Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 60 The Voice of the Youth [Fifth additional update]

Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan and his group also left Wan Zong Terrace. Five days later, Tian Dao Sect did not leave during these five days. Finally, on the fifth day, a disheveled figure walked out of the black forest.

This figure was none other than Bai Ting, the only survivor of the Bai family. He had been hiding in the black forest for the past few days. The reason was very simple. He did not dare to come out. He was afraid that once he left the black forest, the people of Chi Yue Valley would kill him immediately, so he waited until the twenty-third day to walk out of the black forest.

Finally, when he came out and saw the light again, Bai Ting was even a little uncomfortable. The twenty-plus days in the black forest made him smell bad. But what surprised him was that he did not expect that there was another sect on Wan Zong Terrace, and it was a ten-row sect.

"Bai Ting?" Su Muyan frowned when she saw Bai Ting. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that the descendants of the once glorious Bai family would become so disheveled.

"The Thirteenth Princess?" Bai Ting was also slightly startled, and then immediately became alert. When the Bai family was there, they had always been at odds with the Su family. Now that the Bai family was destroyed, his first thought was that Su Muyan wanted to kill him.

But Su Muyan didn't. She stepped forward and shook her head reluctantly: "Oh my God, what on earth have you encountered?"

"You don't kill me?" Bai Ting asked.

"Why should I kill you?"

"Then why are you still here?" In fact, Bai Ting had long given up the opportunity to join Wanzong. He now wanted to survive, because only by surviving would he have the opportunity to take revenge, so what he hoped most was that there was no one on the Wanzong stage now.

"Brother Chu Yan asked us to wait here, saying that there would be another person who would come out and join Tiandao Sect. Now it seems that it is probably you." Su Muyan said truthfully.

"Chu Yan?" Bai Ting frowned. He didn't expect that Chu Yan would let Tiandao Sect stay deliberately for him. But to be honest, he didn't feel touched at all. He had a very complicated feeling about Chu Yan. He hated Chu Yan on the one hand, and was grateful to Chu Yan on the other. Hate Chu Yan because everything in the Bai family is because of Chu Yan, and gratitude is Chu Yan's grace of not killing them, and Chu Yan's grace of rebirth.

"Teacher, the Bai family of Changlong Country was just killed by the Red Moon Valley. Now the people of the Bai family are hot yams. Do you really want to accept them as your disciples?" Xing'er asked on the side.

Mo Tu looked at Bai Ting and hesitated in his heart. If he had known that he was a descendant of the Bai family, he might not have waited, but now that he has waited, it would be a pity not to accept him. After all, Bai Ting is now an eight-star life body, a rare genius.

"Accept him, it's like Chu Yan owes us a favor."

"Teacher, you are not ready to give up on him? He has already joined the Haotian Sect." Xing'er said unhappily.

"Hmph, joining the Haotian Sect doesn't mean you have to stay in the Haotian Sect forever. We still have a chance to snatch it back." Mo Tu snorted. His target this time was Chu Yan. He said in his heart: "The only disciple that I, Mo Tu, have taken a fancy to in the past hundred years. You want me to give up like this, but you can't do that."

Bai Ting eventually joined the Tiandao Sect and became the third disciple of the Tiandao Sect this year. After that, he did not stay in the Tiandao Sect. On the same day, he rode a monster and rushed back to the headquarters of the Tiandao Sect.

The recruitment of new members of Wanzong finally came to an end with the departure of Tiandao Sect. Of course, this is the end, but also another beginning. In the next three years, these boys and girls will hone their character and enhance their cultivation. They have only one goal, that is, to become stronger, because only by becoming stronger can they gain a foothold in this mortal continent and get a clear sky.

These young people will participate in the Wanzong Grand Ceremony three years later. After three years of separation, they will all experience a transformation.

When Bai Ting finally left Wanzongtai, he looked towards the direction of Changlong Country, then turned around resolutely without any nostalgia, because it was no longer his hometown, and he had no home. He had only one goal next, which was revenge, the revenge of Chiyue Valley.


Chu Yan and his party had a very boring half-month journey to Haotian Sect. Because they were riding monster beasts, they had no rest and had to spend half a month in the sky.

This boring day lasted until the seventh day, because the little wolf couldn't help it and bit the griffin, biting off a piece of meat from the griffin's wings, which seriously injured the griffin and forced everyone to stop and rest.

Chu Yan was also very helpless about this. He taught the little wolf a lesson again, and then apologized to Jiang Yi very much.

Jiang Yi shook his head helplessly and spent a night recuperating the griffin. The griffin recovered, and on the second day everyone rushed to Haotian Sect again.

Haotian Sect recruited a total of nine disciples on this trip, and everyone mixed together on the way. At first, many disciples were worried that Chu Yan would be unsociable, but later they found that Chu Yan was a very down-to-earth person, easy-going, and without airs. Occasionally, he would take the initiative to joke with them, which also allowed the nine freshmen to establish a friendship.

Late at night, Ye Xun sat alone on one wing of the griffin, looking at the magnificent land below.

From a thousand meters high, you can overlook a hundred thousand miles of land, but this hundred thousand miles of land is just an insignificant corner of the world. On the griffin, it is fleeting. Looking at this vast land, Ye Xun was shocked. He was heavy-hearted, and his mind kept echoing the scene on the Wanzong stage, where Chiyue attacked Chu Yan, and he wanted to help and tried his best, but it was useless.

Ye Xun could even think that if Qin Zixuan had not taken action at that time, he and Chu Yan would definitely die. Even with the Iron King Dragon Spear, the absolute gap in strength could not be changed.

"What are you doing, thinking about life?" Chu Yan sat down next to Ye Xun.

Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, to tell the truth, you are really a disgrace."

"Why are you talking to your brother?"

"Who is brother? You called me brother last time."

"This time, the other time, now I am brother, come to tell brother, what happened, I see you have been depressed since you stepped on the gryphon." Chu Yan said with a grin.

"What do you think about this time?" Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan.

"What's going on?"

"Chiyue, it's about Lin Daoyan."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He had already guessed that Ye Xun must be thinking about this, so he was very direct: "This hatred must have been forged. They and I are not on good terms, and we have different paths. When we were young, After I became a wild man, I always beat them, but they didn’t dare to fight back. If they did, my sister would help me beat them up, so it’s normal for them to kill me, so we’ll kill them back.”

"That's not the case." Ye Xun shook his head and sighed: "Chu Yan, don't you think there is a big gap between you and me? Did you know that when we faced Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan on the Wan Zong Platform, and Please speak your mind, don’t laugh at me, I’m scared, I’m super scared, this feeling is something I haven’t experienced since I was a child.”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly and patted Ye Xun's shoulder. In fact, he could understand what Ye Xun said, and he was also very touched, because he knew that Ye Xun would only say such words to him. There was no hypocrisy, but truth.

"Do you think I'm really worthless?"

"No, I think you're pretty cool."

"You're still laughing at me!" Ye Xun glared at Chu Yan angrily.

"No, I'm telling the truth, because even though you were scared, you still stood in front of me when Chiyue attacked me for the sake of your brother. Isn't that cool? Afraid? Let me tell you, I too Afraid, you think I’m a fool, I’m going to die, and I’m not afraid? I’m not a monk, I can see through life and death, otherwise I wouldn’t crush my sister’s soul.”

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at a bright star in the sky, the star that he remembered deeply, he continued: "Ye Xun, I also want to tell you something, you know? After I was a child in the wilderness, I I can walk sideways in the world, including now, but I have always been afraid of death. There is nothing wrong with being afraid of death. I have always felt that if a person is fearless in this life, that is the most terrifying thing, and there is no point in living. . I am afraid of death because I have a reverence for life and death. I want to save my mother, so I don’t dare to die. I am afraid of death. I am afraid that if I die, no one will save her. It has been fifteen years. , I can't let her wait for me any longer."

Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan strangely, and Chu Yan said calmly: "To be honest with you, I am actually quite lonely. Before I met you, others were afraid of me, afraid of provoking me and angering the wild, so they treated me They all respected me. But that feeling... was different. You would joke with me and make trouble with me, including when I went to Ye's house, you didn't beg me for mercy, but you wanted to die. , I admire you very much, I think you are very handsome, because I have asked myself, if the same thing happens to me one day, would I dare to die?"

Ye Xun smiled and rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "Although your words don't sound very good, I take it seriously."

"Okay, don't sigh. There is still a long way to go. Where are we? Isn't it the Red Moon Valley? Isn't it the Blood Destruction Valley? If you dare to mess with us, we will become stronger and be destroyed. What I want has always been It's that star. "This is the first time Chu Yan has expressed his true feelings to an outsider. There is only one place he wants to go.

Ye Xun nodded: "Okay, I'm just complaining. Chi Yue's blood mark didn't hit you, but it hit me. I want to take revenge."

"Okay, when we surpass Juechen, I will take you to the Red Moon Valley and step on the Red Moon." Chu Yan patted Chu Yan on the shoulder.

"Are two grown men having sex here in the middle of the night?"

But at this moment, a burst of laughter came. Fan Ye came over, took out a bottle of wine from his arms and threw it to Chu Yan: "Drink some?"

Chu Yan took the wine bottle and took a swig boldly: "Kuai Kuai, where did you get this wine? I haven't drunk it for more than half a month, is there any more?"

Fan Ye was not polite and threw another pot to Chu Yan: "You can drink as much as you want, but you can't get drunk."

"We have something good, why didn't we share it earlier." Chu Yan cursed and handed another wine bottle to Ye Xun.

"Tell me about you. Dongchen is on the eighth level. You pretend to be on the third level to fight me. What's going on? Doesn't it feel like a sense of accomplishment?"

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