Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5800: Xingjun betrayed?


A loud bang.

Chu Yan exploded directly, suppressing Tianmen and Dimen.

This time he didn't even use puppets, but he tied with the two alone. It is said that two fists can't beat four hands, but now Chu Yan understands... that can only be because the two fists are not strong enough.

It's really a pair of iron fists, and it really can be beaten to pieces by any number of hands.

Tianmen and Dimen's faces also changed. The only space was swallowed, causing the two of them to be backfired.

As one side grew stronger, the other side weakened, and the two became very passive.

On the other side, Xingjun's mouth twitched when he saw this: "Asshole, how is this possible?"

The next second, Xingjun didn't care about anything and immediately roared at the two: "Use blood! Use blood!"

Tianmen and Dimen heard the words and narrowed their eyes slightly.


Immediately, without saying a word, the two of them suddenly had a terrible blood in their bodies.

Transformed into two monstrous blood pillars.

Bloodline is something that not everyone has in the universe. It must be passed down by a strong ancestor.

But in the era of gods and demons, including the ancient saints, it is actually a very common ability.

Everyone has a move that depends on the strength of the bloodline.

Because after reaching the level of the only self, everyone will have a bloodline.

Especially at level 10, bloodline is one of the trump cards of many level 10s.

However, it was fine before the two of them used bloodline.

When the bloodline of the two people was opened.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly: "Ah this..."

What are you doing?

I'm a little embarrassed.


The next second, Chu Yan opened his mouth wide and inhaled hard.

In an instant, Chu Yan's breath suddenly increased, and his whole body swelled up.

The blood pool in his body boiled, and even his eyes were slightly red, as if they were going to swallow his reason.

Puff puff puff!

On the other side, Tianmen and Dimen kept spitting blood and flew backwards.

A face full of shock.

What happened?

What about our blood?

Was it eaten too?


At this time, Chu Yan suddenly roared.

I've reached my limit.

Immediately, he turned and looked at the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate. His eyes were extremely red, as if he could swallow people. He said with terrible murderous intent: "Assholes, who told you to use your blood so quickly! I'm going to die of blood! I'll kill you!"

Heaven Gate: "..."

Earth Gate: "..."


The next second, Chu Yan came again, his aura was several times stronger than before.


Tianmen was knocked away by a punch, and this time, even his physical body collapsed a little. He stared at Chu Yan and said in an unbelievable tone: "Boy, are you...are you a human or a ghost? What the hell are you?"

It's okay that the egoistic space was absorbed.

Because of the universe.

This is also easy to understand!

The egoistic space itself belongs to a special field.

And what is the universe?

The head of time and space!

The word "universe" itself contains all time and space. The sky is round and the earth is square, from ancient times to the present, it is reasonable.

What about blood?

How did you eat blood?

Chu Yan was too lazy to explain, because he couldn't explain it!

Anyway, with the blood pond, anything related to blood has no effect on him.


Chu Yan took a deep breath and punched.

Bang bang bang!

Tianmen and Dimen twitched at the same time, and then they were beaten and flew out.

In the back, Xingjun's mouth twitched slightly, obviously he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Suddenly, Xingjun got anxious and roared at the two of them: "Quick, use selflessness, use selflessness!"

"Use Nima!"

But Xingjun's voice was not finished.

Tianmen roared.

Xingjun: "..."

Still use it!

If you didn't let the two of us use it indiscriminately, would it have come to this point?

At the beginning, although the two did not have an advantage, at least they were not at a disadvantage.

Now it's good, being suppressed by Chu Yan.

Tianmen wanted to ask at this time, which side Xingjun was on.

Still forgetting myself?

Once Wangwo was swallowed, the two people might even want to die.

No, they don't have to want to die, and they might really die at that time.

However, the two people did not agree...

Suddenly, a laugh sounded in front of the God Court.


Chu Yan's voice: "I'll do it now!"


The next second, he put his hands together in front of his chest.


Suddenly, the sound of thunder and lightning sounded, and a terrible thunder pool formed around Chu Yan, and even a trace of gold appeared in his originally scarlet eyes.

Directly enter the state of ecstasy.

At this moment, Chu Yan gave people a very strange feeling.

His eyes were red and golden, forming an extremely unique fusion.

It was also at this time that everyone in the God Court was shocked.

"No..." Xingjun screamed: "Impossible! How is this possible? You, you clearly haven't reached level 10, how can you enter ecstasy?"

If Chu Yan absorbed blood and the space of selflessness, it would be fine, because those are not exclusive to level 10, but ecstasy is different...

This is exclusive to level 10.

Didn't Chu Yan only reach level 10 combat power?

He didn't break through to level 10.

Why can he use ecstasy?

However... Xingjun regretted too late.

After Chu Yan entered selflessness, his proficiency was strengthened again, and his absolute control over power made his self-confidence soar.

Chu Yan glanced at Tianmen and raised the corners of his mouth: "How long has it been since the tenth level fell in the era of gods and demons?"

Tianmen was startled at first.

how long?

One hundred million years?

Two hundred million years?

Or longer?

He couldn't remember because it had been too long.

But at this time, Chu Yan chuckled: "Can't you remember? It doesn't matter, today... you will become the first level ten to fall after the end of the era of gods and demons, hahaha."


The next second, Chu Yan stepped on the ball of his foot and disappeared directly on the spot.

Immediately, it was like a streak of bloody thunder flashing through the void, rushing directly in front of General Tianmen in the blink of an eye.

Tianmen's pupils suddenly shrank, but when he wanted to react, it was already too late.

Chu Yan slowly raised his fist, and the light with blood-colored lightning quickly hit Tianmen's face.


Tianmen roared, but no matter how he resisted, it had no effect.

This punch seemed to penetrate the sky.

This punch seemed to break the gap between eras.

This punch seems to be able to destroy the world.


The next second, the world was quiet, Tianmen suddenly froze in place, and then there was a click, and his body began to crack like ceramics.

Before he finally died, Tianmen turned to look at Dimen, with deep hatred, and said through a message: "Be careful Xingjun... this person may have betrayed."

Dimen's eyes shrank.

Xing Jun also twitched the corner of his mouth from behind.


What a betrayal!

He was good at divine patterns, so he naturally heard some about it, but his heart was full of helplessness.

Because he also knew that he couldn't explain it clearly.

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