Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5973 Killing Tianya

This sentence can be regarded as the voice of the Blood Lord.

She could not exhaust her strength. How could the Divine Court cooperate with the Clearer?

The Good God was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Blood Lord, have you ever thought about one thing?"

The Blood Lord looked at the Good God.

The Good God looked up in the direction of the Sky Cave, which was still shrouded in a terrifying blood cloud.

The Good God laughed at himself: "So far, we don't even know where our avenue is connected... This means that we can't even control our own destiny!"

"Blood Lord, what do you say, if one day the Sky Cave is destroyed, or the owner of the Sky Cave returns and is not prepared to carry our avenue, or wants to enslave us through the avenue, what should we do?"

The Blood Lord was stunned.

She really hadn't thought about this matter.

The Kind God said: "The Divine Court... doesn't want to hand over its fate to an unknown cave."

The Blood King's eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice: "Did the Clearer promise you the foundation of the Great Dao?"

The Kind God nodded: "I guess so. The Clearer has a divine object that can carry the Great Dao. As long as we get that divine object, we can control our own destiny."

The Blood King suddenly realized and finally understood.

Why can we even forget the hatred of the destruction of the era.

The Blood King said in a deep voice: "Do you think the Clearer is trustworthy?"

The Kind God said lightly: "We have no choice, don't we?"

The Blood King was silent.

At this time, boom!

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the distance.

The Blood King turned around and looked.

Over there, Tianya chased Chu Yan all the way.

Chu Yan's body was already covered with scars.

The flesh collapsed.

Seeing this, the Kind God smiled and said, "Blood Lord, it seems that the boy is about to lose."

Blood Lord sneered, "Not necessarily."

The Kind God shook his head, "He was running all the way, he was preparing to escape, but unfortunately, he couldn't escape."

Blood Lord said, "If the Divine Court kills him, aren't you afraid of revenge from the people behind him? Have you found any news about that woman?"

The Kind God shook his head and smiled, "Not yet, but it should be soon, and by then, that woman will also die."

Blood Lord didn't speak.

Because she had only heard a little about the mysterious woman.

When the mysterious woman broke into this world, she had been staying in the God and Demon Continent and had never seen her.

So she didn't make any judgments.

At this time, Blood Lord also frowned slightly.

What is Chu Yan doing?

Going farther and farther.

Is he really going to run?

But soon she shook her head slightly.

Because she knew Chu Yan wouldn't.

If he wanted to run, Chu Yan would have had a chance.

But now, Blood Lord was a little confused.

At this time, Chu Yan was almost pulled a thousand miles away, which was a place that even her divine thoughts could not cover.

"This kid... won't he kill himself?"

Blood Lord muttered.

Good God smiled and said, "Really don't you want to go and see?"

Blood Lord said lightly, "Take care of yourself. As long as I'm here, don't think about breaking through."

Good God shook his head, "Blood Lord, you don't really think that kid can defeat Tianya, do you?"

Blood Lord said calmly, "Why not?"

Good God shook his head mockingly, but just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, not only Good God, but also Blood Lord and all the people of the God and Demon clans were shocked, and they all turned to look in the direction where Chu Yan and the others flew away.


Suddenly, a terrifying breath burst out from there.

That power was so terrifying that it even changed the color of the sky in the God and Demon battlefield.



At this time, the Demon Camp was thousands of miles away.

Chu Yan took a step forward and suddenly smiled.

Here we are!

He could clearly feel that he had walked out of the area covered by the thoughts of Blood Lord and Good God.

Looking around, there was no one in all directions.

Therefore, he suddenly stopped.

Behind him, Tianya's eyes condensed and sneered: "Boy, why don't you run?"

Chu Yan slowly turned around and grinned: "Because, there is no need!"


Tianya frowned slightly, but before he could react.


Suddenly, Chu Yan put his hands together, and a vast momentum rushed out of his body.

A figure rushed out, directly from Chu Yan's body, and then took the Refining Heaven Sword from his hand.

At this moment, the eight Refining Heaven Swords merged into one, and in the hands of the puppet, the long sword kept making a terrifying buzzing sound.


Tianya felt the power and his face changed drastically.

An unprecedented crisis surged into his heart.

At this time, he was suddenly locked by a force, and when he wanted to retreat, everything was too late.


Chu Yan raised his palm, and a small tower flew out.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower!

Directly broke through the air and came to Tianya's head.

Tianya is not weak, but the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower is a magic weapon left by Qin Ruoming. Although the attack power is not strong, it can suppress it for a short time. Not to mention Tianya, even if the God of Kindness comes, he has the confidence to suppress it for a second.

Just like that, Tianya's body froze directly, and he could only watch the Chu Yan puppet holding a sword in both hands and descending directly on his head.


When Tianya felt the power of the puppet, his pupils shrank, because he clearly found that the puppet's aura had directly reached the level of quasi-saint.

When the Chu Yan puppet held a sword, he grinned: "Idiot, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

"You, what for?"

"I am Chu Yan, the new emperor of the universe, Chu Yan."

"Today, I will send you to the west!"

Chu Yan's puppet roared, and then he raised his hands.


At this moment, it was dark.

The real eternal night.

The world seemed to have entered the end of the world.

Swish-the next second, Chu Yan chopped hard, and a touch of shocking sword energy cut through the sky, and went straight to Tianya's head.


Tianya shouted angrily, but the sword was too strong, and he found that he could not resist it.

Tianya punched out.


But in just one second, his fist was shattered, bloody, and the sword energy remained.

Wrapped with a touch of white light, like the dawn after the night.

"No! No!!! This is impossible! Who are you, you... who are you!"

Tianya roared in despair, why, why are there two Chu Yans?

From the beginning, he was fighting against the clone?

How could this be?


The next second, the sword energy fell.

Chi Chi Chi - almost in an instant, Tianya's body began to shatter, blood splattered everywhere. At this time, he tried his best to resist, and a road appeared above his head, trying to block the sword.



As long as he blocked it, Tianya had the confidence to escape, even if the road was cut off, he would still have a chance to survive.

However... he thought too much.

Chu Yan used the Liantian Divine Sword.

This is a sword specifically for the road. The entire Liantian Universe is composed of this sword, not to mention Tianya's small road?


The next second, the sword energy swept down, and Tianya's road collapsed directly, but the sword energy remained, piercing through Tianya's eyebrows.


Tianya's eyes widened, and a red dot appeared on his eyebrows, and a line of blood flowed down his face.

Tianya, suddenly!

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