Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6011 Goodbye Blood Lord

Chu Yan's puppet was startled when he saw this.

The gods ran away?

This is the first time.

Before, Chu Yan met the gods and they were very attentive to him.

But soon, Chu Yan realized something.

This god probably saw through that his body was a puppet.

Chu Yan hesitated, then suddenly looked at the god and said with a smile, "Let's talk?"

The god glanced at Chu Yan and turned his head away with a look of disgust.

That way seems to be saying: You are a puppet, not worthy of talking to me.

Chu Yan: "..."

He laughed and said, "You really don't want to talk? I am a puppet, but my true self is very strong. Except for you, the three gods have all chosen my true self."

The god was startled when he heard this, and suddenly showed anger.

Chirping for a long time.

Chu Yan felt a headache after hearing this.

As for the meaning...you don’t have to think about it.

It must have been the same as the good gods at the beginning, thinking that the three gods chose one person, which violated the rules of the great road.

Chu Yan said lightly: "Aren't you curious why they made this choice?"

The god was stunned and looked up at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled and said, "You can go and take a look for yourself. I can point you in the direction."

The god hesitated and jumped up and down.

Chu Yan smiled.

There's drama!

As for whether I can conquer this god...

Chu Yan's puppet is actually not too worried.

For so long, every god who saw this deity would eventually be unable to walk.

As for rules and bottom lines, they don’t exist at all.

Chu Yan's puppet is most worried about the god not leaving.

Just go and we can talk.

The next second, Chu Yan's spiritual thoughts moved and he informed the gods of his position.

This god seemed to have some spirituality. When he learned the location of Chu Yan, his mouth opened slightly, a little unbelievable.

But soon, the god said nothing, turned around and flew towards the sky.

Chu Yan Puppet looked at it and smiled and shook his head.

"I hope it can be recovered. It can be considered as some interest recovered from the sacrifice of this puppet."

Chu Yan now had an idea, this puppet would definitely die, so he could squeeze as much as he could.

After the gods left, Chu Yan looked around.


All the people in Shenting who were swept by Chu Yan were frothing at the mouth and extremely nervous.

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Why don't you take action?"

No one spoke.

Do you want to die?

Even Zuo Shenxiang was beheaded, so what's the use of them taking action?

At this time, Black Eagle also clenched his fists. He actually wanted to take action because he was worried that Chu Yan would leave now if he didn't take action.

Chu Yan knew that Shura God was coming. Once he plundered the resources of the Condor Camp and fled at this time, it would be difficult to track Shura God.

At that time, Shenting will become like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But if he takes action...he can't beat him.

However, just as the black shadow was struggling, his pupils shrank violently and he was shocked.

Because he clearly saw that Chu Yan did not leave after killing Zuo Shenxiang. Instead, he reached out and took out a chair from the Condor Camp, then threw it into the sky and sat directly on it. .

Everyone in the Divine Court was stunned.

"What is he doing?"

"He won't leave?"


"He...he seems to be waiting for something."

At this time, someone from the Divine Court said: "He... he's not waiting for Supreme Shura, is he?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Divine Court was shocked.

Waiting for Supreme Shura?

are you crazy?

Black Eagle's eyelids jumped because he found out that it was really possible!

"This madman..." Black Shadow cursed, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just right!

He was still afraid that Chu Yan would run away, but this boy didn't run away and even waited for God Shura.

Chu Yan was not in a hurry, of course he had to wait. Before Shura God came, the point of the puppet coming here would be gone.

In an instant, the entire condor camp fell into a strange atmosphere.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.


A terrifying force from outside the sky was approaching crazily. The force was getting stronger and stronger, and even the sky of the Condor Camp was stirring.

Chu Yan stood up slowly: "Are you here?"

The people in the Condor Camp also became excited.

But at this time, Chu Yan couldn't help but frown.

Because he found...that there was something wrong with that power.

At this time, the clouds in the Condor Camp changed color.

Everything turned red like blood.


The next second, a beautiful shadow rushed out of the clouds and landed next to Chu Yan like a cannonball.

Chu Yan was alert for a moment, but when he saw the beautiful figure clearly, he was slightly startled: "Lord Blood Lord?"

That's right, the person who came was none other than Blood Lord.

At this time, Lord Xue's face was cold, and she stared at Chu Yan after she landed.


Suddenly, Lord Xue didn't say a word, but punched Chu Yan.

Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled, but the distance was too close and he had no time to dodge, so he was hit by the punch and took a few steps back.

Chu Yan looked at the Blood Lord helplessly: "Sir, what are you doing?"

Lord Xue's angry autumn eyes turned red: "Asshole! You bastard! Didn't I let you go? Didn't I let you run? Why didn't you leave? Why did you come back?"

Chu Yan was stunned, then smiled bitterly: "I'm not willing to leave like this."

"If you don't give in, are you going to die?"

The Blood Lord bit his silver teeth lightly: "Do you know how determined the Divine Court is to kill you this time? Shura came in person to suppress the Demon Palace, I..."

Chu Yan interrupted: "I know."

The Blood King growled: "You know it and you still don't leave? You know it and you still do it?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "I know, that's why I can't leave! What will you do if I leave?"

Lord Xue was stunned and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "In the Era of Gods and Demons... I don't care about many people. You are one of them, and you have helped me a lot. When I killed Tianya, you were there. If I don't leave, Shenting just wants to kill me, but If I really leave and Shenting can't find me, what do you think they will do in the end?"

Lord Xue frowned: "You mean they will take action against me?"

Chu Yan shrugged.

Lord Xue gritted his teeth and said: "No, no matter what happens, there will be a Demon Palace behind me..."

"Demon Palace?"

Chu Yan laughed and shook his head: "Sir, if it's just the Divine Court, I believe the Demon Palace will protect you, but what if you add the Cleaner?"

Lord Xue frowned.

Chu Yan said lightly: "My lord also said that Tianya has the blood of the Purifier in his body! Now that Tianya is dead, the Divine Court cannot suppress this matter, so the Purifier must be given an explanation!"

"I am here, and this is my explanation! But what if I am not here? What will Shenting do?"

Lord Xue's pupils shrank.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Of course, I will undoubtedly instigate the relationship between you and the Demon Palace, but I... have a bad habit of doing things for one person and taking responsibility for the other. Since I killed Tianya, I will resist this matter."

Lord Xue stared at Chu Yan with mixed feelings in his heart.

Suddenly, she grabbed Chu Yan's wrist and said forcefully: "Follow me!"

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