Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5969 Gap

That war is it.

Four words that were written lightly.

Xue Jun rubbed his brows: "You said it easily, but do you know what it means to the two clans once the war starts?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Besides this, Lord Xue Jun, do you have any better way?"

Xue Jun fell silent.

At this time, Chu Yan said again: "I destroyed the Shen Ji Camp, which was considered as an expedition on behalf of the Demon Palace, and I also won a victory."

"In addition, I also taught the Dao method to Qing Sen and others. The three conditions that the senior asked me to agree to have been completed for two!"

"This battle, it's time to complete the third condition."

As soon as these words came out, Xue Jun's eyes shrank.

Three conditions!

Of course she didn't forget.

One, Chu Yan had to represent the Demon Palace to go on an expedition once and win.

The Shen Ji Camp counted as one.

Two, training.

Qing Sen and the others have made some progress now.

Xue Jun could tell this with just one look.

However, the third condition is the most difficult one.

Defeat Tian Ya!

Xue Jun looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, are you sure?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but since I promised the senior, I will definitely try my best to do it."

Can he defeat Tian Ya now...

Chu Yan didn't know.

This kind of thing, no one can say for sure without fighting.

Xue Jun said with a headache: "I asked you to promise me three things, but I didn't ask you to complete them within three days..."

Say this, Xue Jun wanted to slap himself in the face!

So cheap.

Chu Yan chuckled: "I don't like to owe others."

Xue Jun's face was dark: "Why didn't you think about these when you killed Di Hao."

Chu Yan said faintly: "Killing Di Hao... I told the senior in advance."

Xue Jun looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said truthfully: "I said that if they don't obey, I will kill them, and you acquiesced at the beginning."

Xue Jun's eyelids jumped.

Then she sighed and said, "I won't hand you over, but the Divine Court will definitely not give up! The Kind God is determined to target you when he goes out on his own this time."

"Of course, I will do my best to protect you, but you also know that the Demon Palace is not ready for a decisive battle with the Divine Court..."

Chu Yan nodded: "I know."

The Blood King looked at Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan hesitated and said, "Senior, who is stronger between him and the five supreme gods?"

The Blood King thought for a while and said, "The Supreme God is stronger. Tian Ya is very famous in the Divine Court and is also sought after and respected by countless young people, but he is a junior after all! The Supreme God... has been around before the epoch."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he looked at the Blood King: "Senior, do I have a chance of winning against the Supreme God now?"

The Blood King laughed: "Why don't you just ask directly, do you have the ability to fight me? Why go around in such a big detour?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Is there?"

The Blood King shook his head: "No! At least I don't know enough about you."

Chu Yan was silent.

You know, Blood Lord knows that his puppet has broken through the self and has reached the quasi-saint level.

That means that Blood Lord is far above the quasi-saint.

Blood Lord said calmly: "Whether it is the Supreme of the Divine Court or the King of the Demon Palace, we are all people who have experienced the destruction of the era, and our strength is naturally far beyond your imagination!"

Chu Yan was unconvinced and said: "But I fought with Shura God at the time..."

Blood Lord said lightly: "I was not there at the time, but I can tell you clearly that Shura must not have used his full strength at the time, otherwise you couldn't even block his one move."

"Remember, I'm talking about you now, not at the time."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Is the gap so big?"

Blood Lord rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "Boy, you don't really think that our hundreds of millions of years of life have all been lived on dogs, right?"

After speaking, Blood Lord hesitated and said: "I have heard some rumors about your universe before."

Chu Yan looked at Blood Lord.

Xue Jun said: "I heard that there was a critical state before the universe was opened?"

"It is said that the universe could not break through the origin at that time, so a critical state appeared. At that time, the universe was restricted. Anyone who reached the critical state could no longer become stronger, right?"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice: "Senior knows a lot."

Xue Jun smiled and said: "Boy, you are not the only smart person in the world. The Demon Palace and the God Court have survived for two eras and have survived a catastrophe. There must be a reason!"

Chu Yan said: "What do you want to say, senior?"

Xue Jun said lightly: "Simple, the critical state of your universe at that time is actually similar to ours now. Both have reached the end of the road and can no longer become stronger! But little guy, recall that the universe at that time was also at a critical state. Is the gap between them big?"

Chu Yan's face changed.

Because at this time, he suddenly thought of the three major clans in the universe at that time!

The three great families of Chu, Qin, and Tian.

The same critical state.

But the heads of these three families are all terrifying.

Xue Jun smiled and said, "It's the same for us. Our road came to an end 200 million years ago, but we have lived for another 200 million years. How can we do nothing for 200 million years?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath and nodded, "I understand."

At this time, Xue Jun suddenly looked out of the sky and squinted his eyes and said, "The God Court is coming!"

After that, she continued: "I will hold back the God of Kindness. The God Court is not ready to fight with my Demon Palace. That would mean a fight to the death. The God Court is not sure of that."

"After all, the Demon Palace has more than one king, and above the king there is the Demon Ancestor!"

"If it really comes to that, the Demon Ancestor will not sit idly by, so Kindness dare not push me too hard."

Speaking of this, the Blood King turned to look at Chu Yan and said seriously: "But... I can't stop Tianya, he can only rely on you!"

Chu Yan's eyes slowly closed.

After a moment, he opened them again and nodded: "That's enough!"

"That's it!"

After that, she chuckled: "Okay, let's go, the guests are here, we can't just sit and wait for death, go and greet them openly."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.


The next second, the two appeared together in the square in the center of the military camp.


In the distance, waves of terrifying pressure rushed.

Then, a divine light broke through the air, like the first ray of dawn that tore through the darkness, and descended directly above the Demon Palace camp.

After a moment, this divine light gradually condensed, and a handsome man was born from it.

The man was dressed in white, holding a flute in his hand, giving people a sense of elegance.

At first glance, you can't even imagine that this person is here to fight.

More like a scholar.

However, all the demon kings clenched their fists and became nervous.

Because they all knew clearly who this person was.

One of the five supreme gods of the Divine Court!

God of Kindness!

Blood King looked up and chuckled: "Kindness, long time no see."

God of Kindness said coldly: "Blood King, hand over Chu Yan, otherwise today, I will destroy your Demon Palace!"

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