Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5937 Blood King

Chu Yan was speechless when he heard Lord Xue's words!

God’s powerful demons are all women.

Is this what the devil is about?

Of course, Chu Yan did not have any contempt for Blood Lord because he was a woman. On the contrary, he remained vigilant and dignified towards Blood Lord from beginning to end.

The Demon Palace has existed for hundreds of millions of years. Even after the destruction of the era, 200 million years have passed. However, there are only five kings in the Demon Palace. If this Blood Lord can become one of them, it can be imagined that this woman is definitely not simple.

Moreover, this woman is also a king sitting on the battlefield of gods and demons!

Chu Yan didn't know who was stronger between the Demon Lord and the Blood Lord, but judging from the fact that the Demon Palace handed over the largest battlefield to the Blood Lord, the woman in front of him must have something special.

The Blood Lord walked around Chu Yan and chuckled: "The Demon Lord sent me a message and said that a little guy was coming, but he didn't tell me that he was still a handsome boy! If he had told me earlier, I might have left the city in advance to greet him. is you."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped down and he smiled bitterly: "Senior Blood Lord, please don't make fun of me."

The Blood Lord chuckled: "You can still blush? Interesting, really interesting."

At this time, her aura was restrained, and coupled with her pretty and pleasant appearance, it really made it difficult for people to tell that she was a demon.

At this time, the Blood Lord suddenly stopped: "Little guy, do you know why the Demon Lord asked you to come to the battlefield of gods and demons this time?"

Chu Yan nodded: "I know, to regain the mineral veins for the Demon Palace, and to deal with Tianya."


Lord Xue burst out laughing: "Little guy, are you pretending to be stupid? Or are you really so cute?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Senior Blood Lord, what do you mean?"

Lord Xue said calmly: "Do you know how strong Tianya is?"

Chu Yan shook his head.

Lord Xue thought for a moment and said: "Although this person is not the Five Supreme Gods, his status in the Divine Court is very high. Even if he is not as good as me, he will not be too far behind. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

Chu Yan shook his head again.


Whether it is the Divine Court or the Demon Palace, the Supreme God and the Demon Lord are equal.

None of these 10 people are simple, and the weakest ones are all at the semi-saint level.

Some people even directly reached the level of quasi-sage.


This is also a title Chu Yan heard recently in the Demon Palace.

It is a title given to those at level 10 who are much stronger than half-saints.

It's a kind of respect.

Of course, in today's era where there are no ancient saints, quasi-sage can be regarded as a completely new realm.

Chu Yan is confident but not arrogant.

He knew very well that with his current strength, he was definitely no match for the Quasi-Sage.

I'm pretty good at breaking through.

Lord Xue smiled and said: "There is no chance of winning, so don't you understand?"

Chu Yan looked confused.

The next second, Lord Xue suppressed his smile and said quietly: "The Demon Palace asked you to come this time because it actually wants you to die."

Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

The Blood Lord continued to ask: "The Demon Palace has formed an alliance with you because it wants to use the people behind you, but how can you get the people behind you to take action against the Divine Court?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Am I going to die in the hands of Shenting?"


Lord Xue smiled and said: "Only if you die, and die in the hands of Shenting, then the people behind you will take action, and they will fight to the death with Shenting."

Chu Yan was silent.

Blood Lord said again: "The Demon Palace just wants to use you. Otherwise, do you think no one knows about the fact that you killed the three demons?"

Chu Yan's pupils shrank again.

He had almost forgotten about it.

No, to be precise, he brainwashed himself. Even he thought it was Shenting who killed the three demons, and no one in the Demon Palace mentioned it.

Now that Lord Xue suddenly spoke, Chu Yan was extremely shocked.

Chu Yan looked at Blood Lord and said hesitantly: "Senior, you are overthinking. The three devils were killed by Shenting..."

The Blood King chuckled: "It's okay for you to lie to ghosts, but do you really think we are fools?"

Chu Yan coughed: "Senior, you are making false accusations..."

However, before the words "false accusation" were spoken, Chu Yan chose to shut up.

Because at this time, a mirror suddenly appeared in Mr. Xue's hand. The mirror was very beautiful. Chu Yan looked at the mirror, but it did not illuminate him. Instead, a picture was playing inside.

The content of the picture is exactly the picture of Chu Yan who first entered the era of gods and demons and killed the three devils.

Lord Xue said with a smile: "Come on, you continue to make up, I will listen to you to continue to make up."

Chu Yan: "..."

At this moment, he felt like scolding his mother.

Didn't you tell me earlier that your Demon Palace had such a treasure?

I had a hard time acting.

Lord Xue smiled and said: "Don't be nervous. This is a divine recording mirror. Only people above the king can watch it. The Demon King Jiuyou doesn't know it. He still likes you very much now because you want to avenge the three devils. He wanted to do it a while ago." I will adopt you as my adopted son."

Chu Yan began to remain silent and stopped talking.

Because he discovered one thing, this Blood King was more difficult to deal with than he expected.

Lord Xue also knows a lot of things.

What Chu Yan likes most and hates most is dealing with smart people.

If you cooperate, it will be much easier for smart people. If you are enemies... smart people will also be in a lot of trouble.

The Blood Lord said faintly: "It's okay if you don't speak. Just listen to me! Are you curious as to why I am telling you this?"

Chu Yan looked at Blood Lord.

The Blood Lord said calmly: "I am telling you this to let you understand that the battlefield between gods and demons is very dangerous. Everyone here wants you to die, not only the Divine Court, but also the Demon Palace. Here, you are surrounded by enemies on all sides and want to survive. Go down and use all your skills."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Senior, what do you want me to do?"

Lord Xue smiled and said: "After Tianya entered the battlefield of gods and demons, the balance between the two sides began to become unbalanced. I really need you to help me suppress him. As for whether you can do it, that is your own business. If you can't do it, Even if he kills me, I won’t interfere.”

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

He understood that Blood Lord was telling him this just to make him go all out.

At this time, Blood King spoke again: "I am telling you this not to ask you to remember my kindness, because I am also a member of the Demon Palace. If you die, you can replace the Divine Palace with destruction. I would rather see it."

After saying this, Lord Xue said seriously: "I am telling you this not because I am worried about you, but because I am worried about the Demon Palace."

Chu Yan looked at Blood Lord.

Blood Lord said calmly: "I'm afraid that if the Demon Palace plays like this, it will end up playing with fire and burning itself. If you die, the people behind you may hate the Divine Court, but won't they hate the Demon Palace? If you die, you will also die for the Demon Palace. ! Can’t the people behind you guess it? Once they guess it, will they let the Demon Palace go? So boy, I don’t want you to die, but this is the battlefield of gods and demons, and everything is within the rules. , I will try my best to protect you, but outside of the rules, whether you can survive depends on you. "

"Okay, it's your first day to enter, so have a good rest today. I will hold a war meeting tomorrow, and you need to attend then."

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