family are also destroyed? How is it possible, how is this possible."

The next second, his body collapsed a little.

These days, although he was sealed, he still had some luck in his heart.

He thought that if the Chen family got into trouble, the Huo and Lu families would not ignore it. Even if they did not help the Chen family, as long as they wanted to plunder the universe, they would definitely attack Chu Yan.

At that time, he would have a chance to escape.

As a result... the Huo and Lu families were destroyed.

Chu Yan said faintly: "Say it again, lend me some power, otherwise I will really kill you."

The ancestor of the Chen family clenched his fist, finally sighed, and threw out a ball of power.

Because he knew that he had no ability to resist.

Chu Yan sneered: "Bastard, it would have been over earlier!"

Immediately, he withdrew from the storm with a ball of power.

Xiao Jiu said at this time: "You don't kill him?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "It's not easy to kill, and I don't have time."

Although he can beat the ancestor of the Chen family now, it is not easy to kill him.

It can't be ended without thousands of moves.

The universe can't wait for him so long.


Chu Yan withdrew from the storm, and there was an extra ball of power in his hand.

Immediately, he pondered for a second and threw out the power in his hand.


The ball of power touched the epoch barrier, and there was no repulsion between the two sides. The epoch barrier directly opened a passage.

Chu Yan immediately went in.

The next second, he was stunned.

God and Demon Era!

This was his first time entering the God and Demon Era.

In his understanding, the God and Demon Era was destroyed 200 million years ago, and only a few people survived, so this place should be very dilapidated.

But when he looked around at this time, how could it look dilapidated at all?

It was a completely new world!

The palaces floating in the sky were like cities outside the sky.

And in the center of these countless cities, there was a vast and magnificent palace!

"God's Court!"

Chu Yan recognized at a glance that the palace was the headquarters of the God's Court.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's eyes became fierce, and without saying a word, he immediately rushed towards the God's Court.

He knew that if he wanted to draw back the strong men from the Divine Court on the other side of the universe, he had to launch a general attack on the Divine Court directly.


In an instant, the space of the Divine Court collapsed.

A crack was dragged out by Chu Yan.

All the strong men in the Divine Palace were also shocked.

Enemy attack?

At this time, a man in a white robe quickly flew into the Divine Palace, and in front of him was a middle-aged man wearing a star crown.

"Xingjun, something happened!" The white-robed man whispered.

Xingjun frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

"Someone is attacking the Divine Court."

Xingjun's face changed slightly: "But it's the people of the Demon Clan?"

The white-robed man shook his head: "No..."

"No?" Xingjun was stunned: "If it's not the Demon Clan, who else could it be?"

He was stunned. After the catastrophe of the God and Demon Era, only the God and Demon Clan were left. The strongest of the God Clan was the Divine Court, and the Demon Clan was the Demon Palace.

There was no one else.

The man in white robe shook his head: "I don't know either, I just know it's a young man holding a sword."

"Young man holding a sword?" Xingjun was startled, and before he could speak again, a roar sounded outside the Divine Court.

"Divine Court, come out and die!"

The voice was Chu Yan's.

Xingjun was startled when he heard it, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is this... Chu Yan's voice? Interesting... I was worried that the Golden Armor God General would be killed and no one could stop him. I didn't expect him to come to the door on his own initiative?"

At this time, the figure hidden in the darkness above the Divine Palace said lightly: "He knows that it is too late for him to rush back to the universe, so he wants to force us to withdraw!"

Xingjun nodded.

He naturally understood this truth.

But soon he sneered and shook his head: "Too arrogant, this is the headquarters of the God Court. If there were no epoch restrictions, we would have killed him long ago. Now that he has come to the God Court, does he still think he has a chance of winning?"

After speaking, the Star Lord directly ordered: "Let the North and South Gods take action."

The white-robed man was shocked: "North and South Gods? Not really?"

There are five great Gods in the God Court, guarding the four directions and the center respectively.

The five Gods are very powerful, all of them have the strength of level nine!

The Star Lord said: "Don't underestimate it. Chu Yan just killed Jin Jia not long ago, and his speed is very fast. I'm afraid he has the combat power of level eight."

The white-robed man suddenly realized and nodded slightly: "Yes! I'll go and notify him now."


Chu Yan entered the God and Demon Era and headed straight for the God Court.

On the way, some Gods took off after noticing: "Bold!"

Sneer-However, Chu Yan saw the man without saying a word and directly used a sword.

The faces of those gods also changed greatly, but when they wanted to dodge, it was too late.

Chi Chi Chi!

Heads flew out one by one.

All killed instantly.

Chu Yan had experienced a battle with the ancient saint family. Even if he did not open his blood, he still had a level 10 combat power. How could this group of weaklings stop him?

The strong men in the God Court all sank when they saw this.

"So strong!"

"Damn, who is this person?"

"No demon aura, not a demon? Who could it be?"

Chu Yan ignored it and continued to move forward.

At the beginning, there were still some strong men in the God Court who blocked him, but in the later stage, everyone found that Chu Yan was so powerful that they didn't dare to move forward.

After a while, Chu Yan arrived above the God Palace.

However, Chu Yan was about to enter.


Suddenly, a fist shadow was thrown out, directly facing Chu Yan's face.

Chu Yan waved his sword.

Chi Chi - the fist shadow shattered.

The next second, two figures appeared in the sky.

It was the two gods of the south and north who had come.

As soon as the two appeared, the strong men in the Divine Court were immediately ecstatic.

Then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the gods of the south and north!"

"We can stop him this time, right?"

Zhennan God General looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "Chu Yan, the new emperor of the universe?"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the Divine Court was shocked.

"Is this person Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan glanced at Zhennan God General.

Zhennan God General was about to speak.

Tsk - suddenly, Chu Yan waved his sword and pointed it directly at Zhennan God General's eyebrows.

Zhennan God General was startled, obviously he didn't expect Chu Yan to be so direct, but then he sneered and shook his head: "Are you looking for death?"

He was the ninth-level Wei I, he raised his hand and was about to punch.

But the next second, Zhennan God General's eyes widened and he was stunned.


Because the sword had penetrated through his eyebrows.

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