Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5895 Crow Mouth

The savage leader looked at the roasted jackal meat that was delivered to his mouth and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He almost forgot the wooden sword on his neck and stretched his neck to take a bite.

Because it was too fragrant.

For these savages, they usually eat raw food. Where have they tasted the food after cooking?

However, as soon as the savage stretched his neck, Chu Yan's wooden sword suddenly exerted force.


The savage screamed and immediately stopped his dangerous behavior.

Immediately, the savage turned and looked at Chu Yan, with a trace of confusion and puzzlement in his eyes.

Aren't you going to give it to me?

Why are you going to kill me again?

At this time, Chu Yan laughed and said, "What's the hurry? You want to eat, right? You can eat it if you want. From now on, all of you must listen to my instructions."

The savage blinked, still at a loss.

Because he didn't understand.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he was also a little helpless.

Suddenly, he said to Xiaojiu in his body: "Xiaojiu, is there any way to use telepathy? Let these savages understand my thoughts directly?"

Xiaojiu rolled his eyes and said: "Brother, I am a more useless existence than you in this world of rules!"

Chu Yan: "..."


Immediately, he was in trouble again.

How can I make these savages understand what I mean?

Teach these savages to read and speak?

That's too much. The evolution of human civilization has lasted for thousands of years. This is not a joke.

I don't have the time to waste on this.

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly he stared at the savage's totem between his eyebrows and the vine on his wrist and had an idea.

Chu Yan pointed at the savage's totem and vine.

The savage immediately became alert.


The next second, Chu Yan directly tempted with jackal meat.

Chu Yan hesitated and said, "This, change this, you can eat this every day in the future."

This sentence...seemed to be spoken, but in fact Chu Yan was gesticulating with his hands.

The wild man leader was silent for a while, he seemed to understand, and finally looked at the jackal meat for a while, and suddenly took the vine on his wrist and handed it to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was delighted, he reached out to take it.



When Chu Yan took the vine, all the wild men suddenly knelt on one knee, and the eyes they looked at Chu Yan were no longer full of hostility, but full of awe.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's done."

He knew he guessed right.

This vine is the token of the wild man leader.

Chu Yan then let the wild man go.

The wild man immediately ate the jackal meat in big mouthfuls.

Chu Yan sat aside but was not happy, but fell into a period of thinking.

How should he leave this world of rules?

Soon, he shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and followed his own feelings.

Even in this world, he must live clearly and become the king here.

After Chu Yan subdued this group of savages, he began to let them work for him.

Building wooden houses, learning to cook, and using fire.

Xiao Jiu watched silently, and it didn't know whether Chu Yan was right to do this.

The third day.

Chu Yan had built a temporary home in the jungle.

But soon, new troubles came.


On this day, a mountain-suppressing sound suddenly sounded in the jungle.

A huge tiger attacked the camp.

Chu Yan saw the tiger's face change slightly.

This is a real beast.

In the mortal world, the tiger has been called the king of beasts.


All the savages panicked and were full of fear.

Chu Yan looked at the tiger and was also very vigilant.

With his current ability, he did not have the conditions to fight a tiger.

Chu Yan thought about it and suddenly had a new idea, that is, to subdue this tiger?

Chu Yan found that his biggest advantage in this rule world is...

He is a person, a living person.

He has a brain!

Capture, tame!

Chu Yan immediately began to try, and after a few days of getting along, these savages were gradually controlled by him.

Chu Yan also learned how to communicate with the savages.

Soon, they spent several days to capture this tiger.

Chu Yan began to try to subdue the tiger again.

At the same time.

Shura Field.

There is a difference in the speed of time in the rule world.

So, Chu Yan entered that world for ten days, but only a few hours had passed in the outside world.

Wusun silently watched the scenes happening in the world, and suddenly said: "Jiegui, what exactly do you want to test him with this world?"

Jiegui said lightly: "Since it is a test, how can I tell you the answer?"

Speechless: "I am not the tester."

"That won't work either." Jiegui shook his head and said: "What if you have some means to tell him the answer directly."

Wusun rolled his eyes: "Stingy."

At this time, Zhiqing said: "There are many rules in this world, and this kid is finding the rules from them little by little, but even so, it is meaningless. Tests are purposeful, but what he is doing now is meaningless."

Zhiqing doesn't think that Chu Yan learning the survival of a mortal or a savage is of any use.

"Is it to rule this world?"

Wu Cai suddenly said: "Jie Gui wants him to conquer the world as a mortal?"

When these words came out, the eyes of the three people lit up.

There is indeed such a possibility.

However, only Jie Gui did not speak. It glanced at the three people with its big eyes, showing a sly smile, without explaining.

Conquer the world?

If this is true, then this postgraduate entrance examination is too simple, right?

Let's wait and see.

At this time, Jie Gui couldn't help but glance at Chu Yan in the world with his peripheral vision, and whispered: "Can he come out?"

Jie Gui shook his head, even he was not sure.

Because the answer to this world...is not in the puzzle at all.



On the other side of Shura Field.


Now the mountain is gone.

It was uprooted by Chu Yan.

People from both the gods and demons are now gathered in the magic mountain.

In the magic mountain, Shi Hun, Lie Yang and others have been dark-faced and gloomy.

In the final analysis, they are now the worst party.

Yinshan glanced at them, and did not give them too much injustice, or like a villain who succeeded, he did not make the slaves of the God Clan work.

Everyone was strong, and Yinshan was the kind of person who respected the strong, so he did not make it too difficult for the corpse souls.

However, Yinshan was also a little anxious now.

Because Chu Yan had not come back since he left.

"Yinshan, can you contact the King Chu?" At this time, the God of Death could not help asking.

Yinshan shook his head slightly: "I can't contact him. He seems to have entered some isolated place."

"I don't know how long it will take for the divine punishment to recover. What if he recovers and the King Chu is not here..." The God of Death just finished speaking.


The Demon Mountain trembled violently.

Everyone's face changed.

Yinshan glared at the God of Death fiercely and cursed: "You crow mouth!"

The God of Death: "..."

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