Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5992 Do you have a magic bag?

At this moment, Cheng Chen was stunned.

The black vortex he used just now was a life-saving trump card given to him by the kind god!

The whirlpool itself is a magical weapon left by the Eastern God, and it is a one-time use. Its power is as powerful as a top quasi-sage self-destructing!

Very scary!

The top quasi-sage referred to here refers to the level of a good god.

Each of the original Eastern gods was very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand a catastrophe that would destroy an era.

In the Shura Field, Yinshan and the others were at a relatively low level, so they did not know the existence of the Eastern God.

But Cheng Chen had a very high level. As a general in a war zone, the Good God also valued him very much. He also knew a lot about the history of gods and demons.

So he always knew that there were actually many weapons left behind by the Eastern God in the Divine Court.

The Celestial Sword is just one of them.

So is the whirlpool he just used!

And it is one of the few magical weapons that can only be used once!

It can be said that the whirlpool is a real killing move!

So just being a quasi-sage of this level is very scary, let alone self-destructing!

The power of self-destruction can be said to be doubled.

A quasi-sage blew himself up... the power was too terrifying.

Even the Divine Ancestor wouldn’t dare to resist, right?


Did Chu Yan block it?



Cheng Chen took a few steps back with a look of despair on his face: "You, are you a human or a ghost! You, what kind of existence are you?"

Chu Yan stood outside the sky.

At this moment, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Because at this time, all the Yin power around him disappeared!

not only that!

The power of Yang is also gone!

Just now, the moment the vortex exploded, Chu Yan immediately activated the power of Yin, trying to absorb the explosion of the vortex!

As a result, he found that... he couldn't suck it off!

The power of the explosion was too great!

At the critical moment, Chu Yan could only release the Yang Dao Mark, which allowed some power to penetrate from his body and explode the surrounding space.

But just like that, he actually used a hundred black Dao lines and a hundred white Dao lines to block this explosion!

You know, Chu Yan has tested it, and the educated youth can only knock out one-tenth of the Dao marks with a full blow.

That explosion just now...

It is twenty times the full strength of the educated youth.

This filled him with lingering fear.

A low curse.


"You're so arrogant!"

After Chu Yan cultivated his hegemonic body, he thought he was invincible in defense.

At least people below the Supreme and King levels will never get into trouble, so he didn't take too much precaution just now.

As a result, he was almost killed!

Chu Yan was even thinking that if he hadn't refined his Yin-Yang body, the explosion just now would have happened...

He probably died immediately, and his previous Five Elements Hegemony alone was absolutely unstoppable.

Of course, he has the wood-type Dao pattern and can be reborn again!

But the wood element is reborn...

That was really his last trump card!

There is no greater trump card in this world than resurrection!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan secretly thought in his heart: "I still have to be more careful in the future... Only by being careful can I sail the ten thousand year ship, otherwise my death will be too unjust."

Of course, it is good to summarize yourself and always be aware of your mistakes.

But there’s no need to dwell on the past.

Now that it has happened.

Just pay attention in the future.

The next second, Chu Yan leaned over to look at Cheng Chen and sneered: "Do you have any other means now?"


Cheng Chen swallowed hard.


Immediately, he turned around and ran away!

Chu Yan was stunned when he saw this.


When he destroyed the Shenji Camp, even though he killed Tianluo, the people in the Shenji Camp did not escape.

Would rather fight to death.

Chu Yan shook his head sarcastically: "Is this the Son of God?"

He shook his head. Sometimes, these sons of gods are really not as good as some ordinary people.

Tsk - the next second, he slashed out with his sword.

This sword didn't have any fancy movements, it was just a simple blow.


Cheng Chen's body suddenly froze, and a flash of Jinghong Sword Qi passed through the back of his head.

A blood spot was printed on his forehead.



The other soldiers of Shenting in Daotong Camp were all despairing when they saw this.

No more fighting spirit.

Of course, if Cheng Chen was just killed, they might not be like that. The Shenting Army was still very willing to fight in these years.

But just now... Cheng Chen ran away and left them behind at a critical moment. How could they still be willing to sacrifice their lives for the Divine Court now?

But none of them ran away, because everyone in the morning run in Chengcheng was killed, and they knew very well that they couldn't escape.

And just when they were at a loss...

Chu Yan just glanced indifferently, ignored the soldiers of Shenting, turned around and walked towards the rear of Daotong Camp.

He has never forgotten that his purpose here is not to kill people.

Instead, they plunder the original mineral veins.

There are many mineral veins in Daotong Camp, more than in Shenji Camp.

The point is, Daotongying also has a top-quality original mineral vein, which is also among the top ten mineral veins in the Gods and Demons Continent.

This vein is Chu Yan’s goal.

Chu Yan strolled forward and passed through the soldiers of Shenting. The throats of these soldiers suddenly rolled and they were extremely nervous.

It wasn't until Chu Yan disappeared that they were a little confused.

"He...didn't kill us?"

"What is he going to do?"

Suddenly, someone understood: "Origin vein! I know, he wants to rob the origin vein."

The group of soldiers looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

What can they do if they know.

Cheng Chen is dead, and it's good enough for them to save their lives.

However, just when they thought they would not die...

Chu Yan suddenly came back.

He returned to the sky above Daotong Camp again.

The soldiers of Daotong Camp were terrified again.

Why did this guy come back again?

You want the vein...Go get it.

We didn't stop you.

Just when they were confused...

Chu Yan suddenly spoke, scratched his head, and said to a commander: "Well, let me ask you a question."

The commander was startled and trembled: "What, what is it?"

Chu Yan said: "Do you have a Shenxuan bag? I was in a hurry and forgot to bring it..."

When he went to Shenji Camp before, he used the Shenxuan bag of the Demon Temple.

Later, after he returned to the Demon Palace, he returned the Shenxuan bag to the Demon Palace.

Of course, he also got a batch of origin ore veins, but he found one thing, that is, the Jiutian Xuan Tower can accommodate some, so it is enough.

But there are too many origin ore veins in Daotongying... It is not easy to put them in the Jiutian Xuan Tower.

In addition, he found that the Jiutian Xuan Tower would actually absorb the origin ore, and the origin ore he had put into the Jiutian Xuan Tower before... It turned out to be much less.

It was absorbed by the Jiutian Xuan Tower itself.

This made Chu Yan feel very distressed.

The commander's eyelids jumped: "You came back... just for this?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, what else can I do?"

The commander swallowed his saliva and hurriedly took out a Shenxuan bag and threw it to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan reached out to take it, then smiled, and happily flew towards the back of Daotongying.

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